P L U M M O U N T A I N N E W S Volume 15.1 Spring 2008 Dear!members!and!friends, larger property that will accommodate a jects to be completed before the Dharma residential practice. Transmission ceremony on May 21st. The irises are in full bloom, the Zen gar- Choko (Mary Cabaniss-Ballard) was our den is brimming in growth, and our Daigan (Bob Timmer) was our Shika Dai Tenzo (Chief Cook) for sesshin and at Sangha (Dharma Community) is ready to (Host/Manager) for Spring Sesshin, and, her first time at bat for this post, she did a pop. So many important events have in addition to organizing our Samu (work great job. Daikan (John Green) kept the taken place since our winter issue of Plum meditation) practice, he oversaw the pro- pace as our Jikijitsu (timekeeper). Zenmu Mountain News, it (Rev. Brenda Nightin- is difficult to con- gale) and Zenka (Sally ceive how much we Metcalf) were the Jisha have learned and (tea servers) who kept grown. This issue us well supplied with is coming out late, tea, coffee, samu as there has been lit- snacks and gluten free tle time to compile treats. Zenshin (Chris what we are doing, Jeffries) could only at- with each new event tend sesshin part time, closely following so the Densu (chant the last. leader) duties were shared by Seimu (Tina Grant) and Myodo On March 9th, after (Matthew Perez). mini-sesshin (half- Myodo and Seimu also day Zen retreat), we alternated as Inji had our first (Abbot assistant); this “Visioning Session” gave them both a little to explore Chobo- more exposure to the Ji’s future and kinds of duties that growth possibilities. they can expect to en- Seishun (Dee Endel- counter when they both man) has compiled a go to Kessei (Zen in- summary of her tensive) at DBZ (Dai notes, which you Bosatsu Zendo) in will find in this is- Above Chobo-Ji Spring Sesshin, Below SD Aikikai Sesshin New York this fall. sue. Our second On the second day of Visioning Sesshin sesshin, Genko (Kathy will be held Satur- Blackman) Ni-Osho day, June 7th, from gave an inspiring 9 - 11 a.m. Dharma Talk. Spring Sesshin On April 8th, we cele- (March 22 – 28) was brated the Historical packed. Clearly we Buddha’s birth, 2,551 are outgrowing our years ago. As an infant current space. We it is said that he stood had 23 people in at- and raised one hand to tendance; our small the heavens and the zendo (meditation other to the earth and hall) can sit 20 declared, “I alone am comfortably. It is the World-Honored my hope that in the One,” implying that not too distant fu- above the heavens and ture we will have a bigger zendo on a Continued on next page… Plum Mountain News Vol. 15.1 Page 2 Continued from previous page… the May 21st Dharma Transmission cere- “Living Wisdom and Compassion Every mony. Shortly after their arrival a joyous Day” with Lama Padma, and finally I was beneath earth there is but One Mind. All traditional Japanese whisked green-tea the guest speaker at the Cascade Unitarian those who open their hearts will realize ceremony was held at Bonnie Mitchell Universalist Fellowship Sunday Service. this truth. Sensei’s home overlooking Lake Union, While in Wenatchee, we were hosted by assisted by Genko and Myodo. That Daiko and Meho (Todd and Sharon Petit). Over the weekend of April 25 – 27, there night there was a celebratory dinner at was the San Diego Aikikai Spring Sesshin Nishino Restaurant. The morning of the Well I think that about brings us up to with twenty participants. It was good to 21st the Chobo-Ji Sangha met for daily date; I’d better stop writing now so that sit with many old friends, including Les- zazen and then moved the whole zendo to this issue can be released before the sum- lie Cohen and Steve Garber. Chiba Sensei the University Friends Meeting (UFM) mer issue is expected. Our next weeklong was not in attendance, but, as has been Worship Room, where the 11 a.m. cere- sesshin is scheduled for June 28 through demonstrated in the past, the sincerity of mony took place to accommodate all those the morning of July 4th. May your spring the zazen practice he has encouraged over who said they would attend. The Social continue to bloom. the years now has its own momentum and Hall at UFM was set up for a delicious white tablecloth lunch buffet that followed vitality. Even though Sensei plans to re- With gassho, tire from active teaching this summer, I the ceremony. Following all this, the hope to continue to be invited to lead zendo was returned to the Zen House, just Genjo sesshins in San Diego and other locations before dinner with sixty people at Ivar’s where the joint practice of Zen and Aikido Salmon House. The next morning, there has been fostered. was a departure breakfast at Sorrento Ho- tel. Throughout the whole series of 2nd Visioning Meeting n the evening of May 1st, Daikan, Sei- events, the Chobo-Ji Sangha acted in a O well organized exemplary fashion. I re- shin (Josie Backhouse) and I traveled to Saturday, June 7th, 2008 DBZ for Nyogen Senzaki’s, (1876 – ceived many gifts but the greatest of all 1958), 50th Anniversary Memorial Ses- was how everyone pitched in as necessary. shin (May 3 – 10), with over forty partici- I wish to give special acknowledgement to Our sangha will hold the second of two pants in attendance. Eido Roshi and Mukan (Michael Blome) who oversaw the visioning sessions on Saturday, June 7, transportation needs of all guests, to Se- from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. imu and Ryushin (Michael Sobel) who did On March 9, nearly 30 members of the the bulk of driving for sangha held a first session at which we en- the Roshis and Roko Ni- visioned our future as a community and Osho, to Seishun (Dee talked about a residential center that could Endelman) and Daigetsu house that vision. (Randal Tanabe) for overseeing the lunch buf- fet, to Daigan, Genko, Several over-arching themes emerged from Daikan (John Green), the first session. We see the following as Josen (Carolyn our future: continued strong practice and Stevens)… to name a more of it, an inclusive community, in- few who were also indis- cluding intergenerational and other diver- pensable. Speaking of sity; beauty in its many forms (art, music, gifts, I want to mention tea ceremony, etc.); and service to others. my special thanks to the Sangha members had many creative ideas Chobo-Ji sangha for col- for the kind of physical space that could Roko Ni-Osho were in fine form giving house this desired future. in-depth Teishos (formal Dharma talks) lectively contributing to the purchase of two Bodhisattva guardians for our main that helped everyone know and appreciate e left the meeting on a positive note, Senzaki’s sacrifice and contribution to the altar. Zenka has provided a wonderful W foundation of Zen in the West. He was narrative of the actual ceremony that you but with the clear understanding that there the first Zen priest to reside in America, will find on the next few pages of this is- are fears and concerns about the process and did so for over 50 years. It was sue. I cannot express the gratitude that I and the change that is inevitable. The through his work that many Zen Masters, have for being associated with this sangha. purpose of this second meeting is to make including Soen Nakagawa Roshi and Eido sure that we hear one another’s concerns, Shimano Roshi found their way to the The weekend following the ceremony talk about how we might address them States. (May 24 – 25), Genko, Josen and I trav- and decide whether to move forward to eled to Wenatchee to sit with our Chobo- raise funds and acquire property for a resi- dential center. Eido Roshi (Abbot of DBZ), Genki Ro- Ji associates. There was a half-day sesshin on Saturday, with a haiku workshop that shi (Chobo-Ji’s founding Abbot), Roko s at the first session, this meeting will Ni-Osho (senior Dharma Heir of Eido Ro- followed that afternoon, a potluck dinner A shi) and others began arriving in Seattle for the Zen and Tibetan practitioners that be facilitated by Genko Ni-Osho and Dee on May 20th, to begin the celebration of night, a forum Sunday morning on Seishun. Plum Mountain News Vol. 15.1 Page 3 The Sangha: • Simple temple, e.g., coffee table altar Visioning Summary • Sustain pragmatic group process Simplicity of Zendo design and décor Notes from March 9, 2008 • Egalitarian, no “one-upmanship” i.e. • Centrally located in Seattle everyone pitches in for all activities • Filled with incense and Zen sweat • Continue to have a coffee hour • Bamboo floor Meeting Purpose: To have a Sangha • Social commitment and communication • Library • Keep a small-town Zen feeling • Benches available, hand made, beautiful, conversation about the community’s future • Work to have an open, vulnerable, trust- multiple use and a residential center that could house ing, safe, supportive welcoming environ- • Find value in things people cast out. that future. ment • Use only what is really necessary. • Accept and encourage a wide diversity of • Having residents (Genjo, Carolyn and The following are “raw” notes, with some backgrounds and ages and sexual orienta- others) grounds the space of the duplications removed.
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