Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 10-30-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 30, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1986 Volume 73, Issue 49 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 30, 1986." (Oct 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Residents balk at housing,increase By Ellen Cook StaIf Writer Housing, at a meeting of the tenance problems would be doors oCf their tracks have not Fvergreen Terrace Council. alleviated after a rate in- been answered. Requests for A group of Evergreen Under the 1987-88 proposed crease. !>,!inting have been met with G~~~ Terrace residents doesn't want housing rate increases, Poor pest control topped the ,Jaw response from main­ to pay expected housing rate Evergreen Terrace residents list of Terrace residents' tenance personnel, they said. increases unless maintenance would pay $300 for a two­ gripes. The apartments are Swinburne and Rinella also is increased. bedroom, unfurnished apart­ sprayed regu]arly, but many agreed ther e have been About 25 Evergreen Terrace ment and $325 for a three­ residents said the spraying is problems with maintenance residents Tuesday adclr<!ssed bedroom, unfurnished apart­ haphazard and ineffective workers a t Evergreen their grievances to lIruce ment, increases of 2.74 percent against roaches. Terrace, and said jloart of the Swinburne, vice preside.,t of and 2.85 percent. Other residents said their problem stems from not Oua ..p the renl'lI 00 down student affai ... , and Sam Many residents expressed requests for service for broken when tha roachea atart Rinella, director of University doubts that current main- oven doors and sliding glass _plalnlr~ _ _ Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carboncldle Tbtmday, October 30, 1986, Vol. 73, ~o . 49, 24Pages Republicans urge voters to cast ballots By JoOa Rlmar " Land of Republican Op­ Staff Writer portunity," I:>y upholding " Bad things happen when President Reagan's good people don't vote," was hilosophy of less government, the message Illinois r.ess tax, less intrusion ana Republican Party Chairman more defense spending. she Don W. Adams delivered to a said. rowdy group of Republicans at Calling her opponent Alan Southern illinOIS Airpcrt D,xon " Mr . In-Between'" Wednesday. Koehler said Dixon doesn't The airport was one of .seven stand strong on issues and stops in a s tatewide Uyaround " goes along to get along." ~da~Ois Republican can- Edgar described the Democratic ticket as having a "The Democrats taught us "lack of leadership and unity." that hard lesson back in March Edgar said he is proud to be in when they nominated some a party with stong roots, and very peculiar candidates," proud to be on the Republican Adams said, referring to the ticket, which he descrihed as a election of LaRouche "ticket of unity Gnd strength." foUowers, Janice Hart and Carey said, fighting Mark Fairchild to the corruption in the a ttomey Democratic ticket. general's office is the thrust of Randy Patcbett, Republican his campaign. He accused candidate for the 22nd incumbent Neil Hartigan, of Congressional District entering into an "illegal, greeted, Adams, who was secret land trust" lease that joined by Judy Koehler. costs tha illinois citizens more Lalt to rt;hl, Mlckl Cooper, Jim Edgar, Judy Wadnaaclay -"-- to prCIIIIC!la a Republican candidate for the than $1 million a year. He said KoaIIler 8nc1 AdaUna a-Karts mat 'combet _ apathy' campelgn. U .S . Senate, incumbent if elected he will cancel the Secretary of State Jim EdRar, lease and .:et the money she is dected she will leave her become the first Republican for granted," Adams said after attorney general candidate back. law firm and commit herself to treasurer since 1962. He said 90 the rally. "That's the e.'<8ct Bernard Carey, comptroller Tbe " underdog," as Geo­ the otrice fuU time. percent of the newspapers in mistake that the Democrats candidate Adeline Geo-Karis, Karis refers to herself, ac­ "I may be the underdog, but lllinois endorse him. made in tbe p rimary. and state treasurer candidate cused opponent Roland Burris 1 want tIJ be the watchdog," Republicans are going to work Mike Houston. of being a part·tim ~ comp­ Geo-Karis said. Each 'of the candidates as hard as they can right up to Koehler promised to change troller, because be refused to Houston, mayor of enc~!lraged people to vote. 7 o'clock on "'wember 4 " the Land of Lincoln to the give up bis law firm. Sbe said if Springfield, said be wants ~) "Nobody is taking this race Adams said. ' Carbondale Halloween has 'troublesome twin By Toby Eckert StalfWriter the city's main thoroughfare, onto Court Street. Since then, prefer that itgoaway." to celebrate Halloween Car- Hallowet'tn bands the celebration has ballooned, Joel Rudy, OU dean ot What do Athens, Ohio and bondale-style: by closing off Heck said, attracting 20,000 to students, doesn't deny Heck', Carbondale have in common? the street and drinking into the ready to rock 30,000 revel",.." each year. charges, nor does Athe", A Halloween celebration wee hours of the. night. Hec~ Sltid th~ News, one of Mayor Ed Beckett. that many (eel is out of hand Tbe party bas drawn the - Pagt1 10 three daily "ewspapers " We find it to be an absolult and would like to stop and that wrath of city and university published ID Athe.'IS, bas been nuisance," Rudy said in , others wisb to see brought o{ficials in Athens, who see it Richard Heck, a reporter for ,.;;;:!:ng tD;, drive to organize telephone interview. "We wi! under control a nd continued. as a threat to public safety and the Athens News who will be in lIK> party. City and university not become associated with it Athens, a city of 20,000 in an embarrassment. It has Carbondale Friday and officials, he said, refuse to It's not the kind of thing wiU souwwestern Ohio, is borne to drawn the hacking of local Saturday to observe the cooperate 14 organizing the which we would want to b< Ohio University - and to the business leaders, wlio see it as celebration, said the traditir,n event. affiliated at all " ste.te's largest Halloween a boon to the city and want it of a RaUaween street festival "They t city and unive.-oity Beckett said' the celebracloo stn.",t bash. Since 1973, bordes sanctioned by the city began in Athensaboutl3 years officials) do not encourage it; is " unofficial, unsanctiooe< of s tudents have been government and the univer- ago. Crowds from downtown they do not Sb.. "Ction it," Heck descending on Court Street, sity. bars filled to capacity spilled said. "They would very mu~.h See TWIN, P_ 5 This Morning Pettit criticizes faculty collective bargaining Costumes abound Editor'. note: 'MIls Is the I ••t his predecessor, Kenneth A. early 1984. Tom Britton, faculty and staff will not wan article in a series on collective Shaw, on the company line: executi\oi! -assistant to the to be !'epl'eSented by a unior in thrift stores bargaining at 81U. collective bargaining is cbancellor and tbe ad­ Britton said SIU would lilte t neitber inevitable nor ministration's resident expert l::eep bashing out IEnns an, -Page14 desirable. 00 labor law, agrees. eor.<litions 0{ employment wit By Paula Buckner "Unionization has been an "It's not Inevitable simply its 'mlployees rather than . Maryland Terrapins SIaff Writer essential feature 0{ American because fa,oIlty and st,,£( are unioo representative. society," Pettit said recently. given the ~ty to make In roUective bargaining a coach resigns A new chancellor at the sru "But 1 don't thinlt that it is an a choice,"-Sritton said in a exclusive employe System helm llasn't changed app.opriate means of decision recent iDtervi~w . -'Every representative deals with U> -Sports24 the administration's approach m!oking in an academic en­ ballot mlllt contain the choice University in determinin, to faculty collective vironment." 0{ 'no agent,' at least on the employment terms and ~'OT bargaining. Sbaw originally stated the first baUot. So it's not ditioos. To do. otherwise is t SuMY, high 01 88. Lawrence K. Petti~ chan-. University's position at a Inevitable." cellor since 'july i, agrees with Bo.trd of Trustees meeting in Tbe University is bopicg that ... PETTIT, ..... ' r-------~---------------- -- --, I FREE 1M!;"",), ' . I W!LL I LA ROMffS PIZZA > I Newswrap : S 1.00 off 1/ 3"20% . Pepsi I~' I MOM I MeoIlum, La... wIth clellv.ry of _II '" I 'nation/world I or X.La... or medIum pI"". I EVE~ I .. 1'1,.,.. 2( 3207 Pepsi's . I I limit one per P'ZZO with lar•• or X-Ia.... FORGIVEr I Good I."'.U,,...,. plck..,. ... oaf In. Evidence links S. Africa OPEN you. to crash of Soviet jetliner MAPUTO, Mozambique (UP!) - The leaders of six s",, ~1!ern ~HAMPOO HAIR SHAMP02 African oatior.s said Wednesday there was " circumstantial ON THE ISLAND PUB a ... COIICII" : evidence" linking South Africa to the crash of a Soviet-built CUlSTN E I NT ERN A T ION A jetliner that killed President Samora Mad,!!!. The leaders did Si not, however, cite the evidence. " In general terms, South Africa Thursday 1IAa.-' Fletch Hartline ~ is responsible as it is responsible for all mischief in this regioo," --LU N C H S PE CI AL-- > Barber/Stylist z said Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda, chairman if.
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