SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 12 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM WZCC Pune Pg. 06 Budget Breakdown Pg. 07 Terttulia, Mumbai Pg. 09 Happy B’Day Sir J.J. Pg. 12 Guess Who’s Watching? >Pg. 20 SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚ 02 ƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial Dear Readers, 7KHSDVWZHHNKDVEHHQDEXV\RQHIRUP\RIÀFH :HKDYHEHHQRQWKHSKRQHVDQGFKDWWLQJFRQVWDQWO\ ZLWK DOO RXU IULHQGV DQG DV PDQ\ 5HDGHUV DV LW LV SRVVLEOHWRWRXFKEDVHZLWK ZLWKRXWEORZLQJXSRXU SKRQHELOOKRSHIXOO\ 3DUVL7LPHVLVIDQF\LQJXSRXU'LVWULEXWLRQQHWZRUN :KDW VWDUWHG DV D FDVXDO ¶chal watchman ne aap ne·GLVWULEXWLRQQHWZRUNRISDSHUVKDVEHFRPHDLVVXHVWURQJ RSHUDWLRQLQVKRUW\HDUVDQGZHKDYHKDGWRUHFRQÀJXUHRXUGLVWULEXWLRQ V\VWHPGUDVWLFDOO\$OVR,·PIURP3XQHDQG,ZDVWKHUHODVWZHHNWRPHHW ZLWK:=&&,JRWDORWRIFRPSODLQWVDERXWKRZSHRSOHZDQWHGWKH3DUVL 7LPHVEXWGLGQ·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«KDYHDJUHDWRQH 2QDVDGQRWH3XQHORVWDJUHDWPDQRQ)ULGD\(UYDG(UXFKVKDK'DWXUZKR ZDVRQFHWKH+HDG3ULHVWRI3XQH·V--$JLDU\IRUDORQJORQJWLPHSDVVHG DZD\DIWHUDORQJVSDWHRILOOKHDOWK2XUSUD\HUVDUHZLWKKLVIDPLO\ Freyan. FaceBookeBo Like: Parsi Times TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes $VXUH6+27VROXWLRQ$ Trinity’s name! convert it into a room. Dear Editor, All I ask of you, my noble And now May 2014 report Reference to the article fellowmen, in Times of India says that about “Cramps” on 5th July, Is to play fairly and enjoying ÀYH JURXQG SOXV WZR VWRU\ 2014. I wish to inform you that with acumen. buildings of H. B. Wadia Fire Parsi gentleman, divorcee, aged 50, seeking alliance during an episode of cramps, So, join me to back this lovely Temple Charity Trust built from simple, home loving lady as life partner. Working, the most useful remedy for sport, in 1928 located near Princess non-working, divorcee, widow, poor no bar. instant relief is to take a swing And give to all your total Street junction are all in Contact: 09825768789 of brandy. Just about a tea support. crumbling state. spoon of it will do the trick. *Adi F. Merchant.* The prime reason for this is, Alliance invited from simple, sweet-natured, home- I suggest, you keep a small P.S. This message comes LI\RXUHDGWKHÀUVWSDUDRQFH loving, non-working (after marriage), moderately bottle of brandy near the bed to Parsi Times directly from again, is rampant renovations, educated, purely Zoroastrian/Iranian girl, from poor/ side table so you can reach out Pele’s heart. mostly for the present delight, middle-class Behdin or Athornan family, following at * Brazil to please someone very much, to it in an emergency when least some religious tenets of the Zoroastrian religion, you get cramps at night. * ex-goalkeeper in school & to take great pleasure or Best regards, college. something that causes it. for our well educated and well settled purely Zoroastrian Rumi Umrigar. Shocks and vibrations boy aged 37 years, with independent residence as well. &UXPEOLQJ3DUVL7UXVW¶V due to millions of hammer If interested, please call on $QRGHWRWKH),)$ %XLOGLQJ blows, similar to mini bomb 022-22042799 / 22842585. Dear Editor, Dear Editor, explosions, causes crackas Here is a song line penned According to nuclear in external walls, terrace especially for the Brazil World regulatary commission ZDWHUSURRÀQJ DQG LQ WKH Cup 2014. (Last day of B.W.C. durable concrete means structure itself. On wet days 2014 is 14th July). concrete which will not water seeps in and water alone The world calls it ‘The most degrade for many centuries is a great destroyer of the Beautiful Game’ and in some cases hundreds of buildings, steal reinforcement The fans know it by various centuries. rods corrodes, concrete names. Then, why are some of degrades, stability decreases It’s given me happiness, it’s Parsi Trust’s cessed buildings causing serious threat to the given me pain, are in danger of collapsing. homogeneity of construction $IWHU DOO ¶)RRWEDOO· ÁRZV LQ In September 2012, a Parsi leading to gradual weakening our nation’s veins. lost his life in Soona Building of the buildings structure *Brasilia, Brasilia!* Do not located at Chikhalwadi, and its total life. Partitions weep for me, Mumbai, when the RCC walls which acts as a walking Instead, let a million voices ceiling slab crashed on him. stick for old persons are also in India and still there is such renovations. And as cheer for thee. 7KH XSSHU ÁRRU ÁDW KROGHU demolished causing future no law to curb this activity. XVXDO %0& RIÀFLDOV YLVLW WKH Show the world your great was carrying out renovation hazards in old buildings. What is still worse is that the site after the show is over. love for this game, breaking RCC kitchen Hundreds of lives are lost ODQGORUG·V RIÀFLDOV PHUULO\ Savak Balsara. Maybe as much as the Holy SODWIRUP DQG ÁRRU WLOHV WR and people become homeless give permission to carry out POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. Ǯǯ ǡƤǤ ǡ requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 Parsi Point 03 P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE P.T. EXCLUSIVE he turmoil in the BPP recording the minutes, now himself in writing within than face the possibility of We will follow up on this with regards to Sr more than ever as Mehta 2 weeks. A letter was sent being dismissed by the Board. for our Readers. Executive Pheroze has been slowly loosing out to him signed by six T )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP Patel took a new turn last his majority voice on the Trustees! Mehta allegedly Tuesday. Board. Patel’s wife wrote shouted and screamed and P.T. Readers will recall 2 letters to all the Trustees refused to sign the letter. the Letters to the Editor and requesting that her husband The lone voice of dissent emails exchanged between be relieved. By the time the who believes that Patel’s UDVADA MUKTAD SCHEME some of the Trustees and other Trustees became aware insubordination and refusal During the ten holy days of MUKTAD, Patel which were published of the resignation Mehta to follow instructions of the Afargan, Farokshi & Satum exclusively by Parsi Times. had “convinced” Patel to Board does not deserve to be In short: Patel had withdraw it. Pheroze Patel acted upon. prayers will be performed in accused 2 Trustees of being who was frustrated because In the meantime Pheroze Iranshah Atash Behram, “responsible” for Mehli his daughter was not being Patel has been suspended Colah’s passing. In his letters allotted a BPP house resorted (although the word The names of Asho Farohar will be recited to the BPP, Patel claims to to making allegations suspended has not been in all of the above prayers. have asked his family to through his letters. used in the letter - as per lodge a police case against At their last Board P.T.’s sources). and asked Amount per Name Rs. 200/- the Trustees if he himself meeting some Trustees NOT TO COME TO THE suffered a heart problem. pushed for terminating BPP OFFICE. Khurshed Dastoor Kaikobad Dastoor Earlier, Patel had Patel with immediate effect. Will Patel re-submit his * OPP IRANSHAH ATASH BEHRAM. UDVADA - submitted his resignation After (if rumours are to be resignation or will he wait 396180 which was not disclosed believed) an unimaginably till the Board dismisses him * P-7 CUSROW BAUG, COLABA, to the Board of Trustees by loud and vicious meeting form service? MUMBAI-400001 Mehta, allegedly because (allegedly the Chairman’s P.T. believes Patel may Mehta needed Patel to do voice could be heard on the prefer to resign (considering Note: Names for the above will be accepted his bidding with respect to street) it was decided to give he had submitted his upto 02-08-2014 preparing the agenda and Patel a chance to defend resignation in March) rather Roj 20, Mah 12. SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 04 Community Coverage Young P.T. Reporter Khushnuma visits her Alma Mater, Activity High to give us a peek at their latest Ramp Walk! 7KH 5 + 5DJL 0HPRULDO (ORFXWLRQ 5XQQLQJ 7URSK\ &RPSHWLWLRQ ZDV RUJDQL]HG E\ WKH 0DOFROP %DXJ =RURDVWULDQ D ODUJH QXPEHU RI NLGV WKLV GHFDGHV UDQJLQJ IURP WKH $VVRFLDWLRQ DW 0DOFROP %DXJ -RJHVKZDUL RQ -XO\ WK ZLWK DPD]LQJ ÀUVW WLPH RQVWDJH V WR WKH V DV WKH FURZG DQ RYHUZKHOPLQJ UHVSRQVH RI RYHU F KLOGUHQ H[SHULHQFHDVWKH\KHOGWKHWK FODSSHG FKHHUHG DQG VDQJ SDUWLFLSDWLQJ DQG ZLWK D YHU\ Khushnuma Dubash HGLWLRQ RI WKHLU 6XSHU *UDQG DORQJ WR WKH HYHUJUHHQ UHWUR HQFRXUDJLQJDXGLHQFH )DVKLRQ6KRZRQWK-XO\7KH
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