A N E W S B U L L E T I N p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY —*1 NEW ZEALAND'S NORTHERN FIELD PARTY Unloadinq supplies from a U.S. aircraft at the site for the first depot—altitude 7,300ft. Phcfo: H. D. O'Kane. VOL. 3, No. 8 DECEMBER, 1963 (■vks/ r iso- w. AUSTRALIA Winter and Summer bases Scot! i u m r n t r e a s e o n l y ' b k y - M i Jointly operated base Halle NEW ZEALAND _ ( U S - N Z . ) transferred base . Wilkes _ . U . S t o A u s I TASMANIA Icmpcranlv non-operAtion.al sSvov.a Campbell I (nz.) M«<i„iriel. Umi/J gM.-si^:!^ vVitknv— 1/ / X \ - V " , ' . • - 1 / M A A F \\ \ KtUHIeRKifc \-\ i>. i "\A= '/'/Q li/..') .'\\ \0. forJ«orf/ x' VO!' „V.; . \v\ \ \S /• £■ > " ? v r d ,(f.J.J.Aj \\ / A R Dav'is/N... \ P u t ) ^ ft \^P '.iciiv , >* Mawitfn \ \ i^/^ ■>, V\ \ # 1 5 \ j *«? Maud , ,*^>] —r ^ % ^ •Marion I (SJ) DRAWN BV DEPARTMENT 01 LAV! -i iURV i V"ElLINCTON..VEW 7EALAND.SEP ">.-?. Gfi L (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") VOL. 3, No. 8 DECEMBER, 1963 Editor: L. B. Quartermain, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, New Zealand. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, New Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, N.Z. ANTARCTICA IN 3-D N.Z. ANTARCTIC SOCIETY CANTERBURY BRANCH Four copies only of a remarkable new two-piece moulded plastic re STUDENT BURSARY lief model of the Antarctic pro The Canterbury Branch of the duced by the United States Geologi N.Z. Antarctic Society has decided cal Survey have come to New Zea to make an Annual Award, of at land. On the multi-coloured 36- by least £120, in thc form of a Student ch model, the gigantic ice-cap Bursary, to a suitable advanced student, who is prepared to work in is shown as transparent, revealing Antarctica, in Antarctic waters, or the shape of the hidden landscape on any of the N.Z. Sub-Antarctic is below. The vertical scale is about lands, to do valuable research dur 25 times as large as the horizontal ing the University long vacation, a scale. time when he (she) wou'd other wise be earning money to finance The area covered includes thc himself (herself) for the ensuing southern tips of Africa, South year. The student shall normally have America, New Zealand and Aus completed three years of study to tralia. The lower model represents w a r d s a n h o n o u r s d e g r e e i n the submarine floor, the ground sur Zoology, Botany, Geology or Geo face beneath the ice, and all ice-free graphy, in the University of Canter terrain above sea level. The upper bury, and have been offered a place model, which is removeable and on an expedition sponsored or pro transparent, represents the ocean moted by a Department of the Uni surface, the surface of the Antarc versity of Canterbury. Apart from a tic ice mass, and all ice-free terrain £30 clothing, etc., allowance, the above sea level. balance of the bursary will not be Those privileged to examine this payable to the student, unless a model should note that the lower satisfactory report has been ap model attempts to portray the sub proved of at the completion of the glacial conditions now existing specified term. under the ice. No allowance has Should you care to make a dona been made for isoslatic adjustment tion to the Bursary Fund, please —the rising which would lake place send it by crossed postal order or if the ice were actually removed. cheque, lo the Secretary-Treasurer, and payable to Bursarv Fund, Can We are informed by Mr G. D. terbury Branch, N.Z. Antarctic Whitmore, Chief Topographic En Society, P.O. Box 404, Christchurch. gineer of thc Geological Survey, HELEN S. HILL (Miss). that only a limited number of these Secretary-Treasurer, Canterbury experimental models were produced, Branch, N.Z. Antarctic Society, P.O. and none are for sale. Box 404, Christchurch. ANTARCTIC December, 1963 NEW ZEALAND FIELD PARTIES BREAK NEW GROUND While the main Northern field party operating this summer under the New Zealand Antarctic Research Programme is break ing new ground in the more literal sense, other New Zealand parties are doing so by initiating more limited and short-term field projects directed towards a more specific objective. The first New Zealanders to ar NORTHERN PARTY rive in the Antarctic for the current season were V. E. Donnelly, Admin The biggest dog-sledge expedition istration Officer of the Antarctic yet mounted by New Zealand left Division and Scott Base Leader Scott Basc on October 20 to begin throughout 1962, and R. B. Thom survey and geological work in thc son, senior scientific officer at Hal extreme north of thc Ross Depend lett Station in 1960 and leader of ency. With 36 dogs (four teams), the Australian team at Wilkes, 1962. the six men, J. H. Miller (leader), These two men flew to McMurdo M. R. J. Ford, A. G. Sturm, M. J. by the first flight of the season on Sheehan, J. F. Gravcson, and S. J. September 30. Carryer boarded a U.S. Hercules at McMurdo to fly to Hallett Station, The long-awaited sack of mail 350 miles to the north. came with letters dating back to last summer and in the mess, break The party camped on the sea-ice fast was pushed aside in the efforts until conditions were favourable for to catch up on all the news from their air transport into the field. home. The "popularity record" was This was not until October 25, when the party was flown by two U.S. set by the Leader Col. Ron Tinker, Dakota aircraft to the western ridge who received 72 letters. of the proposed survey area in 70°S, The "main body" of New Zea 158°30'E, at an altitude of 4,000 feet. landers, Russell E. Rawle and his A dump was established on another wintering-over team for 1964, ar flight at 71°46'S, 159°40'E, at an alti rived a few days later, as did most tude of 7,300 feet. On this flight the of the summer support party. aircraft came down in icy snow Four of last year's winter party with 18-inch sastruggi in what Lt.- are remaining for the summer. Mur Cdr. J. R. Dixon of VX6 squadron ray Smith, biologist, will spend his described as the roughest landing time in the McMurdo Sound area of his career. "I'd rather fly from studying the seal population. McMurdo Sound to the Pole than Maurice Sheehan, Frank Gravcson up here," he is reported as saying. and Malcolm Ford are taking part "It is no farther and the country in field sledging operations for isn't nearly so rugged." Landing had which they have been preparing the to be made in white-out conditions, dogs and sledges throughout the and take off again in fog and drift winter. which cut visibility to nil. No New Zealand party has pre MODERN ART? viously worked so far from Scott Base, and radio communication Howard Mallitte, New Zealand problems are expected. It may be National Publicity Studios senior necessary at times to rely on relay artist, soon made himself useful at through Hallett Station. Scott Base. In addition to his more A full blizzard next dav made cultural pursuits he used his talents movement impracticable, but the in several sign-writing jobs about party then moved in a northerly the Base. direction to begin the preliminary December, 1963 work in the western portion of men established a base-line and car their survey area. By the end of the ried out some geological work, al month they were moving east though two days of blizzard had across the Pennell Glacier, with been experienced. temperatures ranging from —8° to The Dakota flying in Le Couteur —40 F, and weather good. gave the members of the party an On November 2, at 69°25'S, opportunity to cast their votes in the New Zealand general election. 157°55'E, the teams were east of the A polling booth had been fitted up flacierIt. Dalton. and Temperatureswithin three weremiles now of on the plane by Scott Basc leader above zero Fahrenheit. Some equip R. E. Rawle, in his capacity as re ment had been lost in a crevasse turning officer in the Ross De "incident" and a sledge was dam pendency. aged, but all members of the party On November 15 the party had were well and satisfied with the moved east to 163°35'W. progress so far made. Mail was dropped to the party on V.U.W.A.E. 8 November 8 north of Mt Gorton. The work of the eighth expedition The party's position was then mounted by the Victoria University 69°45'S, 159°8'E, still just west of the Ross Dependency boundary and of Wellington to carry out scientific investigations in the Antarctic under actually in Australian Antarctic Ter the general supervision of the An ritory. tarctic Division, D.S.I.R. will cover By the 15th Miller's teams were a wide area of the Ross Dependency over the boundary into the Ross between McMurdo Sound and thc Dependency again, and moving South Pole itself.
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