GOOD NEWS—32 Years Page 1 SEPTEMBER 2018 VOL. 33, NO. 07 WOMEN’S HOME AND OVERSEAS MISSIONARY SOCIETY SEPTEMBER 2018 FIRST AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL ZION CHURCH (BROOKLYN, NEW YORK) MISSION EDUCATION PUBLICATION “Declare God’s glory among all nations, God’s wonders among all people.” Psalm 96:3 GOOD NEWS—32 Years Page 2 SEPTEMBER 2018 Observe Global Missions Sunday The fourth Sunday in September is observed through- out the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church as Global Missions Sunday and Zion’s One Great Hour of Giving; and is promoted by the Department of Global Missions, the Reverend Dr. Dwight B. Cannon, Secretary- Treasurer Department of Global Missions & Editor of Missionary Seer. Purpose The purpose of the Missions Sunday Observance is to promote the cause of missions and raise funds for global/ overseas missions. 2018 Missions Appeal NOTE: From Global Missions Sunday Program Please mail all donations to As missionaries “we” are called to direct and redirect any The Department of Global Missions praise, thanks or glory received from others towards God and P.O. Box 26770 God alone! When “we” lend a helping hand, intercede and pray for a lost or lonely soul, feed a hungry or hurting person, clothe Charlotte, NC 28221 a naked body, visit or offer comfort for a sick or suffering sister or brother or even provide shelter or security for one who is homeless; then “we” must be careful that “we” do not cause people to see “us” and not see God who enables “us” to do Inside This Issue Page what “we” do in missions. Missionary Day At NY Annual Conference 3 The missionary must be careful not to esteem “him/herself” above the mission! No missionary is bigger than the mission New York Annual Conference Highlights 5/6 “they” are called to serve. Today, it may be others who need the benefits of missions’ service, but tomorrow it may be “us.” Episcopal Leadership of Overseas Conferences 7 Taking this into consideration, let “us” prepare to serve and Connectional Council Highlights give to help those who stand in need of mission service. The 8 truth is that “we” all stand in need of mission service. If there NEED at Zion University 2018 9 was ever a time “we” were in need of assistance in this world, this is the day! First Church Missionaries in Action/Supply Breakfast 10 How is “your” soul faring? How healthy is “your” body? Mission Education: Do You Sabotage Teamwork? 11 How stable is “your” mind? How secure is “your” job or ca- NYCD Mass Meeting / Life Line reer? How promising is “your” financial portfolio? How func- 12 tional is “your” family? “We” give God glory for God’s provi- NYCD Executive Board Meets & Retreats 13 sions in “our” lives. “We” acknowledge that “but for the grace of God” things could be different. As “we” battle through the November Election & Voting 14 battlefields of missions, “we” see the glory of God manifest and Senior Thing: September is Prostate Cancer Month manifesting all around. The Hebrew word for “glory” - kavod 15 is compared to “heavy weaponry” used in battles (Job 29:20; October Dates 16 Psalm 3:3; Psalm 24:8). As missionaries, it is “our” purpose to declare the glory of God throughout the world. The glory of Message from Mission Ed Director / Workshop 17 God is the strength and shield “we” brandish and wave as “we” Women in History: Mary Julia Small 18 share with others what God has shared with “us.” What will “you” give today to reflect the glory of God in “your” life? November Events 19 2018 Vicki Victory Project 20 *All quoted and bold references emphasize the W.H.&O.M. Society’s focus Call to Convention 21 on Personal Commitment GOOD NEWS—32 Years Page 3 SEPTEMBER 2018 Fridays of the New York Annual Con- Missionary Outreach Project ference have become known as Mission- Convocation The Annual Conference outreach ary Day when most of the activities of Ruth Young, New York City District project was housing and non-perishable the day involve the Women’s Home and President, presided and the session food items for CAMBA, Inc., an organi- Overseas Missionary Society. On Friday, opened with Praise & Worship. In her zation that provides supportive services June 22, 2018, they came from cities message to the conference Mrs. Proctor to ensure that residents moving from across the state of New York—from lifted up our theme focus with a chal- homeless shelters are able to regain inde- southern points in Suffolk County in lenge of personal commitment. She also pendent successful lives. Darlene Long Island to northern points in Colum- provided valuable information about the Haynes, a CAMBA Director, accepted bia and Greene Counties. The site of the 2019 Quadrennial Convention and other the gifts with thanks and gave highlights annual conference was the Westchester events and activities of the Society. of the program’s mission and accom- Marriott Hotel in Tarrytown, NY, hosted plishments. by The Rush Temple A.M.E. Zion District Presentations Church in Jamaica, NY. The three Districts led by the three district presidents (Marsha Henderson- Candlelight & Westchester, Betty Ford-Long Island, Stoling Ceremony Ruth Young-NY City), highlighted dis- The evening service began with the trict outreach projects, ministries and candlelight procession when hundreds of activities supported by each district dur- missionaries marched, sang and swayed ing the conference year via a lively and to the hymn, “Marching to Zion.” Mattie informative departmental parade. After- Taylor presided over the Candlelight Mrs. D. Diane Proctor ward, Mrs. Proctor “quizzed” the body Service, and Mrs. Proctor presided over on specific highlights and accomplish- Stoling and Worship. Over 200 persons Prayer Breakfast ments of the departments and districts. were stoled or received Heart for Mis- Missionary Day, under the direction of sions Pins: 25 from the Long Island Dis- Mrs. D. Diane Proctor, Missionary Su- trict; 79 from the New York City District Delegate Election & and 164 from the Westchester District. pervisor of the North Eastern Episcopal Candidate Presentation District, began nine o’clock Friday Bishop Proctor offered prayer for the candidates, and the ceremony ended with morning, with a Bureau of Supply Pray- er Breakfast as missionaries assembled the singing of the Life Members Depart- ment theme song “Throw out the Life in meditative silence. Program partici- pants were missionaries from the three Line.” Kudos to the District Life Members districts in the New York Conference. Wendy Grimes-Jones, New York City Chairmen: Marcella Shelton-Westches- ter, Delma Marshall-New York City, and District Secretary of Supply, presided. A program of worship through song, pray- Mildred Seon, Long Island for jobs well Jo-Ann Monroe done. ers, and a meditation lifted and blessed those in attendance. District Supply Sec- Election of the New York Conference Evening Worship retaries, Maude Bruce, Westchester Dis- delegate to the 2019 Quadrennial Con- We were blessed by the powerful trict and Claretha Smith, Long Island vention resulted in the election of Jo- preaching of Bishop Timothy J. Clarke, District, were among the program partic- Ann Monroe (Westchester District Mis- Sr., pastor of First Church of God in Co- ipants. The Meditation speaker was Cyn- sion Education Director & Greater Cen- lumbus, Ohio, and Presiding Bishop of thia Wilson, NYC District Treasurer and tennial Church Parent Body President). First Church of God, using the text, John Church Women United Affiliate Repre- Mrs. Proctor presented Jo-Ann to the 4:28-30, and giving qualities of a mis- sentative, and member of Mother A.M.E. body and announced that she is a can- sionary. Zion Church, NY City, She delivered a didate for the office of General Secre- dynamic message. “Can God Get a Wit- tary of the Bureau of Supply. Jo-Ann ness” - Job 1:1-3. Greetings were thanked the body for her election as dele- After a full day of activities, spiritual brought by Mrs. Sara Cherrington, Gen- gate and shared her dreams and aspira- enrichment and fellowship, Missionary eral Supply Secretary, Bishop Dennis V. tions for the office. She was well re- Day at the New York Annual Conference Proctor and by our Missionary Supervi- ceived . ended with prayer and benediction. sor. GOOD NEWS—32 Years Page 4 SEPTEMBER 2018 GOOD NEWS is published monthly [except August and 2 MISSION STUDY July/s during each quadrennium] by the Mission Education Committee of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society, First African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 54 MacDonough Street, Brooklyn, New York 11216; 718.638.3343; and made available electronically via link on GN Litany: website: goodnewsfirstchurch.org. Consider the Call to MATTIE WILSON TAYLOR, EDITOR Dr. Marvin D. Hooks, Sr., Pastor Personal Commitment This study demands not only a verbal response Deadline for submission of articles is the 20th of each month. but action from each missionary Material may be emailed to Editor: [email protected]. All articles subject to review and edit by Editor. Leader: Consider the Call. As Jesus walked beside If interested in access to monthly GN publication, enter email the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his address at goodnewsfirstchurch.org. Send comments/questions to [email protected]. Annual Subscription to GOOD brother Andrew casting a net into the NEWS is $15.00, made payable to “First AME Zion Church” lake, for they were fishermen. and either mailed to First AME Zion Church at the address listed above (attention GOOD NEWS) or paid via PayPal on the Good People: “Come follow me” Jesus said, “and I News website: goodnewsfirstchurch.org. will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.
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