Feature Linguistic wars Noam Chomsky in the 1960s Tom Ruette looks at The Linguistic War from fifty years ago, and the situation now A battle not the war Babel The Language Magazine | May 2014 29 Feature Linguistic wars uring the sixties “Chomsky proposed noun the shooting. Now, a quick and seventies, a reader will have noticed that fierce linguistic a psychologically the shooting of the hunters could war was fought much richer and also be a transformation of the in the United hunters are being shot. In that States over more attractive sentence, it is, quite unnervingly, Dthe position of ‘meaning’ in perspective on somebody else who is shooting at the linguistic system. Names the hunters! The shooting of the were called, voices were raised, linguistic behavior. hunters thus has two meanings: it indecent example sentences were He stated that is ambiguous. Chomsky elegantly given, and linguists assumed explained how language users invective pseudonyms and phrases can be can disambiguate the shooting of affiliations. This is the story of a elegantly derived the hunters by applying different not-so-typical academic dispute, transformations that result in the a linguistic dogfight that lasted from each other unambiguous phrases the hunters for more than ten years, fought by means of shoot and the hunters are being high up in the ivory towers of shot. The University. ‘transformations’, Relating transformations We start our story with with meaning was a central Noam Chomsky shaking and that these topic of Chomsky’s 1965 book up the linguistic field with transformations Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. his revolutionary Syntactic Although it was left somewhat Structures (1957) and his could help us unclear what meaning and paradigm shifting review of BF to understand syntax really have to do with Skinner’s Verbal Behavior (1959). each other, one bold claim – the This arousal did not lead to The meaning, i.e. what ‘Katz-Postal Hypothesis’ – stood Linguistic War, which would is being said.” out. The hypothesis states that only start about a decade later, but did bring about the first cognitive revolution in the study of language. The revolution overthrew the prevailing idea in linguistics that a stimulus evokes a response, in the way that the ringing of a bell would cause Pavlov’s dog to drool. Chomsky proposed a psychologically much richer and more attractive perspective on linguistic behavior. He stated that phrases can be elegantly derived from each other by means of ‘transformations’, and that these transformations could help us to Behavioural psychologist BF Skinner. Chomsky’s review of Verbal Behaviour caused a paradigm shift in linguistics understand meaning, i.e. what is being said. a conversion is called a ‘Passive Let’s look at a few examples. Transformation’. The Katz-Postal Hypothesis: First, take a simple active Or take the sentence A transformation from one sentence such as John eats a the hunters shoot. This short sentence to another does sandwich. That sentence can sentence can be transformed not change the meaning; be easily transformed into the into the shooting of the hunters. all transformations of a equivalent passive sentence A This transformation is known sentence have the same sandwich is eaten by John: such as a ‘Nominalization’, since meaning. the verb to shoot becomes the 30 Babel The Language Magazine | May 2014 Feature Linguistic wars A Generative Semantic analysis of ‘Matthew killed the bogies’ Sentence Syntax Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Noun Verb Noun Phrase Sentence Matthew killed the bogies Matthew caused to die the bogies Semantics Matthew caused to become dead the bogies MATTHEW CAUSE TO BECOME NOT ALIVE BOGIES a transformation from one bottom, which give a perspective Consider the sentences sentence to another shall not on the meaning of the sentence. Many men read few books and change the meaning. In other In this case, the verb ‘to kill’ Few books are read by many men. words, all transformations of a is made increasingly more Although these two sentences sentence must have the same specific by meaning-preserving are transformations of each other meaning. transformations. Four building – just like John eats a sandwich Chomsky left the Katz- blocks of meaning remain: and A sandwich is eaten by John Postal hypothesis as a dangling CAUSE, TO BECOME, NOT and – their meaning is not the same. proposition during a sabbatical ALIVE. In the first sentence, the amount year at Berkeley in 1966. With Haj Ross wrote down the of books may still be large, even Chomsky away, four devoted theory in a 1967 letter to Arnold when each individual man only followers – George Lakoff, Zwicky, and the ideas were reads a few books. In the second Haj Ross, Paul Postal and Jim disseminated to the scientific sentence, the amount of books McCawley – developed a theory community during the ‘Camelot, is very small, and the individual of Generative Semantics 1968’ meeting in Urbana, Illinois. men all read at least the same set by pushing the Katz-Postal The four devoted followers of books. Hypothesis to the extreme. also presented their theory to In the wake of Chomsky’s Chomsky upon his return to attack on Generative Semantics, academic life. However, Chomsky Ray Jackendoff (and others) GENERATIVE SEMANTICS was not happy at all with the formulated the theory of A field of semantics that progress they made. During his Interpretative Semantics, claims that a theory about sabbatical, in contrast to the in which meaning is studied language has a central efforts in Generative Semantics separately from syntax. The component in which meaning to integrate meaning and syntax, theory was presented in and syntax are tightly Chomsky had developed the Jackendoff’s article Semantic interwoven. opposite idea of an autonomous Interpretation in Generative syntactic theory in which Grammar. The central idea of meaning did not play a role. Generative Semantics is The starting point INTERPRETATIVE that meaning-preserving for Chomsky’s idea was a transformations can be used refutation of the Katz-Postal SEMANTICS A theory of semantics in to connect the construction of Hypothesis that transformations which meaning only comes a sentence with unambiguous preserve meaning – a central into play after the words are building blocks of meaning. Let assumption for Generative put together in a syntactic me explain with an example. Semantics, and a hypothesis that structure. As such, syntax Take the sentence Matthew Chomsky himself supported becomes a completely killed the bogies, in the middle of in his 1965 book. Chomsky’s autonomous discipline. the table above. Most linguists counterargument revolves would be quite happy with the around the undeniable fact that syntactic analysis in the first the ‘Passive Transformation’ Now, these are the rows of that table. Generative does not necessarily preserve participants of The Linguistic semanticists, however, insisted meaning. War: two opposing groups on adding more rows at the of fairly young scientists, Babel The Language Magazine | May 2014 31 Feature Linguistic wars with Chomsky supporting transformations into an absolute that a grammar should not allow Interpretative Semantics and truth, a dogma of science. for the second sentence, because generative semanticists assuming Another important issue the somewhat childish making the role of the underdog. The for interpretativists was that number 2 is not appropriate year is now 1968, the Vietnam Generative Semantics wanted to in combination with the War is on everybody’s mind, expand the kind of phenomena formality of is generally expedited. revolution is what you do that could be handled by These kinds of usage-related before breakfast, and hippies are grammar. After including phenomena received more and becoming the mainstream. The meaning in grammar, the more attention from Generative atmosphere at The University door of Generative Semantics Semantics, which celebrated grew grim and battle positions now stood open to bring in the difficulty of grasping the were assumed. usage phenomena, such as mysteries of actual language use, At first, the war was appropriateness. Robin Lakoff beyond constructed examples. academically fought in – George Lakoff’s wife – used In contrast, Chomsky tried to publications and during the following example to keep things tidy and clean by conferences. One of the defend the inclusion of usage shunning pragmatics altogether. important battles took place phenomena. More importantly, With ever stronger during the 1969 Texas conference it foreshadowed the adversarial academic polarization between on Goals of Linguistic Theory. tone of the later rows and fights. Generative Semantics and Here, Chomsky and the Sensitive readers may want to Interpretative Semantics, and interpretative semanticists skip this. with a little help from the publicly denounced the idea Take the two similar 1960s-1970s Zeitgeist, a situation that transformations preserve sentences Defecation is generally emerges in which Chomsky meaning. In contrast, Generative expedited by the use of large becomes ‘The Establishment’ Semantics – from then on loudly banana leaves and Making number and Lakoff represents defended by George Lakoff – 2 is generally expedited by the use of ‘Counterculture’. Obviously, turned meaning-preserving large banana leaves. Lakoff claims this simplistic image does not do justice to the truth. Whereas one expects the Counterculture to be the most productive and constructive, it is in fact The Establishment – albeit perhaps inspired and spurred on
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