. • • ' : • ; , ............................ " - .i: ' : :" " • k ,. ¢ ,: !" ": :i ~ ' ' VOLUME 28, NUM:BER 25. ' ~ ; .... ~ CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1933. EIGHT PAGES. ,. , rain Franklin. Colonial heroes were R[~[IV[D nish the secretary of state with F: " O ! TOSOLA " pro~pf of :his financial.! responsibib " ~ ...... - given in response .to roll call. Mem- bers will please no.re that the next ALLOCATIONOF HWY, ity to meet the costs of any future, - The Topic f Conversation ~. .I • -, -~l l l I I This can be done:in three ways. ) ~ ................................................................................... day, Oct. 10, wiii be at the home o~ Mrs. C. L. Graham. FU ....Nai ......iRUN- G EAU ; with ,the state. He may file a s.ure-1 I WATC~IN(~ ~E/~ I ~ ~ xye 9=AVaO AFrsa ~AeK Invitations have been issued for ' OT'/~ ~((k } 0~5 NIGHT ~NO WATCHEO ~v05 I ty bond or a real estate bond with] ~SS~L~ T'HOS~ t? ~H~'.U~HT5 Go ON ~r the wedLting of Miss Alice Klump, Checks Totalling' $108,349 two sureties providing for a maxi-i ~0~0.~(fiR~ ~I(~H~- OOT OFT~AT YO0 VJ~O~J WASTHEMO~T • ~Aonm~.I daughter of Mrs. Frederick J. State Highway Commissioner ~LELT£~CAL I ~;pENTTWO -m~LU~O ~to~r Klump, of Saginaw and Rev. Geo. Says He Has Right to Di- Have Been Sent to 23 juries or death and a maximum of ~301LDING ALL 5SLID PAW I ~E~ SAW A'. Spitler, pastor of the Cass City vert Apportionment. Twp. Treasurers. $1,000 for property damage; or the "~[~%~OTIONRO~ ~-~TH5 NEXT (fl THF-~ALLJ Evangelical church, on Thursday, motorist may file a certificate LO~T OF 50ENC~-..- Oct. 12, at 3:00 p. m. The cere- ' showing that he 'carries .,motor re- ' L_~~I ~ ~F~N~T(O~\~ILL ~E O0/N~ A~O D)DN'T5~E ' mony will ~ be performed at the Michigan Avenue Evangelical A delegation of 30~ persons, rep- church at Saginaw. Members o~ resenting- several comv~unities in tha~ congregation as well as those Tusc,o[a county, visited the State ° of the Evangelical churches at Highway Department at Lansing struetion at Lansing, a statement Wo C. T. U. ELECTED OFFICERS. - Cass City and Bay City have been Monday for a conference with State .of the number of children of ~chool a ~ :~ invited to attend the wedding. Highway Commissioner Murray D. age listed in each township in the The Cass ,City society of the Rev. Mr. Spitler was pastor at Bay VanWagoner on the question of c°unty and the share °f eachTemperanCeof t°wn-pri- W°men's Christian /,~ ¢ City before coming here laat May. road projects in that county that ship in the apportionment Union met Friday afternoon at the 7 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moore of might be built with funds from the mary school interest fund. home of Mrs. Stanley Warner. San Diego, California, came Satur- Federal highway gran,t of $12,- The sttm of $108,349.29 received During the business hour, officers day for a two months' visit with 726,000. by Mr. Whittemburg recently rep- were elected for the coming year l ~ ~ Mrs. Moore's mother and sister, In order to learn the opinion o£ resents a primary school interest as follows: President, Mrs, A.J. , MrsrEleanor Bader and Mrs. J. D. the Tuscola Road Commission re- fund payment of $9.33 for each Knapp; vice'president, Mrm W. R. Brooker. Mr. and Mrs• Y£oore garding the use of part of~he funds ct~ld of school age in Tuscota Curtis; recording .secretary, Mrs. made .the trip by auto and spent a he had allocated to Tuscola county county. An:other payment ,of $3.50 S. Moore; corresponding~secretary, ~~ few days at the Century of Prog- to be used to improve a further a pupil is expected next December. Mrs. A. A. Ricker; treasurer, Mrs. ress exposition in Chicago o.n their section of M-53, Mr. VanWagoner Checks mailed to township Mary Gekeler; chairman of flower ~~'~~-.. way here. communicated with them, asking their attitude. He informed the treasurers within the past week by committee, Mrs. Anna Patterson. Joseph A. Martin, Jr., is a can- road commissioners, who were Mr. Whittenburg call for the fol- Refreshments were served by the ~~ "~ didate for membership on the com- members of the delegation Mon- lowing avnounts: hostess, The next ,meeting will be mon council in Detroit this fall. day, that he ,took excep- Akron .................................. $ 6857.55 held at the home of Mrs. James -~ Mr. Martin is the son of a former tion to receiving unfavorable pub- Almer ..................................4058.55 MECxea. ~ .~ ~ resident of Cass .City whose maid- licity and direct attacks upon him as Arbela ................................3060:2~ en name was Miss Pearl Landon. a result of this courtesy shown to Her husband, the late Joseph A. ,ti~ them. The highway commissioner 3666.69 ) )) 1/ ~ Martin, Sr., was a member of the ............................. made clear that Tuscola county is Denmark................................ ............................ 5849.91 ~~ " council for several years and served o..o.'- HENRY WEDD,N not allocated sums of money by the Elkland .............................. 5933.88 ~ ~ ~ as acting mayor of D~troit for some time. Federal government, but that the Elmwood ............................ 5728.62 plan of allocation is the idea of Mr. Fair grove ..........................4795.62 -~~ ' VanWagoner himself. Remarking Fremont .............................. 4907.58 ~' ( ~Y ~ ~ ' further that if, in order to benefit Gilford ............................... 4730.31 the greatest number of people, it Indianfields ........................ 10346.97 Over 100 Persons Present GASSCITYDEFEAIS seemed wise to divert Tuscola's allotment it is within his authority Juniata ............................. 3340.14 Home Talent Play Here calls many happenings of year~ MILK ~COME DROP] DETROIT MAN CHARGED Kingston ............................. 3657.36 Oct. 5 and 6. ago. WITH SNOVER ROBBERY so to do. Koylton ............................... 3097.56 Mrs. Bardwell has "five living HARBORBEACH, 6-0 i At the same time, the commis- Millington ......................... 4291.80 ~hildren: Mrs. Belle Lang, Coeur F[[D PRI F Jack O'Ne{1, 23, Detroit, was sioner stated that he is nat par- Novesta .............................. 3610.71 An event of outstanding current d'Alene, Idaho; Mrs. Frankie Man- turned over to Sanilae authorities ticularly favoring the allocation of Tuscola ............................... 2826.99 intereat in the community is the kin, Detroit; Mrs. Hattie Parma- Monday ]py Pomtiac officers and was Coach Kelly Substitutes Often Iifurther improvement of M-53 with Vassar ................................ 8583.60!presentation of "Henry's Wed- lee, Pontiac; Sire and Levi Bard- arraigned before Justice Noal A. the Federal funds, although Watertown ........................ 3200.19~ding," a play to be given Thursday well, Cass City. Mr. Bardwell Babcock Tuesday on a charge of in the First Victory of through the Earle Memorial High- Wells .................................. 3554.73 and Friday, Oct. 5 and 6, by a cast passed away about 57 years ago. No Profit from Increased Re- robbing Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blank the Season. i way, a great deal of sentiment in Wisner ................................. 3386.79 of over 100 local residents under Mrs. Bardwell makes her home ceipts when Herd Ex- of Snover of $740 in money and favor of th~/t project has been i the auspices of the Cass City La- with her daughter, Mrs. Parmalee, approximately $I0,000 in bonds created in the Thumb district. dies" Band. Miss Edith Thompson hi l~.~ ~ ~*,~l*~,z- early in the mornhlg of J. 11~ { ill i~.tvii~ ~v (rail illviuo.bivil ±v± Farewell and of the Universal Production .~o. of The youngest person present at Examination was set for Wednes- football season for the Cass City ~discussion, several members of the high school team were greatly in- delegation presented their ideas° Welcome Reception IFairfield'Ia., is coaching the play. the dinner Sunday was Helen day, Oct. 4. N,o bond was set. During the performance three Rutledge, two-year-old daughter of Michigan dairymen are not sure The home of the aged couple was .creased Friday at Harbor Beach. County Road Commissioner G. F. couples will take the matrimonial Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rutledge of wh~ther they should celebrate the entered by three masked and armed At least three scoring chances were Schultz stated that his commission Members Of the Bethel and Cass step. They are Guy Landon play- Caro. better prices, received by other robbers, who tied the couple in missed by the local eleven--two by lis opposed to paving M-53 in pref- (]ity Methodist churches met in the ing the part of Uncle Henry and Out of town guests present were farmers for feed or ~o griev~e be- their beds after which the robbers the i~nal gun at the half and the'erence to roads in Tuscola county, : League room of the Cass City' Mrs. E. Hunter taking the part of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reamer, cause feed prices have increased forced open a home-made strong" end of the game, and another by but that the commission is not an- church Friday in honor of Roy. and Samantha Green; Horace Pinney as ~Flint; Mrs. Jane Eckart and Mr. faster than those of dairy products, box hidden in a basement wall. an incomplete pass over the goal tagonistic to the highway depart- Mrs. T. S. Bo`ttrell, who are lear-i Jack Mccoy and Miss Evelyn Rob- and Mrs. Floyd Rutledge and fan- according to ,the dairy department The complaint charging O'Neil line. l mont. ing here for Davison, and Rev. and inson as Mary; and Tom Day as flY, Caro; Mrs. Frankie Mankin, at Michigan State College. as one of the robbers was signed During the first half, the Cass' M. C. Eveland, banker of May~ Mrs. Cha~ P. Bayless, who are lLawyer Brown and Mrs_.
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