DOCUMENT RESUME ED 026 858 EM 007 033 By Stegeman, William J.; And Others An Evaluation of San Diego Area Instructional Television AuthorityEducational Program Activities; October 2, 1967 to May 17, 1968 San Diego Area Instructional Television Authority, Calif. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Pub Date Jul 68 Grant OEG -4 -6-001249-0924 Note-185p. EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$9.35 Descriptors-Consumer Economics, Data Analysis, Equipment Utilization, *Evaluation,Evaluation Methods, *Instructional Television, Interviews, Questionnaires, *School Districts, Surveys Identifiers-Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title III, ESEA Title III, *SanDiego Area /nstructional Television Authority. SDA ITVA An example of evaluation under the requirements of anESEA .Title III °Pace' project,thisreport encompasses the instructionaltelevision development and broadcast activities of the San Diego Area InstructionalTelevision Authority (ITVA). Qualitative data based on a series of teacher interview-questionnaire surveys in ten ITVA county school districts, and quantitative data based on a "Nielson° type survey of program offerings (range and frequency of classroom usage.grade-level designation) are presented in tabular format. Independent surveysfrom the school districts and a report on consumer innovations illustrate the reciprocitybetween producers and users of instructional television. The report outlinesthe budgetary. staff, production, and equipment problems of the project and providesinformation on ITVA organization, planning, hardware, and software in the appendices.(TI) oVAKTAZWZ:Als-MICxzw....4.4.14...=43.046.01..01004t..."41,41a4,., la^ 71 I JIM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM THE C\J PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICtOF EDUCATION CD POSITION OR POLICY. C::1 An Evaluation of San Diego Area UJ Instructional Television Authority Educational Program Activities October 2, 1967 to May 17, 1968 In response to Evaluation Requirement, ESEA Title III Operational Grant To Establish, Operate and Maintain Supplementary Educational Services- Instructional Television Experience Development and Distribution Project No. 1249 Grant #0EG-4-6-001249-0924 California The Work Presented or Reported Herein Was Performed Pursuant To A Grant From The U. S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Dr. William H. Stegeman Assistant Superintendent Curriculum Services Division San Diego Unified School District Stephen A. All, Manager-Producer July 1968 SDA/ITVA DeGraff Stanley Project Evaluator, SDA/ITVA , 7r1., PREFACE This report encompasses the ITV program development and broadcast activities of the San Diego Area Instructional Television Authority (hereinafter referred to as the Authority or ITVA) and related member school district ITV activities which occurred between October 2, 1967 and May 17, 1968.The report has attempted to describe, analyze and evaluate these activities by collecting and treating both process and product data for the purpose of: 1) Meeting the requirement that ESEA, Title III projects be evaluated; 2) Describing the goals, objectives and educational programs produced, acquired and broadcast by the Project; 3) Analyzing their utilization; Evaluating their effects on the project's consumers, the students and teachers who view these programs and; 5) Recommending future activity based upon needs and aspirations formu- lated from the data collected and treated. This report was cast in a "story telling" mode. Its title, "Description, Analysis and Evaluation" represents the emphasis given in rank order of significance. The "story" touches on ITVA's history, emphasizes its 1967-68 accomplishments, and takes a "quo vadis" look at its future. PART ONEBasic Evaluation Data, provides qualitative and quantitative data upon which enlightened decisions can be made. PARTS TWO and THREE, Supporting Surveys and Consumer ITV, VTR and CCTV Practices, bring to light prooucer-consumer and consumer-producer utilization and production practices that provide substantive evidence that interested, active-reactive involvement is taking place in most ITVA member school districts. PART FOUR, Problem Areas, shows that the ITVA is aware of its potential, yet not blind to its problems. PART FIVE, Summary Analysis and Evaluation, synthesizes already reported data and uses these resultant general- izations as rationales to undergird a series of recommendations. Appendices A, B and C present documentation of ITVA's organization, production-broadcast activity, consumer involvement and present-future aspirations. Because, during the period reported, the project was organized to serve 24 San Diego County School Districts in all curriculum areas and K-12 grade levels, involvement characterized the frame of reference which determined the Authority's producer-consumer activity. This fact was and probably will remain ITVA's great- est blessing and bane, because trying to be and do so much for and with so many people and programs constitutes a herculean task. By the same token, this study owes much to many San Diego County educators; too many, in fact, to attempt their listing without risking serious omission. Con- sequently, this investigator-reporter prefers to cast his appreciation in broadcast umbrella fashion to include each and every fellow educator who assisted in the development of this report by stating: If teamwork is the thread of continuity upon which the success of this project depends, then it follows that the project should become the embodiment of realized success. DeGraff Stanley Project Evaluator TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 Introduction 7 ONE: Basic EvaluationData. 7 I - GeneralProcedures Analysis QualitativeData 17 II - Summary 29 III - SummaryAnalysis QuantitativeData 30 TV - FindingsSummarized, Analyzed. 31 V - 1968 SpringSemester Surveys 39 Supporting Surveys 41 I - Chula VistaCity School District 55 II - Oceanside UnionSchool District 59 III - South BayUnion School District 64 rv - San DiegoTeacher's Association V - Cajon Valley-SanDiego Schools PhysicalFitness 65 & Testing Survey . VI - Cajon ValleyUnion SchoolDistrict-wide :TV- Teacher Reaction Survey 66 71 VII - ITVA CurriculumArea Study CommitteeReports. 75 THREE: Consumer ITV, VTR & CCTVPractices 75 I - UtilizationPractices 86 II - ProductionPractices 95 FOUR: Problem Areas. 95 I - BudgetaryConsiderations. OOOOO 96 It - IncreasedProfessionalism Needed 97 III - Planning Ahead OOOOO 103 IV - Problem AreasSummarized 107 FIVE: Summary Analysis & Evaluation OOOOO 107 I - Qualitative Data II - Quantitative Data 108 REFERENCES . 11 9 APPENDICES 121 A - ITVAOrganization/Activity/Reports B - Teacher Comment: ITVAProgramming 187 C "Completing The Circuit"; ConsumerSoftware Production LearningStrategy/Hardware Com- ponents ConceptualModel 201 =A? TABLES October 2 Teacher Evaluation: Programmill Broadcast Between and November 29, 1967 11 Broad- II Average Scores of Merit: Elementary (K-6) Programming cast Between October2, 1967 and January 26, 1968 12 Broad- III Average Scores of Merit: Secondary (7-12) Programming cast Between October2, 1967 and January 26, 1968 15 October 2, TV 125 School, K-12 Surveyof ITV Program Usage Between 1967 and January 26, 1968. 19 22 V Rank Order of ITVA ProgramUsage By Subject MatterArea. 25 VI Rank Order of ITVA ProgramUsage by Series Title 32 VII 1968 Spring Semester CountySchool Surveys 33 VIII 1968 Spring Semester CitySchool Surveys Surveys . 34 IX 1968 Spring SemesterCombined City/County School 35 X 1968 Spring SemesterParochial School Surveys * California Cities.. 36 XI ITVA Programming inComparison With Other FIGURES by Grade Level 21 I Elementary/Secondary ITVA Program Usage Recommended II ITVA Programming, Listedby Subject Area and 23 Grade Level 4 vii AIX:a 41' , GLOSSARY teaching strategy CAP - Consumer As Producer. A principle that advocates a designed to induce greaterinvolvement on the part ofstudents and teachers by casting theseITVA "consumers" in therole of "producers" of on-site video tapedmini-productions. television CCTV - Closed CircuitTelevision. The system used to distribute a signal (both audio andvideo) from the point of origin tothe point of display by means of cables. using a common CATV - Community AntennaSystem. A re-distribution system antenna, generally ofhigh sensitivity, to intercept atelevision broad- cast signal for relayvia CCTV to a number ofdisplay points. non-commercial tele- ETV - Educational Television. A generic term applied to Television, and vision operations. Instructional Television, Public School Television may beconsidered forms of ETV. "com- EAVES - Electronic AudioVisual Education System. A system designed to plete the circuit" therebyenabling a synthesis of theelectronic compon- ents that comprise acomplete sender-receiver-sendercommunication system. advocates IPI - IndividuallyPrescribed Instruction. A teaching strategy that analysis of individual educationalneeds and the prescription oflearning experience designed to meetthe individual pupil needsidentified. the student, ITV - InstructionalTelevision. Television programming aimed at either in the classroom orotherwise, in the general contextof curriculum oriented formal education. ITVA - The abbreviated formof San Diego Area InstructionalTeleVision Authority and used as a referent to the samethroughout this report. ITFS - Instructional TelevisionFixed Service.
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