oi = 13A3] Qunoab Sample file Sample Official Game Accessory QREyHAWK® ADVENXTURES Vale of the Mage Credits: Table of Contents Editing: Mike Breault Introduction 2 Cartography: Supvr./Designer: Dave Sutherland The Valley of the Mage 3 Artist:Frey Graphics The Valley Elves 11 Interior Art: Valerie Valusek Cover Art: Roger Loveless The Tree People 13 Typography: Gaye O'Keefe and The Gnomes 15 Kathleen C. MacDonald Keylining: Stephanie Tabat Entering the Vale 16 Valley Defenses 18 Encounters in the Barrier Peaks 27 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, FORGOTTEN REALMS, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, WORLD OF Adventure Ideas 27 GREYHAWK, GREYHAWK, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. SampleCreature Statistic files Chart 28 Distributed to the book trade in the United States Grist 29 by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the Griveling 30 toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Jakar 31 This material is protected under the copyright Jaleeda Bird 32 laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material Beginning the Adventure 33 or artwork presented herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. The Necromancers 36 ©1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Visiting the Villages 38 TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. Encountering the Exalted One 39 POB756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva, Cambridge CB1 3LB WI 53147 USA United Kingdom Encounters and Oddities 40 TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAOINATION™ lntRo6uction This is an ADVANCED DUNGEONS & out of the vale. Many of the rulers have spies prowess, and entered the valley. They are DRAGONS® game adventure occurring in the stationed in the Dim Forest and elsewhere now exploring the valley, testing the defenses WORLD OF GREYHAWK® fantasy setting. It near the entrance to the valley. of the mage and his First Protector. They plan is intended for characters of 7th through 9th March of Bissel spies recently have re- to meet with the First Protector, seeking a level, for a total of 35 to 40 levels. A mix of ported that a band of necromancers, who pact with the Black One. The necromancers character classes is desirable. Further, it is were run out of the Bissel area, have entered want to learn new spells, which they are cer- important that at least some of the characters the Valley of the Mage. Although Bissel offi- tain the Black One has researched. They plan have magical weapons. cials are glad to be rid of the necromancers, to offer their services in protecting the valley, This adventure is compatible with the who committed robberies, harmed innocents, and want to turn over information about the AD&D® game and the AD&D 2nd Edition and tried to bring a portion of Bissel under surrounding lands' defenses, all in exchange game. All NPCs and creatures in this adven- their dominion, the officials are concerned. for the spells. ture are tailored to the AD&D 2nd Edition They don't like the Black One, but they like Once the necromancers have what they game. even less the possibility of more mages linking want—and if they have determined the mage The module is divided into two sections; the up with him or usurping his control and gaining and his First Protector can be defeated—they first contains background information on the access to his great magical knowledge and plan to usurp control of the valley and steal all Valley of the Mage and details important items. of the great magic the Black One is rumored NPCs who live there. It includes a chart listing The Bissel officials remain confident the to have. The necromancers are power creatures that are likely to be found in the vale Black One would not leave his valley. How- hungry—unlike the mage, they will not be and explains the vale geography and climate. ever, they fear that the necromancers, who content to stop at the valley; they want all of This material can be consulted any time the already have shown a greediness for power, the Flanaess. player characters decide to adventure in the would expand their influence out from the Val- vale. A page of adventure ideas is also pro- ley of the Mage and attempt to take on the vided for DMs who want to continue to use forces of the nearby countries. Encounters the vale as an adventure setting. The player characters will be asked by His The player characters will have to deal with Lofty Grace, Walgar, the Margrave of Bissel, some of the valley's defenses, including magi- to venture into the vale and defeat the necro- Adventure cal traps, patrols, and creatures loyal to the mancers. The PCs will be advised not to at- mage—some of which were created by the tempt to tackle the Black One, as Walgar is Background mage. certain such a confrontation will end in their The Valley of the Mage is nestled amid the They also will encounter a small group of deaths. Barrier Peaks and is cloaked in mystery and Sample file gnomes seeking to enlist the PCs' aid in warn- rumors. Common folk avoid the vale, as they ing the First Protector about the necroman- have heard stories that hideous monsters The Necromancers cers, and they will come across an abandoned roam through it freely. The tales also say that estate now occupied by the necromancers. The necromancers were indeed attempting to adventuring parties and soldiers who have en- (The estate was abandoned when the Black take over Bissel, which they believed was one tered the vale have never returned. However, One moved to another fortification.) of the weaker countries in the area. Being run lesser-told tales say some of the adventurers out of the country before they could marshal Depending on the PCs' actions, the First came back loaded down with platinum and their own forces frustrated and angered them, Protector and her forces could learn of the gems. It is common knowledge to the people but also inspired them with another plan- PCs' presence and try to chase them out of in the countries near the vale (Bissel, Gran increase their magical might and then lay low the valley. March, The Grand Duchy of Geoff, Sterich, Bissel and any other country that would op- Ket, and Veluna) that the vale is ruled by a pose them. powerful wizard who goes by the names of the Abbreviations Black One, the Exalted One, and the Mage of The six-member group comprises three the Vale. They know the valley is well- necromancers, a mage/fighter, a cleric, and a The statistics of non-player characters and defended and trapped and is populated with fighter. The group has done nothing to dis- monsters have been abbreviated. Those ab- valley elves and gnomes who are loyal to the suade others from believing they are all nec- breviations stand for the following: mage. romancers. The group heard the stories of AC = Armor Class; MV = Movement the Valley of the Mage and the powerful mage Rate; HD = Hit Dice; hp = current hit Although area rulers fear the supposed who rules it. Bribing some of the Bissel and points; #AT = Number of Attacks; Dmg = power of the mage, believed to be as evil as is Gran March spies, the necromancers also Damage caused by attacks; SA/SD = Special possible for a man to be, they have left him learned about the valley elves and gnomes Attacks/Special Defenses; MR = Magic Re- alone. The rulers think the mage is content to who are loyal to the mage and about a female sistance; AL = Alignment; S = Size; rule his vale and leave the rest of the country drow called "The First Protector," who is the THACO = To Hit Armor Class 0 (Zero). alone; they don't want to stir up trouble that mage's most trusted aide. would bring him out of the vale and make him a The necromancers slipped through the direct threat. Still, their fears are strong and vale's defenses, using all of their magical they want to know who or what goes in and the Valley of the mage and the entrance to the valley near the Dim these languages in addition to dwarvish and Overall View Forest is heavily guarded. Few are said to burrowing mammal. The valley elves speak common, gnomish, and their own tongue, The Valley of the Mage (see the four-color dare enter the valley; a well-armed expedi- tion from Gran March never returned. Only and they can communicate with the tree map that comes with this adventure) is people. Only a few dozen of the valley elves nearly surrounded by the Barrier Peaks; a handful of adventurers have claimed to have traveled through the valley, though speak a limited form of dwarfish. The tree the only opening is about 30 miles across people speak their own tongue and attempt and fronts on the Dim Forest. The lush val- many who have heard their stories doubt their boasts. And while there are rumors of to communicate with those who do not un- ley, which is a mystery to almost all the resi- derstand it through the use of hand signals. dents of the neighboring countries of Bissel, bold adventurers returning from the vale laden with platinum and gems, the lure of Many of the mountain dwarves know a Gran March, and the Grand Duchy of Geoff, greater variety of languages, including com- covers roughly 17,500 square miles. It riches is not enough to draw common folk into the land.
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