OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION No. 72 PROCEEDINGS AND REPORTS RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL QUARANTINE Supplement to Official Records No. 71 : Ninth World Health Assembly THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR -GENERAL ON THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS THIRD REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL QUARANTINE RELEVANT PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY (MAY 1956) WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION PALAIS DES NATIONS GENEVA October 1956 ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are used in the Official Records of the World Health Organization: ACC Administrative Committee on Co- ordination CIOMS Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences ECAFE - Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East ECE Economic Commission for Europe ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America FAO Food and Agriculture Organization ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization ICITO - Interim Commission of the International Trade Organization ILO International Labour Organisation (Office) ITU International Telecommunication Union OIHP Office International d'Hygiène Publique PASB - Pan American Sanitary Bureau PASO Pan American Sanitary Organization TAB Technical Assistance Board TAC - Technical Assistance Committee UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNKRA United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNTAA United Nations Technical Assistance Administration WFUNA World Federation of United Nations Associations WMO World Meteorological Organization PRINTED IN SWITZERLAND Index : page 85 CONTENTS PART I THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR -GENERAL ON THE WORKING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS Page Introduction 3 Application and Working of the Regulations 1. Working of the Regulations as seen by the Organization 3 2. Working of the Regulations as reported by Member States 17 3. Working of the Regulations as reported by other Organizations 30 PART II THIRD REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL QUARANTINE Composition of the Committee 35 1. Third Annual Report of the Director - General on the Working of the International Sanitary Regulations 35 1.1 Working of the Regulations as seen by the Organization 35 1.2 Working of the Regulations as reported by Member States 37 1.3 Position of States and Territories under the International Sanitary Regulations, 1951, and the Additional Regulations, 1955 38 2. Reservations to the Additional Regulations, 1955 39 Considerationof Communications received from Governments 39 General Comments on the Submission and Consideration of Reservations 48 3. Other Matters considered by the Committee 48 Appendix :International Sanitary Regulations :Deletion of Annex A 1. Request by the Government of Saudi Arabia for the Deletion of Annex A 50 2. Memorandum submitted by the Director - General to the Executive Board at its Seventeenth Session 51 3. Report by the Group of Experts on Quarantine, on their Visit to Jeddah . 52 PART III PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL QUARANTINE Page 1. Minutes of the Sub -Committee on International Quarantine First Meeting 57 Second Meeting 58 Appendix 1: Report of the Working Party on the Pilgrimage 67 Appendix 2 :Reservations to the Additional Regulations, 1955, submitted by the Government of the Union of South Africa 68 Third Meeting 68 Fourth Meeting 72 2. Report of the Sub -Committee on International Quarantine to the Committee on Programme and Budget 75 Appendix :Position of States and Territories under the International Sanitary Regulations, 1951, and the Additional Regulations, 1955, on 21 May 1956 77 3. Resolutions relating to International Quarantine 80 Index 85 -Iv - THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR -GENERAL ON THE WORKING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS 1 July 1954 to 30 June 1955 [WHO /IQ /26 and Add. 1 - 1 Dec. 1955 and 6 March 1956] INTRODUCTION 1. This report is prepared in accordance with the had been followed to bring about their entry -into- provisions of Article 13, paragraph 2, of the Interna- force, as well as the measures that had been taken tional Sanitary Regulations.It is the third in the by the Organization to reduce to a minimum the series dealing with the functioning of the Regulations difficulties arising from their application. and their effect on international traffic. 3. This report follows the same general lines as its 2.The first report covered the nine -month period predecessors. It discusses the difficulties encountered from 1 October 1952, when the Regulations entered and the problems raised by the application of the into force, until 30 June 1953. The second report Regulations during the twelve months under review. dealt with the period from 1 July 1953 until 30 June Although the information supplied by the govern- 1954.The reports covered the application of the ments refers to the period from 1 July 1954 to Regulations from three aspects :as seen by the 30 June 1955, certain matters that arose subsequently Organization, in its administrative role of applying are also reported, for the information and possibly the Regulations ;as reported by Member States the opinion of the Committee on International which, in accordance with Article 62 of the Constitu- Quarantine.Itwill be seen that,although the tion of the Organization and Article 13, paragraph 1, Regulations have been in force for three years, the of the Regulations, annually forward information questions raised and the points of detail calling for concerning the occurrence of any case of a quarantin- clarification are still quite numerous. able disease due toor carried by international 4. Moreover, for the first time, the Health Assembly traffic,as well as on the action taken under the adopted, on 26 May 1955, Additional Regulations Regulations or bearing upon their application ; and, amending a number of provisions of the Regulations, finally,asreported by otherorganizations and in particular those concerning yellow fever.These associations directly concerned with the application amendments, which will apply as from 1October of the Regulations and their effects on international 1956, are reproduced in the report (see pages to 7). traffic. 5. Other matters, by reason either of their im- In addition, the first report contained a historical portance or of the procedure leading to their study, summary explaining the conditions under which the have been the subject of special documents, prepared Regulations had been established, the requirements independently of this report.They are nevertheless under the Constitution and theprocedures that briefly mentioned in the report. APPLICATION AND WORKING OF THE REGULATIONS 1.WORKING OF THE REGULATIONS AS SEEN BY THE ORGANIZATION 6.The problems and difficulties encountered by General in his second annual report, which was Member States and the Organization during the considered bytheCommittee onInternational second year of application of theInternational Quarantine during its second session, held in Geneva Sanitary Regulations were mentioned by the Director- from 25 October to 2 November 1954. The Seventh 3 4 INTERNATIONAL QUARANTINE World Health Assembly decided, in May 1954, to every second house where the houses are separated by less refer the International Sanitary Regulations to the than twenty -five yards, and all houses where the space between them is twenty -five yards or more. Committee on International Quarantine with a view The question of the length of the interval between the visits to a revision of the yellow -fever provisions of these to be carried out in order to establish the index is also referred Regulations, and four experts on yellow fever were to the Quarantine Committee. attached to the Committee for the discussions on The definition of " epidemic " shall be amended as follows : this point. " Epidemic" means an extension of a quarantinable The opinions and recommendations formulated disease by a multiplication of cases in a local area. by the Committee were transmitted by the Executive The definition of " first case " shall be deleted. Board to the Eighth World Health Assembly. The definition of "foyer " shall be deleted. At the request of the Executive Board a special sub -committee was established by the Committee The definition of " imported case " shall apply only to a case introduced into a territory from outside that territory, on Programme and Budget of the Eighth World and not to a case notified in one local area but coming from Health Assembly for the study of quarantine prob- another local area in the same territory. Such cases, discovered lems.The report drawn up was adopted, with or treated in one local area but originating in another local slight changes, by the Health Assembly on 26 May area of the same territory, should be described in the epi- demiological reports as " originating in a local area (to be 1955. Theproceedings,decisionsandreports specified) within the territory " ;some other designation, relating to international quarantine at the Eighth avoiding the use of the word " imported ", should be employed World Health Assembly are published inOfficial for such cases when the source of infection is not known. Records No. 64. The definition of " infected local area" shall be amended in the following manner : 7.The decisions taken by the Health Assembly on points raised by Member States and by the Director - " Infected local area " means : General in his second report
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