'lye Clinton Republican. t a 51ST YEAR-NO. 19 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9,1906. WHOLE NO. 2619 VARIOUS TOPICS. An Enjoyable Trip Mahv from St. Johns and vioinity THE CHURCHES . The unusual prevalence of typhoid NERVY HORSE THIEVES left Tuesday on an excursion to MAPLE BIPIDS ROAD HEIRS TO BIG ESTATE fever lias been noted by Secretary Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Nearly Rev. J. W. Lawrence, of Augusta, Shumway, of the state board of health. all will return at the eud of the Mich., delivered two practical ser­ twelve days’ excursion, but a number mons in the Methodist Episcopal Legislative Candidates Doing _ in Stole Span, Buggy and Har- will take advantage of the low rates Interest in Project Growing, church Sunday morning and eveniug. Valuable Site May Belong to wells is probably responsible for tlio to visit relatives in various places in Rev. James B. Pinckard attended Some Talking outbreaks. He advises the boiling of ness from Swain Farm New York state. Among those who Public Meeting Held the state campmeeting at Eaton Ra­ Clinton County People . , i water for drinking purposes went from here were: The Misses Mary. Louise, Margaret, Caroline pids the latter part of the week, aud aud Mable Kelly, Miss. Helen Gib- over Sunday and the first of the week P08ITI0MS MADE KNOWN Prosecuting Attorney William M $100 REWARD OFFERED INVESTIGATING^ 'ROUTES attended the campmeeting at Long LOCATED IN BUFFALO bard, Mrs. Lillie Lamb and son, Lake. Smith was iu Lansing Wednesday George aud William Judd, Miss Cora Other Candidates Are Invited to Use and today, attending the Michigan By Sheriff' for Return of Property and Church, Mrs. Fanny Gay, Miss Ioue Road Will be offrrat Benefit to This Rev. W. O. Allen, of Gaylord, for­ Dr, Alton JefTerie* and Attorney J. G. These Columns if They so Desire Association of Chiefs of Police, Slier Arrest of Thieves Rvau. Mrs. Murdo McDonald and Section merly pastor of the Congregational iffs and Prosecuting Attorneys. Mr. daughters, Graoe aud Floreuce, Mr. church here delivered two very good Patterson Investigating Records Smith gave a talk before the associa aud Mrs. Clinton Roschon au<l Mr. sermons in tlie Congregational church FROM W. A. NORTON, ST. JOHNS. tfou this morning. Banquets, trolley Some time between 9 o ’clock Mon aud Mrs. W. B. Casterline, of Essex. A public meeting was held at the Sunday. He will preach for the next Dr. Alton Jefferies, of this city, At­ and auto mobile rides were enjoyed by day night and 5 o ’clock Tuesday court house Tuesday evening and prop ­ two Sundays here. torney J. G. Patterson, of Fowler, and As I am frequently asked the ques­ the association. morning, a span of bay horses aud ositions concerning the proposed elec­ tion. 1 will state my principal rea­ Jonas Williams, of Grand Rapids, left rubber-tired buggy were stolen from tric line known as the Detroit, Saginaw BAPTIST NOTES Tuesday for Buffalo, New York, where sons, for being a candidate for the the farm of Fred aud Frank S. Swain ALMOST FATAL ACCIDENT & Grand Rapids Railway, were started legislature: In order that they might attend an “How to worship God on a summer they will confer with Attorneys Lewis one and one-half miles south of the by FarnhamBros., of Farmington, the & Lewis, of that city, iu regard to (a) —Having practiced the law Adventist campmeeting seven miles city. promoters, and discussed by directors Sunday evening without going to for the past twenty-eight years, I away, Mr. aud Mrs. David Thomas, of Horse Became Frightened at Car and church ” will be the first of a series records concerning the Eilicott Square One of the horses which was stolen and citizens. Building site, in that city in which feel like takiug a hand in making 8 t* Charles, left their four children was not turned into the lot with Injured Young Man As previously stated, the proposition of “Summer Sermons, ” beginning some of it. Especially would I like alone at home Sunday. A lamp explod Sunday morning. Tlie two following it is believed Jonas Williams and Dr. uiue others until 9 o ’clock Monday is that $2,000 a mile be raised from St. Jefferies’ children, Beatrice and Thom ­ to have a voice in making provision ed setting fire to the house and one of night, so it is known that they were Johns to St. Louis via Maple Rapids on successive Sunday mornings wifi for the constitutional convention the children was burned to death. Had While Mrs. Susau Ferrier, of Riley, be, “Angels of Summer” aud “Sum as. have interests as heirs of Joseph stolen after that hour. The thief or aud her nephew, Ross Scott, were aud the Faruham Bros, will complete Eilicott, deceased, of Maple Rapid 3. that is to draft a new constitution to it not been for the heroism of John thieves entered the barn north of the the road. This is considered a reason ­ mer Devils.” There will be no even be submitted to the people for the Thomas, ag*-d 12, all four would probably nearing the interurbau line at ing service during August. Joseph Eilicott, the first, was at one have perished. residence of Frank Swuiu and took Schwabb ’s crossing Tuesday evening, able sum aud the promoters suggest time a surveyor for the Holland Land their adoption. the buggy into the lot north of the their horse became frightened at an that the aniout be raised by persons Tlie pastor will preach at Shepards (b) —In repealing or amending \ Co., of Buffalo, N. Y. This old gen ­ house aud exchanged the thills for approaching car aud despite the efforts takiug stock in the company, but it ville at 2:30 p. m. ami at the Parker tleman leased to the city of Buffalo “Indeterminate Sentence Law,’’ Attorney General Bird has received pole Two horses were then caught may be paid iu cash or by work. • scnool house at 7:30 p. m. Everyone that one set of officers will not of Mr. Scott, who was holding the for 60 years nearly a block of land, a copy of the new naturalization law and hitched to the buggy aud the horse by the head, the animat dashed It was thonght best to go over an ­ is cordially iuvited. upon which now stands iu the heart hired to prove a man belongs recently signed by President Roose team driven north from the farm to other route between St. Johns and The ladies aid society will sell baked state’s prison and then another into the car, overturning the buggy. of Buffalo, Eilicott Square building, velt. It places many new restric Joe Potter ’s residence on Lansing Mr. i$cott was quite badly hurt about Maple Rapids so that there would be goods in the window of Karcher ’s one of the finest office buildings in the put to work to fiud out whether tious aud safeguards about the process street, then east aud were tracked to the head aud hipis aud wasnuconscious two routes to select from aud a deci • meat market Saturday afternoon, Aug world. not this same man is where he be ­ of transforming foreigners into Amer­ the foot of Oakland steet south. sion made in favor of the one along ust 11. longs. uutil 9 o ’clock Wednesday morning. This Joseph Eilicott had a brother ican citizens. The clerks of all courts The loss was not discovered until Fortunately for Mrs. Ferrier, she which the most money coaid be raised who had two sons. These sons each (c) —In repealing the election law having jurisdiction in naturalization Tuesday morning when the horses and which gave promise of the most CONQREOATIONAL CHURCH NOTES that permits a case to be sent to cases are required to make certification escaped with slight bruises. had a son, and each son was named were taken from the lot and it was Mr Scott resides at Central Lake, patronage. Byron Danley, president Rev. W. C. Allen will conduct the Joseph Eilicott, aud were designated another county and court for trial to the department at Washington that found that the two best roadsters of the Business Men ’s Association, without the exercise of the sound Antrim county, and hqd ,been here to usual morning services. No services as Joseph Eilicott, the elder, of Batav­ they are duly qualified clerks of such were missing. Officers were at once attend the fnneral of his sister, Mrs. who presided'at the meeting, appoint ­ will be held iu the eveuiug. ia, an! Joseph Eilicott, the younger discretion of the court before whom courts Blanks will be forwarded to notified aud have been investigating Ai-temisia Scott Although soacely ed J. S. Wolcott to go over auother of Medina it was commenced these clerks and they must carefully since Tuesday morning A reward o:' able to make the jonrney he started route with Faruham Bros., Wednes ­ At the time of the leasing ot the (d) —In providing for the election account for each one aud return any >60 is offered for the return of the for home Wednesday afternoon, War­ day, ami this route will also be sur­ property. Joseph, the elder of Batavia, of the tax commissioners by the that may be mutilated dr not used. projierty. and $60 for the arrest of veyed. The distance to Maple Rapids BUSINESS CHANGE people. ing that his wife, who has very poor was abont 24 years old and Joseph, the No certificate of naturalization may the thief or thieves. health, would hear of the accident aud by the proposed route is teu ami three- younger, of Medina, about 8 years of Je)—lu making it a criminal be issued within 90 days prior to a The horses are described as follows quarter miles.
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