OKLA. ri N. MEX THE (RECORD TEXAS LA. SecretarY Official Organ of Southwestern Union Confers ,,,,,rentists OLUME XLII KEENE, TEXAS, NOVEMBER 24, 1943 NUMBER 46 A Call to Universal Evangelistic Advance THE Fall Council committee meet- J. W. TURNER ning of God's great judgment hour, ing of the General Conference was making the centennial year 1944 a held in Washington, D. C. The com- in the number of ministerial and Bi- time for special review and emphasis, mittee faced many serious problems ble instructor students in training for both among our churches and in because of world conditions. The home base and overseas missionary evangelistic efforts for those not of Lord came near and blessed the breth- service; therefore, our faith. ren in the many decisions that were "WE RECOMMEND, That a uni- "3. That we summon all evange- made. Our leaders feel the time has versal call be sounded from this listic workers to a perpetual evange- come when Seventh-day Adventists Washington Autumn Council of 1943, listic crusade to compass the world should finish the task that has been summoning our workers and people field, and to continue until our com- given them of the Lord. The workers to arise and finish the work commit- missioned task of evangelism is fin- and laity of the Southwestern Union ted into our hands—that of the three- ished. will appreciate the following recom- fold message of Revelation 14; re- "4. That we urge our union and mendations, and I am sure we will all casting our plans and readjusting our local conference and mission com- respond to the call. emphasis, so as to make every effort mittees to lay increasingly broad bend to the one supreme end of com- plans to compass their respective ter- "WHEREAS, Time is waxing late, ritories with evangelistic efforts in and we are years behind the divine pleting our specific witness to man- kind, until our task is done. To this tent, hall, tabernacle, church, and schedule for the finishing of the ever- open air, as well as through the ra- lasting gospel commission; and end we solemnly call upon, and sum- mon, every group and resource of dio, remembering especially the still "WHEREAS, Both the Scriptures the Advent movement to engage in unentered rural sections and towns, and the Spirit of prophecy reveal this all-out, continuous evangelistic and with strong emphasis upon the that our great evangelistic mission advance. To implement this great ob- cities and metropolitan strongholds, will be consummated amid the abnor- jective, we urge the following com- putting all possible funds and per- mal conditions of international up- prehensive program: sonnel into direct evangelism. heaval, war, famine, pestilence, and "1. That we call upon our workers "5. That we call upon all depart- perplexity, as well as restrictive de- and people to humble themselves be- mental workers to place primary em- velopments in the political, social fore God, seeking forgiveness for our phasis upon the soul-winning aspect and religious worlds; and, indifference and tardiness in finishing of their work, simplifying all other "WHEREAS, These very conditions the work committed to us, seeking for- activities and interests that consume and prospects have awakened an un- giveness for our lack of spiritual undue time and scatter their efforts. precedented anxiety, and a desire on power and fervor, and pleading for "6. That we urge our youth in the part of many in all parts of the that enduement of the Holy Spirit training for the ministry, Bible in- world to know the meaning of these promised for the finishing of the work structor work, and singing evange- strange times, and to find the peace —the outpouring of the latter rain to lism, to set as their goal, evangelism and comfort of God and His present fill out and ripen earth's final har- in its varied phases, in home base message to mankind; and, vest of souls. and mission land. "WHEREAS, This is a time of un- "2. That we capitalize upon the "7. That we ask our conferences precedented increase of conference impressive opportunity afforded by to adhere strictly to the stipulations funds, and of potential worker power the 100th anniversary of the begin- of the ministerial interneship plan, 2 THE RECORD COLPORTEUR HONOR ROLL FOR OCTOBER THE RECORD HOURS W. E. Abernathy Editor 1. M. L. Castine (Ark.-La.) largest number of hrs.-340 hrs.—Del. $605.65. J. W. Turner . Associate Editor 2. Plez Underdown (Texas) next largest number hrs.-264 hrs.—Del. $1,400. 3. R. B. Sheets (Texas) third largest No. hrs.-225 hrs.—Del. $1,050.85. Subscription Price: Seventy-five cents a year. Order through your Book and Bible House. DELIVERIES In changing address give both old and 1. Plez Underdown (Texas) largest deliveries-264 hrs.—Del. $1,400.00. new addresses. All copy for publication should reach 2. J. L. Holmes (Texas) next largest deliveries-221 hrs.—Del., $1,017.50. the union office by Friday preceding date 3. R. R. Coble (Texas), third largest deliveries-202 hrs.—Del., $883.10. of issue. LADIES — HOURS Advertising Rate: Minimum charge, 50 cents for 25 words or less. One cent for 1. Mrs. Ellen Chenard (Texico) largest No. hrs.-215 hrs.—Del., $270.65. each additional word above 25 words. Each additional insertion, if run consecu- 2. Mrs. lmer Lillard (Texas) next largest No. hrs.-183 hrs.—Del., $316.80. tively, will be at the rate of one cent per 3. Mrs. M. E. Gentry (Texas) third lgst. No. hrs.-165 hrs.—Orders, $625.20. word. Send your ad, with remittance, to your local conference office for their ap• proval. DELIVERIES 1. Mrs. Ellen Chenard (Texico) largest deliveries, $270.65; orders $1,193.42. Southwestern Union Conference Directory 2. Ellen Brewick (Texas) next largest deliveries, $238.00; orders $444.60. Office address, Box 128 Keene, Texas 3. Elizabeth Reiter (Texas) third largest deliveries, $219.05; orders, $563.00. President J W. Turner Sec.-Treas. and Aud. W. E. Abernathy Edu. and M. V. Secretary . R. J. Roy OUR faithful colporteurs represent- creasing in number from month to Field Miss. Secretary . E. Remsen ed in our honor roll for October de- month. We need at least 100 more Home Miss. & S. S. Sec. E. A. Manry Colored Secretary . T. H. Coopwbod serve special commendations. Ac- such faithful sisters to work in our Relig. Liberty Secretary J. W. Turner cording to the records in our office, book and magazine ministry in our Published weekly by the Southwestern these are the finest and most outstand- hundreds of unoccupied cities and Union Conference of Seventh-day Ad- ventists. ing individual colporteur records that towns of the Southwest. the Southwestern Union has ever pro- It is interesting to note that this Entered October 24, 1902, at the post office at Keene, Texas, as second-class duced in any one month. missionary work also produces a matter under the act of Congress of Especially do we wish to take off good remuneration. The average in- March 3. 1898. our hats to our ladies, listed above. come per hour for the colporteurs that call for our internes and younger They have made some outstanding listed above amounts to $2.88. This workers to be held to direct evange- records during October. Many, many is based upon their deliveries per lism in these early years of their other lady colporteurs have done hour. ministerial service. equally well for the spare time that In this, the "eleventh hour" of they were able to devote to this work earth's harvest, do you hear the Mas- "8. That we summon our young apart from taking care of their homes ter saying, "Go ye also into the vine- people to a great youth-for-youth cru- and loved ones. We are happy to yard and whatsoever is right, that sade to win the youth not of our note that our corps of W. A. C. (Wo- shall ye receive." faith, and giving emphasis to this men's Auxiliary Colporteurs) are in- EMANUAL REMSEN. endeavor in our evangelistic efforts. "9. That we call upon our colleges and training schools throughout the literature, even more winsome in its the maximum fruitage of souls from world to place their emphasis and fo- appeal, in tract as well as in book all contributing sources. cus their training upon those lines and periodical form, so as to cover "15. That we call upon our Theo- that will inspire and equip an ever- the earth with our literature like the logical Seminary to give increasing increasing army of youth for all phas- leaves of autumn, and closely coordi- emphasis to evangelistic preaching, es of soul-winning endeaN or. nating the work of the colporteur with evangelistic methods, advanced Bible "10. That we summon our doctors, our evangelistic efforts. Instructor technique, personal and nurses, dentists, and medical tecimi- "13. That we urge upon our work- pastoral methods, and denominational Cians in private practice, and in our ers such thoroughness of instruc- history and Spirit of prophecy back- sanitariums, to join in a great med- tion, and soundness of conversion, grounds, along with the standard bas- ical missionary advance, with the win- that their converts will be fully in- ic courses in the graduate field. ning of souls through the health ap- tegrated into the throbbing heart of proach as their supreme goal, and the Advent movement, thus reduc- "16. That we plan for a strong closely integrating these endeavors ing losses and conserving gains. evangelistic council to precede the with our evangelistic efforts.
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