vl761 'I 1aqwa1das 'V'S'fl UJ pa1u1JJ I '· · . "' I l~ P age 2 r TllE BAPTIST llER.~ LU ~ · Wt1AT'.r HAPPE-MI MG • • • • The Baptist ~erald Published semi-monthly on the first and fifteenth of each month by the e From J uly 3 to 14 a ha <l the privilege of hearing Cha pl ain$ from their former ministry in t he Vacation Bible School was Virgil P . Hulse and Janzen from Scott ch urch. Five well attended services ROGER WILLIAMS PRESS conducted at the Calvary Field during the absence of the pastor, were held during these two days in 3734 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Baptist Church of Killaloe, the 11ev. Charles F. Zummach, from the ch mch. Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor Ontario, Can ada with classes the pulpit. On August 8 th"' a nnn;tl held daily from 9 to 12 " Homecoming Day' was held at • Mrs. F. Mindrup, the widow of o'clock. A r egula r attend­ t I 11tlclson Home in Centrali a, Ill., one of our well known pastors, who a nce of 50 pupils brightened where Mr. Zum mach is also the acting died some time ago, is living with her • · the hearts of the five teachers supel'intendent. The family night a nd son and his wife at 4400 Poplar Ave., Contents business meeting of the Trenton Cleveland, Ohio, September 1, 1944 serving on the staff. This Memphis, Tenn. Her son has been in Cover Design .. .. ... S amuel D. Mys lls was the second successive year church on J uly 26 had almost 100 per the Armed Forces for the past two Volume 22 Number 17 for the Vacation Bible School. ee11 t attend.a nee. years. Mrs. Mindrup writes that she \Vhn.l's Happenin g . .............. 2 The Rev. Carl Weisser, pas­ is a regular reader of "The Baptist Edltorlal- tor, took a prominent part in Her ald'' and enjoys it very much. She .. T hlnk on These Things" ..... 3 the work of the school. sends greetings to her many friends "'The World's Great est Need of Today" everywhere. She also wTote : "I have by Dr. Alfred A. Cie rpke .... { Think on These Things! At the annual business • read and heard that in some places "Th e Othe r S ide of Chris t's Com ­ meeting of the B. Y. P. U. of young people group themselves to­ NE. of the major tasks of education is to a1~ous e an e~g.er­ ·. Neustadt, Ontario, Canada m ission" by R e v. \V. J . Lue beck G gether for prayer, and that they h ave ness for learning and to impart a techmque for hvmg the following new officers yielded their lives to Jesus and want " Gideon Natio n al Conv e ntion at lII were elected: president, to live the separated life. O how my Delver" by 1\Ir. Harry Gels . .. 0whereby the individual can make his life count for most George Derbecker; vice-pres- heart r ejoices to know this !': "The Sound of the Trumpet" in his days upon this earth. For this important purpose, the iden t, Rodney Helwig; secretary, Do­ Chapter Twenty ..... ... 8 fires of ambition need to be set aglow. Horizons of mental lores Helwig; assistant secretary, • After September 4th the address of Marie Ha hn ; treasurer, Howard Hel­ R e ports from the Field ....... ..... 10 outlook must be broadened. Training must be the order of the Rev. F. W. Bartel will be 822 Obituaries ..... · · . .........•. ..... 15 wig; assistant treasurer, Homer Hel­ Wisconsin Ave., St. Joseph, Mich. In the day. The wheels of the mind must be set in motion until wig; p ia nists, Marion Derbecker and July a nd August Mr. Bartel partici­ " Do You Know That ... ?" . ... ... 16 Lynn Helwig, Jr.; libraria ns, Vera pated in the Northern Conference at intelligent reading and study have filled that life with the Howard and Erma Hahn. Edmonton, Alberta a nd conducted • treasures of wisdom. e Mr. Raymond Dickau of Wetaski­ evangelistic meetings at Carbon Tro­ Coming win, Alberta, a graduate of the Chr is­ chu '.ind C~mrose, Alberta. On' Sept. Christianity and education ought never to be in conflict tian Training Institute of Edmonton, 3 Miss Mi ldred Bartel, the younger S PIRITUAL "WASHING with each other. The Christian Church founded the first daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. F. W. The Rev. J ohn Wobig, pastor or the spent the past summer months serving Rive rview B a ptis t Churc h o f St. Paul, colleges and universities. The Protestant Church has always as pastor of the Baptist Churches of Ba!· t~l , will be graduated from the Minn., h as contributed a h ear t-search­ E sk and Janzen, Saskatchewan. His Tnmty School of Nursing at J ames­ ing sermon on a n unus u a l t ext Whic h emphasized the God-given privilege of reading and inter­ ministry was accompanied by many town, N. Dak. She has been a n honor wlll minis te r with great b lessing to all preting the Bible for ourselves which presupposes the ability student through the past three years ..Baptis t H e rald" readers In the n ext blessings for the churches and for Issu e. himself. and r ecently was offered a $1600 fel­ to read and to understand what we have r ead. Christian Sollor \Volle r O. Die drich, low.ship . for two yea"J.·s a t St. Louis THE JOB, THE TOOLS AND THE ilIAI\' missions have established schools wherever they have been, e The Mission Cii:cle of the Baptist Son of He.-. null iHr1<. Edmund illltte l­ Umvers1ty School of Nursing. For the Rally Day se a son of the Church of Randolph, Minn., reports Hteolt of LOH A uge leH, C nllf., lu Sunday Sc hoo l a nd t h e o pening of the from which streams of native leaders have gone forth to bless an enrollment of 18 members. During Front of the Second Cbureb • Mi.ss Mildred Voth and Mr. Gilbert Fall prog r am of the Church, the R ev. these lands. All of this in keeping with the words of the of Union City, N. -!· Schneider, both members of the Salt c. C. Gossen of the Emanuel B aptist the past year l f 2 sick calls were made. Snllor Dledrleb t ook hl1< hoot trnlnlng Chur c h o f Marlon, Kansas h as prepare d apostle Paul : "Whatsoever things are lovely and true and of The women are sending Christian at Ncw1wrt, ll. J. J the n went to the Creek Baptist Church near Dallas a timely m essage w hich w ill Impa rt N a\1111 A ir Techulc nl 'l'rululng Cente r nt Oregon, were married a t a service i~ m uch Inspiration to those who carry good report ... think on these things !" liter ature to all of the church's young o ut It s p r actica l sugge stions. people in the Service. They also par­ )le n111hls1 Teun.; becnn1e nu Instructor ~he Salt Creek Church on F riday even­ at . "o lornons, :lid. ;. Inter n10\'e d. t o . the THE SEi'llINA.RY It is not a very bright picture wh en we review our churches ticipate in many of the church's U . S. S ubmarine DnHe ut Ne,,· Loutlon, mg, August 18, with Dr John "WE SPEAK FOR activities. The Rev. Ben Zimmermann Conn.; null IH DO\\" ut the ~ Hu e D e 1•ot Jn Leypo~d t ?f Oregon officiating. Mr. About n ine minis t e rs a nd a n equal in general and see the way in which education is often dis­ Y o rkto\\·o , "'\71r,::lnlo. numbe r or laymen will writ e briefly on is the new pasto1· of the church. Sch n e1de~ is a graduate of the Roches­ what the Rochester Baptist S eminary counted and discouraged by elders in the lives of our young 'l'he interim pastor of the Fleisch­ ter Baptist Seminary in the class of has m eant to them and what Its s ig ­ The Rev. a nd Mrs. John P. Epp of e n ifican ce o u g ht to be for our chu r c h es. people. Farms and factories often take precedence over the mann Memorial Baptist Church of ~~~4 ;~1 hopes to continue his studies These testimonies In be h a lf of t h e Sem­ the Baptist Church of Chancellor, So. Philadelphia, Pa., is Mr. John F . is ' a at the University of Roches­ ina ry Endowm e nt Fund a r e lo be edited school with all of its possibilities for a full orbed life of use­ Dak., conducted a Vacation Bible Crouthamel, Jr., who has also directed ter. The former Miss Mildred Voth is by p r omotion a l direct o r of the cam­ fulness. There is a tremendous responsibility involved in School at Tea, So. Dak., from July 24 the church's music during the past six a. graduate nurse who has had eon- paig n, Rev. E. J . Baumg a 1·tne r . to 28 with 30 children in attendance. s1derable experience in h f . this, when for the sake of money and getting rich quickly, months on a practical work assignment Both of th h er pro ess1on. A number of these boys and g irls made from Eastern Theological Semina r y. they felt er:i ave a nnounced that • we lose sight of equipping and training ourselves for the their confession of Christ as Savior.
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