TEARY-EYED KISSINGER FAILS IN MIDDLE EAST, RETURNS HOME JERUSALEM (AP)-Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, tears rising in his eyes because of the failure of his Middle East peace mission, head- ed home yesterday promising that the United States will seek "new methods and new forums" for an Arab-Israeli agreement. "This is a sad day for America," said Kissinger, his voice breaking with emotion. "We will now have to look to new methods and new forums" for a settlement. "The need to move toward peace cannot be abandoned." During a brief stopover in London, it was learned that Kissinger is convinced his step-by-step diplo- macy is dead and that resumption of the Geneva peace talks are in- evitable. U.S. officials also here after 2,000 years of dispersion expect the breakdown of his mis- and a generation of struggle," he sion will serve to unify the Arabs said. in pressuring Israel to give up "I know you have done more than war-captured territory on all any human being can do," Premier TRASH ANYONE-You never know what fronts. Yitzhak Rabin told the secretary, you might find in a Gitmo trash Kissinger planned to go directly adding that despite the breakdown can. Unfortunately, sometimes to the White House upon returning of the mission, Israeli-American you don't even find trash there, to Washington last night to brief relations were still "special and the trash is on the ground in- President Ford. unique." stead of in the can. Turn to page Kissinger told the Israelis as Kissinger left less than 12 hours 3 and read LCdr. Jim Lois's he flew off to London: "We have after his 16-day mission broke up editorial about base cleanliness. had no other goals except to enable because of "irreconcilable" dif- (Photo by PH2 Dave Clarke) the young people in this area to ferences between Egypt and Israel grow up without the fear of war." over the terms of an Israeli with- IRS PROBE TO BE LAUNCHED At that point his voice began to drawal in the Sinai Desert. crack and falter. The collapse of the mission in- WASHINGTON (AP)-A probe of al- "No people needs peace more than creased chances for renewed fight- leged invasions of citizens' rights the people of Israel, gathered ing in the area. by the Internal Revenue Service will be launched Wednesday by a CONGRESS STRIVES TO COMPLETE WORK ON TAX CUT BILL congressional panel. "We were shocked to hear the WASHINGTON (AP)-The two houses of ion tax cut he has not ruled out a extent to which citizen's rights were Congress are striving to compromise veto," said Nessen. invaded, apparently needlessly, $13.2 billion in differences to com- "The President is basically op- by tax collectors and agents," plete work this week on a tax cut posed to all the amendments," he said Rep. Charles A. Vanik, D-Ohio, bill that might face a Presidential said. whose investigations subcommittee veto. will hold hearings. A meeting of Senate and House con- Internal Revenue Commissioner ferees was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Donald Alexander will appear at the today to begin working out dif- U.S. NAVAL BASE Wednesday hearing, Vanik said, along ferences in the two measures before GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA with three regional aides. the 10-day Easter recess which be- Vanik said the first item to be gins Wednesday. investigated is what he termed the Presidential Press Secretary Ron "Leprechaun Project" in which the Nessen, appearing on CBS' "Face IRS is charged with spending public the Nation" yesterday said Presi- funds to conduct surveillance of dent Ford has not ruled out the private citizens and allegedly possibility of vetoing the bill, ountaum hiring outside persons to report although he will not decide until on taxpayers. he sees what final form it takes. The IRS, Vanik said in an intei- Numerous amendments were attached view, is entitled to such infor- to the Senate version of the tax mation as it needs for purposes of cut and Nessen indicated that tax collection, but anything be- these in particular concern the yond that would constitute an President. invasion of the rights of private "If they do send it up (to the citizens. White House) with amendments which Plans for the hearing were dis- have not been considered and closed yesterday by Rep. Al Ullman, which don't have anything to do Monday. March 24, 1975 D-Ore., chairman of the House Ways with a clean and simple ant~recess- and Means Committee. Page 2--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Monday, March 24, 1975 --- LOCAL BRIEFS--- SPECIAL SERVICES TO UP-DATE LISTING OF SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS It's time for Special Services to up-date their listing of SPO CLUB LEEWARD POINT FEATURES special interest groups again. It is requested that the presi- PRIME RIB DINNER AND DANCING dents of each club or organizat- ion contact Special Services to The SPO Club Leeward Point fea- make sure that the current list- tures a prime rib dinner from 5 ing for their club is accurate. to 7:30 p.m. and then dancing Special Services receives many to the "Gitmo Good Time Express" inquiries from people report- band from 8:15 p.m. to 12:15 a.m. ing aboard about clubs or organ- Saturday. There will be no in- GUANTANAMO BAY RIFLE AND PISTOL CLUB izations, and would like to help crease in prices of drinks while your organization by giving the band is playing. The Guantanamo Bay Rifle and Pis- them up-to-date information. tol Club will hold its first meet- Call Special Services at 951160 SPECIAL SERVICES PLANS ing in the organization's new club- or 95373. house at the old NavSta Corral CHILDRENS SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Thursday at 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICES: All members are urged to attend Special Services is in the plan- this regular monthly meeting, which LOST AND FOUND DEPARTMENT ning stages for the childrens sum- will feature instructions in mer recreation program. The arts range safety and qualifications. The following articles have and crafts class is in need of been turned in to Special Ser- the following items and would SPECIAL SERVICES IN NEED OF CASHIER vices Lost and Found Department. greatly appreciate any of these Two pair of prescription glasses, items. They may be dropped off Special Services is in need of a one found at Cooper Field and at Special Services anytime temporary full time "cashier" at one found at the bus stop near during working hours. Small the Golf Pro Shop effective tomor- the Windjammer. round plastic bleach or fabric row. For more information call One lady's watch found at softener bottles, cigar boxes, Chief Beasley at 95449. Cooper Field. newspapers, pie tins, pieces of scrap yari. 10 PER CENT DIFFERENTIAL SUBJECT TO INCOME TAX FOUND: BEGINNERS BOWLING LEAGUE NOTE "Mr. Recently, several U.S. citizens A personal book entitled Chu" has been found at the Due to orders of transfer, there have called CCPO regarding whether library. The owner may are a few openings on the Begin- the 10% pay differential they station library. ners Bowling League. receive is subject to income tax. claim the book at the Any woman with an average of 125 The answer is yes; it is consid- or less may join. For more in- ered the same as your basic salary, formation call 95313. according to James H. Brooks Jr. Local Forecast Mostly clear skies. Visibility un- restricted. Winds SE 10-14 knots with gusts to 22 knots. High today PRODUCFD: 1,425,000 .r. .. 87. Low 72. Bay condtions 1-3 feet. Sunrise tomorrow at 7:01. Sunset CONSUMED: 1,260,000 J.3 ba . rter will be at 7:13. High tide will IN STORAGE: 19,246,000 JoSA R M y . p te be at 8:09 p.m. Low tide will be WATERGAIN: 165,000 at 1:54 p.m. -~ 40030 It0. the 0.0040 CONSMED: 1,26,00 02 Dep 4 of the b. Z:1 Page 3--LOCAL Guantanamo Gazette Monday, March 24, 1975 The Inside Story from a Dumpster By LCdr. Jim Lois anese umbrella over my head, and treasure. Old Gazettes, beach glass, Public Affairs Officer waiting for the onslaught, I tried junk or other stuff. (Reprinted from June 19, 1973 Gazette) to adjust to the gloom of the sur- "May I help you, sir?" I asked. The arm jerked out as if I had The Gitmo trash cans or Dempster The opinions expressed in seared it with a hot poker. The Dumpsters, are kept pretty clean. this editorial represent sole- gasp of fright prompted me to push After spending an entire afternoon ly those of the writer and the door all the way open with my inside a dumpster placed near the do not represent either the now-tattered umbrella. An elderly Kittery Beach picnic area, I would Public Affairs Office or the man, who looked as if he had reached say people throw more debris under Department of the Navy. into dumpsters before, stood quaking the picnic tables and on the beaches. six feet away. I must have looked Last week, while sunning myself at him like a sweaty Caribbean alongside the resident iguanas and roundings like a mentally-retard- Confucious; he wanted to know what crabs at Kittery Beach, I was day- ed alley cat. I was doing there and he wanted me dreaming along the lines of a spark- Nothing happened for 20 minutes. to know that I had given him one ling clean Guantanamo when a breeze Then all hell broke loose.
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