dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 1 EEll OfCfCicial Qurrarteoorly Punnblicatiionc cof thóóe nn SANDOVAL COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY President :Ken Kloeppel Editor: Roy C. Skeens Volume 24, No4 December, 2014 IItt’’ss PPaarrttyy TTiimmee-- SSuunnddaayy DDeecceemmbbeerr 1144tthh—— Time to Please eat,drink bring and be your merry favorite with dish to friends, accompany old the ham and and turkey new. dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 2 El Cronicón President’s Message Hola amigos, After four years as acting President of the SCHS I wish to bid a final farewell to our members and staff. I have enjoyed the time as president and I will always remember the many posi- tive experiencesI have had in the Delavy house. Our associa- tion has grown and become a model for the type of volun- teer effort many historical societies wish to achieve. I want to thank all the board members for their enthusiastic sup- port over the years. I hope our members will continue to attend the meetings, bring in new faces, and continue to give graciously to our future success. Mil gracias, Ken Kloeppel www.sandovalhistory.org/ Check out our web site that Ben Blackwell puts together for all current information on the Society: Page 2 dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 3 December, 2014 SEPTEMBER MEETING they hustled people in the pool hall for 25 It’s back to school at Our Lady of cents and make $3 or $4. He played basket - ball and they had games at AHS, St Mary’s, Sorrows and the Christian Alb. Indian School, Menaul School, and Brothers School. Santa Fe among others. They played El Paso where he remembered that every time El Ken Kloeppel talked about the Nuns Paso players dribbled the ball, Bernalillo during 1957 to 1959, and how they man - would steal it. Finally, the El Paso coach told aged to get them to work hard and do their his players to just PASS the ball, don’t drib - homework! Sometimes they would have a ble. Bernalillo lost that game by 30 points. movie for 5cents, too. Lionel graduated in 1950. Miranda Sapien remembers going to Orlando Lucero graduated in 1962 and High School in Bernalillo and Sister Ann one of his most vivid memories is of the 3 Thomas was the principal. There was no hole outhouse used by boys and girls at the bus for the students at that time. They had same time-or maybe it was a dream. classes in the El Zocalo building which Anyway, he remembered Brother Andrew included home economics where they punishing them if they spoke Spanish. He learned manners, cooking, sewing, and spent 8 yrs inside at lunch time, writing table setting among other things. They had lines on the board, and then would tell the a senior dance at the Hilton Hotel and there other kids vamanos—and he was in trouble was also a banquet and the Les Brown again ! Mrs. Aragon was his teacher in 2 nd orchestra played. They took a class trip to grade. He worked after school mopping Carlsbad Caverns. floors. He recalled doing a photo history in 1972 with Martha Liebert and how much Lionel Rael from Sile went to school in that meant to him. Bernalillo and had to live with the Nuns. Henry Perea and Roy Rivera lived with Ophelia Rinaldi graduated in 1951, with them also. He recalls being here before the 22 other students. She remembers how shy flood- and after the flood-that long? After she was when she came here in the 6 th the flood they moved across the street from grade. She hardly talked and never got pun - the church. The Nuns would bring them ished. Well, one time in grade school for cookies and milk in the evenings when they chewing gum. were ready for bed—little did they know the boys would sneak off downtown where Continued Page 3 dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 4 El Cronicón Roannie Aragon played basketball for Bill Sapien came to NM in 1957 after telling Coach Joe Kloeppel, which was one of his his parents he wanted to go to UNM not to favorite memories. He went to Roosevelt in college in Greeley Colorado. He has been on the 1 st grade and then in 2 nd grade went to the finance committee of the church for 20 the Christian Brothers. The Brothers had an years, and has gone to many games at the orchard and when they pruned the trees they OLOS gym. When he married Miranda gaso - made a huge bonfire and the kids bobbed for line was 25cents a gallon, and he was shocked apples. They also had a track meet on the last during a trip to AZ that gas was 50 cents a gal - Sunday of the school year. The kids could lon. His family has been active in Bernalillo enter 5 events. He remembers the Perez’ from since his attended college at UNM. He did not the Bosque led the WORLD in chin ups. When go to school in Bernalillo, but has been active he was a sophomore, future Bernalillo coach here ever since he married, and has raised his Henry Sanchez played with St. Mary’s and family here. OLOS beat them !! When he was in 4 th grade they took a field trip to the Coronado Leah Madrid graduated in 1957 after her Monument where John Sinclair was the cura - mother sent her to the Bernalillo School, tor. Sinclair told Brother Agustin to take the where she boarded, from Anton Chico where road on the walk back to school-don’t cut her Grandfather lived.She thought education across the field as there were many rat - was fabulous and challenging and that reading tlesnakes. Roannie remembered in 1956 was such a big part of her life. She often when they played the District Championship romanticized about her mother being picked game in Moriarity. Joe Kloeppel was the coach up at the train depot by an Indian man in a and as they started across the gym floor the surrey. She remembers when they won a State crowd, which was ¾ from Bernalillo, broke championship and Rocky Arroyo was coach. into a thunderous applause. He graduated in Her parting words were that there should 1957 with 20 other students. never be a day when we don’t learn something. Max C de Baca graduated in 1960 with 20 Arby Aragon graduated in 1963, and other students. He recalls it being such a attended OLOS for 7 years. He learned good close knit school. When the kids in his chem - values, discipline, and respect. He was student istry class wanted to distract their teacher Joe body president. Arby remembers that Sister Kloeppel they would start talking about an Henrietta taught music, and one time after upcoming game. Max said it worked every breaking her hip she returned to teach her 5 time. music classes the very next day. Page 4 dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 5 December, 2014 UUpcoming Programs Mary Edivigen graduated in 1949 with 48 other students. Her father came to Bernalillo when 9 yrs old, and she was born and raised JANUARY: in Santa Ana Pueblo. Her father worked for Sunday January 11th the Seligmans for 72 years. He gave her a Dirk Van Hart presents candy bar every week and she took it to The day the calendar hiccuped (or when school-the kids told her that her Dad was rich 10 Days went “poof”). In 45 BC the Roman and must own the mercantile ! She married leader Julius established his Julian Calendar , Frank Garcia who was in the army for 33 but it contained a tiny goof. Sixteen centuries years. They raised 4 children and she later that “little goof” had become a big one. returned to UNM for her degre In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian Calendar , which jettisoned 10 days reported by Karen Lermuseaux and thus became the standard for the Catholic world (including New Spain). Not to be bossed around by any insolent pope, the Protestant world self-righteously resisted. The British Thirteen Colonies stubbornly hung onto the obsolete Julian Calendar until 1752. This is why George Washington has two birth - days. Today we explore this fascinating histo - ry of history. FEBRUARY Sunday February 8th Bob Smith tells stories of old route 66 MARCH Sunday March 8th Henrietta Christmas presents the history of Sandoval County thru geneology Page 5 dec14El Cron.qxp_Dec 07 12/18/14 6:05 PM Page 6 El Cronicón Government. Next, in Jemez Pueblo the RR LOGGING IN BERNALILLO went right through the middle of the village and through their croplands, despite the Ken Kloeppel has researched the more than 50 Pueblo objections. They would sabotage the years of logging history in Bernalillo.He pre - tracks often and derail the trains. The RR sented these findinds at our October meeting crossed the Jemez River and the Guadalupe Mr. Sidney Weil began organizing a railroad River and went in to the Guadalupe Box. At from Bernalillo to the Jemez mountains in the Box, the huge walls of granite were dyna - 1920 as he recruited investors. He envisioned mited for 3/8 of a mile at a cost of $500,000 an extension of the RR from San Ysidro to for 2 tunnels (the Gilman Tunnels) to gain Cuba and eventually to Farmington. In 1922 access to the San Diego/ Canon Land Grant the Porter family from West Virginia bought and 160,000 acres of forest for logging.
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