■ V g l MOMDAT. IBMBII&BR 1M| Ths W fiBtlm Net Fereeaot M U. S. Weathsi Wat m WMk E e ia t lE o tttin s Clear and ehBy tielgl . m U i l i i i r t y H ! * < . :1 V | ^ r % e e t o m tM a the e l MaiKdMBter Asaemhly, Order guBsot Council, Degree ot n o t e s QUINN’S PHARMACY 30-40; arnmay omA aaal to at Salnhow for Girls, wUl have Pocahontas, win have a special Aha:ndon McKee St. L o c a ^ n 13,651 ^ high la the 00a. JttMiut Town a business meeting and eleo* busineas meeting tonight at 1064 F A L L T A S m O N i are emt aC Mrnmm 'at -tba Arnm tA , ■jr Uon o f officers tonlji^it at 7:80 7:80 at the home o f Mrs. Beasts this world. The p a ^ at .▼ofue, C ity 41/FHliVW ’ D m oaoBoUon wl»o worit«d * t at the Masonic Temple. Mem- .Farris, 9 Durkin S t Plans wUl For Firehouse^ Says Mayor . Harper’s Baaaar, Glamour, and ■or- O hB » Meitt-Woeil this Mimmer bora of John Mather CSiapter, *be made ft>r delwates ’and oth­ are filled frith all Met at w S tteM « potlDdk St tiM esmp Order of IMMoIay, will preaent ers to attend a Great Council modias. And to boihidemeiit Hu m am Pag* 14) PRICE SEVEN e x m Mayor EYands J. Mahoney to-^ing, the recenUy oonpletad plans j^sli^ delights, yM’U want an en­ MANCHESTHR, CONN., TUESDAY, SBPIHIOER II, 1964 • t « : U U m o ^ tfie coronation degree. The ad- session in Bridgeport Oct. • and for two future firehouses. ♦.♦411 [, N O . 288 (SpLTIKN PA€BS) vlsoty board wUl meet at 7 be­ . diOr asked General Manager tirely new appeoaeh to yonr make­ 10 Rldiard Martin and Town n r e The plans, drawn by archi­ hfwstiint of Tttn fi* Owptsr, fore the meeting. tect Ajttold Lawrence, have al- up. Ms^ I suggest that you atop In Ordsr oC Bsstem Star, ptannins . Chief WUllam C. Mason to aban- at Quinn’s Pharmacy In UM next day The Fellowcraft Club o f Man- I d te p lu s fo r the construction of r e a ^ been approved by Chief te attand frIniUhh;* night of The VFW Auxiliary will ohestSt Dodge of Masons Will, or so, and we can dIsouM your make­ a new flrdtouse on town-owned Mason and by the Town Bund­ up for Pall. Max Paotor and Jean Sorer ChapttfTWaat H a rtf^ ^wnaor a picnic tonight at 6:30 meet tonight at 7:30 at the Ma­ ing Committee. Events mn rmlnded that the eivent win land on McKee St,.and urged Nate’ (tonam e but two Unas) havoaa at the Rocky MUl Veteran’s sonic ’Temple for-Its first meet­ them to sehk another location. m preeeing fo r Immediate Reapportion Compromise be haM tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. ing o f the fa ll season. Plans fo r exciting array ot new oedors. W e have Hospital. Those planning to at­ He suggested that another site consideratloa of the two fire­ them all M stock, and I know weTI •t the West Hartford Masonic tend may meet at the post the coming yearhvUl be discass- houses, Mahoney asked priority In be found that w ill fit In better have sometUBg that’s Just vight fcr State tampte, and not Wednesday home at 5:48 or go directly to ed. Refreshments will be for the one In the northeast sec­ ■ idght M ptevlo u ^ annooBced. served. with "the future plans fo r ex­ you! n i look forward to seeing you! the Veteran’s hospital. In the pansion la the west, southwest tion of town, preferably In the Manchestb-OrNn area. gyg MAIN gnUDlIT event o f rain the picnic wlH be and northwest sections ot town.’’ Mary tb a canceled. Open casting fo r ”The Streets He said th k “although the B ig Surplus Scheduled- for Senate Vote Mahoney, in a letter to the ■ a iy win aponsor a card party of New Toric,” the November future of consolidation with the g o n l^ St i at the <dubhouse. two officials, said that he was ’The ways and means commit­ production of The Little ’The­ 8th District w ill continue to bo Forecast for ater o f Manchester, will be held oertaln that the money derived WARWTNOTONT (AiPI -t»p th* timetable lor adjoum-^ohneon would not veto toateJa\^t8, R-NT., and tee of the VFW will meet to­ from the sale of the property a problem In this area, we can­ WASJHlNlxlV V / ^ T-,«nt ni Cnnrreiu. maAnti.*measure. rUrka«n'iiDIrksen's nurooMpurpose !■is McCarthy, D-Mton. night at 8 at the Post Home. A tonight at 8 in the drama not and w ill not be delayed for General Fund group’s workshop rooms in the at Hartford Rd. and Pine S t, ONtV AT WUCHfilU CAM YOU PUIICHfiSt FAMOUS The S«i>te vote. ted.y H " tenu o«, . pr.p«»l by to gain time unUl Congress can Sen. Paul H. Douglas, D -l£ , refreshment committee for a Jagr photo and on McKee S t “ could be this reason any longer.” a legislative reapportion­ and a group of senators support­ famUy picnic wiU meet after the basement o f the former techni­ Senate Republican-------- Leader submit and the sUtes ratify * Viola Jarris adequate^ applied to the pur­ He added. "The solution to HARTFORD (AP)—Thd ment compromise proposal. Everett M. Dlrksen — to force a ing the Supreme Court decisIsB ways and means sessiim. cal school, 30 School St. Engaged fife protection in the Manches­ constitutional amendment chase any new' property re­ TREASURE CHEST second biggest state gener­ Its acceptance would move delay of a year or more to nullifying the Supreme £k)urt have been conducting a talka­ quirements, without affecting ter Green and Porter S t areas Supreme Oourt-ordSted reap- thon against the Dlrksen rider The Women's Home .League The engagement of Mlaa Elvs- demands our immediate atten­ al fund surplus in histwy, the |3.3-bilIion foreign aid decision. PIAN O lean Mastropietro of Manches­ the present tax structure." DIAMONDS porUonment of seats to both In an effort to break the to prevent its adoption. i« of the Salvation Army Will have A t the same tlma he asked tion, and should be discussed some 121.4 million,is in the bill a step closer to passage houses of sUte legislatures on a sUlemate, Sen. Hubert H. Dlrksen, to a meeting w lili X iR O Its first fall luncheon tomorrow ter to James Eldmond Morancey thoroughly at the board’s Octo­ r t o ! of Bolton Is announced by her Martin to bring before the board works. State Compti’oller, and speed up the timetable population basis — has tied up Humphrey of Minnesota, John­ reporters shortly before tki TEACHER CoMt-To> at 1 p.m. at the Youth Center. dlroctors, at Its October meet- ber meeting." ' GlRAPH KC Coast parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ot Raymond S. Thatcher came for adjournment of Con­ the foreign aid bill for 'several son’s vice presidential running Senate convened, said of the Capt and Mrs. William D. Me- _____ j|ilsllss(SHiillia> vote, "1 don’t know how It will Y SERVI Clean, new commanding offt^ Mastro^etro of 887 Woodland sWtojOTatttolMs out with the glowing sur­ gress. weeks. mate, has moved into the pic­ fc sow taU og apiriloattoiM ,t0 P CLi I S ^ a s M . ture by backing s "sense of the go, but I am hopeful.’’ cers, w ill be welcomed. Mra St. plus prediction today in his Its accepUncs would move Dlrksen offered the proposal far fan eiaaaes. an»H- INC. W i « Her fiance is the son of Mr. Mtprttw a.<( a rider to the foreign aid bill Congress” compromise first Brig. Richard Hols and Capt. ***** the 88.8-hinion foreign aid bill a (See Page Eight) »• esttoa please call Mary Jane Shaw, both of H i^ - and Mrs. Joseph EMmond Mo- COAST TO COAST annual report. The surplus step closer to passage and speed on the theory that. President a^anced by Sens. Jacob K. ford, will be special guesta .rancey ot Nothch Rd., Bolton. forecast by the comptroller M 3 -5 6 9 2 REED'S, Inc The wedding is plaimed for A fW im rWtod win exist when the state Ruth Circle, Elmanuel Lu­ May I, 1868.________________ Dempsey Jegeler closes its two-year peYiod •U-7167 theran Church, w ill meet to­ $400 next June 3. Birth Control night at 8 In the music room The only siuptos to top this at the ehurch. M ra Robert Minor Accidents & C O .s iN C . fiSk tor Seer Ftoswfis figure was recorded June 30, Ahtness w ill lead devotions. M EM BER! NXW TOBK BTOCM E X M A N G E 1957 when the state com plet^ Bill Returns (Mrs. David Andweon and Mrs. Occur^in Townl Downtown its two-year fiscal run some 832 Gary CoRmm will serve as TEL 643-110S A t 058 1 mUlloft to the blaCk. In 1063, hostesses. Plans for the com­ Police report five minor acci­ close of the previous two-year To Tribunal ing year w ill be discussed. dents In Manchester over the 629 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER period, the sU te had a modest weekend.
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