Diatom Diversity in The Spring and Spring-fed River of Tizab Region (Central Alborz), Iran ٭Somayyeh Kheiri1 Received: 2019-07-03 Revised and accepted: 2019-10-15 Abstract ern hemisphere. Diatom biodiversity studies Diatoms are the most diverse algae in in Central Alborz region is in its first steps. aquatic ecosystems and springs are valuable Therefore, much research is needed to reveal as the biodiversity conservative habit and a the diatom biodiversity and the potentiality crucial source of drinking water for man- of new species in this region. kind. Therefore, study of springs’ algal flora biodiversity leads us to know more about Keywords: Central Alborz, Diatom, Distri- conservation process. In this research, the bution, Tizab Spring. diatom biodiversity of Tizab Spring and the spring-fed river was studied in summer and Introduction 2 autumn 2017 for the first time. Thirty-three Iran is a vast country (1.6 million km ) pos- species were identified from which two spe- sessing two mountainous ranges, Alborz cies (Achnanthidium pyrenicum (Hustedt) and Zagros which serve as the origin of 350 H. Kobayasi and Caloneis aerophila W. mineral springs (Ghafouri, 2003). Mineral Bock) are new records for diatom flora of springs are freshwater ecosystems and eco- Iran. The data revealed the flora is much logically valuable source of biodiversity similar to Karaj River flora. This similarity and endemism, moreover supply of drinking can be due to close geographical locations, water and therapeutic properties (Cantonati, as both rivers are located in the Central Al- 2012, Ghafouri, 2003, Lai et al., 2019). borz region. The distribution pattern of spe- Despite the importance and usefulness of cies was studied in Iran based on present springs, there is not efficient data about biota references on Iranian aquatic ecosystems. of springs in Iran especially diatoms. Studies This study presented that two-third of dia- on diatom assemblages in springs are limit- tom species had a widespread distribution. ed to Wasylik (1975), Compere (1981) and Iranian flora data in comparison with Eu- Zarei-Darki (2011b). Moreover, the diatom ropean and American database showed that study of lotic and lentic ecosystems in Iran most species are the elements of the north- is also recieved little attention as a few ref- 1-Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran .email: [email protected]٭ 394 395 erences are already present (Hirano, 1973; Tizab, two kilometers far from the city of Moghadam, 1975; Synder et al., 2001; Ne- Damavand, in Central Alborz mountainous jadsattari, 2005; Jamaloo et al., 2006; Ataza- area. The spring, turns into the Tizab River deh et al., 2007; Witkowski et al., 2007; Sha- and flows through the Tizab valley and con- riatmadari et al., 2007; Zarei-Darki, 2009a; tinues its path along the gardens of Dama- Zarei-Darki, 2009b; Khosravi-Rineh et al., vand region, irrigating them and terminates 2011; Masoudi et al., 2011; Soltanpour Gar- into the Damavand River (Amidi et al., gari et al., 2011; Shams et al., 2012; Cher- 2013). People in this area also use spring for aghpour et al., 2013; Kheiri et al., 2013; Za- therapeutic purposes. rei-Darki, 2011a; Zarei-Darki 2011b; Kheiri Diatom Analysis et al., 2018a; Kheiri et al., 2018b; Panahy Eight samples were collected from two sta- Mirzahasanlou et al., 2018; Kheiri, 2019). tions, station 1: the spring (35° 45ˊ45.0˝N, Therefore, database about the diatom diver- 52°04 56ˊ.9˝E) with the elevation of sity in springs and in larger scale, aquatic 2331m and station 2: the spring-fed river ecosystems of Iran is limited. (35°45ˊ08.3˝N, 52°05ˊ10.6˝E) with the el- The Tizab Spring is one of the main springs evation of 2256m during September and of Tizab valley located in the Central Alborz October 2017 (Figure 1). Temperature was region. This spring is known for its healing measured in situ and water samples were properties for gastrointestinal and skin dis- transported to the laboratory for further anal- eases. The spring is also the origin of Tizab, ysis. The epilithic diatoms were brushed one of the tributaries of Damavand which from the surface of the submerged stones. is used for agriculture in Damavand region Samples were boiled with H2O2 and HCl to (Amidi et al., 2013). Based on lithological remove the organic material. After repeated data from the geological map of Damavand washing with distilled water, the material region (1:100000, Jamshidi et al., 1997), Tiz- was air-dried on cover slips and mounted ab area is composed of green tuff and andes- in Naphrax. Light microscope observations itic, basaltic rocks. were conducted using an Olympus BX53. There is no data previously on diatom diver- Micrographs were taken with an Olympus sity of springs in this region. The objective DP72 camera. Diatoms were identified ac- of this research was to reveal the diatom as- cording to Krammer and Lange-Bertalot semblage of the spring and river of Tizab and (1986–1991b), Lange-Bertalot and Kram- study the distribution of diatoms. mer (1989), Krammer (1997a, b), Krammer (2003), Lange-Bertalot (2001), Lange-Ber- Materials and Methods talot et al. (2003), Levkov (2009), Hofmann Location and description of the sampled et al. (2011) and Van de Vijver et al. (2011). spring and the spring-fed river The size (length and breadth) of species was The Tizab Spring is located in the valley of measured using Image J software (Schneider 396 397 et al., 2012). Temperature was measured in were identified based on the observation situ and water samples were transported to of benthic diatom samples in Tizab Spring the laboratory for further analysis, with re- and River. Among the species, Achnanthid- sults summarized in Table 1. ium pyrenicum (Hustedt) H.Kobayasi and Caloneis aerophila W.Bock are new records. Results One taxon was centric. Pennate diatoms in- Totally 33 species belonging to 15 genera cluded one araphid, six monoraphid and 25 396 397 biraphid species. Most species belong to in spring site toward the river. Nitzschia (six species). Navicula, Gompho- Regarding the sampling months, chloride con- nema, Achnanthidium and Encyonopsis with centration reduced greatly in October at the three species were the most diverse genera. sampling sites. There was also a slight reduc- The new record species are marked by an tion in the concentration of the magnesium asterisk. and sodium and a slight rise in the potassium The physicochemical parameters presented the content in October comparing with the content pH range of 6.7-6.9 for the Tizab spring that in September (Table 1). was neutral and the pH of 7.5-7.7 for the Tizab Description of the taxa River which was slightly alkaline. Therefore, *Achnanthidium pyrenicum (Hustedt) H. Ko- the range of pH fluctuates slightly as the water bayasi, Fig. 23 flows down from the spring site to the river site Ref: Hoffman et al. 2011 (p.85, pl: 22, 62-70). in both sampling months. Dimension: 18.13μm long, 3.88 μm wide, 20 Two sites based on chemicals concentration striae in 10 μm. of calcium, magnesium, nitrate and sulfate did Distribution in Iran: This taxon is a new record not show much differences. However, the con- for diatom flora of Iran. centration of sodium, chloride and potassium Achnanthidium lineare W. Smith, Fig. 25 decreased slightly along the spring and the riv- Ref: Van de Vijver et al., 2011. er site adjacent to the spring. Electric conduc- Dimensions: 9.36 μm long, 2.10 μm wide, stri- tivity also reduced from 0.6 dS/m to 0.3 dS/m ae are not visible in LM. 398 399 398 399 Distribution in Iran: Compere, 1981; Jamaloo Dimension: 16.48-22.69 μm long, 4.26-5.10 et al., 2006; Zarei-Darki, 2011b μm wide, 10 striae in 10 μm. Achnanthidium cf. minutissimum var. jackii This taxon is a new record for diatom flora of (Rabenhorst) Lange-Bertalot, Figs 26-27 Iran. Ref: Hoffman et al., 2011 (p. 84, pl. 23: 22-29). Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehren- Dimension: 9.54-12.59 μm long, 2.79-3.33 berg) Grunow, Fig. 28 μm wide, striae are not visible in LM. Ref: Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 1991b Distribution in Iran: This taxon is only record- (p.86, pl. 53: 1-19) ed from northern Iran (Soltanpour-Gargari et Dimension: 6.94 μm long, 2.63 μm wide, 26 al., 2011). striae in 10 μm. Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Distribution in Iran: This taxon is widespread Czarnecki, Fig. 24 in Iran. (Moghadam, 1975;Wasylik, Ref: Hoffman et al. 2011 (p.83, pl. 23:15-21). 1975; Soltanpour-Gargari et al., 2011; Com- Dimension: 17.65 μm long, 3.21 μm wide, pere, 1981; Nejadsattari, 2005; Zarei-Darki, striae are not visible in LM. 2011b). Distribution in Iran: This taxon is widespread Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing, Figs 10-11 in Iran (Jamaloo et al., 2006; Moghadam, Ref: Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 1991a 1975; Witkowski et al., 2007; Compere, 1981; p.44, pl. 44:1-10 Kheiri et al., 2018a; Wasylik, 1975; Shariat- Dimension: 11.81-15.19 μm in diameter, 12- madari et al., 2007; Zarei-Darki, 2011b; Khos- 14 costae in 10 μm. ravi-Rineh et al., 2011). Distribution in Iran: This taxon is widespread Amphora pedicus (Kützing) Grunow in A.W.F. in Iran (Moghadam, 1975; Soltanpour-Gargari Schmidt, Fig. 37 et al., 2011; Atazadeh et al., 2007; Witkowski- Ref: Krammer and Lange-Bertalot 1986 et al., 2007; Shams et al., 2012; Nejadsattari, (p.346, pl. 150: 8-13); Levkov 2009 (p. 2005; Cheraghpour et al., 2013; Zarei-Dar- 101, pl. 55: 31-34, 78: 40-47).
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