Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology (2016), 42, 115–134 doi: 10.1111/nan.12227 Review: Cortical construction in autism spectrum disorder: columns, connectivity and the subplate J. J. Hutsler* and M. F. Casanova† *Department of Psychology, Program in Neuroscience, University of Nevada, Reno, and †Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, USA J. J. Hutsler and M. F. Casanova (2016) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology Cortical construction in autism spectrum disorder: columns, connectivity and the subplate The cerebral cortex undergoes protracted maturation terize autism. These alterations to cortical circuitry likely during human development and exemplifies how biology underlie the behavioural phenotype in autism and con- and environment are inextricably intertwined in the con- tribute to the unique pattern of deficits and strengths that struction of complex neural circuits. Autism spectrum characterize cognitive functioning. Recent findings within disorders are characterized by a number of pathological the cortical subplate may indicate that alterations to changes arising from this developmental process. These cortical construction begin prenatally, before activity- include: (i) alterations to columnar structure that have dependent connections are established, and are in need of significant implications for the organization of cortical cir- further study. A better understanding of cortical develop- cuits and connectivity; (ii) alterations to synaptic spines ment in autism spectrum disorders will draw bridges on individual cortical units that may underlie specific between the microanatomical computational circuitry types of connectional changes; and (iii) alterations within and the atypical behaviours that arise when that circuitry the cortical subplate, a region that plays a role in proper is modified. In addition, it will allow us to better exploit the cortical development and in regulating interregional com- constructional plasticity within the brain to design more munication in the mature brain. Although the cerebral targeted interventions that better manage atypical corti- cortex is not the only structure affected in the disorder, it is cal construction and that can be applied very early in post- a fundamental contributor to the behaviours that charac- natal life. Keywords: cerebral cortex, neurodevelopment, neuropathology, prenatal and its delayed maturation is associated with a flexible Introduction neurocomputational architecture that is open to a wide The human cerebral cortex occupies a unique place variety of early environmental influences [6,7]. It is, within the organization of the nervous system. Its posi- perhaps, the structure in the brain that best demonstrates tion, development and evolution provide the base upon how biology and environment are inextricably inter- which complex cognitive functions are established. The twined in the construction of the complex neural circuits organization of this multilayered sheet of tissue reflects that underpin our success and behavioural flexibility as a both its evolutionary and developmental history [1–4]. species [8,9]. Relative to the other components of the central nervous In developmental disorders where cognitive abilities are system, its expansion in human primates is remarkable [5] significantly impaired, the origin of the problem is often readily apparent in the atypical organization of the cer- Correspondence: Jeffrey J. Hutsler, Department of Psychology, ebral cortex [10,11]. In contrast, pervasive developmental Program in Neuroscience, University of Nevada, MS 296, 1664 N. Virginia Ave., Reno, NV 89557-0296, USA. Tel: +1 775 682 8694; disorders, such as autism, often show a remarkably intact Fax: +1 775 784 1126; E-mail: [email protected] cortical organization upon casual microscopic examina- © 2015 British Neuropathological Society 115 116 J. J. Hutsler and M. F. Casanova tion [12–14], although a number of subtle pathological afferent and efferent connections, their distribution of changes have been described [15]. Intensified efforts to neurones and their spatial expression of neuroactive pro- understand the organization of the cortex in autism spec- teins and peptides. Cortical layers can be described based trum disorder (ASD), along with numerous advances in upon their cellular content, their afferent and efferent quantitative microscopy, have revealed a litany of differ- connections, and the timing of maturation during neural ence from neurotypical (NT) subjects. While the cerebral development. Much like other neuronal structures, these cortex is not the only structure within the brain to be layers are not independent of one another, but are bound impacted by autism, its protracted development leaves it together and brought into functional registration by vulnerable to the shaping influences of earlier develop- columns of cells that traverse the layers [27,28]. mental events. Indeed, the very behaviours that are Single columns of cells share similarities in their required for a diagnosis of autism are largely dependent response properties [28,29] and are visually distinguish- on cortical functioning. able in many areas of cortex as vertical clusters of neu- The behavioural phenotype in ASD is not solely charac- rones separated from neighbouring minicolumns by a cell terized by deficits in cognitive functions. Rather, individu- sparse neuropil space. The sharing of response character- als with ASD often show better performance on many istics between spatially adjacent columns arises naturally types of cognitive tasks. These include embedded figures from the types of inputs that a cortical region receives, tasks, block design tasks and visual search [16–18]. In along with the fundamental rules that guide activity- addition to these simple tasks, 5% to 10% of the ASD dependent strengthening and weakening of connections population present with islands of ability that are remark- between neural units [6,7,30,31]. Neurones within a able in quality [19]. In the context of the present discus- minicolumn share a developmental history [32,33] and sion, these findings suggest that the cortex in autism may be the basis upon which evolutionary selection cannot be simply portrayed as abnormal or atypical. has acted to modify the computational architecture Rather, the organization of the cerebral cortex, and its [2,3,34,35]. More recently, the minicolumn as a distinct resulting computational and functional properties, repre- functional unit has been reaffirmed in primate prefrontal sents a kind of state that may reliably differ from the popu- cortex (PFC) by studying emergent higher cognitive func- lation as a whole. Certain features of this organization tions from encoded interlaminar communication within a may well be adaptive in specific environmental contexts. column [36]. Indeed, forms of this organization may exist in the general Although we have yet to fully characterize the connec- population in a fashion that is subclinical and even ben- tional and physiological organization within a single eficial at the individual level [20]. More extreme forms of column, models of internal columnar organization with this organization are clearly not adaptive. They interfere varying levels of microanatomical detail have been sug- with the day-to-day social and communicative activities gested [37–43]. One popular framework for understand- that have been so critical to our survival and success as a ing the column, and how minicolumns are assembled species. into the overall cortical sheet, is by framing its organiza- Although several reviews of changes within the brain tion during development. Prior to the embryonic estab- of ASD subjects are available [21–26], here we will focus lishment of the cortical plate (the aggregation of cells on three topics that are specifically related to the organi- that will become the cerebral cortex), there exists a layer zation of cerebral cortex: (i) the atypical organization of of cells and fibres at the surface of the neural tube: the cortical structure; (ii) alterations to connectional organi- preplate [32,44–46]. Many future cortical neurones are zation; and (iii) the potentially critical role the subplate generated at the inner wall of the developing neural plays in forming these structural and connectional tube by a group of precursor cells aggregated within the changes. ventricular and subventricular zones. Precursor cells undergo several rounds of symmetrical division in which more precursor cells are generated. This symmetrical NT cortical organization division gives way to several rounds of asymmetrical The organization of the human cerebral cortex is cur- division where each dividing precursor cell produces rently understood at multiple levels of analysis. Cortical another precursor cell and a neuroblast. The number of regions differ based upon their functional activity, their rounds of symmetrical cell division plays an important © 2015 British Neuropathological Society NAN 2016; 42: 115–134 Cortical construction in autism 117 role in determining the number of cortical columns that Structural changes to cortical organization will eventually populate the cortical sheet, while the in ASD asymmetrical cell divisions that follow partially deter- mine the final number of cells within a cortical column. Quantitative studies of post mortem cortical tissue have Such a model provides a window into how modifications revealed a number of important differences between ASD of cortical size,
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