S3426 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 25, 2021 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- olution; which was referred to the Whereas recreational cycling is a safe, low- sources. Committee on the Judiciary: impact, aerobic activity for all ages; Whereas when an individual cycles as a Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask S. RES. 232 form of regular exercise, it may benefit the unanimous consent that the text of the Whereas Jews across the United States individual’s health; bill be printed in the RECORD. have been threatened, cursed at, spit on, Whereas 870,000 people of the United States There being no objection, the text of burned, and physically attacked in at least choose to commute by bicycle to work; the bill was ordered to be printed in 193 antisemitic acts of violence during the Whereas many communities in the United first week of the 2021 conflict between Israel the RECORD, as follows: States officially recognize May 21st as ‘‘Bike and Palestinians; S. 1812 to Work Day’’; Whereas pro-Palestinian protestors threat- Whereas bicycle tourism contributes bil- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ened, shoved, and threw fireworks at by- lions of dollars annually to the United resentatives of the United States of America in standers in the Diamond District of Midtown States economy; Congress assembled, Manhattan, an area with many Jewish- Whereas community leaders across the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. owned businesses; country in partnership with local officials This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Lincoln Whereas pro-Palestinian protestors have explored ways to increase access to out- Home National Historic Site Boundary Modi- punched, threw objects, and directed door bicycle recreation activities; fication Act’’. antisemitic slurs at a group of Jewish men Whereas outdoor bicycle recreation be- eating at a restaurant in Los Angeles; SEC. 2. LINCOLN HOME NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE came even more important during the BOUNDARY MODIFICATION. Whereas convoys of trucks bearing Pales- COVID–19 pandemic; tinian flags drove through London shouting Public Law 92–127 (54 U.S.C. 320101 note; 85 Whereas a National Bike Month would pro- through loudspeakers: ‘‘Fll the Jews’’, Stat. 347) is amended— vide an opportunity to educate United States ‘‘Fll their mothers’’, ‘‘Fll their daugh- (1) in the first section— citizens about the importance of bicycle ters’’, and ‘‘Rape their daughters’’; (A) by striking ‘‘That, in order to’’ and in- safety and the health benefits of cycling; and Whereas an elderly Jewish man was beaten serting the following: Whereas the month of May has officially with sticks by a mob at a pro-Palestinian been celebrated as ‘‘National Bike Month’’ ‘‘SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF LINCOLN HOME protest in Toronto; NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE. by the League of American Bicyclists and Whereas a Member of Congress called the majority of the international cycling ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—To’’; and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (B) by adding at the end the following: community since 1956: Now, therefore, be it an ‘‘ethno-nationalist’’ on the floor of the Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate ‘‘(b) BOUNDARY MODIFICATION.—The bound- House of Representatives and in a tweet ac- that— ary of the Lincoln Home National Historic cused the Israeli military of committing war (1) United States citizens should observe a Site established under subsection (a) is crimes; National Bike Month to educate citizens of modified as generally depicted on the map Whereas, after the announcement of a the United States about the importance of entitled ‘Proposed Boundary Expansion of ceasefire in Israel, a Member of Congress bicycle safety and the health, transpor- the Lincoln Home National Historic Site’ tweeted, ‘‘The Israeli military’s occupation tation, and recreational benefits derived and dated February 26, 2021.’’; continues. The blockade continues. The eth- from cycling; (2) in section 2— nic cleansing continues.’’; (2) health and transportation professionals (A) by striking the section designation and Whereas a Member of Congress described and organizations should promote bicycle all that follows through ‘‘The’’ and inserting Israel in a tweet as an ‘‘apartheid state’’; and safety and the benefits of cycling; and the following: Whereas a Member of Congress tweeted (3) United States citizens should applaud ‘‘SEC. 2. ADMINISTRATION. that the Israeli military response to Pales- the millions of cyclists in the United States ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The’’; and tinian terrorist attacks was killing ‘‘babies, and the national and community organiza- (B) by adding at the end the following: children and their parents’’ and that Pal- tions, individuals, volunteers, and profes- ‘‘(b) ACCESSIBILITY.—To improve accessi- estinians are ‘‘being massacred’’: Now, there- sionals associated with cycling for pro- bility, the Secretary of the Interior shall fore, be it moting bicycle safety and the benefits of cy- modify the following areas located within Resolved, That the Senate— cling. the boundary of the Lincoln Home National (1) condemns hatred and violence against f Historic Site to provide universal design and Jews; accessibility by raising the height of the (2) denounces the poisonous anti-Israel SENATE RESOLUTION 234—RECOG- street to match the height of the sidewalk rhetoric of elected officials that has in- NIZING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY with no sloped surfaces: flamed hatred and inspired escalating vio- OF THE 1921 TULSA RACE MAS- ‘‘(1) The intersection at 8th Street and lence against Jews; SACRE Jackson Street. (3) rejects the biased, incomplete, and inac- ‘‘(2) The area in front of the home of Abra- curate information promulgated by the news Mr. LANKFORD (for himself and Mr. ham Lincoln.’’; and media in the United States about Israel and INHOFE) submitted the following reso- (3) in section 3, by striking the section des- the Government of Israel’s efforts to protect lution; which was considered and ignation and all that follows through ‘‘There its citizens from terrorism; agreed to: are’’ and inserting the following: (4) celebrates the innumerable contribu- S. RES. 234 ‘‘SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. tions of American Jews to our Nation, cul- Whereas in the early 1900s many Black in- ‘‘There are’’. ture, values, and way of life; and dividuals and families settled throughout (5) reaffirms its intent to ensure that Jews f Oklahoma, setting up vibrant communities in the United States— and dozens of all-Black towns. These individ- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS (A) are treated with dignity and respect; uals came looking for new opportunities, and freedom, and a chance for a better life; --- (B) receive the full protection of the law Whereas the most famous and prosperous SENATE RESOLUTION 232—EX- owed to them as citizens of the United of these Black communities was in Tulsa’s PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE States. Greenwood District; SENATE THAT ACTS OF VIO- f Whereas O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black LENCE AGAINST JEWISH PEOPLE business owner, moved to Tulsa in 1906 and SENATE RESOLUTION 233—EX- purchased tracts of land sold primarily to IN THE UNITED STATES AND PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Black individuals and families. The land AROUND THE WORLD AND THE SENATE IN SUPPORT OF A NA- stretched from Pine Street to the north to POISONOUS RHETORIC FROM TIONAL BIKE MONTH AND IN AP- Archer Street on the south and Detroit Ave- POLITICIANS AND OTHERS PRO- PRECIATION OF CYCLISTS AND nue on the west and the Midland Valley rail MOTED BY THE MEDIA THAT OTHERS FOR PROMOTING BICY- line on the east; HAS HELPED INSPIRE SUCH VIO- CLE SAFETY AND THE BENEFITS Whereas segregation and the inacces- LENCE IS CONDEMNABLE AND sibility of resources led O.W. Gurley and oth- OF CYCLING ers to open a variety of commercial estab- HAS NO PLACE IN SOCIETY Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. lishments, including rooming houses, gro- Mr. HAWLEY (for himself, Mr. KEN- KAINE) submitted the following resolu- cery stores, barber shops, beauty salons, res- NEDY, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mr. MAR- tion; which was referred to the Com- taurants, clothiers, pharmacies, movie thea- ters, dance halls, pool halls, confectioneries, SHALL, Mr. CRUZ, Ms. ERNST, Mr. mittee on Commerce, Science, and jitney services, and professional offices (such BRAUN, Mr. DAINES, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. Transportation: as for doctors, lawyers, dentists, and ac- CRAMER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. CRAPO, S. RES. 233 countants); Mr. RUBIO, Mr. CASSIDY, and Mr. Whereas there are more than 57,000,000 Whereas the Greenwood District became a HAGERTY) submitted the following res- adult cyclists in the United States; thriving community where Black business VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 May 26, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25MY6.032 S25MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE May 25, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3427 owners, schools, and churches flourished and, a railroad official of the Fort Smith and of these towns have achieved great successes by the late 1910s, it was the wealthiest Black Western Railway, grew to be one of the and faced tremendous challenges; community in the United States; wealthiest and largest Black towns in Okla- Whereas the stories of the Black towns and Whereas churches such as Vernon African homa; communities in Oklahoma are inextricably Methodist Episcopal Church, Mt. Zion Bap- Whereas, only 5 years after being founded, linked to the events of May 30 to June 1, tist Church, First Baptist Church North Booker T. Washington visited Boley and 1921, in the Greenwood District of North Tulsa, Paradise Baptist Church, Metropoli- wrote about the prosperity he had witnessed; Tulsa, Oklahoma; tan Baptist Church, and others became cen- Whereas, in 2021, Boley still carries on Whereas, on May 30, 1921, a young Black tral to the family life and culture of the their standing tradition of a Black commu- man named Dick Rowland was in downtown Greenwood District; nity-based rodeo, now the oldest of its kind Tulsa, Oklahoma, and entered the Drexel Whereas the Greenwood District became in the Nation; Building to use the only bathroom in the home to prominent professionals such as Dr.
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