Welcome Home Alumni Vol. LlI, No.8 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday, October 31, 1968 Humphrey, Democrats Beat Opposition In Hilltop Voting Hubert Humphrey won The nine votes. Kennedy received 13 to-one margin. In the Pennsylvania HOYA's mock election last Friday write-ins and McCarthy received contest, incumbent Sen. Joseph with 41 percent of the vote. Rich- seven. Clark, a Democrat, won over Re­ ard Nixon trailed with 29.5 per- Only 33 Nursing School students publican Rep. Richard Schweiker, " cent and George Wallace with 3.9 -out of 256-participated in the again by a two-to-one margin. percent. Write-ins for Sen. Edward election. Nineteen cast their vote Sen. Wayne Morse beat Robert i Kennedy and Sen. Eugene McCar- for Nixon, eight for Humphrey, Packwood by a better than two-to­ thy surpassed the Wallace vote, four for Kennedy, and two for Mc­ one margin in the Oregon race. Kennedy obtaining approximately Carthy. None voted for Wallace. Democrat John Gilligan in Ohio, 11 percent and McCarthy six per- In the California senatorial race, topped Republican William Saxbe cent. Democrat Alan Cranston beat Re­ by slightly less than a two-to-one publican Max Rafferty by \l. two- margin. Some 1,273 students-about a quarter of the undergraduate stu­ dent body, participated in the elec­ tion. As far as a mock election is able to indicate, the Georgetown Directorship Goes campus is not as conservative as is commonly held. In four of the , ' five senatorial contests on the bal­ \ lot, liberal Democrats won by wide To Fordham Jesuit margins. In the New York race, Republican Sen. Jacob Javits was In a surprise move this week been dean of the University of the victor-but Paul O'Dwyer, a the Rev. Paul P. Harbrecht, S.J., Detroit Law School since Feb. 1, McCarthy Democrat, captured 39 announced his resignation as 1965. percent of the vote. Conservative chairman of the Georgetown Uni­ While Fr. Quain will succeed James Buckley received 18 per­ versity Board of Directors after Fr. Harbrecht as chairman of the . -- cent. a two year stint. The Rev. Edwin Board, the vacancy on the body Homecoming '68 arrives this weekend at Georgetown with Seton Hall's W. Quain, S.J., a member of the will be filled by the Rev. Joseph Pirates providing the gridiron opposition. The New Jersey team has Hubert Humphrey obtained a board since 1966, was immediately plurality in all but one of the five F. Sweeney, S.J., president of ;already defeated highly-rated Manhattan. named as his successor to head undergraduate schools, the Nurs­ the policy-making board of the ing School opting for Nixon. In nation's oldest Catholic university. the College, Humphrey received Fr. Quain, director of Fordham W eel~end Festivities 217 votes, while Nixon received -; , 168 and Wallace 30. Of the 147 See page 14 for profile of Fr. Qu(tin College write-ins, Kennedy ob­ tained 64 and McCarthy 35. In the University Press, will s e r v e Foreign Service School, 198 bal­ until June 3D, 1969. \Mark Homecoming lots were cast for Humphrey, 106 Taken by surprise by the an­ for Nixon, and 11 for Wallace. nouncement of his appointment, Homecoming Weekend, the cul- The Homecoming Weekend con­ Fr. Quain said this week he has , mination of the efforts of the Stu­ tinues the long and glorious Kennedy received 57 write-ins and McCarthy 25. not had time to prepare any state­ dent Athletic Commission, arrives Georgetown f 0 0 t b a II tradition ment with his ideas on education tomorrow and Saturday, promis­ which dates back to 1874. Dave The margin between Humphrey in general or the Georgetown sit­ ing extensive athletic and social Rupert, chairman of the Home­ and Nixon was somewhat closer uation. He attributed his selection activities. The SAC sponsors the coming committee, hopes that in the School of Languages and to "a feeling many board mem­ weekend to make sports and ath­ students, faculty, and alumni all Linguistics and in the Business bers have that I get things done." letic spirit an integral part of become involved in the Homecom­ School. Some 45 language stu­ He said this feeling might be Georgetown. All Proceeds from ing activities. Rupert stated, dents voted for Humphrey and ten a result of his habit for asking Homecoming go to support the "Homecoming is an opportunity for less for Nixon. There was one vote pertinent questions before voting non-budgeted at hIe tic teams students, alumni, and faculty to for Wallace. Out of 36 write-ins, on matters. "I always want to (crew, sailing, rugby, lacrosse, join together in a social atmos­ 14 were for McCarthy and one know what all the facts are be­ judo, and hockey). phere and take pride in the fact less for Kennedy. Business stu­ fore I decide," he said. FR. QUAIN , A warm-up mixer at New South that they are part of this univer­ dents cast 56 votes for Humphrey As head of the Presidential Gonzaga High School and former cafeteria will kick off the activ­ sity." and 45 for Nixon. Wallace received Search Committee, Fr. Quain has director of Admissions at George­ ities tomorrow at 7 o'clock. A been spending about two days a town. He will fill the unexpired senior-alumni reception is sched­ week in Washington away from portion of Fr. Harbrecht's term uled for 8 o'clock at 1i89 and the his Fordham duties. Now, he says, until June 3D, 1969. Fr. Sweeney Alumni House. The events will be he is so busy that "I am meeting was a member of the Board of capped off with a rally in the myself coming back from New Directors from Sept. 21, 1962 to quadrangle at 10 o'clock. Most York." June 3D, 1967. dormitory halls will have banners Fr. Harbrecht cited the immedi­ at the rally. acy of a spring deadline for a book On Saturday, everything begins as his reason for bowing out of :with a float parade at 1:30. The the Georgetown picture he entered Three Students ;Georgetown Hoyas square off in a historic manner in September, :against the Seton Hall Pirates 1966. It was at that time the Added To Find ,at two o'clock in the most im­ Board was opened up and included portant part of the weekend. Jesuits with no immediate attach­ Coach Mush Dubofsky, a George­ ment with Georgetown. C.D. President town alumnus himself, hopes to Fr. Harbrecht has published two get his men back on the right In what has been termed a "ma­ books already, Pension Fnnds and jor breakthrough in real student track after lOSing to Fordham last Economic Power and Toward the ) weekend, 31-6. The Hoyas who power," three students have been Paraproprietal Society. given full membership in the , hold a 1-1 record beat St. Peter's His current book which necessi­ in their opening contest, 15-12. search committee for a new Uni­ tated his resignation and his tak­ versity President. 1 ~eton Hall is highly rated. The ing of a one year sabbatical from 1 pirates defeated Manhattan, at Detroit, is untitled but will deal The announcement by the Rev. 1 pne time the number one club with power, ownership and proper­ Edwin W. Quain, S.J., head of the 1 team in the country. ty in modern capitalism. search committee, coincided with i Post-game receptions will be Fr. Harbrecht has reportedly Fr. Quain's appointment as the I ,held at various points around the denied stories being circulated new chairman of the University ,campus after the game. The festiv­ that he has resigned from the board of directors. ; hies all come to a conclusion on chairmanship to open the way for The three new members of the . "Saturday with the open bar Home­ his selection as president of the search committee who will attend . ;coming Dance at 8:30. The Union Although steadfastly claiming it is nothing but pipe installation, Uni­ university. their first meeting this Saturday ~ pap will provide the entertain- versity Administrators appeared this week to be digging in and forti­ A member of the District of are: John Kelly, president of the ment. fying Second Healy against any possible evidences of student power. Columbia Bar, Fr. Harbrecht has (Continued on Page 14) Page Two THE HOrA Thursday, october 31,1968 Raffetto Wins Frosh Prexy, '1 ! OZYMANDIAS Doyle Is Elected Yard Rep. I _ ... _.... .:::: .• ..,:::-... by Gene Payne by Jim Duryea dialogue" between the Walsh a positive stand concerning this With over an 80 percent voter Area Campus and the Yard controversy." turnout the College Class of 1972 "should be sought by the fresh­ The new officers conceded the last week cast their ballots, and men class, because through our most difficult problem that con­ gave Lou Raffetto a 40-vote plural­ novelty, we can make a more ob­ fronts the. council is unity_ Tom ity to assume the reins of leader­ jective judgment on this ques­ Hourin, who takes charge of the It Started with the Wheel ship for the 1968-69 academic tion." Vice-President H Our i n social events ex-officio hopes that year. stated that he will form a com­ frequent social events "will get Necessity may well be the mother of invention-but it is In other contests, Tom Hourin mittee to review the problem of more people involved, in contribu­ defeated Jay Michaud for the class unification, so that the freshman ting something to their class and hardly shown much respect.
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