RAYS OF MERCIFUL LOVE Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy Newsletter Spring 2008 www.thedivinemercy.org The MOMM Report: MOMM and Cenacles working Hand-in-Hand bear much Fruit Dave and Joan Maroney of Mother of Mercy Messengers cated souls stuck to the promise. They took cold showers for (MOMM) send out blessings, thanks, and congratulations a whole month, only to learn that the upcoming meeting to the Cenacles that have collaborated with them to pro- was postponed until the following month! Even so these mote and expand The Divine Mercy message and devotion brave souls stuck to their promise and continued to take in their parishes and communities. cold showers for another month! “It’s a win-win situation,” says Joan. “Cenacles reach out to MOMM for evangelization support and parish renewal events. Bringing MOMM to the commu- nity lends exposure to the Cenacles, and the events offer an excellent opportunity to recruit new mem- bers and develop additional Cenacles. This results in greater spiritual growth as well as corporal and spiritual works of mercy within the community. The darkness fades a little more here and a little more lessen the misery of others” there, and soon Mercy reigns!” Mercy reigns? You might ask how Well, it usually takes commit- to ment and sacrifice, but the results are worth every bit of it. Here is an example from the Fall 2007 Tour that represents the kind of extraor- Dave and Joan Maroney of MOMM and some very dedicated Cenacle members! dinary merciful graces that flow. In Corydon, IN, a small group of parishioners felt called As you most likely guessed, the council eventually to join together for an in-home Bible study. The pastor sug- approved MOMM’s visit. Presentations were given to hun- gested they form a prayer group instead. With some research, dreds of the Catholic schoolchildren and also to the religious the group found that the EADM Cenacle formation pro- education students. Parents and teachers were amazed at the gram incorporated both Bible study and prayer, and more! It response from the children. The Church was full for the was perfect. The group formed, and the members flourished. adult program. The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Before long, four Cenacles developed in the tri-church were in full regalia. parish and with them, grew the desire to share The Divine Of the 220 or so in attendance, about 100 sought Jesus Mercy with the entire community. They gathered together in the Sacrament of Penance that night! Penitents and priests to meet with the pastor to discuss the potential for a visit stayed as long as it took, and no one complained or got from MOMM. As long as the parish council agreed, the weary. Several inquired about joining a Cenacle. Everyone pastor said he would support the plans. So now it was up to received a Divine Mercy holy card, prayed the Chaplet of is Love that seeks the council. Divine Mercy, and knelt before Jesus in the Blessed Each Cenacle member committed to praying and making Sacrament. Diaries, booklets, DVDs, and CDs marched out a variety of sacrifices for not only for approval of the event, the door in the hands of those inspired to dive deeper into rcy but for the success of it too. Then they agreed in a mortifi- Divine Mercy and to share it with others. cation they would each undertake — cold showers until the This is just one of more than 50 stories MOMM could next council meeting. They all agreed that the promise was share from 2007. Some had even more outwardly dramatic to be kept confidentially amongst themselves. results, but none demonstrated better the love, dedication, Checking the calendar, the group learned the council and perseverance of an entire group for such an extended “Me would not be meeting for an entire month. Yet these dedi- period of time. s HOUSTON, TX WYNN VALE, Sally Flowers wrote CENACLES’ UPDATE SOUTH AUSTRALIA and told us: Chris Slagter wrote and told us: “On St. Maria Faustina’s Feast Day, October 5, 2007, the Eucharistic “It has been five years since our group commenced, and it has been Apostles of The Divine Mercy in Houston, TX, sponsored their 2nd very difficult without a spiritual director. We actually prayed to and asked annual city-wide Induction Ceremony in The Divine Mercy Chapel at St. the Venerable Servant of God Father Michael Sopocko (who was St. Faustina’s spiritual director) to be our spiritual director and felt the differ- ence. We have recently been blessed that our new parish priest, Father John Cooper, is supporting our group and has allowed us to place a large Divine Mercy Image in our parish. “Thank you for your newsletter and for sending the certificates. It real- ly means a lot to our members to know that they are a part of Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy. Laurence Parish in Sugar Land, TX. The former Pastor, Fr. John Weyer, built this beautiful chapel in 1997. The Induction Ceremony was a beau- tiful and moving event. Father Weyer celebrated the Mass. The evening was filled with awe as everyone lit their candles and made their commit- ment before God to grow in their desire to serve Him in this special mis- sion as a Cenacle. Lee Bowers closed the evening with a heartfelt medita- tion and then presented Fr. John with a beautiful Divine Mercy Image “I have gone back to work several days a week in an Aged Care Home. from the Cenacles. Lee coordinates the Divine Mercy Cenacles in the I really love the work and the residents, and it is a wonderful chance to talk Archdiocese of Galveston and Houston. to those who are sick and dying about our precious Savior’s love and mercy. “We are also pleased to announce a new Cenacle has formed at Fr. You will note from our applicants that we have been blessed to have a John Weyer’s parish, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Houston. Capuchin, Brother Albin, in our group. He is 80 years old and really loves This group formed this past summer with a great zeal to know the Lord the Diary of St Faustina. Our parish is a very large Italian parish, and we in His great love and mercy.” are now attracting members who are able to spread The Divine Mercy s among the Italian community. “The message is slowly spreading in South Australia, and I have been SANTA MARIA, CA contacted by people in country towns who wish to start up Divine Mercy Patricia Leine wrote and told us: prayer groups. I have given several talks in these towns, and our group was “Our EADM group able to help with Divine Mercy leaflets, prayer cards, etc., to help get them at St. Mary of the started. One of these was a lady in her 80s who traveled for several hours Assumption Catholic to come to our Divine Mercy Feast Day celebration. “Some of our group members also attended an ecumenical vigil held Church has been active on the steps of Parliament House to pray for an end to abortion. We also for three years and now assist every year at the Royal Adelaide Show on the “Great Expectations” consists of 12 members. stand, which promotes life. Many of our members are heavily involved in We were blessed a few our parish, especially in pastoral care, visiting the sick and dying in nurs- years ago when Fr. ing homes and hospitals. Our Merciful Savior is also bringing members Seraphim Michalenko, from other areas so they are able to spread Divine Mercy in their parishes. MIC, and Dr. Bryan “The photograph I have attached is one taken at the farewell for Anne Thatcher of EADM Boutros, who is in the front row dressed in blue and white (Our Lady’s col- came to our parish and ors) and holding flowers. Anne had received the news that her cancer had spoke on Divine Mercy. spread and was terminal, so she decided to return to Sydney to be with her “In January 2007, we started the First Friday Hour of Divine Mercy family. She died a few months ago. When she was very sick, she found with Eucharistic Adoration in our parish. It is well attended and has been comfort in The Divine Mercy, and our group members were a great sup- well received. port. Anne was a great asset to our group and had an almost encyclopedic “On March 1-2, 2008, we held a parish Lenten Mission in our parish knowledge of the Catholic faith. We miss her dearly. hall with Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, from Poland. It served as an “Thank you for all the wonderful work you do. You inspire us! The excellent prelude to our Divine Mercy Novena preparation and Feast Day Cenacles on EWTN are wonderful and give us an idea of what other Celebration in March, 2008. Admission was free. groups are doing. Although our work is very small by comparison, I believe “We have been very blessed in our efforts. We know that God is that our Merciful Savior will continue to guide us. We only have to look Mercy and Love, since we are living proof and recipients of His graces and at the Diary of St Faustina to see the difficulties she faced; she has been a blessings. Pray for us as we pray for all of you! s great inspiration to us all! I praise God for the EADM Apostolate!” s 2 The Divine Mercy Story … From The Beginning A new book published by Marian Press traces the story of the message reflection by popes, scholars, and of Divine Mercy from Adam and Eve right up through the life of St.
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