United Nations Nutions Unies uX3EZZRICTED S/842 SECURITY CONSEIL 16 ~wte 1948 COUNCIL DE SECUHTE ORIGINAL: ENGLISI REPORT TO THE ~ECURXY CO:JXCIL ON TS FEZilAL '.. CONFEREKE O?EHED IN BatSDUNGON 2-7 WY 1588 1 .: . ..,. ..* _ - - _ ~. * . .:_. , . .: .z.: :- .:: /TABLE OF CONTENTS ' Y/842 ?3gEl 2 'IABE OF CONTENTS 1. Letter from the Committee of Good Offices on the Indonesian *uestion addressed to the President of the Security Council . 3 2. Retort to the dccwitjt Council on the Federal Conference opened in ~anaung on 27 MSY 1948 . ..w..*..*.....*. 4 Appendix I - Letter dated 23 May from the Republican delegation. 9 Appmdix II - L&tar dated 3 June from the Netherlands delegation colnmentiq on the letter dated 23 ~Mag fromtha Republican delegation..................... 14 Annex I to Al;Rend.ix II - Invitation to the Couference issued by tha Provisional Federal Govermtent of Iixdonesia........ l . ..L..... ‘. 16 Annex II to ApRentix II -Speech lzeda by the Lieutenant ' . Govemor-Gmeral at the opening of Federal Conference at %inawg.......... 22 App&ix III - L&tar dated 26 Nay from the Iietheerlands aelegation in reply to the letter d&tea 25 May From tha Coattee of Good Offices . 31 Appeidix IV - Letter dated 28 May from the Republican delegation .,s:i. :I in rapQ to tha latter dated 23 May from the Committee of Good Offices ..*....*...............,.. 33 s/42 Jcr,e 3 1. I‘ETiTR FRCNTHE COL~M!t'T~03 GOODOP'E'ICES 03 TRE INDCNESIP3 QUGTION ADDR=;ED TO TRE PmSm OF THE 3XXJFZ?X COUNCIL Hotel des Indes, Batavia, i 4 June 1948. We have the honour to Parward herewith a report based on e letter Prom the delegation of the Republic of' Indonesia on the subject OP the F&km1 ConPamm which opened at Bmdung, Java, on 27 ~Yag1948 (see Appendix I), together with the comenta of the delsgation of the Slngda of the Netherlands and OP the Committee of Good Offices. _,.. The rapresenixtives on the Comittee of Good OPPicsa take thie opportunity to renew to the President, and repmsmtatives on the Saxrity Council, the aasurancs of their Ughest coneideration. T. Critchley (Australin) R. Herremne (Belgim) C. du Bois (United States) The President Qf the SScUrity @Xulc& utitea.Nations, __ - .-,. Iake Success, Nsu York, /2. REPOIiTTO 2. XFORT TO THE SECGRIIX CSUNCII ON THE FEDERU CONEZZSNCE O?E?UD iI1 BANDUNS ON 27 WY 1948 1. The Ccmmittoe sf Good Ofrlcss received from the d313gatioil of tha R8.~etuhiic3f Icddnesia under data of 23 May a l&tar (Appandiu I) stating that t:le Soverr!ent cf the RecuoXc of Indonesia ~roposvd to submit directly td th3 3ecurii;y Council, in conformity with the Council's resolution of 28 Fobrzry 13@, a rslort on the subject oP th3 Federal Conference to be held under the auspices of the Netherlands Govezxment at Bandung on 27 .\lay 1$+8. The Committeewca invltsd by the delegation of the Republic of Indones1.ato furnish its own comm8ntson the r3port as soon as possible, and was aslxd to supdite the submission of cox%nen';sby the delegation of the Kingdom of the Notherlande in accordance with the Rrocedurs pr3viouslp agraed to by the parties in the Sheering Committee of the Confarence between the delegations of the Government of the Kingdomof the Nstherlands mci the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, under the auspices of the Coazittee of Good OYfices. 2. The Republican delegation's letter added that the representative of the Republican Government to the Secwity Council hwl been instructed to aek for a discus8ioo of the mattar at a fo&hcoming nsetiag on the Indonesian question or to ask for a ageclal aeasion. 3. Following an informs1 exchange of views betveen the pertlee and the Cozv&ttse of Good Offices, the ReGublicsn delegation's letter wa3 dieCuSesd at the 24th meting of tts Zteoring Conunittee on 31 by. At this meetiig both delegations outlined their views with regard to the Federal Conference as follows: Dr. %C@Tg(Nietl~eria&s b3L3gt~ia;l) notsd that the Republican letter or r,rotsst -badbeen written on 23 N-3. The BandungConference we23opened on 27 May and Dr. van Mook, ths Lt. Gawnor-General had on thst occasion msdsa lsngthy etatsment on the nature end aims of the C,onP3rsnce. Dr. Koets quoted the following passzgs Pros Dr. van Mook'a fqeech a.8 beIng rel3vva;lt to the discussion. "This may be the place to stats that the controversltie which Zseb the Republic rind UB divided would grove to be un+ortent if both sidss, but the Reg1bU.c in Rarticniar, had confidants in the athar party and would not always doubt matters that are agreed uson in principle." Dr. Hosts stated that the view of tho Nethorlsnds aslsgatiiln was that the B?nclung Confersnca was merely consultative, as evidenced by i-ta set-up and the wording of the invitations aant out to the articiwnts sometime ago. He maintained that certain alle@iona contained in the Republican protast were !&ounded in point of Zact and had bean caused by that /lack of losk z.1' :c::iidenc3 rsferred ta by t!z Lt. G~overnor-Genaral. He 93s3zi.efi thlt t!:;: l~ethe::la:ide Government tuat YeJeYre Lts right to co!Ls.:.I~ ;.,.:I<.. .,:,,e..e- . L it deemad necessary as .regzzQ ths Lt5re J?? I?..iw 3. !. 2 f 3iti:Ot.+ flat did not mean it WOiliG take dsG;.!.siva steps 01' b ir:d:,i;:;; dezisi 3119, It was a constltut:onol ri&t of every &tl.erl+ndw subject to RetFtlsc the prcser au2horiSies on any matter to whis:h t,::a citizen wished to draw attention, The C2ilLUil~ Conforera3 .tiodd ti:erc;vro ba aila to z&ic rsczmendations but these r3z~?m~z,l?tiona would have no binding s ,,.ior:ty; th3y w0ul.i merely be povid.ad for in the Renvilla l?AnciRlcs. He snncluded by stating that in the opinion of his delegation tL2r3 ~9s nothing in the set-up or in the holding of tha Randung Conference t!lat was in contrsvantion of eithe: the spirit or the letter o1 the Renville Principles. He d.seply regretted that the only er@menta shL?h, so far as he could see, the Republican dela,;stion Is;;'; fW%zd in suzFort of their allega%.ons were imIzeEslcn3 and not facts. Er. RORM{Republican delegation) said hs could not accept the statement of Dr. Poets that the Republican delegation's actions were based on a lack of confidence. His party had at all times endeavoured to act in sinceretg; but if in the present case the Republican aeleCstion had thought it fit to exercise the right given them to re_nrt directly to the 3ecurity Council it was because of the actions and pronouncementsof the Netherlands C-3vernmant. Even on the basis of Dr. Iioetsl argument that the Netherlands Cavernment had the right to consult jrhomsoever it deemednecessary, he thought such a consultation oaed not have taken the form of an isqresaive and elaborate conference with an extensive programme. He believed that Dr. v&z Xookla remark that they could n i continue to wait for the Republic indicated clearpi L.at the BXXUng Conference had much more than a cznaultative significance and that indeed it greatly andangered the wor:z which the Farties had undertakan with the assistar,ce of the Committee of ti0a Offices. At the c;ncluoion of this mseti~g it tres decided that the Republican delegeti~n shzuld aubnit its rezorc, as planned, and that the ccz.ments of the C.zamitz.eeof Good 0fI'i:es and the ;:stherlands delegation should be foraarded s~~ulteneously. 4. The conrznta of the Netherlands delogztion ou the Republican delegationts regort 3re attached hareto as Appendix II. 54 Inde;e&ex:tly of the action taken by the Recublisan dela[;atim and prior to IAs receipt of its letter, the Committee oZ C3od Ofiices had on 23 &!y q*?zrcs :cl to the tWias a lottn? statir.2 that, wSth s via:: to 'kely,'ng ?b‘.-32.?t 3 f devalorms~tn VP"_"I. -1.l -might affect its w?rk, the Committee ccnaieer9d 5h.t it Vould bc hel;ful if it could be sunplied uith information ccnca:n:oj LIU,r..r - A_^':&~-a1 Con?crenco, particularly on the ';lloYiilg points: (1.) 3-s;r~:sibilitjr fey the ccnvanin,v of the Ccnfar~nca. (2, I~3isor2 for callirg the Ccnferonce. (3) y~~<~lis or ot:ier &3nfitnd far t!ie Conl"ere:;ce; its extent and modes of ex::.-easi‘.on c (L) SLan~c,aLtC3n of tii6 Conferonca , particularly with rescect to the i 2-*.;1;+,ii;z of the delegates (personal details, sllch as Goiitical afPil%tions and recent posts halci!, the pestion of Frhcthsr the deiogatss are repres~entativcs, ~~1, if ao, of what states, territx-iea or populations, and the manner of selection of the delegates. (5) t&e&ion of whe,ther the list of th-.xeen invitees, agenda and othor information given in the Aneta dieRat& of 12 May can be _ conr'imed . (6) ~cccrmpl.&hcLnnteto be expected of the Conference. i7) The cecisiws or recomn&tions the Conference w-Ll.l.be eq,owesd $0 .&e (if - at-U), the proceduri under vhi’ch such decisions or ?ecommen&kionsmay be made and the identity of the persons or or:-.L%zations (on &ose behalf they may be madeand/or upon whom tkey mzy ba bindkg). (a) 'ip-leextent (if any) to which the Conference may be able to m&e kcisions or recommendationson matters l?nich are at present tile subzock 05 neOotiat.iolls between the Goverr~ents of the Engdom 0: -f&z Z?~~erla-& z&l the Repiblic 0-P Indonesie, (5) C~~osit102 (if ay) to the sending of delegates to tha Conference a~:t 502 sources lqithin the territo: "y controlled by tk Rqublic.
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