https://telegram.me/TheHindu_Zone http://www.ias4india.com THE TRIBUNE 10 OPINION CHANDIGARH | SATURDAY | 25 MARCH 2017 THETRIBUNE Fighting BJP's tsunami established in 1881 2rin% back secularis" S Nihal Singh therefore feels the compulsion to rewrite history, a habit e"en adopted 25 slaps to democracy 6ERE is a sub$te5t to the sur$ by the ! in his early days in office. Shiv Sena MP shows what ‘rulers’ think of the ruled prise ele"ation of the hard$ The ridicule his flights of fancy invit- line 6indut"a icon, Ao%i ed forced him to take down a portion Adityanath, to the post of of a speech he gave in opening a hos- OWER is known to corrupt people. Apparently, it makes T:hief inister of 7! after the 34!>s pital win% in umbai and he has them dumb too. The by now infamous Lok Sabha ! from sweep in the assembly election. The refrained from repeatin% the RSS "er$ P aharashtra, Ra"indra #aikwad of the Shi" Sena, has RSS, the party>s mentor, is spreading sion of history since then. demonstrated his complete lack of sense and proportion by insist$ its win%s in the country on the So what can we e5pect from r in% on business$class tra"el in an all$economy fli%ht from Pune to strength of it providing the sinews in Modi and his government in the next &elhi. What really shocked the citi'ens of the country, of course, the shape of foot soldiers in the two years? There will be much talk of was the ri%hteous outra%e with which he went on to strike an Air mechanics of winning elections. de"elopment with shades of 6indut$ (ndia staffer with a sandal multiple times ) *+, accordin% to his So far, it has planted RSS men first "a, continuation of pro$poor pro$ subse,uent boast on tele"ision. in 6aryana and now in 7ttarakhand grammes taking the mantra of (ndira Inasmuch as the prime-time TV audience was aghast at an elect- and 7! in chief ministerial posts. (f Gandhi in new and "aried forms. The ed representati"e.s abuse of power and twisted sense of entitlement, ! 2arendra odi seeks to follow Hindu motif will be dominant with its the conduct should not come as a surprise. /or the record, he has pra%matic policies in achie"in% his $he RSS has warned Mr Modi he cannot replay 0ujarat at the national level. symbols and althou%h r odi will ob?ecti"es, he has had to accept on occasion %i"e solace to uslims, refused to apolo%ise for his conduct, and his party has merely told defeat. Of course, we must not for%et remainin% two years of his present (n Europe, prosperity ha"in% %i"en the RSS will continue to hold the key. him to 0watch his behaviour”. That is no surprise. Gaikwad, after all, that the 7nion :abinet is full of RSS term and the stresses and tra"ails of way to recession for a time, there is The Opposition parties are still try$ belongs to a political party that takes organisational pride in boorish men and r odi himself was bap$ governing a country of great diversity widespread attack on multicultural$ in% to fi%ure out how to respond to the behaviour, all in the name of standing up for hapless citizens against tised in the RSS. The difference and substantial minorities. 6is ism with an o"erlay of (slamophobia 34! tsunami. The former E5ternal an indifferent bureaucracy. And if the electorate keep re-electing rep- between him and the San%h is the administration can %ain a few brown- and in the US Mr Trump is seeking to Affairs inister Salman Fhurshid resentati"es like him, then the #aikwads can continue to feel they pace at which the country is to be ie points in takin% up the case of two abandon its post$World War (( role as must be complimented for makin% a ha"e a licence to misbeha"e. 2either his party nor the 34!, the ally, 6induised. The "erdict thus far is uslim clerics %one missin% in !ak$ the protector of liberal "alues to bra"e attempt to put a %loss on his nor the Lok Sabha Speaker can be e5pected to take any puniti"e what he could achie"e by sidelinin% istan with the authorities there, but emphasising EAmerica /irst". leader Ra?i" #andhi>s humiliatin% 7! action against #aikwad. A sense of political solidarity would ensure the RSS in #u?arat he cannot repeat Muslims in particular are living ner"$ Mr Modi cannot get rid of the coun$ defeat, but apart from !un?ab, #oa and that he gets off with the gentlest of slap on the wrist. at the national le"el. ously as they await new assaults on try>s uslim population, the second anipur, the :on%ress is a minor play$ The matter should not be allowed to rest at that. This is the age of What is clear beyond doubt is that their religious-affiliated lives. largest in the world, even if he would er in national politics and it would be insistently good governance, an empowered citizenry and a vigilant the 34! will fi%ht the *;<B %eneral Assuming that Mr odi has lost out want to, but he must find comfort in up to other parties to take the baton. media. #aikwad needs to be made to face the conse,uences of his election by playing the Hindu card in if he thou%ht differently about the r Trump>s uslim$bashin% philoso$ The Opposition, of course, is not in %ross misbeha"iour. At least, all the airlines ha"e closed ranks $ for the country>s most populous state in pace of 6induisin% the country, where phy because to a certain e5tent the the pink of health. Tamil Nadu is still *;<B, as elsewhere in the country. (f does he draw the line to convince the two are sailin% in the same boat. The embroiled in succession politics after now $ to ban him from flyin%. This act of coura%e and self$respect r odi had planned to 6induise and the death of Jayalalithaa. Ms Mamata should be applauded. Abo"e all, a stron% and a clear sense of disap$ saffronise the country at a slower 3aner?ee is "ociferously fi%htin% from proval must be conveyed to the politician by the civil society. pace, he has been o"erruled by the The difference between Mr Modi and the RSS is the pace at which her corner but lacks national appeal RSS leadership. (t must howe"er be the country is to be Hinduised and 3ihar>s 2itish Fumar has lost said for the record that the ! made # some of his sheen in the state>s pres$ his contribution to keep the commu$ ent coalition arran%ement. 7ttar nal pot boilin% by references to pro$ RSS to slow down its 'eal for saffroni- RSS has warned him that he cannot !radesh>s Akhilesh Aada" has youth Testing the limits viding a place for Hindu death rituals sationC There are %ood %rounds for repeat the #u?arat tactic at the nation$ and dynamism on his side but Push Aadhaar after privacy law as well as graveyards for Muslims and pra%matism in settin% aside RSS al level because the stakes are simply remains handicapped by a difficult askin% for ade,uate electricity sup$ myths for %o"ernance. (s the ! too high and the RSS leadership feels father and an ambitious uncle in the plies for Diwali as for Ramzan. What- %atherin% his forces to li"e to fi%ht that creatin% the (ndia of its dreams is party>s less than salutary clan politics. 6E 7nion #o"ernment.s mo"e to force citi'ens to ,uote ever the veracity of his claims, he was another day because it is not in his suddenly within its %rasp. The Opposition will to an e5tent %o the Aadhaar number in the filin% of income ta5 returns has at the same time hitting at the alleged nature to accept defeat early? The RSS has been layin% the alon% with seekin% 6indu "otes but Traised certain issues which ha"e not been ade,uately dealt pro$ uslim bias of the state>s rulin% There is one factor helpin% the %roundwork for some time, in partic$ must e"ol"e an appealin% "ersion of with. A failure to link Aadhaar and ta5 filin% can lead to the can$ Samajwadi !arty. ri%htward swin% in (ndia combined ular since the 34!>s *;<@ %eneral elec$ secularism for youn% "oters. :learly, cellation of the user.s permanent account number 8!A29. :iti$ 6ow the 34! won 7! is now for with reli%ious fer"ourD the turmoil in tion victory. It has placed key men in the RSS goal is to bury 2ehru>s secu$ 'ens are bein% asked to make their personal details public by a psepholo%ists and historians to deci$ the West e5emplified by the rise of historical and research or%anisations larism. The youn% do not know what %o"ernment which itself is becomin% increasin%ly non$transpar$ pher. The important point is how it populism in Europe and the election because the or%anisation sets much it really was. (t is the Opposition>s ent. The surreptitious way the %o"ernment slipped in crucial will determine r odi>s rule in the of Mr Donald Trump as US President. store on its "ersion of history and task to make it come alive.
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