I() IJll(.I~l\SS _y_O_l __3__ N_O __7_2_4 ________________ Kwa~J~a-l-e-~n~,~M--I---------------- ________1~/2~5~/_6~1 __~ ~NE !irA VY MEN KILLED IN WHITE HOUSE INTERVENTION ENDS STRIKE MIDWAY PLANE CRASH . by Chet Dl Mauro, UPI, New York -- Whlte House Honolulu (UPI:--A Navy ?'adar lnterventl0n ended a strlke over the Jobs of 62 plane WhlCh had 22 men aboard veer­ men that closed down the natIon's second blggest ra1. lroad, threatened the economy of the natlon' s ed off the runway on Midway Isla~d Sunday and smashed 'lnto a gro'..<. ,d lndustrlal heartland, and dIslocated llfe of the crew truck, touching off a flre country's bIggest Clty Whl ch consumed the plane The 13-day strlke cost the natlon hundreds of NIne men, includ'lng tnree of the mQllions of dollars ln wages and frelght and crewmen on the flre truck, were passenger revenues of rall Ilnes stretchlng from k.llled or l111.SS1.ng, the Navy saId St LOU1S and Chlcago to Boston and New York SLxteen of the men aboard the plare ~e fIrst feather ln the cap of President es~aped unhurt or Wlth minor In­ Kennedy and hlS new Labor Secretary, Arthur J. JUX1.€S Goldberg, was the settlement Monday morning of A prell.nunary InveshgatLon ehow­ the strlke of 660 harbor tugboat and ferry men ed tnat "the 70-ton f01.lr-eng~ne agalnst 11 raIlroads that use barges to get conste-llation apP'.:trently la.nd<;d ~argo onto Manhattan Island Goldberg flew here short of the runway ana sheared of Sunday at the request of Kennedy and announced a la.ndIng gear, wh1.ch stru--;k two a settlement hours later E'nglnes on the left wl.ng Claude Slmmons and John J Gaherin, chIef The Wlng was sheared off as lt negotlators for the tug unions and the rallroads hIt the runway, causlng the p:ane respectlvely, both termed the settlement ItsatlS­ to veer to the left One thousand factory It But the maIn lssue ln the contract reet down the runway, ~t s~shed dlspute -- the deslre of the rallroads to trim l.nto the f1.re tr~ck WhlCh was In approxlmately 62 men from the tug crews for the a routl'1e posltlon for an alrcraft sake of economy -- has been left up to a WhIte landlng House commlSSlon studying alleged featherbeddlDg It was thE first fatal accldent WIlllam G Chase, dlreetor of labor relatlons of an 81r barrler plane SlLce the for the closed-down New York Central Railroad , sernce was lnaug'.lra ted. ln July, sald the tur~ng pOlnt in the negotlat.lOnS came .~ 1958 The serVlce had flown 27 when the prlnc .lple thet the raIlroads II should be mIllon miles WIthout a fatalIty - able to operate efflciently and economically" b~fore Sunday 1 s crash was recognlzed by the unlons It was nearly 20 hour 5 before Pres1.den~ Paul Hall of the Seafarers! Unlon, Cdr Ray Th~ele, Publl~ Informat~0~ one of three unl0ns lnvolved in the strlke , Off'lcer at Barber IS PO.lnt) was p~alsed Goldberg for his professlonallsm and abLe to contact MJ.d-way personnel.. s~id there was no question that the strlke would and SUTV.lVOrS of thp crash have dragged on "lof he hadn't entered the PIct­ ..), Capt John MJ.shan, co.mma.nder of ure" The Central began to get its interstate I chI:' MIdway detachmr:mt saId the operatwns started agaln Monday morning by sched­ I .3'U.rVl.vors would. TPffiinn on the 1S­ ullng a run from Boston to Albany, N Y SerVlce land " for the present tIme, It b1.,+ In and out of Chicago was expected to be restored would be replaced oc. the bar:::--.er Tuesday morn1ng The New Haven Railroad announc­ cU"c,u t by a ..... othe:r ere'''; Lt A R f'd that 1 t was resUIDlDg sernee between Boston Ch~ppella, Na,~ doctor on Midway and New York Monday evenlDg and scheduled resumpt t ~d n ' ~o" Th lele all survlvors ar~ In Ion of commuter serVIce Into New York for Tuesday good shape except for IDlnor lacer­ mornIng Jersey Central and Erie-Lackawanna atl0ns It ferryboats across the Hudson were to resume Mon­ day afternoon lPage 2 HOURGLASS 1/25/61 (cont'd from coIl, th1S page) PUBLISHED AT THE DIRECTION OF TF..E Norfolk, Conn , 33 below, Newport, Vt , 23 COMMANDING OFFICER, PACIFIC MISSILE below, Westover Air Force Base, Mass , 22 RANGE FACILITY, KWAJ ALE IN ) MARSHALL belOW, and Waterville, MaIne, 41 below ISLANDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUREAU Wasblngton, DC, reported 17 degrees OF WEAPONS CONTRACT NGaE-59-4:16-c early Monday and as far South as Atlanta, WIom THE TRA:NSPORT COMPANY OF 'rEl{AS Ga , the mercury barely reached freezlng THE HOURGIASS IS PUBLISHED DAILY RAYBURN APPEALS TO GOP HOUSE MEMBERS TO MONDAY THROUGH SA'lURDAY DEADLINE FOR COPY IS 1000 DAY OF PUBLICAIION. SUPPORT HIS LIBERALIZING PIAN Washu1gton (UPI) --Speaker Sam Rayburn THE H01JRGLASS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO appealed to Republican House members to EDIT ALL COPY RECEIVED FOR PUBLICATION support h1s plan for l~berallzlng the House~ Rules Committee by addl.ng more members ---' Advlser John Coleman Rayburn told a news conference that many Edltors Joyce Rawles, iIT::>ble Yamasak.L people, "not only in the Um.ted States but around the world," are p1nn1ng thelr hopes RECORD-BREAKING COLD SPELL IN EAST on Pres1dent Kennedy The least Congress can do, Rayburn said, (UPI)--Easterners shl.vered Monday ln a 15 to make sure that Kennedy's leglslative record-breakl.ng cold spell Llght snow program wlll be consldered carefully. was fall1.ng on the Eastern seaboard The Unless something 1S done about the Rules ~old weather moved up from West Virg1nla Commlttee, Rayburn said, some key ltems 1n and the OhlO Valley taklng alm02t the same Kennedy's program may never reach the House route as the storm last week and the sev- floor for a vote They would be sidetracked ere snowfall ln December by a conservatlve coal1tlon of Republicans Albany, NY, reported a temperature of and Southern Democrats ln the Rules Committ- minus 12 degrees, breaklng a record set ee, WhlCh decided whether and when a bill in 1888 In upstate New York the temper- 1S cleared for floor actlon ature full as low as 20 degrees below The House 1S expected to vote Wednesday Ice blocks 16 lnches thlck fllled the or Thursday on a Rayburn proposal to break Hudson R1ver from New York to Albany and the rules COmmlttee roadblock by adding lcebreakers were used to clear a channel three new members, WhlCh would give libera.l Steamship schedules s~fered from stlff forces a maJority in the committee. A num- wlnds in the Atlantlc The proud llner ber of Southern Democrats will oppose Ray- Unlted States, or1.g1na:ly scheduled to burn's plan, and he wlll need Republican arr1ve at New York Tuesday, reported votes to pull lt through P choppy seas and a day s delay Other major developments __ But New York schoolschlldren who frolic- Conference __ Fresldent Kennedy schedule ked on weather-caused hol1.days last week, a legls1at~ve conference Wlth Senate and were told to be on tIme Monday as New York House Democratic leaders for Tuesday Sen­ arteries were cleared a~d classes res~ed ate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said Manhattan's temperat".lre hl t 11 degrees su.ch meetlngs probably will be held at the above zero early Monday Across the n vel" White House every week. ! New Jersey shivered through Lts fifth Depressed Areas __ Mansfleld a.nnounced " stralgh"':; day of sub-freez.1ng temperatures, that the Senate should be ready to act in 0 with no break In slght Tne st~te has tbe near future on legls1atlon to ex~end counted at least 1.3 deaths blamed on the Federal ald to so-called "depressed areas" cold spell and last weekis near-bl1zzard whiCh are sufferlng from chronlc unemploy- dumped up to 14 lnches ment This is a high-prlorlty item on the Hartford, Conn, reported an all-t~me Kennedy program, aId M3.nsfleld sa.ld he thlIiks low for the day of 26 degree~. Allentown, It wlll be the Senate's flrst maJor leglslat­ Pa , had a readlng of 12 below, smash1ng lon of the seSSlon a 7 -year-old record Colder read.1.ngs, through not records, were 13 below at Mt. PLEASE CONSERVE WATER Mitchell, N C., hlghest spot east of thp J{ockles) Sarnac, NY, 30 below (next col. I 'Page 3 HOURGlASS 1/25/61 LIQUID-F'"JW.uED ROCKET FIRED FROM CAPE w1IEI\f Mb HI 'I'S, HOME IS Cap~ C~naveral (UPI)--1l~erlcags largest WHERE THE HURT IS ~ssile testing center turned to an Uk~US­ Home is yhere the hurt is, when multiple (-~'l.8i,1 weekend. flrlng scheduled to rael{ up scleros~s h~ts. It may be a fr~endts home, ~ts flrst s~ccessful test th_s rear of a ~t may be a loved oneis home, lt may be majo~ l1quld-fueled rocket your home The Army, ass1stee. by a tea.m of SC1.enlj- wnerever and whenever MS hits, it hits 181,9 of t.r..e Fede-ra.l $pac,,:, Agency. sent a. hard. Red6~one mlss1le more than 200 m2les over ME is a crippling d~sease that p~les the Atlantl.c Ocea.n Saturday night.
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