UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FACULTY PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS July 1, 2004 – June 30, 2005 INDEX Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences Page 3 School of Architecture Page 111 Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences Page 122 Walton College of Business Page 225 College of Education and Health Professions Page 241 College of Engineering Page 277 School of Law Page 341 2 BUMPERS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL, FOOD AND LIFE SCIENCES BOOKS: Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Norman, R.J., J.-F. Meullenet, K.A. K. Moldenhauer (eds.). 2004. B.R. Wells Rice Research Studies 2003. Univ. of Ark., Agr. Exp. Stn. Res. Ser. 517. 444 pages. Entomology Barker, G.M., L.V. Knutson, J.C. Vala, J.K. Barnes and J.B. Coupland. 2004. Overview of the biology of marsh flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), with a special reference to predators and parasitoids of terrestrial gastropods. Pages 159-225, in G.M. Barker (ed.). Natural Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. 644 pp. Copa, F., C. Pruett, H. Serrate, R. Unterladstaetter and P. McLeod. 2004. Plagas: identificacion y manejo en el cultivo de tomate (Insects: identification and management in tomato). El Vallecito – Instituto de Investigacionses Agricolas, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 13 pp. Crook, J. D., F. M. Stephen, M. K. Fierke, D. L. Kinney, and V. B. Salisbury. 2004. Biology and sampling of red oak borer populations in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. Pp. 223- 228, in M. A. Spetich (ed.) Upland oak ecology: history, current conditions and sustainability. USDA For. Ser. GTR. SRS-73. Asheville, NC., Fayetteville, AR. Greene, J. K. (editor), et al. 2004. Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas (MP144). University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. 240 pp. Horton, D. and D.T. Johnson (eds). 2004. Southeastern peach grower’s handbook. The University of Georgia College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service Bull. 1171. Horticulture Hensley, D.L. 2004. Professional Landscape Management. Stipes Publishing L.L.C., Champaign, IL 342 pp. Poultry Science Hargis, B.M. (2004) Ascites Syndrome. In: Merck Veterinary Manual, 9th Edition Hargis, B.M. (2004) Round Heart Disease of Turkeys. In: Merck Veterinary Manual, 9th Edition McKee, S.R., and C.M. Owens. Meat Quality Changes During Processing. In: Poultry Meat Processing, ed Mead 3 BOOK CHAPTERS: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Rainey, Daniel V., Kenneth L. Robinson, Ivye Allen, and Ralph D. Christy. “Essential Forms of Capital for Achieving Sustainable Community Development”. In Achieving Sustainable Communities in a Global Economy: Alternative Private Strategies and Public Policies. Ralph D. Christy editor. P. 159 178. World Scientific Publishers. 2004 ISBN: 981-238- 809-5. Biological and Agricultural Engineering Book chapters in the book entitled “Frontiers of Combinatorial Bioengineering” edited by M. Ueda. (2004) CMC Publishers. Tokyo, Japan Ye, K. Chapter 2: E. coli protein display and its application for directed-evolution of proteins Ye, K. Chapter 5: Construction of a combinatorial library Ye, K. Chapter 7: Retroviral peptide display libraries Ye, K. Chapter 11: RNA interference and siRNA libraries Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Oosterhuis D.M. and Stewart, J.M. 2004. Physiological Basis of Yield and Environmental Adaptation. In H.T. Nguyen and A. Blum (eds.) Physiology and Biotechnology Integration for Plant Breeding. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. p. 363-401. Purcell, L.C., J.E. Specht. 2004. Physiological traits for ameliorating drought stress. In H.R. Boerma and J.E. Specht (ed). Soybean: Improvement, production, and uses. Third Edition. Agron. Monogr. 16. ASA, CSSA. and SSSA. Madison, WI. p. 569-620. Roberts, C.A., C.P. West, and D.E. Spiers (eds.). Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA. 395 pp. Soika, R.E., D.M. Oosterhuis and H.D. Scott. 2004. Root Oxygen Depravation and the Reduction of Leaf Stomatal Aperture and Gas Exchange. Pessarakli (ed.) Handbook of Photosynthesis. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. Westgate, M.E. , K. Whigham, and L.C. Purcell. 2004. Soybean: Agronomy. In C. Wrigley, H. Corke, and C. Walker (eds). Encyclopedia of Grain Science. Elsevier Science Ltd. London. p. 146-155. Wolf, D.C., and G.H. Wagner. 2005. Carbon Transformations and Soil Organic Matter Formation. In D.M. Sylvia, J.J. Fuhrmann, P.G. Hartel, and D.A. Zuberer (ed.) Principles 4 and Applications of Soil Microbiology. 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. Entomology McLeod, P., and J. Greene. 2004. Major insect pests of grain sorghum in Arkansas and their management. Chapter 5, in Espinoza, L. and J. Kelley (editors). Grain Sorghum Production Handbook, MP 297. University of Arkansas Coop. Extension Service. 74 pp. Steinkraus, D.C. 2004. Fungal Pathogens of Insects. Pp. 928-935, in J.L. Capinera (ed.). Encyclopedia of Entomology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. Food Science Meullenet, J. F. 2004. Consumers and Texture: Understanding their Perceptions and Preferences. In Texture in Food Vol 2: Solid Foods, Woodhead Publishing Limited, D. Kilcast, Editor, Page 33-52. Wang, Y.-J. 2004. Structure and functionality of starch, in “Biotechnology and Agricultural Production” ed. C. H. Chou and S. S. Yang. ISBN 957-01-7482-X, pages 1-18. Horticulture Hensley, D.L. and J.A. Robbins 2004. Fertlizing the Landscape. In: Professional Landscape Management, pp. 193-222. Plant Pathology Fenn, P. 2004. Phomopsis twig blight and fruit rot of peach. 3pp. In: Southern Peach Growers Handbook. eds. Horton, D. and Johnson, D., Univ. of Georgia. Published March 2004. (Invited Book Chapter). Moreno, L., T. Ishibachi, P. Chen and P. Fenn. 2004. Soybean seed yield and quality under ultra-short season production systems. Discovery. 5:48-52. Niblack, T.L., G. L. Tylka, and R.D. Riggs. Nematode pathogens of soybean in H.R. Boerma and J.E. Specht, Eds. Soybeans: Improvement, Production, and Uses. Third Edition. Pp 821-851 (Chapter 16) Agronomy Monograph. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Niblack, T.L., and R.D. Riggs. 2004. Virulence phenotype variation in field populations of Heterodera glycines. Pp 57-71 in D.P. Schmitt, and J.A. Wrather, R.D. Riggs (eds.) Biology and Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Schmitt and Associates, Marceline, MO. Riggs, R.D. 2004. History and distribution. Pp. 10-39 in D.P. Schmitt, and J.A. Wrather, R.D. Riggs. (Eds.) Biology and Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Schmitt and Associates, Marceline, MO. 5 Schmitt, D.P. and R.D. Riggs. 2004. Potential means of management. Pp. 243-258 in D.P. Schmitt, and J.A. Wrather, R.D. Riggs. (eds.) Biology and Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Schmitt and Associates, Marceline, MO. Schmitt, D. P. and J.A. Wrather, R.D. Riggs. (Eds.) 2004. Biology and Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Schmitt and Associates, Marceline, MO. 262pp. Poultry Science Ricke, S.C., C.L. Woodward, Y.M. Kwon, L.F. Kubena, and D.J. Nisbet. 2004. Limiting avian gastrointestinal tract Salmonella colonization by cecal anaerobic bacteria and a potential role for mathanogens. pp. 141-150. In: Pre-harvest and Post-harvest Food Safety: Contemporary issues and future directions. Ed. Beier, R., R. Ziprin, S. Pillai, and T. Phillips. Iowa State Press, Ames, IA. Waldroup, P.W. 2004. Chickens: Broiler Nutrition Management. Pages 208-210 In: Encylopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell, Ed. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY. Waldroup, P.W. 2004. Dietary nutrient allowances for poultry. Pages 42-47 in: Feedstuffs Reference Issue, Vol. 76(38). Miller Publishing Company, Minneapolis MN. REFEREED PUBLICATIONS: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness McGinley, B. C., K. P. Coffey, Pas, T. J. Sauer, H. L. Goodwin, Jr., J. B Humphry, W. K. Coblentz and L. J. McBeth. “Case Study: Mineral Content of Forages Grown on Poultry Litter-Amended Soils.” The Professional Animal Scientist. 20(2004):136-145. McKenzie, Andrew M., Harjanto Djunaidi, Eric J. Wailes and Gail L. Cramer. “Nonparametric Tests of Commodity Futures Market Efficiency.” The Southern Business & Economic Journal. 25, 3&4(Summer/Fall 2002):163-173. McKenzie, Andrew M., Michael R. Thomsen and Bruce L. Dixon. “The Performance of Event Study Approaches Using Daily Commodity Futures Returns.” The Journal of Futures Markets. 24,6(2004):533-555. Murova, Olga I., Michael A. Trueblood and Keith H. Coble. “Measurement and Explanation of Technical Efficiency Performance in Ukrainian Agriculture, 1991-1996.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 36,1(April 2004):185-198. Popp, Jennie S. and George Westberry. “Conducting a Cost Analysis.” In Southeastern Peach Grower’s Handbook, editors–Dan Horton and Donn Johnson. Bulletin 1171, March 2004. Http://www.ent.uga.edu/Peach/peach_handbook/hbk.htm 6 Popp, Jennie S. and Claude L. Dorminey. “Orchard Business Records.” In Southeastern Peach Grower’s Handbook, editors–Dan Horton and Donn Johnson. Bulletin 1171, March 2004. Http://www.ent.uga.edu/Peach/peach_handbook/hbk.htm Popp, Michael, Brenda Chorney and Terry Keisling. “A Case Study on Rotational Grazing and Riparian Zone Management: Implications for Producers and a Conservation Agency.” Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education 33(2004):28-34. Popp, Michael P., Carl R. Dillon and Jennie S. Popp. “Transferability Issues of Soybean Research: A Regional Example.” Agricultural Systems 81(2004:213-226. Popp, M., J. Edwards, L. Purcell and P. Manning. “Early Maturity Soybean in a Late Maturity Environment.” Agronomy Journal 96(2004):1711-1718. Rainey, Daniel V. and Olga I. Murova. “Arkansas Public School Districts Efficiency Estimation: Is Restructuring Necessary?” Journal of Educational Research & Policy Studies 3,2(Fall 2004):1-22. Rainey, Daniel V. and Olga Murova. “Factors Influencing Education Achievement.” Applied Economics 36(2004):2397-2404. Rainey, Daniel V. and Olga I. Murova (senior authorship shared) “Data Envelopment Analysis of Efficiency Estimation in Public Schools,” Empirical Economic Letters. 3,4(2004):. Shiptsova, Rimma, H. L. Goodwin, Jr. and Rodney B. Holcomb.
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