ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING & MANAGEMENT IN AFRICA (ETMA) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN THE SUDAN GEDAREF DISTRICT STUDV AREA Final Report Edited 3y Qalal El 2)in 01 TCayeb, Ph. 2). INSTITUTE OF ENVIRQONMENTAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF KHARTOUM SUDAN SEPTEMBER 1985 Prepared for: The United States Agency for International Development -- I Project No. 698-0427 CONTRIBUTORS PART ONE Galal El Din El Tayeb, Ph.D & Anne Lewandowski CONTRIBUTORS PART TWO Group Leader : Galal El Din El Tayeb, Ph.Do Group members who took part in the field work or contributed to Part Two of this report Anne Lewandowski salah Sharaf Ei Din :Dr. Yustaf% 19. 2iuiiman Dr. Abbas Shasha Musa Yousif Yohamed : El Tayeb Zil Rahiu Ahmed Aid. Lohman SSamirn Moqhamed : Ea Tayeb El Falci Amreal Kurna CONTENTS Page List of Figures.............. ................... iv List of Tables..................................... v Ackyiowledgemerit ..................................viii INTRODUCTION..................................... 1 PART ONz BAS MINE DATA AND TN!1LD ANALYSIS I. INTRODJUCTION TO THE STUDY t,A ............ 4 A. Criteria for Selection ................. 4 B. Location ................................ 6 C. ,V'hn InrTica torc UJ-e........................ 6 D. Criteriu for Ba:ellre Selectior ...... 7 II. PHYSICAL SVIHOcrILN..................... 8 A. Climate ................................... 8 B. Geology .................................. 1i C. Soils ..................................... D, Vegetation ........ .. ... .. .. 38 16 " Wil dl if e .. .. .1 III. SOC!0 .- LO;ONOIC Cc.9,D iI'r2,M.; .............. 23 A. lopula tiocn _ .... ........... i......... 23 :. Ljvelihood and Land Uce Systems ........ 25 1V. KAAhOS VIL-AG ., GLDAIl, DTRJq'......... 40 v. ( , OSBS OF CHANG 11 , BASEKMIAE cnrITlONS AN) THE RHLATiC I,;EIP OF 'TIVIRO M; 1i1-i'I, IDICATORS TO 1iiRh'£ BA$S5LINE CO0,TI''TONS... 41 TREND AVALYSIS............................. 43 ". I.'2.O T ........... 43 IT. rHY sTC, I- PTO',rG VAI, COMM .m ]' iY.i].,; T o c T.d " 139 Eh 1UV 19501 .8 19-6............ ............... 43 B. W'ater Resoorcec.................. ...... (.5c Jo lia tj>, VeL,: 0a,i.e . ..................... 1. C- N ,',. L . i ' IT ' and A., of' .na1, ,ainf.,'_, i ! .5an0 s-. Agrici t.ura 1 ec .cito ................... 65 :. Dti. elorpmen o: Ge eiere u v..in ............ 7" I. No Dri'g 1.0' tn 198C........... , f,. Smvll Y'arm#erp 11n). ;"'i"r, If ]c 70a iLM IV. ENVIRONMENTAL TRENDS AND THEIR INDICATORS .... 80 A. Low AgricLltural Productivity ............. 82 B. Declir.e in Gum Arabic Production .......... 83 C. Overgrazing................................... 83 D, Deforestation ............................. 86 E. Soil Degradation, ............................ 87 F. Effects of Environmental Ch1.ike on the Human Environment ................... 88 PART TWO THE I ONITORINC REPORT THE 1982 MONITO'RI}iG RFTORT. ................. 91 I. M.WHANIZED AGRICULTURE ....................... 92 A. Selection ........ .,........ .... 92 B. Production .................................. 92 II. TRADITIOP:AL VIILAGYC ... ..... ..... 96 A. Ghircjgana Vila:e ......................... 96 S ros Vila........... ............... 1.R9- Genria ar5 - ("t ref Tr. t): ,c t ........... 102 D. Iddal Tein VJ 1lage . .... .. 0 B. HLfir SheheJ t .................. ........... 104 111. GEDAREL' TOV, ................ ... .. 105 A. History, . ............... 205 ,. Land Use ­ ............... 105 C. ulat-i' , . ...... 105 D. '(pansion urd r , ,in .]. ............ 06 E, S-m. Enononic D! .. 110 P".Education ........... ............ 1.12 G. Medica2 Services.......... ....... 113 H. ,nte. ... ....... _ ........................ 115 I. Electricity. ........ ... ... ..... 116 J. Fire Incidenc,............... ....... 116 L. Floods, .......... 119 EOUIS ........................ 122 . 122 B. in';roc uctju r..! ............................. 123 S ... ................ 1;3 D. t+ " ", Cr,C'r !rr :1-C t' .24 F. - ..................... ...... 125 V, Wfi p'Fi:!i~'U­.. ...... ............ 3 . ter Reqiuire menivs for Labuurers in Mechan. ,., S- -e - ........ ...... ...... 13 C.Ove U.F2nr AAa Y1 ,ter 'oint- , , . • . 1344 '.Vell !'31- th s rid Vj '.1-r Samples .............. 136 iii VI. LIVBSTOCK, GRAZING AND NONADS ............. 141 A. General..................................141 B. Vegetation............................... 142 C. Ran eland ............................... 144 D. Herbage Yield and Fora,,p Iroluction .... ]46 E. Livestock in Gedarel District .......... 148 F. Grazinp Conditions ...................... 149 G. Nomads...................................151 VII. REFUGEES .................................. 155 A. Urb-,n R3Lup ee ......................... 155 B. T,,ral Refugees ......................... 356 C. Deforestation ........................... 157 THE 1983/84 ',ONITORIIG RIXORT ............. 158 A. blechaiized Farms........................ 158 B. Traditional Villages ................... 160 C, Gedaref Town ............................. 166 D. Soils .................................. 170 E. Water .................................... 174 F. Refugee 3............................... 174 PART THREE RECOYMENDATIO1S AND ST},A7TTY A. ENITRON ENTAL 17J.AT I, CrDILAT?, ' DISTRICT: A WC'DSHOP Ori;;.:>;,w BY I i7, U. of K. WITHIN ETA I QJ .......... ... 177 1 Intro 6uc tioo1 .... ..................... 177 2, The .privAd .e ............ 178 3 . Wo r .cir !, P a p e r s .. ....... 1 8 1 4. The Recoiimendationc ................. 182 B. TWO R-COX-,iDUD KIL()T I:;IiEvz: IlIS ... 189 1, !stablis,ment ot Shplte:r 13elts ...... I 9 2. rnclosure ............................. 194 ,APPENDIX A: INDICAiTOR3 OF EI'VIRONiNEN mAL GPANG IN GEDAREF DISTRICT ................. 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................... 202 iv List of Figures Followinkg Fig.No. T i t 1 e Pate PART ONF 1 Gedaref District, Location ................. 6 2 Kassala Province, Climatic Zones and Isohyets.................................... 9 3 Gedaref Town, Water and Climatic Data ....... 10 4 Gedaref District, Geology ................... 11 5 Gedaref District and Chloride Concentration. 15 6 Gedaref District, Drainage .................. 15 7 Gedaref District, Contour and Flow Lines ... 15 8 Gedaref District, Soils..................... 16 9 Gedaref District, Vegetation ................ 18 10 Gedaref District, Iop:ulation (1956) .......... 3 11 Gedaref District, Population Density, 1973.. 23 12 Gedaref District, Land Us ................... 13 Mechanized Farmir,, 196c).................... 25 14 Gedaref District, 6easonaJ Yc.v-inent of rain Tribes....................................... 31 15 Land Use of F abarob Village, 1946 ........... 40 1 PA1RT TWO 16 Main onitorirV Sites, June 19?........... 91 17 Ghireigana Villag e, Land Use, 1982 ......... 95 18 Kabaros Village, Land Use, June 1982 ....... 96 19 El Ganna Barra Transect, June 1982 ......... 102 20 Iddal Toin Village, Land Use, June 1982..... 103 21 Hafir Sheheit, Land Use, June 1982.........104 22 Gedaref Town, 1976 and ],-4qC ............... 106 23 Gedaref District, Veterin.ai. • Servicees, June 1982 .................................... 151 24 Kabaros, September, 1983.................... 161 25 5i Ganna Tarra,Gdref Transect, Sept.1983. 164 26 Ia Gazzra ! ra,-Kax'ef rr .... t,Yeb. 1964 164 21 Iddal Tcin Villa/ie Land Use, Feb. 1982 ..... 164 .jL. ir :h.wiih it, Fol., 192, (!,,Lno Use) ........ 15 V List of Tables Table No. T i t 1 e Page. PART ONE 1 Mean Monthly Rainfall - Gedaref,1941-1950. 9 2 Annual Total of Rainfall - Gedaref, 1941-1950 ............................... 9 3 Monthly Mean Terrn-,eraturen (°C) - Gedaref, 1940-49.................................... 10 4 Annual Mean Temperature (°C) - Gedarpf, 1940-49 .. .... ......... 10 5 Mean Monthly Rainfall - Ghacambaliya, 1945-1949 ­ .... ..........................12 6 Annual Rainfall Toals- Ghadavinliya, 1945-3949 ...... ........................ 12 7 Groundwater P tontinls of the lasin ...... 15 8 Estimn'tes o i ";ribi Animal iuabers,Ged-i 2, District, Kassala Province ................ 29 9 Estimates of Animal Populatuion of Other Tribes . .. .. .. .. ...... 30 10 Late Dry Sea son Cona, tionf in the I.na Rainfall Voodlynd Savnn ituna ...... .... 37 11 Mean Monthly Rainfall .- Gydref,190-1959. 44 12 Annual Tota.ls of WinV .- Ge"oef, 1950-1.959 ........ ...........................45 13 Mean Monthly Tainrll *- Ue a.ref.!60-1969o 46 14 Annual Totl of h- info l .- re, ef, 1960-1969 ..__ . _. .- ......... ........ 47 15 Mean WonthIyR.infa2 -Geda- f, 1970-19714, 16 Annual To '-al Rinfa] - Goorn;,1970-1979. 49 17 Average hainfail W!'rl the Months of July, Au urust and Sep p, or... .. ........ 50 T 18 ean Monthly o m 2ercrac Gearef (°C) 51 19 iean Wnt.hy 1-uif.1- .LO rirobamliya . 52 20 Annual T1.Ll of RHa ll .. Ghadamblio.. 53 21 Terrain UVn:LP of Suulmapra Kassala 1rovinceyl 22 Current oi: lteatial Lane Suitability for Terrain Units Land Use Caegories .......... 63 23 Area and Proluction of Sorghum, Sesame and Cotton, 0954/05-1974/75 ............... 69 vi Table No. T i t 1 e Page 24 Population Figures for Ge1aref Town (In Selected Years) ............... ...... 73 25 1ouqing Stock in Gedaref Town......... 74 26 Public Heo]lth Services ................. 75 27 Hospital Beds and Number of Patients. .. 75 28 Medical Facilities .................... 75 29 Schools in Gedaref Town, 1976 ............ 76 30 Mechanized Rainfed Dura Productivity (Average Yield)(ton/feddan) .............. 82 31 Overgrazing Around Vater Toints .......... 85 PART TWO 32 Scheme No.67: Output .......... ........ 93 33 " "
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