Dedicated to Rolls-Royce & Bentley Motorcars September / October 2011 11-5 RROC, Inc., 191 Hempt Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 USA 800-TRY-RROC / 717-697-4671 fax 717-697-7820 contents www.rroc.org, email: [email protected] september/october 2011 EDITOR IN CHIEF Sabu Advani 6860 N. Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85718 RRMC ph/fax 520-615-6484, <fl[email protected]> TECHNICAL EDITOR Jon Waples 3231 Sherbourne Rd., Detroit, MI 48221-1814 313-345-5123 <fl[email protected]> (INTERIM) EVENTS EDITOR Judy Walker <fl[email protected]> CONTRIBUTING EDITORS André Blaize (FRA), Tom Clarke (UK), Rubén Verdés (FL) VICE-PRESIDENT, COMMUNICATIONS Rubén Verdés [email protected] ADVERTISING/BAZAAR RROC HQ ART DIRECTOR Marcia D. Quiroz Spit and polish is applied to a one-off Drophead Coupé to be shown at “Masterpiece 2011.” <fl[email protected]> THE FLYING LADY (ISSN 0015-4830) is a bi-monthly publication of The Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club, Inc., a non- features technical feature profit corporation, 191 Hempt Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, USA. Printed in USA. Periodical postage paid at Danish Spring Meet 10166 Where Are Your 10197 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050, and additional mailing offices. Wheels? POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Flying Lady, Carrosserie Franay 10167 191 Hempt Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 USA. (1903–1955) departments Copyright ©2011 Part II: The Bentleys Conduit 10161 by the Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club, Inc. 2011 Villa d’Este 10174 Building a Better 10164 The trademarks “Rolls-Royce,” “R-R” Logo and the Concours “Rolls-Royce” Badge device are the trademarks of Foundation Rolls-Royce plc and are used by the Club under license. The Club and the editors aim to publish accurate Flying Lady For A Day 10178 Book Reviews 10204 information and recommendations, but neither assumes responsibility in the event of claim of loss or damage The Grand Ascent and 10181 Bazaar 10206 resulting from publication of editorial or advertising Elegance at Hershey matter including typographical errors. Statements th of contributors are their own, and do not necessarily BDC 75 Anniversary 10185 reflect Club policy. Ball and Tour Annual membership dues are $70, $30 of which is for a subscription to The Flying Lady for one year. New The House of 10187 members pay a $30 initial processing fee. Regional Grosvenor membership dues vary, but joining is highly encouraged. Multiple Winner of IAMC Retro Classic Meets & Golden Quill Awards 10198 TH U T R H T R O Barock 2011 T U H G G H I M M On the Cover E R Mulliner-Spec GT D E 10205 I A V O P TM R S L E I V Emotion in Motion A Photo by Johannes Riedel 10160 THEFLYINGLADY September / October 2011 CONDUIT From the a 1921 Silver Ghost 60 years As part of our strategy to 2012 SprINg TOUr ago that he still owns and improve club services in the April 29–May 5 Where President drives. Second, he celebrat- future, we recently complet- has your car taken you late- ed his 66th wed- ed the most extensive survey ly? Come to Charlottesville ding anniversary of members in over a decade. in the spring of 2012 for a this year. Try top- The response rate from tour of Thomas Jefferson’s ping that! members was tremendous. Virginia. This will be an eco- Although the We had surveys complet- nomical and low-key hub This year marks the Ritters and Bakers ed within the first hour of it tour of the beautiful Virginia 60th anniversary have remained being posted online and they Piedmont. We will stay in of the Rolls-Royce constant over the continued to roll in until the Charlottesville and tour Owners’ Club. The past 60 years, our deadline. The Board is taking sites where Jefferson lived, club was started by club has changed a detailed look at the survey’s went to school, and visit- six Rolls-Royce enthusiasts a lot. The first edition of the results and will be using the ed his friends. There will and has grown to over 8,000 club’s magazine was only 8 data to help shape the future be an after-hours tour of members today. One of the pages in 1951. It included an of the RROC. Monticello, just for us, that club’s founding members and ad for a 1911 Silver Ghost My sincere thanks to will take us where most visi- our first Treasurer was Peter (then only 40 years old) that members across our club tors don’t get to go. Shavney. He is still a mem- was listed for $600. Today, who contribute their time We will visit some win- ber today and was recognized that 40-year old car would and talents at the regional eries—an industry Jefferson for his contributions to the be a 1971 model, a Silver and national level. I am con- helped start in Virginia—that RROC at the 2011 National Shadow, and The Flying tinually in awe of members are getting international rec- Meet. In addition to Pete, I Lady has grown to 64 pages. who organize and execute ognition. We will drive part want to recognize three oth- Times have changed for meets and tours, make con- of the spectacular Skyline ers who joined the RROC the club and for our cars, tributions to The Flying Lady Drive and in general stay on in 1951 and celebrated their and so has the club’s admin- and their regional newslet- back roads that are well suit- 60th anniversary as club istration. It’s been my honor ters, hold technical seminars, ed to older cars. members: Guy and Doris to serve as RROC President and provide advice to mem- Hotel costs are reason- Ritter of Staunton, VA; and for the past two years. I com- bers about their cars. Your able with an average rate of Elisha (Remy) Baker of pleted my term at the Lake contributions are what makes $85 a night. Dinners will be Liberty, SC. Congratulations Tahoe board meeting with the Rolls-Royce Owners’ casual with the emphasis on to these members on cele- the election of new club offi- Club the best car club in value for money. Come and brating 60 years as members cers. I’ve had the pleasure to the world—a fitting tribute connect with friends and our of the RROC! work with a great Board of to Charles Rolls and Henry American heritage! I had the pleasure of Directors and want to thank Royce who made the best car More info from: Cortes speaking with these members them for their service and in the world. Pauls, 804.231.9481, and they all had great stories dedication to the club. The I am pleased to call many <[email protected]> or about their cars and expe- Board has worked hard at of you my friends and look Sue Brooks, 757.258.8550, riences in the club. Remy delivering more value and forward to seeing you at a <[email protected]>. Baker deserves special men- services to club members. future meet, tour, or techni- tion on two other 60-year We made a lot of progress cal seminar. OTher NewS milestones. First, he bought and still have more to do. — Gil Fuqua Digital Memberships Members outside of North alendar of vents and verseas America are now eligi- C e U.s. o ble to join the RROC as ▲ Sept. 16–23, 2012 Nova Scotia Fall Tour 2011 & BeyOnD eVenTS an International Digital Sept. 14–16 Small HP Seminar, VT (Peck, Howe) Member, at less than half Sept. 18–23 Colorado Fall Tour (Lovick) April 7–14, 2013 Annual Meet, San Antonio, the cost—just $30. The new TX (Briseno) April 29–May 5, 2012 Spring Tour, VA digital membership elimi- (Pauls, Brooks) 2014 Annual Meet, Pittsburgh, PA nates two key obstacles for (Leimkuehler) overseas recipients of the June 18–23, 2012 Annual Meet, Kentucky (Rich, Ozment) magazine: shipping cost and transit time. All editorial contributions go to the editors, addresses on masthead. The exact details of this Please contact RROC HQ to register for RROC events. Deadlines 11/1, 1/2, 3/1, 5/1, 7/1, 9/1. new program are still being Phone Number 800-879-7762 <www.rroc.org> Direct all other correspondence, including change of address or evaluated and may change RROC Activities Committee Chair: Sneed Adams complaints re delivery to the relevant Club offcials or to HQ. once we have a better idea Phone Number 281-787-3160 – [email protected] All ads, whether classifed (the Bazaar) or display, go to the Ad Manager at Club HQ. of what people desire. Mean- while, contact RROC HQ September / October 2011 THEFLYINGLADY 10161 CONDUIT to sign up—and do complex objects and shapes is tell your friends who reminiscent of Velázquez. might be interested The Fine Art Limited Edition in this new option but prints produced for Rolls-Royce Courtesy John McGlynn would have no way were 26 x 20" and copies were of learning about it sent to the dealers worldwide unless you tell them. for framing and display. Smaller In addition to elec - copies, with technical details tronic access to each on the reverse, were included edition of The Flying inside the cover of the firm’s Lady, digital members Famed Chilean artist Claudio in Santiago, Bravo established 1968 catalog. See his work at will receive online access to Bravo (b. 1936) who was himself in Madrid in the 1960s <http://claudiobravo.com>. The Event Lady and the Lux- commissioned by Rolls-Royce in as a society portraitist. He ury Travel Guide, and full 1968 to depict their new range gained recognition for his access to the RROC’s web- of cars died June 4 in Tangier, astounding ability to create site including the Dis cussion Morocco, his home since 1972.
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