PRAYER OF THE DAY The Lord is with you. And also with you. Let us pray. *HYMN #338 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies O God of grace and mercy, you call us to proclaim your *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Summary of the Law pg. 36 healing and faithfully fulfill your kingdom mission. *GLORIA PATRI Let us not count the cost of our wins and losses, but Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; keep our eyes fixed on you as we seek your realm of as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world peace. Amen. without end. Amen, amen. *HYMN #337 My Country, Tis of Thee THE EUCHARIST CALL AND PRAYER OF CONFESSION PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Let us confess our sins to God, whose power is made perfect in our weakness. OFFERTORY ANTHEM Offertory on Materna S. Ward Holy God, you call us to boldly proclaim your name, yet *DOXOLOGY Hymn #606 we are stubborn and rebellious and heedless of your Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; call. By the power of your Spirit, raise us to new life praise him all creatures here below; that we may return to faithful living, in Christ’s name praise him above, ye heavenly host; we pray. Amen. praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. RESPONSE TO CONFESSION Hymn #551 Lord Have Mercy PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us. The Lord is with you. And also with you. Let us pray. Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, how can we remember all your creation in this DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS offering? You have given us time and the seasons; You Sisters and brothers, God’s grace and mercy are never have given us families and friends; You have given us ending. Your sins are forgiven, therefore be at peace. our family of the Church. Accept our offering of these, the works of our hands and the fruits of our labors; *RESPONSE TO GOD’S FORGIVENESS Gloria, Gloria accept these things as offerings of our love. We pray in Gloria, gloria, In excelsis Deo! the name of Jesus, whose grace and love have been Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia! lavished upon us. Amen. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION THE LORD’S PRAYER SENDING SCRIPTURES Leviticus 19:17-18, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Luke 10:25-37 *HYMN #331 God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand RESPONSE TO GOD’S WORD READ Jesus Loves Me Hymn #188 *BENEDICTION “God created you, Jesus loves you, and the Holy Spirit will sustain you.” TIME WITH CHILDREN Jim Winslow *POSTLUDE The Stars and Stripes Forever J.P. Sousa PREPARATION TO HEAR GOD’S WORD PROCLAIMED *Those who are able, may stand. HYMN #288 Spirit of the Living God The flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of HOMILY Elder Dr. Jim Winslow Mr. & Mrs. William D. Edmondson HOWARD MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 303 East St. James Street Tarboro, NC 27886 Telephone: 252-823-4138 Website: www.howarDmemorial.org THE SESSION Benjamin Kane, Moderator Bonnie Whitehurst, Clerk of Session (2021) Christian Education Congregational Life Cindy Brittain (2022) Susan Roberson (2022) Debbie Gammons (2023) Gary Mountz (2021) Facilities Finance and Stewardship Tate Mayo (2022) DaviD AnDerson (2022) John KecK Moore (2023) Debbie Lamm (2021) Membership Development Mission & Christian Service Diane LeFiles (2021) Michael Peters (2022) Ashley Anderson (2023) Bill Goode (2023) Grace and peace to you in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ Worship and welcome to worship at Howard Memorial. Adam Schultz (2021) Jim Winslow (2023) July 4, 2021 Independence Day STAFF Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Pastor…………………………………. Rev. Dr. Benjamin E. E. Kane Elder Dr. Jim Winslow Director of Music/Organist………………….……Bill Hilderbrandt Director of Children’s Ministry…………….…….Katie Pennington GATHERING Director of Administration & Finance…………..…….Angie Gregg WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Rev. Karen Edwards will lead the worship service next Sunday. Karen PRELUDE Patriotic Prelude “America” G. Young is a daughter of Howard Memorial. She graduated from Wake Forest University, Columbia Theological Seminary, and Blue Ridge *CALL TO WORSHIP Community College. She has served churches in West Virginia, South God is mighty in word and deed. Carolina, and Virginia. She works now as a Medical Facilities Inspector God’s mercy is everlasting. for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Most importantly (to her mother), Blessed be the one holy and living God. she belongs to Myrna Truscott. She and Myrna live in Staunton, Glory to God forever. Virginia. .
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