IO2 INTELECTUAL OUTPUT 2 LEARNING GUIDES This project (2015-1-ES01-KA202-015858) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. “Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International” (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). INTRODUCTION All the partners work toguether to make the training program of the course to cover the SMEs needs. This is the final version of the training program and the partner who made the specific content. • Basic skills: 25 h. ◦ Licenses (law regulations)/legal issues (Open source) (5 h) HIS ◦ Social networks Network and cloud systems (10 h) SHEFFIELD ◦ Looking information Business (Brief introduction) (10 h) SHEFFIELD • Tools: ◦ Operative systems. 25 h. ESSI ◦ Information security. 20 h. SRH ◦ CMS. 20 h. CFTIC ◦ CRM. 20 h. CFTIC ◦ ERP / Billings. 25 h.SHEFFIELD ◦ Backup systems. 15 h. HIS ◦ Collaborative tools. 20 h. ESSI (include Etherpad - HIS work). • Case studies (Business): 30 h. HIOF In the following pages you can see all the learining guides of each topic of the training program. This project (2015-1-ES01-KA202-015858) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. “Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International” (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). e s u y n a r o f e l b i s n o p s e r d l e h e b t o n n a c n o i s s i m m o C e h t d n a , r o h t u a e h t f o y l n o s day. - Permissive licences licences Permissive Copyleft - - - PopularOpen Source licences, BSD, GPL andLGPL FOSS - Open Source softwarelicences - - Derivative work, Collective work,Compilation Copyright - FreeSoftware and the fourfreedoms which define free software - The OpenSource Definition - - Open Source Software - Theory [2h] October 2017),witha total offivehours cla a totalamountof5hours.Giventhecourseschedule, dividedin two months(September and According totheCISOSS Projectplanning, theunit onOpenSource andlicensing shouldcover LICENSING -(IO2) Intellectual output2.-T w e i v a. 1. e • • • • • • h t s t Introduction Day 1 Day 1 c Contact person:JavierRodríguezPascua- Community (DGF) Applicant institution:GeneralDirectorateofTraining.Madrid Autonomous PROJECT NO.:2015- practices. (KA202)-Strategicpartnershi Key Action2:KA2-Cooperationfori Program: Erasmus+Call:2015 SMEs Project name: e l f e r n o i (CISOSS) t a c i l b u p . ) s / i 0 h . T 4 / . a n Cloud andInternetServiceswi s o - i y s s b UNIVERSITY OFSKÖVDE(SKÖVDE) i / s m e s 1-ES01-KA202-015858 m n o e c C i l / n a g r e o p . o s CISOSS PROJECT r RAINING GUIDE– OPENSOURCEAND n u o E m e m h t o c m e o v r i t f a ss perday,the unit should be covered inone t e r r o c p / / p : ps intheVocationalTrainingsector. nnovation ofgood andtheexchange s u s p t t [email protected] h t h i ( w ” l d a e n d o . i n t n th Open Source Software for th OpenSourceSoftwarefor u i a f e n r r n e e e t h e t n b I d s e 0 a . n i h 4 a ) t e 8 n k i 5 o l 8 c A 5 n e 1 r o 0 i a - t h a 2 S 0 - m 2 r n o o A f i t n K i u - b 1 e i 0 r h t t S t f E A o - s 1 e - n d 5 o a 1 m 0 m 2 m e ( o b t c C y e a e j v o m i r t p h a c e s i i r h h C T w “ e s u y n a r o f e l b i s n o p s e r d l e h e b t o n n a c n o i s s i m m o C e h t d n a , r o h t u a e h t f o y l n o s module. recommended practicesin the two mentioned sources shouldbe given apassfor thislearning described the licensing practice for the project, and has made an adequate comparison to projects inall three exercises thatareprovid FSF references andrelated sourcesin reference lis stated in Reincke and Sharpefor exercise in Reincke (2014) stated student shouldcompare the observed practice fo “licen”,”BSD”, “GPL”,etc.) in allsource code the “grepWin” toolinWindows) could be used to perform search for relevant keywords (e.g. how licensing informationis provided.Tobe thor used. Further, sourcecode filesin the source web page should be explored for licensing info for oneat GitHub (https://github.com/explore). Once aprojecthas been identified, the official search the OpenHub sitefor projects (https: and 3).There aremany ways tofind aproject pr project that is provided under theBSD2-Clause Exercises During work on the first,second (and also third) - - Practice [3h] -How tolicense yourownsoftware asopensource? w e i v e h t s t c e l f e r n o i t a c i l b u p . ) s / i 0 h . T 4 / . a n s o - i y s s b i / s m e s m n o e c C i l / n a g r e o p . o s r n u o E m e m h t o //www.openhub.net/explore/projects) orsearch ed under the correct licenses, hasadequately files. Finally, asthe instructions suggest, the c m code repositoryshouldbeinspected to reveal e o v rmation and alsothe source code repository r i t licence (exercise one) orGPL-2.0(exercise 2 f exercise, students shou ovided undera specific license. One way isto a t one and two, to what e r ough, the “grep” tool inLinux (orforexample r provision oflicensing information towhat is r o c t). A student that hasbeen able toidentify p / / p : s u s p t t h t h i ( w ” l d a e n d o . i n t n u i a f e n r r n e e e t h e t n b I d s e 0 a . n i h 4 a ) t e 8 n k i 5 ld firstfind asuitable o l 8 c A 5 n e isstated by FSF (see 1 r o 0 i a - t h a 2 S 0 - m 2 r n o o A f i t n K i u - b 1 e i 0 r h t t S t f E A o - s 1 e - n d 5 o a 1 m 0 m 2 m e ( o b t c C y e a e j v o m i r t p h a c e s i i r h h C T w “ e s u y n a r o f e l b i s n o p s e r d l e h e b t o n n a c n o i s s i m m o C e h t d n a , r o h t u a e h t f o y l n o s 2. 2. 1. Theory: 1 Day According to the CISOSS 4. 4. 3. hours teaching Depending on the schedule, the following questions: the hours), five 1 (first day of the end By the assignment) (Reading article HBR cloud social of power The 6. 5. w e i What What Computing Cloud of Basics What is social cloud? social is What SMEs choice for best Cloud is How is it different from traditional cloud? v 1. 4. 3. 2. 1. e • • • • • • h t Intellectualoutput 2. s t Introduction Benefits of cloud computing for businesses. cloud computing of Benefits cloud? social is What of cloud? models service and deployment the are What computing? cloud is What c Socialcloud are cloud service and deployment modelscloud are and service Contact person Community (DGF) Applicant institution NO PROJECT (KA202) practices. Key Action 2 Program (CISOSS) name Project e l f e r n o i t each day each a c i l : Erasmus + b u p . 5 ) s / i 0 h hours .:2015 . : : KA2 T 4 Cloud and InternetandCloudServicesSource OpenwithSoftwareSMEs for . / GERMANY . p a : Javier Rodr n s roject planning, o - i y s s b i / - s m e - Strategic partnerships in the Vocational Training sector. Vocational Training the in partnerships Strategic - s Call 1 : General Directorate of Training. Madrid Autonomous m . n o - Cooperation for innovation and e ES01 c C i subject l / n : 2015 - a g r e – o LEARNING GUIDE p . o s CISOSS PROJECT CISOSS - íguez Pascua íguez SRH HOCHSCHULE r n KA202 u o E m e topic is expected to be completed in Social Cloud m h t o participants should be able to answer the c m e o v - r i 015858 t f a t e r r o ? c p / / p : s u - s p t t [email protected] h t h unit should i ( w ” l d a .
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