Air Rescue andAir RescueCommunityServices and CommunityServicesAir Rescue Services Ltd member venues (as at 30.06.2014)are: Bar 321 321 Queens St Richmond TheThe DirectorsDirectors of Air Rescue andand CommunityCommunity ServicesServices LtdLtd areare pleasedpleased toto announceannounce thatthat followingfollowing in in Air Rescue Services Ltd member venues (as at 30.06.2014) are:Nelson AiBeckr Rescues SoutherServicen Alehouses Ltd member155venuesColombo(asStat 30.06.201Sydenham4)ar e: Christchurch excessThe Directorsof $15.3ofmAirof requestedRescue anddonationsCommunity, theyServiceswere ableLtd areto distributepleased totoannouncethe communitythat followingin excessin BarBush 321Inn 321364QueensRiccartonSt Rd RichmondRiccarton NelsonChristchurch excess of $15.3m of requested donations, they were able to distribute to the community in excess of BeckDunsandes SoutherlTavernn Alehouse 1553374ColomboMain SoutSt h Rd SydenhamDunsandel ChristchurchCanterbury ofexcess$7.9m offor$15the.3monthm of requesteds July 201donations3 to June,201they4 towereassistablea wideto distributevariety ofto communitythe communityorganisations.in excess EmpirBush Inne Hotel 36450 KinRiccartong St Rd RiccartonTemuka ChristchurchCanterbury $7.9m for the months July 2013 to June 2014 to assist a wide variety of community organisations. HalswellDunsandeTavernlTavern 3374344 HalswellMain SoutRdh Rd DunsandelHalswell CChristchurchanterbury Pursuantof $to7Sectio.9mn 11for0 of thetheGamblinmonthgAct 2003 AirsRescueJulyServices201Ltd3advisedto theJuneAnnua201lReview4 toofassistNet Proceedas Distributionwide varietyPolicy of community organisations.Applying for Net Proceeds EmpirHiberniane HotelHotel 504 LatteKingrSstt TemukaTimaru Gardens CTimaruanterbury following: HalswellJunctionTavernHotel 3442234Halswellstate HiRdghway 1HalswellSpring Creek ChristchurchMarlborough Pursuant to Section 110 of the Gambling Act 2003 Air Rescue Services Ltd advised the AnnualReview of AiNetr Rescue ProceedsService DistributionsLtdconducte Policyd its annualreview of the criteria,Applyingmethods for Net,systems Proceeds and policies it The approvedAir Rescue Pursuant to Section 110 of the GamblingAct 2003 Air Rescue Services Ltd advised the HibernianThe Rock Hotel 482Latte Rollestonr st Drive TimarRollestonu Gardens TimaruCanterbury Availabilityfollowing: of Net Proceeds Air Rescue Services LtdusesAnnua conductedfor considerationlReview its annual ofreviewNetof applicationsof Proceedthe criteria, smethods,systemsforDistributionthe distributio andPolicy n of netThe proceedsapproved Airfrom RescueClass Services4 gambling Ltd Granton ApplicationServicesApplyin FormLtdg forfor GrantnetNe proceedstApplicationProceeds can be nd Junction Hotel 2234 state Highway 1 Spring Creek MarlboroughChristchurch Availabilityfollowing: of Net Proceeds policies it uses for considerationAir Rescue of applicationsService fors Ltthed distributionconducte ofd netits proceedsannual reviewfrom Classof the obtainedcriteria, bymethods writing to:,systems and policies it The approvedAir Rescue Nuggets 233 Linwood Ave Linwood Air Rescue Services Ltd has available net proceeds from gaming machines,for distribution 2 September 2014. Directors resolved to continueto apply the current net proceeds Form for net proceeds can be The Rock 82 Rolleston Drive Rolleston CChristchurchanterbury Air AvailabilityRescue Servicesof LtdNet has Proceedsavailable net proceeds from gaming machines,for distribution 4 gambling on 2nd Septemberuses 2014.for consideration Directors resolvedof applicationsto continue to applyfor the the distributiocurrent net n ofAirnet Rescueproceeds Servicesfrom Ltd Class 4 gambling on Services Ltd Grant Application Parkhouse Tavern 6 Tenahaun Place Hillmorton charitable and not-for-profit organisations that qualify for funding in accordance with its distributionnd policy, to effectively maximize returns to the rescue helicopter service through obtained by writing to: NuggetsRacecourse Hotel 233118LiRacecoursenwood AveRd LinwoodSockburn ChristchurchChristchurch toto charitable and not-for-profit organisations that qualify for funding in accordance with its proceeds distribution policy,2 toSeptember effectively maximize 2014 .returnsDirector to thes resolved rescue helicopter to continu servicee to applyP0Box20326the current net proceeds Form for net proceeds can be authoriseAir Rescued purpose.Services Ltd has available net proceeds from gaming machines,for distribution CanterburyWest Coast Air RescueTrust,and to ensure the distribution of funding for other Air Rescue Services Ltd ParkhousRailway Hotele Tavern 634TenahWeldaustn Place HillmortonHokitika ChristchurchWestland authorised purpose. through Canterbury Westdistribution Coast Air Rescue policy, Trust,and effectivelyto ensure themaximize distribution ofreturns funding tforo the rescueBishopdalehelicopter service through obtained by writing to charitable and not-for-profit organisations that qualify for funding in accordance with its charitable or communityto organisations within the company's area. P0Box20326 to: RacecourseRobbies BarHot& Bistrel o Ashburton 118360RacecourseWest st Rd SockbuAshburrnton ChristchurchCanterbury Consideration of Applications other charitable or communityCanterbur organisationsyWest within Coas the company'st Air Rescue area.Trust,and to ensure theChristchurchdistributio 8543n of funding for other Considerationauthorised purpose. of Applications Authorised Purpose Statement BishopdaleAir Rescue Services Ltd RailwayRobbiesHotelBar & Bistro Cranford 34305WelCranford st dst HstokitikaAlbans WestlandChristchurch Funding applications must be submitted on the approved Air Rescue Services Ltd Grant charitable or community organisations within the company's area. P0Box20326 Robbies Bar & Bistro Ashburton 360 West st Ashburton CCaannterburyterbury FundingConsideration applications mustof beApplications submitted on the approved Air Rescue Services Ltd Grant Authorised Purpose1. AiStatementr Rescue Services Ltd may distribute funds to assist inOrthe emailing:provision and development of Christchurch 8543 Robbies Bar & Bistro Kaikoura 134 Beach Rd Kaikoura ApplicationApplication Form,andForm, andforwardedforwarde directlyd directlyto PO Boxto 20326,Bishopdale,PO Box 20326 Christchurch,Bishopdale, 8543.Christchurc 1. Air Rescueh 8543. Services LtdAuthorise may distributed Purpos funds to assiste Statement in the provision and development [email protected] Bishopdale Robbies Barr& BistroBistroCranfordSouth Dunedin 305301CranforKing Edwardst d st stDunedinAlbans Central ChristchurchDunedin Funding applications must be submitted on the approved Air Rescue Services Ltd Grant rescue and medical equipment and services supported by the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Canterbury ThThee Air RescueRescue ServicesServices Ltd LtdGrantsGrants CommitteeCommittee assessesassesses all eligible allfundingeligible applicationsfundin g applicationsof rescue and onmedical equipment1. Air Rescue and servicesServices supportedLtd bymay the distributeCanterbury Westfunds Coast assistAir in the provision and development OrChristchurchemailing:8543 Robbies Barr& BistrBistrooKaikouraElmwood 1341NormansBeach RdRd KaikouraMerivale Christchurch Application Form,and forwarded directly to PO Box 20326,Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543. Trust.Includes,but not limited to, the provision of tocrew training andrescue helicopter expenses.of Dunedin oron aroundor aroundthe the 220th0th ofof eacheach month.month. The primaryThe primary criteria againstcriteri whicha against applicationswhich willapplications be Rescuewill Trust.be Includes,butrescue not limitedand to,medical the provisionequipment of crew trainingand services and rescuesupported helicopter by Applicationthe Canterbur forms mayy West also Coasbe downloadedt Air Rescue from [email protected] Robbies Barr& BistroBistroSoutQueehnDunedinspark 30160 QueensparKing EdwarkdDrst DunedinParklandsCentral Christchurch The Air Rescue Services Ltd Grants Committee assesses all eligible funding applications on Robbies Bar & Bistro Elmwood 1Normans Rd Merivale Christchurch consideredconsidered is isthatthat theythey mustmust qualify qualif for nety proceedsfor net proceedsunder Departmentunder ofDepartment Internal Affairsof Internaexpenses.l Affairs 2.Trust.FundIncludess may also,butbenotdistributedlimited to,tothbonae provisionfide charitableof crew,educationaltrainingwww.airrescueservices.co.nzand,sportrescue,culturahelicopterland communityexpenses. Or emailing: Robbies Bar & Bistro Riccarton 201 Clarence St Riccarton Christchurch regulationsregulationsor around andand Airthe RescueAi2r0Rescueth Servicesof eachService Ltdmonth. authoriseds LtdTheauthorise purposes.primary dReferpurposes.criteri to thea againstAuthorisedReferwhicht Purposeothe Authoriseapplications 2. Fundsd Purposewill maybe also beorgani distributedsations to withinbona fidethe locacharitable,educational,sport,culturalandlcommunity. Excludes payments and toare professionareadily availablel sportspersons. from the Application Form holders [email protected] inside the gaming rooms at all Air Robbies Bar & BistroBistro WashdykeQueenspark 60198QueensparHilton Highwayk Dr ParklandsWashdyke ChristchurchCanterbury considered is that they must qualify for net proceeds under Department of Internal Affairs 2. Funds may also be distributed to bona fide charitable,educational,sport,culturaland community Robbies Bar & Bistro Riccarton 201 Clarence St Riccarton Christchurch StatementStatement (right):(right): community organisations3.Funds within themay
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