LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI 1 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI 2 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI FACULTY MEMBERS Professor Dr. Surayya Khatoon, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Taxonomy – Cytotaxonomy, Plant Reproductive Biology, Biodiversity. Professor Dr. Muhammad Javed Zaki, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Pathology, Nematology – Biological Control of Root Infecting Pathogens Professor Dr. Syed Ehteshamul-Haque, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Mycology and Plant Pathology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Bacteriology, Nematology, Root nodule bacteria, PGPR Professor Dr. Aliya Rehman, M.Sc. (Kar.), M.S. (USA), Ph.D. (Kar.) Marine Botany – Phycochemistry of Marine Benthic Algae Professor Dr. Raiha Qadri, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Applied Botany – Biological nitrogen fixation, Plant Anatomy and Microscopy Professor Dr. Anjum Perveen, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Taxonomy – Palynology Professor Dr. Shahnaz Dawar, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Pathology – Seed Pathology, Biological Control of Plant Diseases Dr. Rubina Abid, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Taxonomy Mrs. Rubina Iqbal, M.Sc. (Kar.), M.Phil. (Kar.) Applied Botany – Plant Anatomy, Biological N2 Fixation Dr. Seemi Aziz, M.Sc. (Kar.), M.Phil. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Ecology Ms. Neelofar Hamid, M. Sc. (Kar.), M. Phil. (Kar.) Plant Physiology Dr. Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui, M.Sc. (Kar.), M.Phil. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar.) Plant Physiology Dr. Sadaf Gul, M.Sc. (Kar.), Ph.D. (Kar) Marine Botany Mrs. Amna Ahmed, M.Sc. (Kar.) Applied Botany – Tissue Culture & Plant Anatomy Mrs. Maria Hamid, M.Sc. (Kar.) Plant Pathology 3 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI RETIRED AND EX – FACULTY MEMBERS AHMED, Mukhtar KHAN, Muhammad Ishaq AHMED, Rafiq KHAN, Muhammad Ajmal AHMAD, Soaleha KHAN, Ruqaiya AHMED, Jamil KHAN, Shamshad Ahmad AHMED, Mahmood KHATOON, Khalida AKHTER, Y. KHATOON, Salima ALI, Ahmed MALIK, Muhammad Abdul Bari ALI, Hajra Azhar MEHDI, Fatima S. ALI, Syed Irtifaq MOHAJIR, Abdul Rashid AZEEMUDDIN, Surraya NAQVI, Syed Zamin Hussain AZIZ, Khadija NIZAMUDDIN, Muhammad AZIZ, Irfan OMER, Saood CHAUDHRI, Ikram Ilahi QADIR, Syed Abdul FAROOQUI, Shameem Ahmed QAISER, Mohammad GHAFFAR, Abdul QURAISHI, Hamida Bano GUL, Biquees SAIFULLAH, Syed Muhammad GULZAR, Salman SHAHZAD, Saleem HABIB-UN-NISA, Shahzadi SHAMEEL, Mustafa HASHMI, Masoodul Hasan SHAUKAT, Syed Shahid HASNAIN, Syed Zulfiqar-ul SIDDIQI, Muhammad Yaeesh HUSSAIN, Syed Mushtaq USMAN, Mubina IQBAL, Anwar VAHIDY, Ahsan Ahmed IQBAL, Muhammad Zafar WARNE, L. G. G. ISMAIL, Shoaib WASIF, Sameena JALALUDDIN, Muhammad ZAHID, Phool Begum JURAIR, Ali Muhammad Mazhar RETIRED AND EX – RESEARCH STAFF ALI, Syed Tahir QAISER, Saeeda ALAM, Jan KHAN, Sher Wali GHAFOOR, Abdul 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI HEADS OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. Prof. Dr. L.G.G. Warne 1954-1955 2. Dr. S.Z. Hasnain 1955-1958 3. Prof. Dr. S.I. Ali 1958-1959 4. Prof. Dr. S.H.Z. Naqvi 1959-1963 5. Prof. Dr. S.I. Ali 1963-1972 6. Prof. Dr. Rafiq Ahmad 1972-1975 7. Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar 18.8.1975-17.8.1977 8. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad 18.8.1977-17.8.1979 9. Prof. Dr. S.I. Ali 1979-1982 10. Prof. Dr. Rafiq Ahmad 1982-1986 11. Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar 20.11.1986-22.8.1992 12. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ahmad 23.8.1992-22.8.1995 13. Prof. Dr. Phool Begum Zahid 23.8.1995-22.8.1998 14. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Khan 23.8.1998-21.2.2001 15. Prof. Dr. S.M. Saifullah 22.2.2001-6.6.2001 16. Prof. Dr. Soaliha Ahmad 7.6.2001-14.9.2001 17. Prof. Dr. M. Qaiser 25.9.2001-17.5.2004 18. Prof. Dr. S. Shahid Shaukat 18.5.2004-15.1.2006 19. Prof. Dr. M. Zafar Iqbal 16.1.2006-30.09.2008 20. Prof. Dr. Surayya Khatoon 01.10.2008-30.09.2011 21. Prof. Dr. M. Javed Zaki 01.10.2011- to date 5 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI Total Number of Papers published: 2333 Mean = 40.93 Transition Period 2011 (1984-1988) Fig.1. The number of research papers published by the Department of Botany, University of Karachi, during 1955 to 2011. 2 3000 Y = 65.997996 – 8.212902 X + 0.854601 X ± 40.1879 t = 3.99 t = -6.24 t = 38.83 p < 0.0002 p < 0.00001 p < 0.00001 APERS 2 2 2000 R = 0.9970; Adj. R = 0.9969 F P O F = 8925.84 (p < 0.00001) UMBER 1000 N E TIV LA 0 Observed CUMMU -1000 Quadratic 0 605040302010 YEARS Fig. 2. Relationship of the number of research papers published (Y) and the publication age of the Department of Botany (X, Years) i.e. from 1955 to 2011. 6 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI 10 N = 57 8 Mean = 40.93 SE = 3.737 1955 TO 2011 Median = 34.0 SD = 28.213 6 g1 = 0.449 Sg1 = 0.316 g2 = -1.074 Sg2 = 0.623 FREQUENCY 4 Minimum = Zero Maximum = 95 Sum = 2333 2 0 020406080100 SIZE CLASSES OF RESEACH PAPERS PUBLISHED Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of number of research papers published by the Department of Botany, University of Karachi, during 1955 to 2011. S 450 407 384 400 350 350 328 300 250 195 200 134 135 150 114 98 109 100 56 50 23 NUMBER OF RESEARCH PAPER 0 1955- 1960- 1965- 1970- 1975- 1980- 1985- 1990- 1995- 2000- 2005- 2010- 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 04 09 11 YEARS Fig. 4. The term-wise publication of research papers. Each term is based on five years except the last term (2010-2011) based on two years only. Figure above the bar shows the data value. 7 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI LIST OF PUBLICATIONS FROM 1955-2011 1955 1. Chaudhri, I.I. 1955. Pakistan santonica. Economic Botany 9: 22-227. 2. Mallik, M.A.B. 1955. Medicinal plants of East Pakistan. Medicus, 10: 216-224. 3. Naqvi, S.H.Z. 1955. The introduction of thiamine by Cercospora cruenta Sacc. Canadian Journal of Botany 33: 1-4. 1957 4. Ali, S. I. 1957. Proposal for the conservation of the generic name Gueldenstaedtia Fischer. Taxon 6: 59. 5. Ali, S. I. 1957. Dolichos bracteatus Baker, clarification of nomenclature. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 54: 6. Ali, S. I. and S. M. H. Jafri. 1957. Some abnormalities of flowers and fruits of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. Scientist 2: 22-23. 7. Naqvi, S. H. Z. 1957. Studies on aging of conidia of Monilinia fructicola (Wint.) Honey. Canadian Journal of Botany 35: 635-645. 1958 8. Ali, S. I. 1958. Revision of the genus Indigofera L. from West Pakistan and N. W. Himalayas. Botaniska Notiser 111: 543-577. 9. Ali, S. I. 1958. A new species of Sesbania from Africa. Kew Bulletin 12: 287-288. 10. Ali, S. I. 1958. Notes on the genus Astragalus L. from West Pakistan and N. W. Himalayas. Kew Bulletin 12: 303-318. 11. Ali, S. I. 1958. On the identity of Kerstania Rech. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 55: 378-380. 12. Chaudhri, I. I. and S. A. Qadir. 1958. Sand dune vegetation of coastal regions of Karachi. Pakistan Journal of Forestry 8: 337-341. 13. Qadir, S.A. and M.A.B. Mallik. 1958. A new record of Alternaria nelumbii Enlows and Rand. in Indo- Pak. Sub-continent. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 1: 316. 8 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI 1959 14. Ali, S. I. 1959. A taxonomic study of the genus Chesneya Lindl. ex. Endl. from W. Pakistan and N. W. Himalayas. Scientist 3: 1-12. 15. Ali, S. I. 1959. Revision of the genus Oxytropis Dc. from West Pakistan and N. W. Himalayas. Phyton 8: 49-61. 16. Ali, S. I. 1959. A taxonomic study of the genus Colutea from Indo–Pak. Sub– continent. Botaniska Notiser 112: 488-494. 17. Hasanain, S.Z. A. Khan and A. Zaidi. 1959. Rusts and smuts of Karachi. Monograph No.2. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karcahi, Pakistan. Pp.33. 18. Mallik, M.A.B. 1959. Fungus flora of Dacca garden soil. Scientist 3: 50-54. 19. Mallik, M.A.B. 1959. A survey of medicinal plants of the Karachi area. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2: 66-68. 20. Naqvi, S.Z.H. and M.J. Hussan. 1959. Influence of nitrogen on the growth and sproulation of Alternaria sp., isolated from the leaves of Arachis hypogea Linn. Scientist 3: 19-22. 21. Naqvi, S.Z.H. and S.M. Hussain. 1959. Influence of humidity and aging on the germination of Alternaria tenuissima. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2: 274-278. 22. Naqvi, S.Z.H. and S.M. Hussain. 1959. Investigaion on the influence of ultraviolet irradiation upon the germination and growth of Alternaria tenuissima (Fr.) Wilt. Agriculture Pakistan 10: 207-215. 23. Qadir, S.A. 1959. On the stabilization of sand dunes at Clifton beach. Scientist. 3: 1960 24. Ahmad, R. 1960. Translocation of metabolically absorbed mineral ions from the roots as measured by radioactive calcium and phosphorus. Proceeding of 4th Pan – Indian Ocean, Scientific Conference. 25. Ahmad, R. and M. Iqbal. 1960. The effects of phosphorus and nitrogen deficiencies on the roppination and accumulation of sugars. Proceeding of 4th Pan – Indian Ocean, Scientific Conference. 26. Ali, S.I. 1960. Three new species of Astragalus L. from West Pakistan. Candollea 17: 87-95. 9 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1955-2011) M. JAVED ZAKI 27. Faruqi, S.A., G. Begum, P.C. Nada, G. C. Christense. 1960. A study of the seasonal foods of the black francolin (Francolius francolinus Linn.) the grey francolin (F.
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