DOC,UMENT',ESUME ED 242 316 IR 011 01:12 AUTHOR Geller, Sidney B. TITLE , Care and ,Handling of Coinputer Magnetic Storage Media. INSTITUTION National Bureau of Standards (DocY, Washington, D.C. Inst. for Computer Sciences and Technology. REPORT NO NBS-SP-500-101 PUB DATE, Jun 83 " NOTE 139p.; Repo on Computer Science and T chnology. AVAILABLE...FROM Superintend of Documents, U. S. Government ,Trinting Offea ,Washington,,DC 20402 (Stock No. 003-003-0248 45.50). PUB TYP, Guides = Gen (050) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC0e Plus, Postage. DESCRIPTORS Archives;: Computer Softw e; *Computer Storage Devices; Data Processing; nvironmental Influences;... Guidelines; *Information,S age; *Magnetic Tapes; *Preservation;.*Storage IDENTIFIgRS Records Management. ABSTRACT Intqndedfor use by data processing. installation managers, operating personnel, and technical staff, this publication provides a comprehensive set of care and handling guidelines for the physical/chemical.presirvation of computer magnetic Storage t% media--principally computer magnetic tapes--and theix stored data. Emphasis is placed on media handling methods and environmental conditions which should be instituted as part, of day-to-day and long-term archival storage'activities. Also considered are measures which can be initiated during media transit and in the aftermath of catastrophic or uncontrollable events.-Chapters present recommendations for: (1) computer magnetic media care,and.handling; (2) the preparation, storage, and reactivation'phases of magnetic tape long-term storage; (3) scheduled maintenance of computer magnetic tapeshtwith information on computer,tape errors, types of ma;ntenalfce equipment, and tape rehabilitation; (4)use of tape manag4ment systems (TMS)--Software systems wh4ch control the flow, of computer tapes,through the data processing system; and (5) the 'operation of clean rooms. Appendices gresent information on tape' 'handlin'g and-environmental effects, and technical data on computer magnetic tape recording and magnetic media particle's. A 41-item . bibliography amp a list .of symbols and abbreviations are also provided. (Author/EM)r ******************7**************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the ''best'that..can'he, made ,* from the original document. ******************************.******************t*****,*************** 1 U.S. Department of Commerce Computer, Science Ngtional Bureau of Standards and Technology, NBS Special PublibatiOn 500-101, Ca-re-and Handling of Computer Magnqt* Storage Media ..0:4, U.E. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) ; igv ..Arihis document has been reprislurd as received from the person or organization originating it. LI Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction 'quality. Points of view or opinions stated in thiajlocu- ment dci not necessarily represent official NIE -position or policy. 4 2 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS TherNational Bureau of Standards' was established by an act of Congress on March 3, 190L The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's science and technology and facilitate their effective application for public benefit. TO this end, theBureau conducts research and provides: ()) a basis for the Nation's physical Measurernent syitem, (21scientific and technological services for industry and government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade. and (40 technicalservices to promqte public safety, The Bureau's technical work is per- _ formed-la t -. ..._ e e ry-,41I-Narnal-Enginecring Laboratory, and . theInititnie for 'omputier Sciences and .tOiy. ) Tsk , . , , . , . i .... ,k THE NA ONAL MEASUREMENT LABORATORY provides they national systeq) of 1 physica and chemical and materiag measurement; coordinates the systtm With measurement systec of other nationS,and ft!fishes essential services leading to accurate and uniform phy teal and chemical tneOsurem ril throughout the Nton's scientific community, industry, and commerce; conducts mated research leading timproved methods of measurement, standards, and data on the proger of materials nee1. 'al 'by industry, commerce, educational institutions, and Government; prcoililes advisory and research services to other Government agencies; develops, produces, andAstributes Standard Reference Materials; and provides calibration services. The Laboratory 'Consists Of the following centers: :, :.'..,,,,,. :. Absolute P.hysical QuantitieS2 ':.- Itadiation ,Research ,-- Chemical' Physics ° A-rrolytical-C-hemrstry-'" Ma teriah'. Sei.nce , , / . --THE-N-A-TIONA-L-'ENGINEE-RtNelL.04144TOR-Y--provides-technology-aruttecitnicat sei-=---- , ,vices to the public and private settorsqo address national needs and to solve national problems;. conducts research in engintering and applied science in support of these efforts; builds and maintains competence ilt2tbe accessary disciplines required to carry out this research and technical *service; develOpi engineering data and measurement capabilities; ,. provides engineering measurement traciahilityservices; develops test methods and proposes, engineering "standards and code changeS;deyelops and proposes new engineering practices; and develops-incVmproves mechanisms ft) \transkr results of its research to the ultimate user The Laboratory consists of, the followingcepters:,, Applied Mathematics Electronics and:Electrical Engineering2 Manufacturing Engineering Building TechnOlogy Fire .Research ChemicalEngineering2 .. THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES. AND TEC,IINOLOGY conducts research and provides scientific and technidal,services to aid Federal agencies in the selectidn, acquisition, application, and use or comptifc* techOlogy to improve effectiveness and economy in Government operations in aceordance with Public Law 139-306 (40 U.S.C. 759), relevant Executive Oraersson0 other directives; carries Out this mission by managing the ,Wiederal Information Processing Standafils Program. 'developing Federal ADP standards guidelines, and milnaging.Federalparticipation in ADP voluntary standardization activities; provides scientific and technological adviso0 services and aiSistancscto Federal agencies; and provides the technical foundation for computer-relatedpolicles orthe Federal Government. The Institute consists of the following centers: Programming Science and. Technology Computer Systems. Engineering. .. 'Headquarters and Ldboratories at Gaithersburg, MD, unless otherwise nOted: mailing address Washingrbn, DC 20234. .. or 'Some divisions within the.center are located at Boulder, CO 80303. *"` zti Computer Science and Technolody , - NBS Special Publication 500-1.01 Care and Cdmputer Magnetic Storage Media Sidney B. Geller Inititute for Compttter Sciences and Technology Nationai Butea e.of ttandards Washington,. DO: 20234 S 9- 00Ir Of t% O. 14,. 7. A:4 p .94:7;; : U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ,Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary National Bureau of Standards Ernest Ambler, Director' A 4 . Reports on Computer Science and Technology The NationalBureau of Standards has a special responsibility within the Federal Gnvernment for computer science and technology aqiivities. The programs, of the Nbib inst tre fur Computer S'Lletiues dnd Technology arc designed to provide ADP standards, guidelines, and technical advisory services to improve the eftecti,veness of computer .utilization in the.Federal sector, and to perform appropriate research and development efforts. as foundation fcfr such actiuities and programs.This publicativ series will report these NBS efforts to the Federal computer community as well as to interested specialists in the academic and private sectors. Those wishing' .to.receive notices-of publiCations in this series should complete andretli the form . at the end of this publicatiorr. Librdry 6'f Congress Catalog Card Number: -83-600536 National Bureau of Standards Special Ftublication 500-101 Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spetc. Publ. 500-101, 135 pages (June 1983) CODEN: XNBSAV 4 . U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE' WASHINGTON: 1983 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402 k Price$5.50 ( Add 25 percent for other than U S mailing) t , - , . I cb a. PREFACE Computer magnetic tape is the prevalent mass storage Inediufh used by hldustry and .rGovernment data processing organizations for both,direct and archival data storage' _applications.A forecast -for the storage media insfalled base- in the -Federal\ Government predicts that the.Government inventory, will consist-of it -million.reels STiTTIZT3iftK41 I r711. ra17711 11:14711111 The improper' care and handling : of these computer magnetic tapes and other Magnetic media such as flexible disk cartridges;js the major, cau.4e .for serious-and . costly media and data losies by a uqers. Tkas Special Publication has been written.. in response to this important problem.It. pres.ents a comprehensive set of car%and handling guidelines sand recommendations whose purpoie is to assure the succe$sful retrieval of the data which are stored on thete media. It considers 'data retrieval in active areas such ,as data prOcessing centers and tape libraries, as well as' in . long -term tape storage environments. .r This Special. PublicItion 'addreSses the infOrmiatiOn needs of the ADP installation managers, the opeting personnel and the technical staff. V The author gratefulliacknowledges- the'contributions of Candice E. Leatherman to4 .the production of Hid Speci4.1 Publication.Her dedication, patience, secretarial
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