iNET PRESS RUNl THE WE.ATHER. WERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX OF THE EVENTNG HERALD for the month of April, 1926. Generally fair tonight and Fri­ 4,837 anrheater lEarnttig day. (TWELVE PACES) PRICK THREE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 191. Classlfled AdTertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1926. PIISUDSKI TO ALL A-TIPTOE BOSS POLAND BRITISH RAILROADERS BALK; AWAITING THE NORGE AS M A T O R ---- t; ---------------------------------------------- - 1 TOWERMAN DER.AILS FIVE ] In Full Military Control at NEW CRISIS DISPLACESJEACE Fairbanks, Alaska, Reports CARS, SAVES DISASTER I Atlanta, Ga.. May 13.— Pres- j Warsaw and Will Take Dirigible Over American once of mind of a sentry In a j Nome Eagerly Awaits Him railroad tower im the Bellwood i STRIKE EFFECT yards here today prevented a ^ Over the Government Continent and Far North major rail disaster. | MANY REFUSE K: mims The guardsman in the tower j Tonight. Metropolis Turns to Busi'| derailed five coaches of the ; WILL BE FELT “ Flamingo” , crack Nashville, ■''A A ' V Chattanooga and St. Louis Chi- | ? A A \ v ness of Greeting— Trans-1 cago-to-Florida train, after part i Warsaw, Poland, May 13.— of the train has passed a | MAMONTHS TO GO BACK TO THE JOB Marshal Pilsudskl is in complete switch and was in imminent | control of Warsaw and it is und­ polar Flight to Have Glo-| danger of colliding with anoth- ! erstood that he intends 40 CH^e qy- er train. Enormous Losses Sure to ELIZABETH ALEXANDRA Two negro Pullman porters er' the government functions to­ MARY OF HOUSE OF YORK rious Finish. were injured and a half a doz­ night. Trade Unionists Are Uglj en passengers bruised and The marshal has refused to ne­ Work Hardship on All London, May 13.— Elizabeth London, May 13.— The dirigible shaken, when the five Pullmans gotiate with the Witos government Alexandra '.'ary, is the name left the rails an'i fell on their Over Settlement — Man5 Norge has reached Alaska and Is which has retired to that saction chosen for the daughter recent­ sides. of the city which is under the pro­ Classes, Industrial Lead­ ly born to the Duke and Duch­ proceeding to Nome, according to tection of loyal government troops. ess of York. The name Is a Volunteers Still at Work; an Exchange Telegraph dispatch The number of Pilsudski troops combination of the names of from Fairbanks, Alaska, this after­ ers Point Out. is increasing hourly. the child’s mother, grandmoth­ noon. Pilsudski forces have now occu­ er, Queen Mary, and great­ Government Continnes to Nome. Alaska, May 13.— This MEMORIAL HOSPITAL pied the principle public buildings grandmother, the late Queen far north community is all a-tiptoe and military barracks. London, May 13.— British in­ Alexandra. today, watching the skies for the Operate Services — Spe­ Picking Cabinet dustry— which was suffering from j appearance of the Norge. serious depression before the gen­ The greatest excitement and en­ PUT IN FIRST CLASS Marshal Pilsudski has already thusiasm has prevailed in this far begun the selection of members of eral strike threw it entirely out of | cial Police Are Retained; northern outpost. his cabinet, so certain is he of the gear— today faces many months of VONHINDENBURG Anticipating his arrival. Captain ultimate success of his coupe. stupendous effort to make up the Trouble in Coal and Dock Amundsen wired from Spitzbergen Trustees Informed Tester-^ In a radio message broadcast to to Ralph Lomen, Norwegian vice Europe, setting forth his aims, losses resulting from the stoppage. consul here to have 100 men ready the marshal declares that lie will The cost of the strike to tho na­ A GERMAN ANCHOR Districts — Seme Con­ to handle ropes in units of ten day of High Rank— Offi-j dissolve the Polish parliament. tion runs into at least nine figures, men each. Beilin Not Informed and estimates of its cost range from There was no sleep in Nome last cers Are Re-elected. I Berlin, May 13.— Communica­ 8 2.50,000,000 to several billions of | cerns Bar Strikers. night, the entire population stay­ tion between Berlin and Warsaw is dollars. President Is Only Factor of ing up to welcome the daring interrupted and the exact status The loss In trade alone Is calcu­ Amundsen and his co-explorers. of tlie Polish revolution is in lated in responsible quarters at London, May IS.— 'The govern­ A field one mile north of the That the Manchester Memorial doubt. $100,000,000 a day. Stability in Mixed Political ment stepi>ed Into the breach to­ city was in readiness to receive i i.ospltal is an institution deserving The latest official advices from Not Felt For Week.s night and eame to the aid of la­ the Norge. Cables have been of the support of Manchester peo­ Warsaw dcclar-'d that the govern­ Industrial leaders pointed out to­ strung entirely around this field to ment had the nation well under Situation. bor, which virtnally faced a lock­ ple in the $35,000 campaign which day that the full economic effects insure a safe landing. control and tlniL the Pilsudski fore oi the strike will not be felt for out as employers placed restric­ The entire city of Nome and alt is being carried on, was shown at es were making no progress. many \;eeks yet, but that the loss tions on the retniTi of strikers to surrounding posts was decorated the regular monthly meeting of the Other advices told of street to tlie country is so enormous that Berlin, May 13. — President their Jobs. in honor of the occasion. trustees held In the hospital build­ fighting in the subnrbs of Warsaw it will work hardships upon all <;onimittccs and Everything Hindenburg stands out today as the Premier Baldwin In the House oi ing late yesterday afternoon. Dur­ and declared that there had been classes. Reception committees had b^en many casualties. Winston Churchill, chancellor of one stable factor In the German Commons announced that the gov- ing the session a report of the visit appointed and all arrangements One report states that the revo­ Raold .Imumlscn. the exechequer, has already begun polii'cal crisis. emment will not "countenance any completed for the biggest demon­ of Dr. Carl Eaton, representative of lutionaries have taken o’ \r the to assemble a supplementary esti­ Tho Luther Cabinet is carrvlng stration in the history of the Arc­ the American College of Surgeons, attempt on tho part of employers presidential palace and otluu- pub­ mate of the costs of the strike to on in the luterlm, but Karr Luther tic. was read. This revealed that Dr. lic buildings, while conflicting re­ the government, for the mainten­ to force wage reductions against No direct communication with has asked the preside .t to relieve Eaton had again placed the local ports state that government troops ance of the essential services and 1‘etuming strikers.” the dirigible has yet been estab­ hospital in the Class A group. are in possession of all stragetic STATE MAY START the increasing of the police and the him of his duties as sooa a? possi­ lished. ABANDON HOPE FOR Ir. Eaton is one of the board of points. movement of troops. ble. London, T^Iay 13.— Britain’s in- A feature of the city’s decora­ inspectors from the American Col­ Meeting of Troops Heavy Taxes Coining No siffglc person stands out as dtistTial strife continues. tions is a liuge bunting arch with lege of Surgeons in Chicago who Mutiny of a number of troops the probable next premier. The the words ‘‘From Rom-' to Nome.” ITS OWN PRINTERY Parliament will be asked to ap­ Half a million railway xvorkera makes visitations at all the hospi­ appears certain and it is reported LIFE OF J. T. KING propriate funds for the govern- names of Dr. Luther, Herr Strese- Over the flying field enormous tals In the United States. It is his here that both the monachists and mann, Herr Jarres and former today decided to continue on strike. letters spelling out the names m.ent’s expenses, and there is no work to investigate conditions at the Facisti have come out in fav­ doubt but what extraordinary taxes Chancellor Marx have all been This decision was taken after the “ Norge” and “Amundsen” had the hospitals and to classify tliem. or of Marshal Pilsudski as dicta­ mentioned, but it is doubtful been drawn. will be levied to meet these expen- railroad companies had issued a The Chicago college is composed of tor. Bridgeport Politician Kept Board of Control Asks Con­ citures. whether any of these could muster No Direct News some of the best doctors in the Though the report declares that the necessary majority. joint statement that employes who Bremerton, Wash., May. 13.— Al­ The aftermath o<‘ the strike al­ country. Dr. Eaton came to the the recently named premier Witos ready threatens a serious Increase Flag Episode struck had broken their contracts though naval radio stations in Manchester Memorial hospital Sat­ has resigned, other reports state Alive Only Through the troller to Investigate Ad- The situation is further confus­ and they would he taken back only Alaska have heard signals from the in the number of unemployed, urday. He was met by the local that he has gathered the loyal wlilch had been reduced to a low ed by the public passions which on conditions which xvould make Dirigible Norge, now believed head­ hospital visiting staff which is com­ army about him, has called for vol have been aroused by the contro­ another general strike improbable, ing for Nome, after passing north­ Use of Oxygen.
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