' f ; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1968 The Weather Foracnat of O. K Wentbar Bnranu EIGHTEEN Avumgu Dfdly N«t Press Ron H r r a U t For tha W a ^ mndtd Saptembar 21, UM Cloady and ao<S te ^ h t. Low In Ooncordiit Church School, and Mrs. the 460. Smday oloody and eool Family Night Set Kenneth Mbrgester, a teacher, w C H IL D R E N 'S wMi a elMBao of ■kowoM. n g h hi Roger P. Winter o t 46 Haw­ Driver Injured co-chairmen arrangeinente for thorne St. has returned to Whea­ ot 13,720 Police Arrests the program. the OOo. A b o u t T ow n ton (HI.) CoUege for his senior As Car Hits Pole By Concordians ■ N year. HEALTH SAND Boraaa a( dranlatlBw Manchester— A City o f VUIage Charm Mtai Ruth Andrews, daucbterof Chester Fusick, 31, of 416 School The Rev. Dr. Berthold von Schenk - St., Coventry, last night was John S. CanupbeU, 22, of 713 _____ i - - - Mr. snd Mrs. Walter J. Andrews Privates Robert J, Rlnguette, Hartford Rd„ this morning report­ of Durham, N.Y., will apeak to­ W. H. ENGLAND (CfaMwIfied Advertlaing on Page Si PRICE SEVEN CENTS Ot 41 Kensington St., Is attending son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Rin- charged with making unnecessary night at a Church School Family BIANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER. 28, 1963 noise with a motor vehicle (squeal­ ed In satisfactory condition at the Fashion Institute of Technolo­ guette of 173 Ferguson Rd., and Manchester Memorial Hosplt^ Night at Concordia Lutheran LUM BER C O . gy In New York, majoring In ap­ Kenneth R. Denneno, son of Alex­ ing tires). The arrest following an Chur^. The teaching staff of the onslght violation at Center and W. with facial Injuries he received In “ At the Green”—649-8201 parel design. ander J. Denneno of 43 Dougherty a one-car crash Into a telephone church Sunday School Is sponsor­ Center Sts. Fusick was ordered to ing the event. Parents and children St., have been assigned to Co. 1 pole late last night on Hartford The French Oub of Manchester of the Third Training Regiment at appear in Manchester’s Circuit are Invited to attend a poUuck at Court 12 on Oct. 14. ^ . Rd. 6 In'the social hall at the church. Aides See will sponsor a public whist and Ft. Dix, N. J. Campbell suffered an upper lip ssthack party Monday at 8 p ^ - A Manchester youth early today A prog;ram on Christian Education was arrested for trespassing con- laceration, a nose Injury and fa­ for adults, and movies for children, See our complete eeiectiaa Improve Discipline at Orange Hall. Refreshments wlu The British American Club will cemlng^ &n Incident in which he cial bruises, a hospital iqwkesman will be presented after the supper. |’( )\i A'I'K Laymen be served. A, Mild Gains have a dance tomorrow for mem­ unlawfully retrieved his impound- said. , ■ Dr. von Schenk, a graduate. ot of fainoue . Pope bers and guests . Charlie Var- Police, who are still investigat­ Ladles of the Assumption will ed dog^. Concordia Theological Semlpary, 1 1 rlck’s Orchestra will play for William E. Lockwood, 18, of 37 ing the accident, reported that Port Wayne, Ind., received his have an Important board meeting dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Campbell had been driving west MtANS Monday at 8 p m. at the As- Edmund St, this morning posted doctorate from the University of From Talk a ?50 bond and will be presented on Hartford Rd. when his car Mundt Tells Wardens sunaptlon School library. Im­ Wartburg, Iowa. He Is the founder in Circuit Court 12, Manchester, crossed , over Into the easthound of Our Savior'e Lutheran School mediately after a Novena at the lane and struck the pole on the '"CANDIES UNITED NATIONS, N;. Y. Shurch. GOP Committee on Oct. 14, for plea. and High School on Long Island, .^ V m SIRIOAN O o A X , / Apv __^senatorial demand for a tighten-^ Warden J.C. Taylor said Friday The case started on Sept. 12 south side of the road. The ve­ N.Y. WASHINGTON VAX; ^ j- • ^ prison discipline. that Genovese isn't running any (AP) — Secretary of State hicle, with extensive right front Meets Wednesday when a school guard at Olcott The author of several books, and for fuel oils, service^ Mobster Joseph Valachi, ■who valachi put the finger on Gen. crime army from Leavenworth. Dean Rusk and British For­ Attend Sessions damage, was towed away. and S. Adams St. asked Dog War- lecturer In European and American received La Cosa Nostra’s ovese 08 a Cosa Nostra overlord His contacts are so limited, said No injuries nor arrests but mod­ Guest Sunday Universities, Dr. von Schenk has eign Minister Lord Home sit de Lee Fracchia to pick up a heating equipment “ kiss of death,’’ is getting re­ whose llfe-and-death power over Taylor, that he could do little or The M a n c h e s t e r Republican erate vehicular damage . was re­ The Rev. C. Leslie Strand, super­ been active In the ecumenical subordinates went along with him notoing himself. down with the Soviet Union’s LEE’S aORIST Town Committee will hold its stray black, brown and white ported by police who investigated beagle hound. intendent of the East Coast «aon- movement and In the Lutheran phone 522*8151 QUINH’S PHARMACY venge with words instead of when he was sentenced to prison Genovese is held in such awe Andrei A. Gromyko today to « 1 eiFT SHOP first meeting since spring at 8 p.m. a two-car crash yesterday at De­ Church renewal for the past 40 and fear, Atty. Gen. Robert F. Wednesday in the Hearing Room Fracchia placed the animal in ference of the Evangelical Cove­ 170 PEARL STREliri' 878 MAIN ST. bullets. — s a narcotics racketeer. see if further East-West ac­ the pmmd and inve.stlgated the pot Square and N. Main St. years. In his first day In the witness Ketuiedy has testified, that no Reopening R t 44A, Bolton—643-8089 of the Municipal Building. The accident - occurred when nant Church of America, will bfe Wayne Idants, superintendent of HARTFORD, CONN. Valachi swore he received the cords can follow the limited dog’s license number, tracing It chair before the Senate Inveatlga' kiss of death” —gangland’s death move has been made by the New e YES, WE DELTVEB e The guest speaker will be Atty. Robert H. Cole, 7.1, of 63 Stephen guest speaker at the Morning Wor­ tlons subcommittee, the stocky York organization to replace the nuclear test ban treaty. I Edward Wynne of Glastonbury, to Lockwood. Fracchia then tried St., made a left turn into Depot ship of the Trinity Covenant warrant — from Genovese when to contact the owner but was un- dope peddler and slayer put the they were cellmates last year at racketeer as chief tmtil his appeal The Western ministers may see Tomorrow Flowers for all occasions; central committeeman from the Sq., from N. Main St., and was Church Sunday morning. heat on Vito Genovese, "the boss is decided. Gromyko again next week, de­ Weddings, Fonenris, Cnt 4th District, w'hose topic will be succes.sful. struck in the left side by a ve­ riis sermon topic for the 10:46 the Atlanta, Ga., penitenOary. On Sept. 14, the dog warden re­ The Public Is Invited To A GASH SAVINGS of all bosses” on the crime syndt He said he believes Genovese Valachi told his story under the pending on the outcome of the Flowers and Corsages "Workings of the State Republi­ hicle driven by John W. MacDow- service will be "My desire . cate’s secret commission. protection of about 20 U.S. Mar­ meeting. can Council.” turned to the pound and found ell, 60, of Deming St., which was God’s will.” also engineered the assassination that someone had climbed the FASHION SHOW ’n CARD PARTY Valachi has promised to drag of m isw g mobster Anthony (’TO' shals scattered through the big Western diplomats speculated At Vatiean Atty. John Shea, chairman of being backed out of a parking The Rev. Mr. Strand will be ac­ rp H) the 10 or so other members of hearing room in the Senate office that this first high-level (3old War the Republican Town Committee, fence and had taken the dog from stall. Both vehicles were driveable, companied by his family, who wdll sponsored by B’nal B’rith ny Bender) Strollo. a pen Inside the pound. Further In­ the commission into the spotlight. building room where the probe meeting since the test ban signing said today that, as a result of an­ police said. share with him In the d^ication of Why was he doing this, asked Sen. Karl B. Mundt of South is being held. VATICAN' CITY (A D — vestigation revealed that Lock- PIANO'S RESTAURANT. BOLTON Dakota, aenior Republican on the In Moscow Aug. 6 would produce ticipated rule changes which will the new parsonage at 3:30 p.m. the chairman, Sen. John L. Mo Police believe the nationwide se­ mild results. be mode by the State Council, there wood allegedly went to the pound, The Strands will be the guests of subcommittee, told reporters the The Ecumenical Council reas­ Tuesday Evening, Oct. I, 1963— 7:30 CTellan, D-Ark. cret criminal society, which its Agreement to hold further is a possibility of a Republican climbed the fence, took his dog, Mr.
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