RYAN CORR FILM FurlougH (SF) Rodney Dir. PHoebe Tonkin Below Dougie Dir: Robin ChristiAn HigH Ground BrAddock Dir: StepHen JoHnson Ladies In Black Rudi Dir: Bruce BeresFord 1% Paddo Dir: StepHen McCallum Ali's Wedding WazzA Dir: JeFFrey WAlker Mary MagdAlene JosepH Dir: GArtH Davis A Few Less Men Mad Cousin Henry Dir: MArk LAmprell/AFLM Productions HacksAw Ridge Lt Manville Dir: Mel Gibson Holding tHe MAn Lead: Tim Dir: Neil ArmField/GoAlpost Pictures The WAter Diviner Lead: Art Dir: Russell Crowe The EigHt IncH PincH ConstAble JAmes Raymond SF Dir: Scott WAlker WolF Creek 2 Lead: Paul Dir: Greg McLeAn Not SuitAble For Children Lead: Gus Dir: Peter TemplemAn On tHe Jellicoe RoAd (WorksHop) ChAz / RicHArd / Fitz Screen NSW Dave And TAriq Lead: Dave SF Dir: ShAne AntHony EagleHAwk Jimmy SF Dir: ShAnnon MurpHy/DollHouse Pictures GiFted Supporting: RyAn SF Dir: CrAig BoreHAm 6 Plots Lead: Marty Dir: LeigH SHeeHAn BeFore tHe RAin Lead: Max AFTRS/NIDA Jimmy Tennison Lead: Jeremy NIDA PirAnHA Andy Dir: IrinA GoundortsevA Where tHe Wild THings Are ClAire's Friend Dir: Spike Jonze ChArlotte's Web Sheep Voiceover ParAmount TELEVISION The Commons ShAy PlAymAker The Secrets SHe Keeps Simon Lingo Pictures Hungry GHosts Ben WilliAms SBS/Dir. ShAwn Seet My LiFe Is Murder Samuel MorgAn CJZ Productions Bloom Sam PlAymAker / StAn Blue WAter Empire CaptAin Brenner BunyA Productions/ Steve McGregor Hoges JoHn 'Strop' Cornell FremAntleMediA Wanted Chris MurpHett MatcHbox ClevermAn BlAir GoAlpost Pictures Love Child Series 2 Guest LeAd: JoHnny Lowry PlAymAker / CHAnnel Nine BanisHed PrivAte McDonAld See-Saw Films Inst. for UrbAn Indigenous HeAlth Presenter TVC The Moodys Samuel Jungleboys Love Child Lead: Johnny Lowry PlAymAker / CHAnnel Nine RedFern Now Guest: Timmy 2016 Pictures Packed to tHe RAFters - Series 2-6 Lead: Coby Jennings Seven Network Tangle - Series 2 Recurring: IsAAc SoutHern StAr Underbelly: THe Golden Mile Lead: 'Doc' Kaanan Screentime Blue WAter HigH Lead: Eric SoutHern StAr / ABC NeigHbours ChArlie HoylAnd Grundy Productions Blue Heelers Zac Bronski SoutHern StAr Scooter Secret Agent Freddie JonAtHAn M SHiFF Silver Sun Lead: Sheng BSLM/ABC The Sleepover Club Lead: Matthew Burberry Prods OprAHolic Simon Roberts RGB Films 105 Rupert St, PO Box 1732 Collingwood 3066 | P +61 3 9078 0678 | [email protected] Page 1 of 2 THEATRE ArcAdiA Septimus Dir: RicHArd Cottrell/STC Sex WitH StrAngers Lead: Ethan Dir: Jocelyn MoorHouse/STC FligHtFAll Lead: The Man Dir: MArk Grentell Kicking Down THe Doors Various Dir: Chris MeAd & TAnyA Goldberg TrAce: Bodyline CompAny NIDA The ImportAnce oF Being EArnest Algernon MoncrieFF NIDA Women BewAre Women Hippolito NIDA SummerFolk Zamislov NIDA MeAsure For MeAsure Angelo NIDA The KitcHen Dimitri NIDA Looney Times: Bodyline CompAny NIDA Face to Face Glen TrAgAskis NIDA AWARDS 1% AACTA - Nominee Best LeAd Actor BanisHed TV Week Logies - Nominee Most OutstAnding Supporting Actor Holding THe MAn FCCA - Nominee Best Actor Holding THe MAn AACTA - Nominee Best LeAd Actor in A FeAture Film GQ Men oF tHe YeAr AwArds Winner BreAktHrougH Actor Not SuitAble For Children AACTA - Nominee Best Supporting Actor Not SuitAble For Chidren FCCA - Winner Best Supporting Actor AustrAliAns in Film Winner HeAtH Ledger ScHolArsHip Inside Film AwArds Winner 'Out OF THe Box' AwArd Packed To THe RAFters TV Week Logie - Nominee Most OutstAnding New TAlent Packed To THe RAFters TV Week Logie - Nominee Most PopulAr New Male TAlent TRAINING BacHelor oF PerForming Arts NIDA NIDA 105 Rupert St, PO Box 1732 Collingwood 3066 | P +61 3 9078 0678 | [email protected] Page 2 of 2 .
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