Oracle® Cloud Using Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase E69642-16 June 2019 Oracle Cloud Using Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase, E69642-16 Copyright © 2017, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Essbase Information Development Team This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents Preface Audience xiii Documentation Accessibility xiii Related Resources xiii Conventions xiv 1 Get Started with Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase Overview of Oracle Analytics Cloud – Essbase 1-1 Access the Essbase Service 1-2 Use Service Credentials to Access the Cloud Service 1-3 Access the Classic User Interface 1-3 Access the Cloud Service from Smart View 1-4 Access Tools and Tasks from the Console 1-4 Cloud Service, REST, and Smart View Client URLs 1-5 Set Up Your Client 1-6 Manage your Password and Password Challenge Questions 1-7 Oracle Learning Library 1-7 2 Top Tasks for Essbase Top Tasks Prerequisites 2-1 Create Users in LDAP Identity Management Mode 2-1 Import and Export Bulk Users in LDAP Identity Management Mode 2-2 Understand Application Workbooks 2-3 Download the Sample Dynamic Application Workbook 2-3 Examine the Structure of the Sample Dynamic Application Workbook 2-3 Explore the Gallery Templates 2-5 Applications Templates 2-6 Technical Templates 2-6 System Performance Templates 2-7 Create an Application in the Essbase Web Interface and Provision a User to Access and Query the Cube 2-7 iii Create an Application in the Essbase Web Interface 2-7 Provision a User to Access and Query the Cube 2-8 Analyze an Application in Smart View 2-8 Connect to a Cube in Smart View 2-9 Perform an Ad hoc Analysis 2-9 Modify an Essbase Outline 2-12 Manage Jobs 2-14 Analyze Forecast Data in Smart View 2-14 Create an Application and Cube in Cube Designer 2-17 Open the Application Workbook in Cube Designer 2-17 Create, Load, and Calculate the Cube 2-18 View the Application in the Web Interface 2-18 Analyze Data and Perform an Incremental Update in Cube Designer 2-19 Analyze Data in the Sample Basic Cube 2-19 Perform an Incremental Update on the Sample Basic Cube 2-19 Transform Tabular Data into a Cube 2-21 Export and Modify Metadata and Data 2-22 3 Manage Essbase Files and Artifacts Explore the Files Catalog 3-1 Explore the Gallery Templates 3-1 Applications Templates 3-2 Technical Templates 3-3 System Performance Templates 3-3 Access Files and Artifacts 3-4 Explore the Application Directories 3-4 Work with Files and Artifacts 3-5 4 Understand Your Access Permissions in Essbase User Role 4-1 Database Access Permission 4-1 Database Update Permission 4-2 Database Manager Permission 4-2 Application Manager Permission 4-3 Power User Role 4-3 Service Administrator Role 4-4 5 Manage Users and Roles About User and Role Management 5-1 iv User Roles and Application Permissions 5-2 Use Cases for Assigning Access 5-3 Manage Users 5-3 Provision Application Permissions 5-5 About Filters 5-6 Create Filters 5-6 Create Efficient Dynamic Filters 5-7 Dynamic Filter Syntax 5-7 Workflow to Create Dynamic Filters 5-9 Example of a Dynamic Filter 5-9 6 Design and Create Cubes Using Application Workbooks About Application Workbooks 6-1 Download a Sample Application Workbook 6-2 Create a Cube from an Application Workbook 6-2 Connect to a Cube in Smart View 6-3 Enable Email Notifications for Scenario Status Changes 6-3 7 Design and Create Cubes from Tabular Data Transform Tabular Data to Cubes 7-1 Use Intrinsic Headers to Transform Tabular Data to Cubes 7-1 Use Forced Designation Headers to Transform Tabular Data Into Cubes 7-2 Create and Update a Cube from Tabular Data 7-5 8 Create and Manage Cube Outlines Using the Web Interface About Cube Outlines 8-1 View and Edit Outline Properties for a Newly Created Cube 8-1 Work with General and Attribute-related Outline Properties 8-2 Understand and Create Alias Tables 8-5 Understand and Create Textual Measures Outline Properties 8-5 Create a Sample Cube to Explore Outline Properties 8-6 Set Outline Properties in your Sample Cube 8-6 Add Dimensions and Members to Outlines 8-6 Add Dimensions to Outlines Manually 8-7 Add Members to Outlines Manually 8-7 Work with Attributes 8-8 About Duplicate Member Names 8-8 Set Dimension and Member Properties 8-9 Open the Outline in Edit Mode 8-10 v Set Member Properties while in Edit Mode 8-10 Set Properties in the Member Inspector 8-10 Set General Properties 8-11 Create Aliases 8-14 Create Member Formulas 8-15 Set Attribute Associations 8-16 Associate an Attribute Dimension with a Base Dimension 8-16 Associate an Attribute Member with a Member of the Base Dimension 8-17 Create User-Defined Attributes 8-17 Name Generations and Levels 8-18 Set Advanced Cube Properties 8-18 Unlock Objects 8-19 Remove Data Locks 8-19 9 Use Connections and Datasources About Connections and Datasources 9-1 Create Connections and Datasources 9-2 Create a Connection and Datasource to Access Oracle BI 9-2 Create a Connection and Datasource to Access Oracle Database 9-3 Create a Connection and Datasource for Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse 9-5 Create a Connection and Datasource to Access Another Cube 9-7 Create a Connection and Datasource to Access a Data File 9-9 10 Build Dimensions and Load Data Typical Workflow for Dimension Builds and Data Loads 10-1 About Dimension Builds 10-1 About Data Loads 10-2 Work with Rules 10-2 Global and Field Options 10-3 Global Options 10-4 Field Options 10-5 Build Dimensions and Load Data Using a Rule File 10-6 Build Dimensions Using a Rule File 10-6 Load Data Using a Rule File 10-9 Upload Files to a Cube 10-11 Build Dimensions and Load Data by Streaming from a Remote Database 10-12 Build Dimensions and Load Data Using SQL 10-14 Build Dimensions Using SQL 10-15 vi Load Data Using SQL 10-19 11 Calculate Cubes Access to Calculations 11-1 Create Calculation Scripts 11-1 Execute Calculations 11-2 Use Substitution Variables 11-3 Set Two-Pass Calculation Properties 11-5 Trace Calculations 11-5 Calculate Selected Tuples 11-8 Tuple-Based Calculation 11-9 Select Tuples for Point of View Calculation 11-10 Examples of Tuple Selection to Reduce Calculation Scope 11-11 No Tuple Selection 11-12 Selection of Named Sparse Dimensions 11-12 Selection of Contextual Sparse Dimensions 11-13 12 Model Data in Private Scenarios Understand Scenarios 12-1 View and Work
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