A#& A''reviations AD& abbreviations ADM Abbreviation (ull )hase AA Attendance Allowance .AA/ .Attendance Allowance” as defned in 1eg 2 of the 23 1egs A411 All -or56related requirements AD3 Actual Date of 3onfnement A9:* Ar8ed $orces independence !a+8ent A;* Agent ;ead *rocess art article(s) <A <ereavement Allowance <3 <eneft 3a! <=> <est =tart >rant <*T <ereavement *a+8ent 3A 3arer?s Allowance 3D* 3hild Disabilit+ *a+8ent 3@< 3hild <eneft 3MD 3hild Maintenance Deduction 3M> 3hild Maintenance >rou! 3M= 3hild Maintenance =ervice 3*en 3ivil *enalt+ 3=M 3hild su!!ort 8aintenance 3T3 3hild taA credit 3TM 3ontribution to Maintenance 34* 3old 4eather *a+8ent D3T Direct 3redit Trans$er D@ Depart8ent of @ealth D;A Disabilit+ ;iving Allowance DM Decision Ma5er ED* Enhanced Disabilit+ *remiu8 EEA European Economic Area B=A B8!loy8ent and =u!!ort Allowance B2 European 2nion B43 BA!ected 4eek o$ 3onfnement 9A= 9inancial Assistance =cheme 91M 9lat 1ate Maintenance 9tT 9irst-tier Tribunal 9/T 9ull-ti8e 9TB 9ull-ti8e education 9T* 9iAed ter8 !eriod >A >uardian?s Allowance >< >reat <ritain >M* >uaranteed Mini8u8 *ension >* >eneral !ractitioner >1< >raduated 1etirement <eneft >T1D9 >ren$ell To-er 1esidentsC Discretionar+ 9und @< @ousing beneft @33 @ousing 3osts 3ontribution @3B @ousing 3osts Element @3* @ealth care !rofessional @M13 @er MaDest+?s 1evenue and 3ustoms @O @ome O$fce @* @ealth *rofessional :D< :ndustrial Death <eneft :9M :88ediate 9a8il+Member ::< :ndustrial :nDuries <eneft ::D< :ndustrial :nDuries Disablement <eneft E=A Jobseeker?s Allowance ;A ;ocal Authorit+ ;34 ;i8ited ca!abilit+ $or -or5 ;341A ;i8ited ca!abilit+ $or -or5 and -or56related activit+ ;EA ;ocal education authorit+ ;B; ;ower earnings li8it ;TA@A4'3* ;iving together as husband and -i$e/civil !artner ;TAM3 ;iving together as Married 3ou!le MA Maternit+ Allowance MA* Maternit+ Allowance !eriod M* Member of *arlia8ent M=* Member of =cottish *arlia8ent M4A Mandator+ 4or5 Activit+ F: Fational :nsurance FM4 Fational 8ini8u8 -age F1* Fon-1esident *arent F1= Fational 1etraining =cheme F411 Fo -or56related requirements *AGB *a+ As You Earn !cm *er calendar 8onth *:* *ersonal :ndependence *a+8ent *O *ost O$fce *OAO< *a+8ent on Account of <eneft *=:3 *erson subject to i88igration control */T *art-ti8e *4 *er -eek *43 *erson 4ith 3are *4@; *er8itted -or5 higher li8it *4, *er8itted -or5 *4;; *er8itted -or5 lo-er li8it *4* *er8itted -or5 !eriod H* Huali$+ing *eriod 1A 1etirement Allowance 1EA 1educed earnings Allowance reg regulation(s) 1T: 1eal Ti8e :nter$ace 1I2 1elationshi! Ialidation 2nit s section(s) =2P =tate =econd *ension =3 =ervice centre =ch =chedule(s) =D* =evere Disabilit+ *remiu8 ='B =el$ B8!loyed =9 =ocial 9und =99* =ocial 9und 9uneral *a+8ent =i8* =i8!le *a+8ent service =M* =tatutor+ Maternit+ *a+ =*3 =tate *ension 3redit =*4 =u!!orted !er8itted -or5 ==* =tatutor+ =ick *a+ ==M> =ure =tart Maternit+ >rant T3F Third 3ountr+ Fational T3 TaA 3redit TO1* Total Outstanding 1eduction *eriod 23 2niversal 3redit 2, 2nited ,ingdom 2= 2nem!loyabilit+ =u!!lement IO Iisiting offcer 43A 4or5 ca!abilit+ assess8ent 49@1A 4or5-focused health-related assess8ent 49: 4or5-focused interview 4@* 4or5 and @ealth *rogra88e 4MA 4idowed Mother?s Allowance 4* 4idow?s *ension 4*A 4idowed *arent?s Allowance 41A 4or5-related activit+ 41A3 4or56related activit+ com!onent 4T3 4or5ing taA credit .
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