CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, June 3, 2019 5:30 p.m. Closed session as provided by Section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code Second Floor Conference Room (Litigation) 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting - CALL TO ORDER Council Chamber PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS PROCLAMATIONS National Gun Violence Awareness Day Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.-Charlottesville Chapter 50th Anniversary 1. CONSENT AGENDA* (Items removed from consent agenda will be considered at the end of the regular agenda) a. MINUTES: May 6, 2019 Special and Regular meetings; May 8, 2019 Special ABRT meeting b. APPROPRIATION: Appropriation of funding for CPA-TV from The Ryal Thomas Show, LLC - $4,247.50 (2nd of 2 readings) c. APPROPRIATION: 2019-2020 Community Development Block Grant funding – $395,052.82 (2nd of 2 readings) d. APPROPRIATION: 2019-2020 HOME Investment Partnership funding – $120,382.75 (2nd of 2 readings) e. APPROPRIATION: Virginia Housing Solutions Program Grant Award -$16,500 (2nd of 2 readings) f. APPROPRIATION: Greenstone on 5th Corporation Sponsorship Agreement for Enhanced Police Coverage - $41,092 (2nd of 2 readings) g. ORDINANCE: Repeal of Charlottesville City Code Section 17-8 (2nd of 2 readings) CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY MATTERS (FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS) COMMUNITY MATTERS Public comment is provided for up to 16 speakers at the beginning of the meeting (limit 3 minutes per speaker.) Pre-registration is available for up to 8 spaces, and pre-registered speakers are announced by noon the day of the meeting. The number of speakers is unlimited at the end of the meeting. 2. PUBLIC HEARING/ Utility Rate Report FY2020 (1st of 2 readings) ORDINANCE: 3. APPROPRIATION: Appropriation of Human Services Balance for FY 2019 Expenses - $400,000 (1st of 2 readings) 4. APPROPRIATION*: Unity Days Planning and Funding Transfer - $100,000 (1st of 1 reading) 5. RESOLUTION*: Divestment - Operating Budget (1st of 1 reading) 6. RESOLUTION*: Transfer of FY 2020 City of Promise Funding to ReadyKids - $81,837 (1st of 2 readings) 7. RESOLUTION*: Special Use Permit (SUP) 1617 Emmett Street drive-thru (1st of 1 reading) 8. RESOLUTION*: Sunrise Planned Unit Development (PUD) Road Acceptance (1st of 1 reading) 9. REPORT: Legislative update OTHER BUSINESS MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC *ACTION NEEDED This page intentionally left blank 1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY COUNCIL WILL BE HELD ON Monday, May 6, 2019, AT 5:30 p.m. IN THE Second Floor Conference Room, City Hall, 605 E. Main Street, Charlottesville, Virginia. THE PROPOSED AGENDA IS AS FOLLOWS: Closed session as provided by Section 2.2-3712 of the Virginia Code (Legal advice; Personnel) BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL BY Kyna Thomas Second Floor Conference Room – May 6, 2019 City Council met on this date with the following members present: Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Vice Mayor Heather Hill, Dr. Wes Bellamy, Ms. Kathy Galvin, and Mr. Mike Signer. Ms. Walker called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Mr. Signer, Council voted (Ayes: Ms. Walker, Ms. Hill, Dr. Bellamy, Ms. Galvin and Mr. Signer. Noes: None.) to meet in closed session as authorized by Va. Code sec. 2.2-3712, specifically: Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(8) for consultation with legal counsel from the City Attorney’s Office regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice concerning the City Retirement Plan Commission and fiduciary duties related to divestment; and As authorized by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) for consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members pertaining to the litigation between the City of Charlottesville and the County of Albemarle filed April 20, 2017 concerning the Ragged Mountain Recreation Area, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the City; and 2 As authorized by Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(1) for the discussion of the performance of the Chief of Police. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Mr. Signer, Council certified by the following vote (Ayes: Ms. Walker, Ms. Hill, Dr. Bellamy, Ms. Galvin, and Mr. Signer. Noes: None.), that to the best of each Council member’s knowledge only public business matters lawfully exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and identified in the Motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed session. The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. 1 COUNCIL CHAMBER - May 6, 2019 Mayor Walker called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Council met in regular session on this date with the following members present: Dr. Wes Bellamy, Vice Mayor Heather Hill, Mayor Nikuyah Walker, Mr. Mike Signer, and Ms. Kathy Galvin. ANNOUNCEMENTS / PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations were presented in recognition of Bike Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, May 18 Kids to Parks Day, and May 19 Queen Charlotte Day. CONSENT AGENDA* Mr. Peter Krebs spoke regarding Community Development Block Grant. a. MINUTES: March 18, 2019 regular meeting; April 15, 2019 regular meeting Minutes - March 18, 2019 Minutes - April 15, 2019 b. APPROPRIATION: FM Global Fire Prevention Grant - $3,268.00 (2nd reading) FM Global Grant Program $3,268.00 WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville, through Charlottesville Fire Department, has received a grant for $3,268 from FM Global to offset the cost of Fire Prevention supplies and education materials; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville, Virginia that the sum of $3,268, received from FM Global is hereby appropriated in the following manner: Revenue – $ 3,268 Fund: 105 Internal Order: 2000126 G/L Account: 451020 Expenditures - $3,268 Fund: 105 Internal Order: 2000126 G/L Account: 530210 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appropriation is conditioned upon the receipt of $3,268 from FM Global. c. APPROPRIATION: 2019-2020 Community Development Block Grant funding - $395,052.82 (carried) 2019-2020 Community Development Block Grant - HOME funding requests This item was pulled by Ms. Walker for a separate vote. Ms. Walker advised that she asked to pull the item from the consent agenda based on concerns of process and accountability. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, Council voted 3-2 (Ayes: Ms. Hill, Mr. Signer, Ms. Galvin; Noes: Ms. Walker, Dr. Bellamy.) to move the item forward to the next City Council meeting for vote. d. APPROPRIATION: 2019-2020 HOME Investment Partnership funding - $120,382.75 (carried) 2019-2020 HOME Investment Partnership Funding request This item was pulled by Ms. Walker for a separate vote. Ms. Walker advised that she asked to pull the item from the consent agenda based on concerns of process and accountability. On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, Council voted 3-2 (Ayes: Ms. Hill, Mr. Signer, Ms. Galvin; Noes: Ms. Walker, Dr. Bellamy.) to move the item forward to the next City Council meeting for vote. e. APPROPRIATION: Amendment to Community Development Block Grant Account - Reprogramming of Funds for FY 2019-2020 - $1,900.82 (carried) 2019-2020 Amendment to Community Development Block Grant Account f. APPROPRIATION: Local Emergency Management Performance Grant (LEMPG) - $7,500 (carried) 2018 LEMPG appropriation $7500 g. APPROPRIATION: Funding Requirements for SAP Integration for the FASTER Fleet Management Software - $48,000 (carried) Funding Requirements for SAP Integration for the FASTER Fleet Management Software - $48,000 h. ORDINANCE: Amend Charlottesville City Code Section 15-131(Motor Vehicles and Traffic) (2nd reading) 3 Amend Charlottesville City Code Section 15-131 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REORDAINING SECTION 15-131 OF CHAPTER 15 (MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) i. RESOLUTION: Alleys and Paper Streets Closing Policy (2nd reading) Street Closing Policy Resolution On motion by Ms. Hill, seconded by Dr. Bellamy, Council by the following vote APPROVED the consent agenda minus Items C and D (Ayes: Ms. Hill, Dr. Bellamy, Ms. Walker, Mr. Signer, and Ms. Galvin). CITY MANAGER RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY MATTERS (FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS) Interim City Manager Mike Murphy advised that he along with the Office of Human Rights and Ms. Kaki Dimock have conducted the appropriate follow-up to concerns expressed by Ms. Myra Anderson. As follow-up to concerns about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Mr. Murphy offered a proposal for a group of thirteen specified individuals to address the issues. Council confirmed consent to move forward with the group. Mr. Murphy advised that he and City Treasurer Jason Vendever plan to convene the group and bring forward joint recommendations in late October or early November. Dr. Bellamy asked if there was any information that could be shared regarding Ms. Anderson’s concerns. Mr. Murphy advised that he wanted to convey the seriousness of the matter as expressed by Council. COMMUNITY MATTERS Mr. Brad Slocum spoke about climate change and encouraged YES vote on Item #7 on the agenda. Ms. Emily Irvine ceded her time to elementary school students Evan Kruse, Sebastian Kruse, Nora McIlwane, and Eleanor (?), who spoke about environmental issues and the need for City Council to set climate goals. Ms. Ravi Respeto spoke on behalf of the Charlottesville Climate Collaborative (C3) about climate change at the community level. The United Way has made various green changes and they reach out to other businesses to decrease their carbon footprint and support staff recommendation on climate goals. She mentioned that low income families struggle with having homes that are not energy-efficient. Mr. Jeff Fogel ceded his time to Marissa Turner of the People’s Coalition. Ms. Turner expressed the need of a strong Police Civilian Review Board and staffing with and Executive Director and Auditor. 4 Ms.
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