Rate List of 1-June-2015 to 31-May-2016

Rate List of 1-June-2015 to 31-May-2016

Rate List of 1-June-2015 To 31-May-2016 S.No Code Test Name Standard Rates 15% Discounted Rates 1 4114 17-OH Progesterone 3,000 2,550 2 5050 25-Hydroxy Vitamin-D 2,500 2,125 3 4644 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Food 5,500 4,675 4 4642 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal 5,500 4,675 5 1241 A.P.T.T Based Clotting FactorInhibitor 1,500 1,275 6 1511 A/G RATIO 550 468 7 1164 Abscess for C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 8 1354 Absolute Eosinophils Count 180 153 9 1358 Absolute Lymphocytes Count 180 153 10 1359 Absolute Monocytes Count 180 153 11 1357 Absolute Neutrophils Count 180 153 12 1360 Absolute Values /Cells Count 600 510 13 4123 ACE (Angiotensin Conver.Enzym) 3,000 2,550 14 2705 Acid Phosphatase (Serum) 1,600 1,360 15 5019 ACRA (Acetylcholine Receptor Abs) 7,500 6,375 16 4119 ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormo) 2,500 2,125 17 4225 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (CSF) 3,600 3,060 18 4194 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (Fluid) 3,600 3,060 19 4236 Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (Serum) 3,600 3,060 20 2239 AFB C/S (ANY SPECIMEN) (First 3,000 2,550 21 1244 AFB C/S (Final Report After 7 Weeks) 1 1 22 1231 AFB Smear/ZN Stain (Specimen 400 340 23 2262 ALBUMIN (CSF) 400 340 24 2261 ALBUMIN (FLUID) 400 340 25 1508 ALBUMIN (SERUM) 400 340 26 2706 Aldolase (Serum) 1,350 1,148 27 4157 Aldosteron (24 Hrs Urine) 3,000 2,550 28 4171 Aldosterone Level (Serum) 3,000 2,550 29 1505 Alkaline Phosphatase (Serum) 350 298 30 4810 Alpha 1-Anti Trypsin Level 1,700 1,445 31 4300 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 1,700 1,445 32 1710 Ammonia (NH3) 1,000 850 33 5051 Amphetamines (Spot Urine) 1,350 1,148 34 2718 AMYLASE (24 HRS URINE) 700 595 35 2707 AMYLASE (FLUID) 700 595 36 2700 AMYLASE (SERUM) 700 595 37 1103 AMYLASE (Spot Urine) 700 595 38 4815 ANA, AMA, ASMA, ACA Group By 2,000 1,700 39 5017 ANCA-C, PR3 (Proteinase 3) 3,000 2,550 40 5018 ANCA-P, MPO (Myeloperoxidase) 3,000 2,550 41 5040 Androgen Level (Serum) 3,000 2,550 42 2721 ANION GAP (SERUM) 900 765 43 1363 ANTI BODY SCREENING 800 680 44 4151 ANTI CARDIOLIPIN IgG 2,750 2,338 45 4152 ANTI CARDIOLIPIN IgM 2,750 2,338 46 4178 Anti CCP (Anti Cyclic Citrullinated 2,500 2,125 47 4805 ANTI ds DNA 1,350 1,148 48 5043 ANTI ENDOMYSIAL Abs 3,000 2,550 49 5078 ANTI ENDOMYSIAL IgA 1,700 1,445 50 5079 ANTI ENDOMYSIAL IgG 1,700 1,445 51 5046 Anti GBM (Glomerular Basement 3,000 2,550 52 5066 ANTI GLIADIN IgA 1,800 1,530 53 5067 ANTI GLIADIN IgG 1,800 1,530 54 4204 ANTI HBc (TOTAL) 1,400 1,190 55 4205 ANTI HBc IgM 1,600 1,360 56 4207 ANTI HBe 1,500 1,275 57 4203 ANTI HBs 1,200 1,020 58 4208 ANTI HCV 1,600 1,360 59 4209 ANTI HDV 1,800 1,530 60 4210 ANTI HEV IgG 2,000 1,700 61 4214 ANTI HEV IgM 2,000 1,700 62 4211 ANTI HIV - 1&2 1,700 1,445 63 4170 Anti LKM (Liver Kidney Microsomal) 1,800 1,530 64 5047 ANTI MICROSOMAL Abs 1,500 1,275 65 4195 Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) 4,500 3,825 66 1118 ANTI NARCOTICS (DRUGS 4,500 3,825 67 5038 ANTI PHOSPHOLIPID IgG 2,200 1,870 68 5039 ANTI PHOSPHOLIPID IgM 2,200 1,870 69 5021 ANTI SCL-70 2,200 1,870 70 5020 Anti Sperm Antibodies (Serum) 2,000 1,700 71 1350 Anti Thrombin 4,400 3,740 72 5031 Anti Thyroglobulin Abs (TG) 1,500 1,275 73 4117 Anti Thyroid Abs (ATA) 800 680 74 5057 Anti Thyroid Peroxidase (Blood TPO) 1,500 1,275 75 4177 Anti Tissue Transglutaminse IgA 1,500 1,275 76 4176 Anti Tissue Transglutaminse IgG 1,500 1,275 77 2231 API-20E For C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 78 1306 APTT 600 510 79 3600 ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES (ABG's) 900 765 80 2203 ASCITIC FLUID FOR AFB C/S (First 3,000 2,550 81 2205 Ascitic Fluid For AFB Smear/ZN Stain 350 298 82 2201 ASCITIC FLUID FOR ANALYSIS 1,350 1,148 83 2202 Ascitic Fluid For C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 84 6083 Ascitic Fluid For Fungus C/S e Fungus 1,350 1,148 85 6051 Ascitic Fluid For Fungus Stain/Fungal 600 510 86 2206 Ascitic Fluid For Gram Stain 350 298 87 3405 ASOT 800 680 88 6117 Aspiration Fluid For AFB C/S (First 3,000 2,550 89 6042 Aspiration Fluid For AFB Smear/ZN 350 298 90 1176 Aspiration Fluid for C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 91 6084 Aspiration Fluid For Fungus C/S e 1,350 1,148 92 6052 Aspiration Fluid For Fungus 600 510 93 6002 Aspiration Fluid For Gram Stain 350 298 94 1331 B/N Ratio 550 468 95 1105 BARBITURATES (URINE) 1,350 1,148 96 1615 BASIC METABOLIC PANEL (BMP) 2,000 1,700 97 1174 Bed Sore for C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 98 1102 BENCE JONES PROTEIN (URINE) 400 340 99 1106 BENZODIAZEPINES (URINE) 1,350 1,148 100 4303 BETA HCG 1,200 1,020 101 4309 BETA HCG (MALE) 1,200 1,020 102 4155 Beta-2 Microglobulin 2,200 1,870 103 1704 BICARBONATE 300 255 104 5086 BILE PIGMENT (FLUID) 250 213 105 5062 BILE PIGMENT (URINE) 250 213 106 5085 BILE SALT (FLUID) 250 213 107 5061 BILE SALT (URINE) 250 213 108 1502 Bilirubin Conjugated 350 298 109 1501 Bilirubin Total 350 298 110 1517 BILIRUBIN TOTAL (FLUID) 350 298 111 1514 BILIRUBIN UNCONJUGATED 350 298 112 3500 Biopsy For H/P (Extra Large 4,500 3,825 113 3489 Biopsy For H/P (Large Specimen) e 3,500 2,975 114 3490 Biopsy For H/P (Small Specimen) e 2,000 1,700 115 3487 Biopsy For H/P (Three or More 4,500 3,825 116 3488 Biopsy For H/P (Two Specimens) e 3,500 2,975 117 3492 Biopsy, Slide(s) & Block(s) for Review 2,500 2,125 118 1345 Bleeding Time (BT) 350 298 119 3496 Block(s) For Patient (All Block(s) 400 340 120 2801 Blodd Group & Cross Match (Donor 850 723 121 1379 Blood C/E with Immature Platelet 1,600 1,360 122 1300 BLOOD C/E (Complete, CBC) 500 425 123 1333 BLOOD C/E e Peripheral Film/Smear 650 553 124 1351 BLOOD C/E FOR DENGUE 90 77 125 1322 BLOOD FOR C/S (FINAL REPORT) 1 1 126 1323 Blood For C/S (Aerobic & Anaerobic 2,200 1,870 127 1312 Blood For C/S (Single Bottle) 1,100 935 128 1365 Blood For Flowcytometerry History 13,000 11,050 129 1361 Blood For Microflaria 350 298 130 2800 BLOOD GROUP & Rh FACTOR 450 383 131 1415 BLOOD SUGAR (After Dinner) 180 153 132 1412 BLOOD SUGAR (After Lunch) 180 153 133 1414 BLOOD SUGAR (Before Dinner) 180 153 134 1411 BLOOD SUGAR (Before Lunch) 180 153 135 1421 Blood Sugar ½ Hrs (After 50 Grams 180 153 136 1430 Blood Sugar ½ Hrs (After 100 Grams 180 153 137 1428 Blood Sugar ½ Hrs (After 75 Grams 180 153 138 1405 Blood Sugar ½ Hrs PP 180 153 139 1432 Blood Sugar 1 Hrs (After 100 Grams 180 153 140 1420 BLOOD SUGAR 1 HRS (After 50 180 153 141 1419 BLOOD SUGAR 1 HRS (After 75 180 153 142 1406 BLOOD SUGAR 1 HRS PP 180 153 143 1427 Blood Sugar 1½ Hrs (After 75 Grams 180 153 144 1407 Blood Sugar 1½ Hrs PP 180 153 145 1437 Blood Sugar 1½ Hrs (After 100 Grams 180 153 146 1408 Blood Sugar 2 ½ Hrs PP. 180 153 147 1434 Blood Sugar 2 Hrs (After 100 Grams 180 153 148 1426 BLOOD SUGAR 2 HRS (After 50 180 153 149 1423 BLOOD SUGAR 2 HRS (After 75 180 153 150 1422 BLOOD SUGAR 2 HRS (After Dinner) 180 153 151 1413 BLOOD SUGAR 2 HRS (After Lunch) 180 153 152 1402 BLOOD SUGAR 2 HRS. PP 180 153 153 1442 Blood Sugar 2½ Hrs (After 100 180 153 154 1441 Blood Sugar 3 Hrs (After 100 Grams 180 153 155 1443 Blood Sugar 3 Hrs (After 75 Grams 180 153 156 1409 Blood Sugar 3 Hrs PP 180 153 157 1433 Blood Sugar 3½ Hrs PP 180 153 158 1417 Blood Sugar 4 Hrs PP 180 153 159 1418 Blood Sugar 5 Hrs PP 180 153 160 1400 BLOOD SUGAR FASTING 180 153 161 1401 BLOOD SUGAR RANDOM 180 153 162 6118 Bone For AFB C/S (First report after 3,000 2,550 163 1175 Bone for C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 164 6085 Bone For Fungus C/S e Fungus 1,350 1,148 165 3501 Bone Marrow Biopsy (Procedure & 5,000 4,250 166 1166 Bone Marrow for C/S e Gram Stain 1,350 1,148 167 6082 Bone Marrow For Fungus Stain/Fungal 600 510 168 3491 Bone Marrow Slide(s) & Block(s) for 2,500 2,125 169 2217 BRONCHIAL WASHING FOR AFB 3,000 2,550 170 6030 Bronchial Washing For AFB Smear/ZN 350 298 171 2215 Bronchial washing for Analysis.

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