18 THE 3IORXIXG OTtEGOXIA??. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 191G. Oregon, where another 25,000 acres Prinsins freight for Astoria and Portland, were mapped. the steam schooner XJals, Gadsby arrived BOARD TO On most of the projects the cost of BIG VESSEL MOVED during the night from Sin Francisco. SIDE-SHO- W cruising 7 22 The steamer F. A. K.liburn arrived from OREGON. GOSSIP IS SET UKA the was between and San Francisco and San Pedro with freight POLITICAL cents per acre. and passengers for Astoria and Portland. Carrying lumber from Westport, the C. Race nt?am schooner Johan Poulsen sailed during John Shillock Enters for State Senate From Multnomah County on HELP Ifl CAMPAIGN FORESTRY SELLS TIMBER the night for San Francisco. Platform Advocating Military Preparedness, but Not Militarism, Along The tank steamer William F. Herrln Is Lines Swiss System Fred Meindl Republican Candi- Bankoku Maru due from California with a cargo of fuel oil of J. Thirteenth Small Sales Made in Olympic and Clears Bridges, for I'ortland. date for Lower House of Legislature From Multnomah William Adams Mr. Caldwell to Continue Captain J. J. Meany and George Q. Wel-di- n. Crater Forests. Despite Current. Federal inspectors of hulls and boilers, Not to Run for Secretary of State Mr. Lightner Files for are in the cltV to Inspect the tug Oregon and as County Commissioner Other Political News. Sewer Hearing Monday. the steamers Myrtle, Vanguard and K. Mil- Directors Today to Be Called The District Forester in Portland has ler. Weldln is also inspecting the boilers opened bids on two small sales of tim- in the lighthouse tender Heather. a platform advocating free text- On ber, one on the Olympic Forest in Bringing a cargo of 528 cases of salmon, for 72 Members as Washington and the other on the Crater DIFFICULTIES ARE GREAT the gasoline schooner Gerald C. arrived dur- ONbooks, elimination of useless laws Forest in Oregon. ing the night from N'estucca. and commissions and adequate COUNCIL PROBE IS TUESDAY Closing. con- The schooner George K. Billings, lumber gram- Contest Nears The sale on the Olympic Forest laden, for Sydney, arrived from Westport. military training of the youth in sists of 1,725,000 feet of western red Her crew is being signed on so that she mar and high schools, along the lines cedar and Douglas fir saw timber and will be readv to sail tomorrow or Saturday. of the 'Swiss system, with a view to 3500 cords of western red cedar shingle Steamers The steamship Northern Pacific arrived bolts. This sale was awarded to the Shaver and Henderson from San Francisco, bringing 1100 tons of preparedness but not militarism. John Mr. 3R3 passengers. C. Dieck Declines to Say Whether Snow Creek Logging Company. Maneuver Heavily-leade- n freight and Shillock announced his candidacy AUTO PARADE ADVERTISES The sale on the Crater Forest con- Craft The steam schooner Tamalpais sailed for yesterday for State Senator from Mult- or Xot He AVill Attempt to Pre- Inman-rouLsr- Pan Francisco with lumber from Knappton sists of 390,000 feet of saw timber, most From n Still and Rainier. nomah County, subject to the Republi- of which is yellow and sugar pine, and schooner Beulah arrived from Port can primary. riiiiiiii,, sent His Case Before The was awarded to Brown Bros. & Hub- Through St. Johns Span. Allen. Hawaii, will lumber at came to ii and lod Mr. Shillock Portland from Civil Service bard. Knappton. Minnesota in 1904, and has been a prac- Board. Sack Godwin Tells How He Gave ABF.RDEKN. Wasli., March .".0. (Special.) ticing attorney here ever since. He Is con- 41 years to Dcn- -' Some Grays Harbor marine men are old, a native of Minnesota, and Jviglifs Winnings at Table RAILWAY VIADUCT FAVORED largest of Fhipa yet cerned over the failure of the schooner A. a graduate of the Law Department of loaded towed M. Baxter, Captain Ncilson. now 120 days University of The City Council is going to icr V. M. C. A. When New from the upper harbor through the from Sydney, to arrive. The Baxter is to the Minnesota with the - have Multnomah Station Crossing Kxpect-e- d bridges in a current such as is run- come here for repair work at the I.lndstrom class of 1904. IV'- ii competition in the matter of investi- .i; Bulldbis Was Planned. Many. ning- because of the freshet was the yards before proceeding to Wlllapa Harbor At the outbreak of the Spanish-America- n I gating the alleged f rauds in connec to Benefit Japanese- steamer Bankoku Maru. to load. War in 189S, Mr. Shillock en- tion with occupied as a private in the Thirteenth 'Pffi the Montavilla trunk sewer. which most of yesterday aft- March 30. (Special.) listed Chairman Caldwell of Municipal Inman-Poulsen- HOQUIAM. Wash.. Minnesota. HIS regiment was to the John B. Yeon, county roadmaster. ernoon making- her way from 's Ths steam schooner Daisy Freeman ar- sent Civil Service Board yester said last night that the proposed mill through the St. Johns rived from San Francisco and moved to the Philippines. He served with It announced across Oregon Klectric bridge. A. J. West mill, Aberdeen, to load. through the arduous campaign follow- day that Monday night, the 'night be- viaduct the Olympic completed PORTLAXD-SRAT-TL- E Railway at Multnomah Station Pilot Julius Allyn, ln of Tim steam schooner ing the outbreak of the Filipino insur- fore the Council's big show, he will FJO' nKS I" tracks charce the loading from E. K. Wood mill, Hoquiam, stage V. M. C. A. I'O.VTEST. would be built. steamer, had the assistance of the rection. The Thirteenth was in some of a continuance of his hearinff In protest against the proposed steamer Henderson and Shaver, of the and sailed for San Pedro. the hardest fighting on the Islands. started Tuesday at which the fraud Total o Dalr. viaduct a dozen taxpayers of that Shaver fleet, yet at times it was found Mr. Shillock Is a member of Scout charges were first brought out. Seattle 336,675 points. community called to see W. I Light-- difficult to handle the bie: vessel be- SEAMEN'S LAW IS APPEALED Toung Camp, No. 2, United Spanish War Perhaps the Caldwell performance Portland 1'29,295 point.'. ner. chairman of the Board or county cause of the current. The Bankoku Veterans. He is also a member of the j I will be boycotted by Commissioner Hay's Results. Commissioners, Wednesday. Their ob- Maru had aboard about 4.000.000 feet Action Elks and Woodmen of the World. He Is - Dieck because of the Council investi- Fourth by Commis- of Merchants' Exchange Takes gation. Mr. Dieck not say as 110.675 points (detailed jections were listened to lumber and 1500 tons of peneral married and, has four children. would Seattle sioner Lightner and their formal peti cargo, so drew more than 27 feet of on Delay to Vessels. In his statement to voters, he says: Fred J. Meindl. Candidate for much yesterday, saying that he wished memberships not available). pro- elected I will, during Lower House of the Legislature to consult first with City Attorney S boys, tion was accepted. The matter was water art. but the fact she had a "If nominated and Portland 48 men, referred to Roadmaster J. B. Yeon. nounced list to starboard is estimated At the noon session of the Merchants' my term of office, advocate prepared- From Multnomah County. Mr. Dieck is in charge of the JS37.50; 64,950 points. greatest xchange yesterday resolutions were ness; European policy mili- witnesses who have not been "It is a Question of the to have made her draft on the bilge Red-fiel- d, not the of heard in In the four days Portland has good to the greatest number," said Mr. about 30 feet. adopted appealing to Secretary tarism, but the teaching and training of the investigation as yet, and if he gathered 145 men. 57 boys and of Department of Commerce, boycotts Caldwell hearing- Mr. Yeon last night. Freshet Drlaya Move. the the youth in the grammar and high give the public business the same care the 1988.9;,. Of this total Mr. David- either to suspend the enforcement of schools: such a training of military tac- give Caldwell's proposed show may have to team is leading with 67 As she went to Inman-Poulsen- 's Sat of seamen's law and attention and effort that I be son's urday certain provisions the tics and manual of arms so that the my own." called off for lack of performers. men and 44 boys as against 78 to complete her load with close having to do with the shipment of is prepared for the defense of "My In- Charge 13 boys Mr. MANGANESE BODY FOUND to 600.000 feet of was or to citizen best efforts for the people's Is Denied. men and for Wcrlein's lumber, she ready sailors on foreign vessels, have his country; better understanding be- terests" is the promise Harold C. Ste- At the first Caldwell hearing, the. team. to leave Monday, but by then freshet the Federal Government provide means tween capital labor: development phens, George, Kicli Strike Kcported From Pleasant waters in the Willamette Kiver had for crews being obtained here. Copies and of makes in failing his witnesses against the Public Works de- to 19 zero, to resources. I will also advocate declaration as a candidate for the Re- partment were presented, and their risen feet above and the of the resolution are to be forwarded text-boo- ks to be printed by Valley, Near Baker.
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