PILLE TOMSON PILLE VIIS VIIMAST KAITSMIST SHUAI LI INDUCTION OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUND EMISSIONS FROM LEAVES UPON OZONE AND METHYL JASMONATE (MEJA) TREATMENTS IN SOUTH ESTONIA VEGETATION AND FOREST LANDSCAPES OF CULTURAL THE DEVELOPMENT IN SLASH AND BURN CULTIVATION OF HISTORICAL ROLE TAIMELEHTEDE LENDUVÜHENDITE EMISSIOONI INDUKTSIOON OSOONI JA METÜÜL JASMONAADI MÕJUL Professor Ülo Niinemets 26. veebruar 2018 KANAGENDRAN AROORAN DIFFERENTIAL REGULATION OF RELEASE OF LEAF STRESS VOLATILES: FROM TERPENE SYNTHASE GENE EXPRESSION TO EMISSION RESPONSES UNDER ROLE OF HISTORICAL SLASH AND BURN HEAT, OZONE AND WOUNDING STRESSES THE CULTIVATIONINFLUENCE OFIN THEGROWTH DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS OF ON BIOGEENSETE LENDUVÜHENDITE EMISSIOONI REGULATSIOON STRESSITINGIMUSTES: GEENIEKSPRESSIOONIST LENDUVÜHENDITE PHYSICO-MECHANICALCULTURAL LANDSCAPES PROPERTIES AND FOREST OF SCOTS EMISSIOONIVASTUSTENI ERINEVATE ABIOOTILISTE STRESSIDE KORRAL VEGETATIONPINE (Pinus IN SOUTH sylvestris ESTONIA L.) Professor Ülo Niinemets 9. märts 2018 WOOD IN ESTONIA KAAREL SOOTS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FOR POST-HARVESTED CULTIVATED BERRIES AJALOOLISEKASVUTINGIMUSTE ALEPÕLLUNDUSE MÕJU HARILIKU ROLL LÕUNA-EESTI MÄNNI KULTUURMARJADE KORISTUSJÄRGSE TÖÖTLEMISE TEHNOLOOGIA MAASTIKE(Pinus JA METSATAIMESTIKUsylvestris L.) PUIDU FÜÜSIKALIS- KUJUNEMISEL Professor Jüri Olt 6. aprill 2018 MEHAANILISTELE OMADUSTELE EESTIS ANDRES JÄÄRATS THE EFFECT OF PLANTING STOCK AND SOIL SCARIFICATION ON FOREST REGENERATION REGINO KASK ISTUTUSMATERJALI JA MAAPINNA ETTEVALMISTAMISE MÕJU METSA PILLE TOMSON UUENDAMISELE Emeriitdotsent Heino Seemen, dotsent Ivar Sibul, Arvo Tullus (Tartu Ülikool) 1. juuni 2018 A Thesis KATRIN KALDRE for applying for the degree ofA ThesisDoctor of Philosophy in Forestry INVASIVE NON-INDIGENOUS CRAYFISH SPECIES AS A THREAT TO THE NOBLE CRAYFISH (ASTACUS ASTACUS L.) POPULATIONS IN ESTONIA for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy INVASIIVSED VÄHI VÕÕRLIIGID JA NENDE OHUSTAV MÕJU JÕEVÄHI in Environmental protection (ASTACUS ASTACUS L.) ASURKONDADELE EESTIS Emeriitprofessor Tiit Paaver, professor Riho Gross Väitekiri 15. juuni 2018 filosoofiadoktorifilosoofiadoktori kraadi kraadi taotlemiseks taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse metsanduse erialal erialal ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-629-42-8 (publication) ISBN 978-9949-629-43-5 (pdf) Tartu 20182015 Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd Doctoral Theses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences ROLE OF HISTORICAL SLASH AND BURN CULTIVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL LANDSCAPES AND FOREST VEGETATION IN SOUTH ESTONIA AJALOOLISE ALEPÕLLUNDUSE ROLL LÕUNA-EESTI MAASTIKE JA METSATAIMESTIKU KUJUNEMISEL PILLE TOMSON A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental protection Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks keskkonnakaitse erialal Tartu 2018 Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences According to verdict 6-14/3-2 of July 02, 2018, the Doctoral Committee of the Agricultural and Natural Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection. Opponent: Prof. Matts Lindbladh Centre of Southern Swedish Forest Research Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Supevisors: Prof. Robert Gerald Henry Bunce Prof. Kalev Sepp Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences Defence of the thesis: Estonian University of Life Sciences, room 2A1, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu on 24 of October 2018 at 11.15 The English in the current thesis was revised by Elsevier Language Editing Services and the Estonian by dr. Ene Vainik. Publication of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund. © Pille Tomson, 2018 ISBN 978-9949-629-42-8 ISBN 978-9949-629-43-5 (pdf-fail) CONTENTS LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS .................................................7 ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................8 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................9 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................................12 2.1. Slash and burn cultivation in Europe ............................................12 2.2. Slash and burn cultivation in Estonia ............................................12 2.3. Research status ..................................................................................13 2.4. Characteristics of slash and burn cultivation ...............................14 2.5. Forest fires .........................................................................................15 2.6. The impacts of fire and slash and burn cultivation on the soil .......................................................................................................16 2.7. Effects of fire and slash and burn cultivation on vegetation ..................................................................................................17 2.8. Identification of slash and burn areas .........................................19 3. AIMS AND HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY ..............................21 4. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................22 4.1. Study areas .........................................................................................22 4.2. Maps and map analysis ...................................................................22 4.3. Fieldwork ...........................................................................................25 4.4. Data processing ................................................................................29 4.5. Statistical analyses .............................................................................31 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................32 5.1. The extent of slash and burn cultivation in 19th century land use and the characteristics of areas used for regular slash and burn cultivation ...............................................................................32 5.2. Land cover changes of former slash and burn lands in 20th century ......................................................................................................33 5.3. Modern vegetation in former slash and burn sites and in former forests ..........................................................................................35 5 5.4. The role of slash and burn cultivation in formation of soil charcoal deposits ......................................................................................44 5.5. Methods for the identification of areas used for slash and burn cultivation and the extent of slash and burn cultivation ..........50 CONCLUSIONS .........................................................................................53 REFERENCES ............................................................................................57 SUMMARY IN ESTONIAN ....................................................................67 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................74 ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS.................................................................75 CURRICULUM VITAE ...........................................................................178 ELULOOKIRJELDUS ............................................................................182 6 LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS This thesis is based on the following papers, which are referred in text by their Roman numerals I: Tomson, P., Bunce, R.G.H., Sepp, K. (2015). The role of slash and burn cultivation in the formation of southern Estonian landscapes and implications for nature conservation. Landscape and Urban Planning, 137, 54−63.10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.12.015. II: Tomson, P., Bunce, R.G.H., Sepp, K. (2016). Historical Development of Forest Patterns in Former Slash and Burn Sites in Southern Estonia. In: Angoletti, M., Emanueli, F. (Eds.). Biocultural Diversity in Europe (303−318). Switzerland: Springer. (Environmental History; 5).10.1007/978-3-319-26315-1_16. III: Tomson, P., Kaart, T., Sepp, K. (2018). Role of 19th-century rotational slash-and-burn cultivation in the formation of boreal forest vegetation and implications for management. Forest Ecology and Management, 409, 845−862.10.1016/j.foreco.2017.12.005. IV: Tomson, P., Kaart, T., Sepp, K. Macroscopic charcoal in forest soils in the context of slash and burn cultivation and forest fires. Silva Fennica. Submitted (2018). The contribution of the authors to the papers: I II III IV Original idea PT PT PT PT Study design PT PT PT, RGHB PT Data collection PT PT PT, RGHB PT Data analyses PT PT TK, PT TK, PT Manuscript PT, RGHB, PT, RGHB, PT, KS, TK PT, KS, TK preparation KS KS KS–Prof. Kalev Sepp PT–Pille Tomson RGHB–Prof. Robert Gerald Henry Bunce TK–Tanel Kaart 7 ABBREVIATIONS AMS accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating ANOVA permutation analysis of variance calAD calibrated radiocarbon date Anno Domini calBC calibrated radiocarbon date Before Christ con conventional radiocarbon dating EAA reference code of the National Archives of Estonia FMD Forest Management Database LPA landscape protection area NP national park NaP nature park NPA nature protection area PCA principal component analysis PC principal component perMANOVA permutational multivariate ANOVA 8 1. INTRODUCTION Traditional
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