The D ailY-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia DiiiiiiiIiiiiiii Volume 38, Number 31 Univenity of California, San Diego Friday, November 2, 1979 At University HospJilll. Regents Study Probes Earthquake Safely By Peter Mortensen . localize and update information on the A UC Regents·commil>sioned study on the hospital's stress performance. earthquake safety of University Hospital is Johnson explainl> that a study was conducted expected to be released within the next two throughout the UC system judging campul> weeks, according to university authorities. building l>trength as related to the most severe The so·called "earthquake ri k analysis" was earthquake thai could occur in the San instituted becaul>e the Regent!> are considering Francisco area. buying the hospital, said Win Cox of the UCSD "With thay' he added, "the hospital rated School of Medicine Public Affairs Office. The very poorly. Hillcrest hospital is presently owned by the '''We had been given ,criteria that were not county. necessarily reality," he continued. "Now we Aside from real estate considerations, Herm ,have asked, 'What could be anticipated for the Hal Sloane, spokesman for Phil Blazer. Johnson, vice chancellor for Business and area in which University Hospital is located?' Finance, commented that the report will And; given that anticipation over. a l00-year cycle, how would the building be expected to Bla~er' s SpokesDlan Accuses Jackson perform?" Although Johnson avoided calling the study "routine," he did say he would call it at this point Of Indifference to 'Israeli Interests "something we should not .get excited about. When the report is out, that's the time to look at, the whole thing in perspective." By Cindy Beveridge Their object, says Sloane, was to recognized his preprogrammed According to Chuck Powers, campUl> Staff Writer make "truly informed evaluations" rhetoric eiuly in the trip. " architect, more definitive information will be The public relations director for concerning Israe l and the available next Thurl>day. Beyond this, Powers ince the dissociation, loan said, Phil Blazer spoke to a large audience Palestinians. declined to comment on the study, stating, "I "I think hil> (Jackson's) credibility has last night about the Israeli acttvist's Sloane, who along with Blazer think it would be more appropriate to have the suffered immens Iy ," dissociation with the Reverend Jesse accompanied Jackson, opened the information received by the campus and by the Jackson during his recent trip to the discusl>ion with a slide presentation of "Despite his (Jackson's) intent he Regents than it would be to have assumptions Middle East. Hal Sloane spoke in the trip and later talked about the Imade." place of Blazer, who was ill, at a has succeeded in uniting the I rael . development and subsequent people ... against the PLO." This is in Humanities·Library lecture hall. deterioration of the relationship This most current in.depth study of the direct contrast to Jackson's reported hospital grew out of a preliminary report Blazer, publisher ot Israel '/O<IOY , between the two. The friendship that intentions for encouraging the PLO to helped coordinate Jackson's itinerary once existed has since become dealing with the structure' safety several recognize Israel and for Israel to months ago. Data for the lotudy i being but halfway through the trip "unpl~asant," according to Sloane. neJ(otiate them. dissociated himself and his Communication between the two has compiled and pr~ eoted by Seismic organization with the Reverend, instead become one of animosity as Throughout the trip, Carter Engineering Aswicates, Ltd. in Lol> Arureles. brandin.g the prominent black Jackson "bitterly opposes" the adminil>tration officials contended The study was initiated before the Oct. 15 leader's intentions as a "sham." allegations made toward him, he said. that Jackson did not represent either Imperial Valley earthquake; the research " I am convinced Jesse Jackson Blazer said in a news release he the American government or Middle began long before the temblor shook the San cares not one bit about Israeli dissociated himself with Jackson Ea!>t policies. On the contrary, the Diego area with a 6.4 jolt on the Richer Scale. interests ... the trip has become less 'a because the Reverend was "looking tenl>ion wrought by high media Dr. Marvin Dunn, Acting Dean of the UCSD matter of moral persuasjon and more for support for pre-conceived allention and international publicity School of Medicine is out of town thi!> week and a mailer of personal gain," said conclusions he had already made. reportedly caused the Carter was unavailable for comment. Sheldon King, Sloane, reiterating earlier comments before the trip. He is more concerned administration embarrassment. University Hospital president, also declined to by Blazer. with his own public image and with Jackson was reported as saying he comment on the study situation. Blazer first met Jackson while both the PLO than with vital Israeli made the trip as a private citizen out we~e protesting a pro-Nazi interests. " of the desire to encourage demonstration in Illinois, after which However, several in the audience negotiations between ISniel and the the two developed a close questioned Blazer's "misguided TODA WEATHER PLO. However, Jackson hal> been rs relation!>hip, according to Sloane. optimism" in dealing with the Jackson criticized for imposing what some feel Some low clouds, otherwise fair with Soon after the demonstration, Blazer group in the first place. In response, should be kept within the bounds of temperature!> in the mid-60s. and Jackson discussed the possibility Sloane said that had they not diplomatic policie:.. Breakers will be 2-4 feet alII second of a Middle East trip to get a "first accompanied him on the trip, "there intervall>. hand look at the realities of the Middle would have been nobody to call the The event was -sponsored by the East." turn; we called the turn. We UCSD Israel Action Committee. Crossing· the Ocean for Crust's Secrets· By Sam Gooch cooperative effort to assist Staff Writer underdeveloped countries in their The Thomas Washing/on, a 209 ft. search for minerals and oil teaching Scripps ocean research vessel, advan ed 3cientific methods in foreign returned Oct. 11 th to her home port universities. after a IS-month scientific od~ssey to Several countries, including the the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia, The primary focus of the cruise, participate in the program, according christened the Mariana Expedition, to Dr. George G. Shor, Jr., Scripps wall the exploration of geological and profel>sor and cruis coordinator of the geophysical aspects of the Mariana Mariana Expedition. trench, perhapl> the deepest part of the During the 42,OOO-nauti ai-mile world' oceans. r search expedition, students and Scientil>ts returned from the l>cientists from the underdeveloped expedition with several tons of ore­ target countries worked with scientist bearing rock samples dred!oled from from Scripps and other Ameri an depthl> as great as 8.S kilometerll, universities under the auspi es of the bacterial organisms collected from United Nations'sponsored EA TAR regions of intense cold and great program, an acronymn for outhea!>t pressure, and a great deal of valuable Asia Tectonics a nd Resources. chemical and physical data. Tectonics, the g ologi al study of Mctny of the findings will aid several folding and faulting phenom na, wu ' underdeveloped nations in locating oil of primary importan 'C to th Mariana and mineral depOSIts In their own Exp dition , a 'ording to Dr. Jim countries. Hawkins, l'Yipp~ profe sor and &:tipps is one of several scientific expedition member. institutions in the US participating in a The 17tomall Wash;"glo" retUnlS home aftt'r IS-month expedition. Please tum to page 5 Friday, November 2, 1979 The Dally Guardian 2 . Tbe Daily Guardian Frida.y, November 2, 1979 3 r--:--=---,-John Tay/or·-----. ASSOCIATED PRESS-NEWS BRIEFS True Colors Show L...-__ A graduate student who has been writing letters to this [INTERNATION AL ,\ L-I ------.:..N_A_T_I_O_N_A_·L_----III ST_A_T_E______ 'I paper for years . he is a ' generally stubborn and bilious advocate of conllervative positions - brought in a letter recently about abortion. He was angry that health insurance Bailout for Chrysler covering UCSD students should be used for abortions, but not Quebec Wants Out Brown Backs 4 for the expense of carrying a child for nine months and giving QUEBEC - The separatist government of WASHINGTON - The Carter administration, LOS ANGELES - Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. birth to it. The policy, he said discriminates again!>t women Quebec province called yes terday for French­ saying emnomic stability must be prelterved, asked today endorsed Proposition 4, the state and local who want to have children by only providing enough money Ci;lnadians to "come to terms with our destiny," Congress yesterday to approve up to $ 1.5 billion in spending limit initiative known as the "Spirit of 13," for the less costly option· abortion. withdraw from the Canadian confederation and federal loan guarantees to help the struggling calling it an opportunity "to gain power from the It was a cogent, well-stated argument, though basically establish a new nation with a ll the powers of a Chrysler Corp. avert bankruptcy. politicians. " another elaborate construct designed to attack abortion; the sovereign country. The proposed aid package is roughly double the "I see in Proposition 4 an idea that the people student would prefer to have all such insurance benefits In an official "white paper," the Parti Quebecois sum the administration previously indicated it would should make the decisions about how much eliminated rather than have them extended to women who government proposed a "sovereignty·associati on" be willing to seek from Congress to .keep the na tion's government should spend," Brown told a news want to have babies as well as to those who want abortions.
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