i “NLMS_483” — 2019/6/21 — 14:12 — page 1 — #1 i i i NEWSLETTER Issue: 483 - July 2019 50 YEARS OF MATHEMATICS EXACT AND THERMODYNAMIC AND MINE APPROXIMATE FORMALISM DETECTION COMPUTATIONS i i i i i “NLMS_483” — 2019/6/21 — 14:12 — page 2 — #2 i i i EDITOR-IN-CHIEF COPYRIGHT NOTICE Iain Moatt (Royal Holloway, University of London) News items and notices in the Newsletter may [email protected] be freely used elsewhere unless otherwise stated, although attribution is requested when reproducing whole articles. Contributions to EDITORIAL BOARD the Newsletter are made under a non-exclusive June Barrow-Green (Open University) licence; please contact the author or photog- Tomasz Brzezinski (Swansea University) rapher for the rights to reproduce. The LMS Lucia Di Vizio (CNRS) cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of Jonathan Fraser (University of St Andrews) information in the Newsletter. Views expressed Jelena Grbic´ (University of Southampton) do not necessarily represent the views or policy Thomas Hudson (University of Warwick) of the Editorial Team or London Mathematical Stephen Huggett (University of Plymouth) Society. Adam Johansen (University of Warwick) Bill Lionheart (University of Manchester) ISSN: 2516-3841 (Print) Mark McCartney (Ulster University) ISSN: 2516-385X (Online) Kitty Meeks (University of Glasgow) DOI: 10.1112/NLMS Vicky Neale (University of Oxford) Susan Oakes (London Mathematical Society) Andrew Wade (Durham University) NEWSLETTER WEBSITE Early Career Content Editor: Vicky Neale The Newsletter is freely available electronically News Editor: Susan Oakes at lms.ac.uk/publications/lms-newsletter. Reviews Editor: Mark McCartney MEMBERSHIP CORRESPONDENTS AND STAFF Joining the LMS is a straightforward process. For LMS/EMS Correspondent: David Chillingworth membership details see lms.ac.uk/membership. Policy Roundup: John Johnston Production: Katherine Wright Printing: Holbrooks Printers Ltd SUBMISSIONS The Newsletter welcomes submissions of fea- EDITORIAL OFFICE ture content, including mathematical arti- cles, career related articles, and microtheses London Mathematical Society from members and non-members. Submis- De Morgan House sion guidelines and LaTeX templates can be 57–58 Russell Square found at lms.ac.uk/publications/submit-to-the- London, WC1B 4HS lms-newsletter. [email protected] Feature content should be submitted to the Charity registration number: 252660 editor-in-chief at [email protected]. News items should be sent to [email protected]. COVER IMAGE Notices of events should be prepared us- ing the template at lms.ac.uk/publications/lms- The cover shows part of the demining process newsletter and sent to [email protected]. (see the feature starting page 27): after a posi- tive signal on a metal detector, a thin metal rod For advertising rates and guidelines see us used to probe carefully to see if there is a lms.ac.uk/publications/advertise-in-the-lms- mine. (Image courtesy of Bill Lionheart.) newsletter. i i i i i “NLMS_483” — 2019/6/21 — 14:12 — page 3 — #3 i i i CONTENTS NEWS The latest from the LMS and elsewhere 4 LMS BUSINESS Reports from the LMS 14 Fifty Years of Thermodynamic Formalism 22 Mathematician in a Mineeld 27 Exact Computations with Approximate Methods 31 The Irish Mathematical Society 36 Microthesis: Processes with Constrained Local Time 38 REVIEWS From the bookshelf 40 OBITUARIES In memoriam 45 EVENTS Latest announcements 49 CALENDAR All upcoming events 54 i i i i i “NLMS_483” — 2019/6/21 — 14:12 — page 4 — #4 i i i 4 NEWS LMS NEWS Change of date for the AGM not retrospective and we regret that a refund cannot be given on fees already paid. The Society would like to draw Members’ attention to the change of date for the Annual General Meeting Email [email protected] with any membership from Friday 15 November 2019 (as previously adver- queries. See page 36 for more information on the tised) to Friday 29 November 2019. The change of Irish Mathematical Society. date is to ensure that there is sucient time for the Society to full its obligations, according to the Robert Curtis timetable set by the Privy Council, with respect to the LMS Treasurer proposal to change aspects of the Society’s current Standing Orders that form part of its Royal Charter. Further information about the LMS Standing Orders Review can be found on the Society’s website here: Non-plastic Newsletter Wrappers lms.ac.uk/about/lms-standing-orders-review. Readers may have noticed that since March, the Newsletter has been sent out in 100% compostable Fiona Nixon potato starch wrapping, rather than in plastic. Please Executive Secretary dispose of your wrappers in a compost heap, garden waste bin, or a food waste bin. Reciprocity Agreement with the New Editor-in-Chief sought for the Irish Mathematical Society Newsletter The London Mathematical Society (LMS) is delighted The LMS is currently seeking someone to take over to announce that, from 1 July 2019, the Society will when the current Editor-in-Chief, Iain Moatt, stands have a Reciprocity Agreement in place with the Irish down at the end of the year. Mathematical Society (IMS). Stephen Huggett (LMS General Secretary) writes: Iain LMS Members who are not normally resident in the has provided invaluable leadership and guidance to Republic of Ireland can now join, or renew their sub- the current Editorial Board for the last three years. scription to, the Irish Mathematical Society and pay His appointment followed a review of the Newsletter half the normal membership fee. LMS Members who in 2016. Iain and the Board have delivered a refreshed are not normally resident in the United Kingdom, and revived Newsletter which now includes mathe- and who are also members of the Irish Mathematical matics articles and features and a section for early Society, can now request a change in their mem- career researchers, as well as reporting on Society bership type to Reciprocity member by emailing business and news for the membership and further [email protected]. aeld. Iain has also been instrumental in introducing Council has also agreed that those who are both a more professional format to the Newsletter and LMS and IMS members and are resident in Northern in ensuring that its production is undertaken to the Ireland may choose to which Society they wish to pay same exacting standards as the process for commis- the full membership fee and to which Society they sioning content. Many favourable comments have would wish to pay the Reciprocity (half-price) fee. been received about the current Newsletter and in If such members wish to request a change in their particular the inclusion of mathematics into the for- membership type to Reciprocity member, please mat as well as the quality of the content. The Society email [email protected]. would like to take this opportunity publicly to thank Iain for his dedication to producing such a successful LMS Reciprocity membership fees are one half of the publication and for the amount of time he has given Ordinary membership fee e.g. £42.00 compared with to ensuring that the Society has such a high quality £84.00 for 2018–19. Changes to membership fees are Newsletter. i i i i i “NLMS_483” — 2019/6/21 — 14:12 — page 5 — #5 i i i NEWS 5 The Editor-in-Chief is responsible to the Council of LMS Invited Lecture Series 2020 the LMS for chairing the Newsletter Editorial Board. The main duties of the role are: overseeing the com- missioning of content for the mathematical features In spring 2020 Professor Yuliya Mishura will visit section, overseeing the sourcing of material for other the Mathematical Department of Brunel University sections, signing o on the content and layout for London, and give a condensed course on fractional each bi-monthly issue, chairing the Newsletter Edito- calculus and fractional stochastic calculus, including rial Board which meets two times per year to discuss rough-paths, and applications. both ongoing editorial and production issues, and Professor Mishura has being working at Taras wider strategic matters. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine since Appropriate candidates may have some of the follow- 1976, becoming a professor in 1991. She has been the ing attributes: an interest in the Society and its work, head of the Department of Probability, Statistics and editorial experience, the diplomatic skills required to Actuarial Mathematics since 2003. During her career ensure that articles are continuously commissioned her work has evolved from the theory of random and submitted to provide adequate content for each elds, including martingale and semimartingale meth- issue of the Newsletter, some experience of LaTeX, ods, to stochastic analysis and statistics of fractional copyediting and production, a good eye for design, an processes. understanding of the need to include content which is At present Yuliya Mishura is one of the most recog- of interest to a broad constituency of readers across nised experts in the theory of fractional processes. a wide range of subjects, not just with regard to She is the author of more than 260 publications, mathematics but also of wider issues which might af- including nine books. Her monograph Stochastic Cal- fect mathematics and mathematicians such as policy culus for Fractional Brownian Motion and Related Pro- matters and the Society’s international connections, cesses (2008) is a very popular textbook among the a knowledge of the Society’s activities. Above all, beginners and specialists in the eld of fractional candidates must be prepared to commit the time Gaussian processes. needed to ensure sucient content and manage the practicalities of the production of each issue of the The course will be held from 30 March to 3 April 2020, Newsletter. over a total of 10 hours of lectures.
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