VOLUME 40, NUMBER 46. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1946. TWELVE PAGES. Dr. Cumming's to No Candidates on Formal Institution Thumb Students Business Changes Address Community Gavel Club Village Ticket for Receive Degrees Workers Club Next Tuesday • Entertained Ladies Clerk Assessor OfV.F.W.PostHere Eighty-six Michigan State Col- And New Trading lege students — 62 Michigan resi- "New Developments in Public When Cass City voters call for dents and 24 from out-of-state— Health" will be the subject of an the ballots to elect village officers, are candidates for degrees at the Places on Main St. address by Dr. G. D. Cummings, di- Tuesday Evening they will notice that there are no Next Monday close of the winter term, March " 6, For Red Cross rector of the Bureau of Laborato- candidates' names appearing on according to .Robert S. Linton, reg- ries, here next Tuesday evening Colorful FaiVors and Cor- the ticket for clerk and assessor. istrar. Eight graduate students Hotel and Funeral Home before the Cass City Community Warren Wood, named for clerk ajt Forty-nine Veterans Have will receive advanced degrees. Township Quota Is $1,000; club, according to an announce- sages Were Presented to the caucus, and Raymond McCul- No commencement activities are Chairman Hopes Citizens Acquired New .Owners ment of Howard Wooley, program lough, nominated assessor, both Made Application for planned for this time, but gradu- the Evening's Guests chairman. The dinner, preceding notified Village Clerk Otto Pries- Membership in Society ates who are awarded degrees at Will Subscribe Liberally Early This Week korn that they wanted their names the end of the term may participate withdrawn from the list of nomi- in graduation exercises in June. The Gavel club members enter- nees. To vote for these two offices, Candidates for degrees from the Twenty workers in Cass City With the advent of the robins tained their ladies at an annual af- the names of candidates must be Plans were completed at the Upper Thumb are: Joyce Omeara, will canvass the village on Friday, and indications of spring weather, fair in their honor at the Home written or pasted on the ballot. meeting here Monday evening for Kinde; Winston Decker, Decker- March 15, for contributions for the comes the news of business restaurant on Tuesday evening, Next Monday is election day and the formal institution of the new ville; Alice Curry, Caro. American Red Cross and five oth- changes and the establishment of March 5. the proposition to bond the village Veterans of Foreign Wars post, to ers will work in the rural sections new businesses along Main street. The tables were decorated with for the purpose of adding to the be known as the Cass City Memo- on a like mission. The Gordon hotel was sold Mar. colorful favors made by Clarence village water supply system, water rial Post NO. 6389. The affair|-]\|iss Kennedy Wed in Elkland , township's quota is 5 by the Misses Ann and Elizabeth Burt and Glenn McCullough. After softening equipment machinery will be open to the public and will | $1,000.00 and Mrs. Chester L. Kleinschmidt to Kenneth Cumper a delicious ham dinner, Dr. Edwin will be-decided. Only electors own- take place next Monday, Mar. 11, j MemUHlite CllUTCh Graham, township campaign chair- of Sandusky. The hotel has been C. Fritz, club president, welcomed ing property assessed for taxation at the school auditorium starting] man, anticipates that this commu- the property of the Kleinschmidt the guests and appointed Rev. and the wives and husbands of at 7:45 p. m. A very impressive wedding was nity will go way above the quota family since April 10, -1930, and Prank B. Smith of Detroit, critic such electors are entitled to vote The local post is sponsored by solemnized Saturday, Feb. 23, at!assigned to Elkland. has been managed by the Misses on this proposition. the 'Tuscola County post of Caro, for the evening. and the V. F. W. post from Sagi- one o'clock in the afternoon in the | In the rural sections, Mrs. El- Kleinschmidt since 1938 when their Brewster Shaw was introduced Mennonite Brethren in Christ mer Bearss, Mrs. John Zinnecker, brother, Charles, passed away. naw will be present to do the rit- church when Miss Wilma Caroline Mrs. Lawrence Bartle, Delbert The Kleinschmidts give possesion as toastmaster and he presented ualistic work. Refreshments will Vernon Waite, who "directed in be served by the Ladies' Auxil- Kennedy, only daughter of Mr. and Profit, Mrs. John Marsall, Jr., and to the new owner on April 1. They group singing. Mrs. John Kennedy, of Cass City,! Mrs. Ed Golding will canvass the are undecided where they will iary of the Caro post. Dr. Don Miller presented cor- Michigan A cordial invitation is extended became the bride of Theodore C. j territory. make their future home. Mr. sages to the ladies, with a few only son of Mr. and Mrs. In the village the solicitors are Cumper recently sold his restau- well-timed remarks. Cameron Wal- Wahl, of Ann ArDor- The | Willis Campbell (school), Mrs. rant business in .Sandusky 'and last lace gave a history of the city whn TYin^r ^in "haVP i ceremony was performed in the ' Clarence Burt (condensery), Mrs. November purchased the Ren- Mirror of this 1 park and told of plans for its fu- SwSr familSf presence of relatives and friends, Dorus Benkelman, Mrs G. W. Lan- men or women Xium UltSU O-eUimieto, ,~... - , _<•/-< m.,, i/1,-vn TVTuo TJV^ri TV/Toi™ TV/K^ T ^,-,-^0 dezvous restaurant here from. ture as foreseen by the Gavel club. Gumia11 t of Cagg City< don, Mrs. Fred Maier, Miss Laura Frank Jaster. Directly after he in the Service. Mr. Waite presented five students Forty-nine have made applica- The bride, given in marriage by Maier, Mrs. Clifton Champion, leased the restaurant to Peter lin a musical selection. To complete f INTERPRETING THE NEWS f her father, was attired in a floor- Mrs. Ernest Croft, Mrs. C. L. Rob- DeBlois and on March 1 sold that tion for membership in the new j the program', Cecil ' Brown talked post. The names of those who length gown of white satin taffeta ' inson, Mrs. Willis Campbell, Mrs. business to Mr. DeBlois. In the on the proposed water softening with a white tulle finger tip veil J Omar Glaspie, Mrs. E. B. Schwad- near future, the dining room in the Dr. Cummings. By Gene Alleman joined the society Monday evening project for the village. are Delbert Strickland, John Ash- which fell from a coronet of seed i erer, Mrs. B. F. Benkelman, Jr., hotel will also be operated by Mr. the program at the school audito- Rev. and Mrs. Frank B. Smith pearls and orange blossoms. Her j Mrs. Ben Kirton, Mrs. M. C. Mc- and Mrs. DeBlois, who will con- "They c 11 ^Walter Reuther a more, Melvin Vender, Archie Mc- rium, will be served by the Bethel of Detroit were guests. Callum, Andrew Kozan, Anthony arm bouquet was of white gladioli, I Lellan, Mrs. R. M. Taylor, Mrs. tinue their restaurant business as Ladies' Aid society. 'screwball economist' in the news- and a white mother of pearl neck-i Keith McConkey, Mrs. Frank Hall, usual. Mr. Cumper will operate paper editorials," snorted August Kapala, Joseph Jerome Gruber, Dr. Cummings has been a mem- Scholle, referring to Michigan Harry Wise and Ross Koffman. lace, a gift of the groom brought and Mrs. Floyd Reid, the hotel part of the building. ber of the staff of the Michigan from Italy, was her only jewelry. Efforts will be made by solid- Harry L. Little of Detroit this Scouts Entertain newspaper editors. "Yet the same The following are the officers Department of Health Laborato- who will serve the new post: Mrs. Jack VanBeelen of Carson tors to cover their districts thor- week purchased the funeral home ries for 20 years, the last two as editors show a total disregard for City, a former college roommate \ oughly on Friday, Mar. 15. How- of Hugh Munro on West Main W S. C. Members consistency. They say that labor Commander, Millard Ball. of the bride, was matron of honor, j ever, the campaign does not close director. He received his under- has grown up and should assume Concluded on page 6. street together with its equipment j, graduate training at the Massa- „,, , . ,, ,. ,, Her dress was peach net over silk j until the last day of March, t„o which™ h e ha• is, iadde d ™ *?7,chusetts Institute of Technology, I The .bi-weekly meeting of the responsibility. How can we as- jersey and she carried a bouquet Henney-Olds ambulance Mr Little !j uter Mg Doctor of Philosopty'j Cass City Woman's Study rfub was sume responsibility for full em- held ployment and yet limit ourselves in of picardy gladioli. spent his boyhood in Yale, finished fmfromm thfthie uUniversit,Tliversitvy ofo fM Michiganichi«m. , Tuesday afternoon, Mar. 5, at Miss Iris Terry of Ann Arbor 4-H Fair Board his mortician internship in Pt. and his 'Doctor of Medicine from the home of" Mrs. A. J. Knapp. ' collective bargaining to wages, For Month of Feb. / Concluded on page 12. Huron and was licensed in 1930. i Wayne university. During the business meeting, hours and working conditions?" Elected in Sanilac He managed a funeral home for stay in the labora- conducted by the president, Mrs. Scholle, the speaker, is the pres- two years, traveled for a casket tories he has had a thorough train- Ernest Croft, the club voted to give ident of the Michigan State C.
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