t OFFICE OF THE.SIMLAPAL PANCHAYAT SAMITY SIMLAPAL:: BANKURA. ilGmo[0.146 llatcd. 05.02.2021 TENDER NOTTCE NO. SrM/ 19/EO |2O2O-2O21 DATED. 05.O2.2021 Sealed tenders are hereby invited by the undersigned from the bonafied and experienced contractors, Registered Co-operative Societies formed Enqineers and Labour Co-operatives having credential as me tioned in the box, SI No Name of Work Amount put to Gost of Credential Required Earnest Money Security tender Tender Form required Period (ln Rs.) (ln Rs.) Bonafied,reputed, @2% of estimated reliablq experience & cost (Earnest resourcefirl contractor or money One year t. lnstallation of I unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited from the 1 Submersible pump at 2950401- 2500t- operative society having in form of Bank draft date of Parsola JL no. 28, requisite credential of in favour of the Completion undersigned.) 50 o/o sinking work Bonafied,reputed, @ 2% of estimated lnstallation of reliable, experience & cost (Earnest Submersible pump for resourceful contractor or money One year drinking water supply unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited from the 2 299093/- 2500t- in form Bank at Putiadaha operative society having of draft date of in favour of the adibasipara,Dubrajpur requisite credential of Completion undersigned.) G.P. 50 % sinking work. 2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, @ cost lnstallation of reliable, experience & (Earnest money Submersible pump for resourceful contractor or One year should be deposited drinking water supply unemployed eng. Co- from the 299093/- 2500t- in form of Bank draft at Jagannathpur operative society having date of in favour of the Adibasipara requisite credential of Completion 3 ,Simlapal undersigned.) G.P. 50 o/o sinking work. l. I Bonafied,reputed, @ 2% of estimated cost lnstallation of reliable, experience & resourceful contractor (Earnest money Submersible pump for or One year unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited from 4 drinking water supply 197055t- 2500t- the operative society having in form of Bank draft date of at Talda Community requisite credential of in favour of the Completion Hall ,Bikrampur G.P. undersigned.) 50 %o sinking work. @ 2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, . cost reliable, experience & (Earnest money resourceful contractor or lnstallation of should be deposited One year unemployed eng. Co- from 5 Submersible pump at I 99806/- 2500t- in form of Bank draft the operative society having date Bagan in favour of the of requisite credential of undersigned.) Completion 50 % sinkingwork. Bonafied,reputed, @2% of estimated reliable, experience & cost r- I resourceful contractor or (Earnest money , One year lnstallation of Tube well unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited from the 6 at Paldanga Loharpara 99571t- 500/- operative society having in form of Bank draft date of village,Parsola G.P. requisite credential of in favour of the Completion 50 % any type of civil undersigned.) construction work. Bonafied,reputed, @ 2% of estimated reliable, experience & cost resourcefu I contractor or (Earnest money One year lnstallation of Tube well unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited from the 7 at Rasikpur village 994941- 500/- operative society having in form of Bank draft date of requisite credential of in favour of the ,Lakshmisagar G.P. Completion 50 % any type ofcivil undersigned.) construction work @ 2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, cost reliable, experience & (Earnest money lnstallation of Tube well resourceful contractor or should be deposited One year at Hatibari Mal para unemployed eng. Co- in form Bank from the 8 1 98988/- 2500t- of draft and Puipal Loharpara operative society having in favour of the date of ,Dubrajpur G.P. requisite credential of undersigned.) Completion 50 % sinking work. @ 2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, cost lnstallation of reliable, experience & (Earnest money Submersible pump for or year i, resourceful contractor should be deposited One ? drinking water supply unemployed eng. Co- from the 9 299093/- 2500t- in form of Bank draft with Tank at operative society having in favour of the date of Lakshmanpur requisite credential of undersigned.) Completion ,Mandalgram G.P. 50 o/o sinking work. @ 2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, cost reliable, experience & lnstallation of (Earnest money resourceful contractor or year Submersible pump for should be deposited One unemployed eng. Co- from the 10 drinking water supply 299093/- 2500t- in form of Bank draft operative society having date of at Parasole Adibasipara in favour of the requisite credential of undersigned.) Completion G.P. ,Mandalgram 50 o/o sinking work. @2% of estimated Bonafied,reputed, ' cost reliable, experience & (Earnest money lnstallation of resourceful contractor or should be deposited One year Submersible pump at unemployed eng. Co- from the 11 295040t- 2500t- in form of Bank draft Guriaghati JL no. 25 operative society having in favour of the date of ,Parsola G.P. requisite credential of undersigned.) Completion 50 o/o sinking work. Bonafied,reputed, @2% ot estimated reliable, experience & cost resourceful contractor or (Earnest money One year unemployed eng. Co- should be deposited Const. of Urinal at from the 12 297528t- 2500t- operative society having in form of Bank draft Machatora Market date of requisite credential of in favour of the 50%oBuildingBridge, undersigned.) Completion culver! Check dam work. Time of completion of the work Date of Date & time of Receiving Application & up to 01.00 p.m & opening Purchase Tender of sealed Tender paper Upto 03:00 noon 30 days from the date of issue Work Order 12.02.2021 15.02.2021 t- t Tenderers have to abide bv the followinq conditions: 'l . Tender will be in two bid system as per provision of rule 47C of the West Bengal Financial Rule Volume-|. (a) Technical bid consisting of all technical details alqnq with commercial terms and conditions*; (b) Financial bid indicating rate as Percentage below the estimated rate/ at per the estimated rate / Percentage % above the estimated rate (as will be decided by the tenderer) at the specified place of Tender Form to be submitted with signature of the tenderer. The rate should be written both in word and figure and no oveMriting is allowed. Any intending tenderer can purchase the Tender Form & Tender Documents at the prescribed rate as mentioned in this notice on any working day from this office between 11-00 AM to O3-OO PM up to 12.02.21 No Tender Form shall be issued after 03-00 PM on 12.02.21. The technical bid and the financial bid should be sealed by the bidder in separate covers duly superscribed and both the sealed covers are to be put in a bigger cover which should also be g!gg] and duly suPeriqtibed. The teqhnical lidg shall be opened at the fiist instance and evaluated vis-d-vis terms and condition of tender. At the seco.nd staqe' frilncial bids oi onlv the technicallv acceptable offers shall be opened for furnishing value and ranking before finalization and awarding of the contract. .Note: Attested photo co-pies of STRC , PTRC, PAN Card, lT Return latest Credential Certificate (Credential certificate of above mention type of works done by the contractor must be of within last 5 (five) years) along with Demand Draft for Earnest Money has to be submitted in the envelope con[aining the technical bid and that envelop must be super scribed as Technical Bid. All papers submitted in the bid should be signed by the tenderer on each page. 2. The tenderers should visit the work site before quoiing rate as no plea on the site condition, accessibility, carriage, re-caniage shall be entertained afterwards and itwill be presumed thatthe agencyoffered thetenderafterreviewing entire position of theworksite J. The undersigned reserve the right to ask the tenderer io submit analysis of the quoted rate at any point. 4. lncomplete tender will be rejected summarily. 5. Audited Accounts of last financial year will have to be submitted in case of Engineers Co-operative societies & Labour Co-operatives. The tender forms are to be received byihe Chairman or Secretaries or any member of the Society having proper power of attorney. No tender form will be handed over to any outsiders. Credential of similar type of works as told earlier will have to be produced in case of Engineer Co-operative Societies. 6. The Undersigned reserves the right to accept or cancel any or all tenders without assigning any reason, 7. The successlful tenderer shalt enter in a contracU agreement with the undersigned on a non'judicial stamp paper of Rs'10/- where terms and conditions of the contract agreement shall be mentioned and all terms & conditions mentioned in this notice shall be part of terms & conditions of contract. ln case of failure on the part of the tenderer to enter in the contract within Five days from the date of receipt of the work order, the work order may be cancelled by the undersigned and the case.of cancellation of work order the earnest money shatl be forfeited. Time is the essence of contract. The successful contractor must start the work within three days from the date of signing of agreement / @nedmaycanceltheworkorder&contractandforfeittheearneStmoney.Theworkshouldbecompleted within the preicribed time. No extension oi time will be allowed except in special cases if it is found that the delay caused due to such reason which is beyond the control of the contractor and on the issue whether any reason is beyond the control of the contractor, the decision of the undersigned shall be final. per (a) A penalty @0.1% (Zero point One percent) of the value of work may be imposed on day of delay' (b) Ifduringexecutionofworkitisfoundthattheprogressofworkisveryslowandthecontractorfailedtospeeduptheworkeven after repeated reminders and the work is going to be delayed unnecessarily due to fault on the part of contractor and / or the quality of work is not as per the plan & estimate and the contractor does not make required rectification after being so instructed, the wilrk order and contract shall be cancelled, the earnest money shall be forfeited, the contractor may be blacklisted and claim of payment of work already executed before such termination, may not be considered or entertained.
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