CULTURAL HERITAGE 13 13.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE The consideration of the application of the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 is intended to be indicative rather than definitive. Searches relating to the information necessary for the regulations are restricted to those that are 13.1 Introduction readily available. For instance, Worcestershire Archaeology will not usually This Chapter of the ES has been prepared by Worcestershire Archaeology have undertaken exhaustive searches of documents (particularly textual and comprises a Cultural Heritage Assessment of the proposed extension documents) held by a Records Office. Wildlife and landscape criteria are to Hints Quarry. The application site is considered to have the potential to also beyond the scope of this assessment and have not been considered. include heritage assets, the significance of which may be affected by the development. 13.2.3 List of sources consulted Cartographic sources 13.2 Methodology • William Yates, 1775 Map of Staffordshire 13.2.1 Personnel • Ordnance Survey. 1834 1" to 1 mile, Map of Staffordshire sheet The assessment was undertaken by Tom Rogers (M.Sc); who joined 62NE Worcestershire Archaeology in 2005 and has been practicing archaeology • 1847 Tithe Map of Hints since 1993. Robin Jackson (BA, AiFA) edited the report. Illustrations were prepared by Carolyn Hunt. • 1847 Tithe Map of Packington • Ordnance Survey. 1888 Edition 6" to 1 mile Sheet 59 SW 13.2.2 Documentary research • Ordnance Survey, 1890 1st Edition 6" to 1mile Sheet 58 SE All relevant information on the history of the site and past land-use was collected and assessed. Records of known archaeological sites and • Ordnance Survey, 1902 2nd Edition 25" to 1 mile Sheet LIX.9 monuments were obtained from Staffordshire Historic Environment Record • Ordnance Survey. 1902 2nd Edition 25" to 1 mile Sheet LVIll.l 2 (HER) based on a study area of 1km radius from the centre of the quarry. Historic maps and aerial photographs and other documents were • Ordnance Survey, 1923 25" to I mile Sheet LlX.9 consulted at Lichfield and Stafford Record Offices and at the William Salt • Library. Ordnance Survey, 1922 25" to 1mile Sheet LVIll.12 The results are mapped on Figure 13.1, produced within Appendix 13 , Aerial photographs and the details of individual features of the historic environment are given in Appendix 13.1 . Event records have been omitted where this would • March 1948 CPE/UK/2469 Frame 4300 repeat information in other record types, and would not materially affect the • 1963 Fi lm 62, Run 13, Frame 595 assessment. HER references have been used throughout this assessment but during its preparation additional heritage assets have been identified • 1982 Run 13 Frame 254 and their details are given in Appendix 13.2 (reference numbers have the prefix AHA). Hints Hopwas Quarry P a g e | 183 SLR Consulting Limited CULTURAL HERITAGE 13 Documentary sources A D, 1984 Soils and their use in midland and western England , Soil Survey of England and Wales, 12 • Daffern, N, 2013 Archaeological watching brief at Hints Quarry, Tamworth, Staffordshire (Phase 6b) Worcester Archaeology report no • Staffordshire County Council, 1999 (amended 2007 ) Staffordshire 2012 and Stoke-on-Trent Minerals Local Plan 1994-2006; saved policies extended beyond 27 September 2007 • DCLG, 2012 National Planning Policy Framework , Department for Communities and Local Government • Staffordshire County Council, 2009 Historic Environment Character Assessment Final report for Lichfield District Council • DCLG/DCMS/EH, 2010 PPS5 Planning for the historic environment: historic environment planning practice guide , Department • Staffordshire County Council, 2013 An assessment of the for Communities and Local Government/Department for Culture, Media consistency of policies in the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent minerals and Sport/English Heritage local plan with the National Planning Policy Framework • English Heritage, 2011 The setting of heritage assets , English • Soil Survey of England and Wales, 1983 Soils of England and Heritage Wales: Sheet 3 Midland and Western England • Entec, 1999 Chapter 14 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage , part • 'Hints (St Bartholemew)', A Topographical Dictionary of England of a Environmental Impact Assessment for a proposed extension to (1848), pp. 518-521. URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk :(Date Hints Quarry prepared by on behalf of Nash Rocks accessed: 02 September 2014). • IfA, 2012 Standard and guidance for historic environment desk- • WA, 2014 Proposal for the preparation of the cultural heritage based assessment , Institute for Archaeologists, updated 16 November chapter for an Environmental Impact Assessment of Hints Quarry, 2012 Tamworth, Staffordshire Worcestershire Archaeology, Worcestershire County Council, unpublished document dated 9 th July 2014, P4372 • Krawiec, K, 2008 Hints Quarry, Staffordshire. An Archaeological Watching Brief 2008 , Birmingham Archaeology report, Project No 1785 • Krawiec, K, Edwards, E, and Brickley, M, 2010 A middle Bronze 13.2.4 Other methods Age cremation and other prehistoric Features at Hints Quarry, Staffordshire, Transactions of the Staffordshire Archaeological Society A site visit was undertaken on 1 st September 2014. • English Heritage, National heritage list for England URL: http: This assessment is limited to consideration of heritage assets and potential //www.english-heritage.org.uk/professional/protection/process/national- assets that are relevant to the application site . heritage-list-for-england :date accessed (05 September 2014) • McNicol, D, 2009 Hints Quarry, Staffordshire. An Archaeological 13.2.5 Impact assessment criteria Watching Brief 2009 , Birmingham Archaeology report, Project No 1988 The criteria cited in Table 13.1 have been used. • Moscrop, D, 2006 Hints Quarry, Staffordshire. An Archaeological Watching Brief 2005 , Birmingham Archaeology report, Project No 1305 • Ragg, J M, Beard, G R, George, H, Heaven, F W, Hollis, J M, Jones, R J A, Palmer, R C, Reeve, M J, Robson, J D, and Whitfield, W Hints Hopwas Quarry P a g e | 184 SLR Consulting Limited CULTURAL HERITAGE 13 Table 13-1 Impact assessment criteria for heritage asset Impact Criteria Impact Criteria Not Significant Impacts that have no long-term effect on any heritage asset. Major Beneficial Demonstrable improvement to a designated heritage asset of the highest order (or its setting), or non-designated asset (or its setting) Minor Adverse Minor harm to a designated heritage asset (or of archaeological interest of demonstrable its setting), or non-designated asset (or its significance equal to that of a scheduled setting) of archaeological interest such that the monument. Designated assets will include level of harm will demonstrably have a minor scheduled monuments, grade I/II* listed affect the area and its heritage resource, either buildings, grade I/II* registered parks and at a local or regional level. For instance grade II gardens, registered battlefields, protected listed buildings, Conservation Areas and wrecks or World Heritage Sites. Improvement undesignated heritage assets important at a may be in the asset's management, its amenity sub-national level. value, setting, or documentation (for instance enhancing its research value). It may also be in Minor harm to a designated heritage asset (or Moderate Adverse better revealing a World Heritage Site or its setting) of the highest significance, or non- Conservation Area's significance. designated asset (or its setting) of archaeological interest of demonstrable Beneficial : Demonstrable improvement to a designated significance equal to that of a scheduled heritage asset (or its setting), or non- monument. For instance scheduled designated asset (or its setting) of monuments, grade I/II* listed buildings, grade archaeological interest such that the level of I/II* registered parks and gardens, registered improvement will demonstrably have a minor battlefields, protected wrecks or World Heritage affect the area and its heritage resource, either Sites. at a local or regional level. For instance grade II listed buildings, Conservation Areas and Harm to a designated heritage asset (or its undesignated heritage assets important at a setting), or non-designated asset (or its setting) sub-national level. Improvement may be in the of archaeological interest such that the level of asset's management, its amenity value, setting, harm will demonstrably affect the area and its or documentation (for instance enhancing its heritage resource, either at a local or regional research value). level. For instance grade II listed buildings, Conservation Areas and undesignated heritage assets important at a sub-national level. Hints Hopwas Quarry P a g e | 185 SLR Consulting Limited CULTURAL HERITAGE 13 Impact Criteria Impact Criteria significance of a Conservation Area as a whole. Harm to a designated heritage asset (or its Major Adverse setting) of the highest significance, or non- designated asset (or its setting) of Unknown Where there is insufficient information to archaeological interest of demonstrable determine either significance or impact for any significance equal to that of a scheduled heritage asset, or where a heritage asset is monument. For instance scheduled likely to exist but this has not been established, monuments, grade I/II* listed buildings, grade or where there is insufficient evidence for the I/II* registered parks and gardens, registered absence of a heritage asset. For instance battlefields, protected wrecks, World Heritage where
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