Human Security as a policy framework: Critics and Challenges Cristina Churruca Muguruza1 Abstract 1. Introduction Starting with the emergence of a human centered ap- Human security is commonly understood as prioritizing the proach to security from the intersection of trends in security, security of people, especially their welfare, safety and well-being, development and human rights, this paper analyses the hu- instead of that of states. Proponents of human security argue that man security framework proposed by the Commission on Hu- poverty, population displacement, hunger, disease, environmen- man Security (CHS), and tries to present and respond to the tal degradation and social exclusion, for example, all bear directly critics to human security. The main argument is that human on human and hence global security. These kill far more people security provides a suitable framework for international coop- than war, genocide and terrorism combined. Therefore the rec- eration. Human security joins the main agenda items of security, ognition that development, peace and security and human rights human rights and development. Therefore taking up the pro- are interlinked and mutually reinforcing is considered as being posal of the Commission on Human Security (CHS) the paper encapsulated in the concept of human security. The defi nitional argues that in order to be effective a human security approach scope of human security remains a subject of debate between should be integrated: from those dealing with human rights the so-called narrow and broad approaches to human security as and humanitarian concerns, those with security and those if the two were separable. Each approach emphasizes a different with development. Indeed human security has already proved «leg» of human security: the broad one (freedom from want) the its utility as a tool for policy analysis. The challenge is now to development agenda, the narrow one (freedom from fear) the adopt human security as a policy framework where the secu- human rights agenda. rity, human rights and development agendas are integrated. The concept of human security has achieved great preeminence As the paper will show the problem has not been the objec- and acceptance in the post-Cold War period. Over the last decade tive of human security but the distortion of the human security the central messages of human security as a general policy refer- agenda and goals for foreign and security policy priorities. Hu- ence have been gradually mainstreamed in international relations. man security provides a suitable framework for international The 2005 World Summit Outcome adopted by all United Nations cooperation. heads of state on the UN endorsed for the fi rst time the concept of Human Security and one of its main components the Responsi- 1 Associate Researcher at the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Confl ict, University of Bochum, Germany. Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos Yearbook on Humanitarian Action and Human Rights © Universidad de Deusto. ISSN: 1885 - 298X, Núm. 4/2007, Bilbao, 15-35 http://revista-derechoshumanos.deusto.es 16 Cristina Churruca Muguruza bility to Protect. The acceptance of «the right of people to live in agendas and to the related calls for greater coherence, ef- freedom and dignity, free from poverty and despair»2 and of the fectiveness and effi ciency of the international cooperation sys- responsibility of the state and the international community «to tem. protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity»3 evidences the centrality of hu- This paper will analyse the human security framework pro- man security on the international agenda. There have been many posed by the CHS and will try to present and respond to the publications, offi cial reports and international commissions that critics to human security. We will argue that human security is have developed and promoted the concept.4 Among them the better understood as a general framework where different ap- 8 independent International Commission on Human Security co- proaches are possible. Human security joins the main agenda chaired by Professor Amartya Sen and the former UN High Com- items of security, human rights and development. The human missioner for Refugees, Sadako Ogata, proposes human security security is a broad and comprehensive framework in the sense as a new framework to address the conditions and threats people that it integrates these agenda. Therefore taking up the pro- face in the world today.5 posal of the Commission on Human Security (CHS) we argue that in order to be effective a human security approach should Based on the report of the Commission on Human Security be integrated: from those dealing with human rights and hu- (CHS), in our opinion the most comprehensive study on human manitarian concerns, those with security and those with devel- security, the aim of this paper is fi rst of all to clarify what human opment. Indeed human security has already proved its utility security means, its differences with regard to human develop- as a tool for policy analysis. The challenge is now to adopt hu- ment and to human rights and what a human security approach man security as a policy framework where the security, human should be. Instead of insisting in the broad-versus-narrow debate rights and development agendas are integrated. As the paper and analyzing the different defi nitions, something which has will show the problem has not been the objective of human been already done,6 this paper would like to show that human security but the distortion of the human security agenda and security provides indeed a suitable framework for international goals for foreign and security policy priorities. In order to under- cooperation.7 A framework that proposes multisectoral, inte- stand why human security provides a broad and comprehensive grat-ed solutions to interconnected and interdependent prob- framework for international cooperation, the emergence of a lems. Making human security the framework for international human centered approach to security from the intersection of cooperation could be the response to the current international trends in security, development and human rights will be fi rst in- discussion on how to integrate the security and development troduced. 2 General Assembly (2005), «2005 World Summit Outcome 2005», rity Now: Protecting and empowering people. Report of the Commission A/60/150. 15 September, parr. 143. on Human Security. New York: United Nations. 3 Ibid. parr. 138. 6 Security Dialogue (Vol, 35, No. 3, September 2004, pp. 345-387) 4 See as an example, Edson, S., Human Security: An extended and an- contains a special section with a review of the Human Security concept by notated international bibliography., Common Security Forum, Cambridge: 21 of the leading scholars in the fi eld. Center for history and Economics, King’s College, University of Cambridge, 7 Human security has gained increasing attention as a framework for June 1 available at www.humansecurity-chs.org/activities/meetings/fi rst/ understanding the broader factors that contribute to peace and security. bibliography.pdf and the Bibliography prepared by the Harvard Program See, in this regard the national reports elaborated by Social Watch at on Humanitarian Policy and Confl ict Research (2001) at www.gdrc.org/ http://www.socialwatch.org/. sustdev/husec/Bibliography.pdf. There has also been a proliferation of gov- 8 A close look to the foreign policies of Canada, which champions ernments, practitioners and academic networks, university centers, courses, the narrow approach, and Japan, which champions the broad approach, programmes, activities and research initiatives that draw directly on ideas shows that various and very different policy approaches are possible in the of human security. Look for example at http://www.humansecuritygateway. broader framework of human security. See, Bosold, D., and Werthes, S. info/ (2005), «Human Security in Practice: Japanese and Canadian experiences» 5 The Commission presented its report in May 2003 to the UN Secre- in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, no. 1 pp. 84-101. tary General. See, Commission on Human Security, (2003), Human Secu- Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos Yearbook on Humanitarian Action and Human Rights © Universidad de Deusto. ISSN: 1885 - 298X, Núm. 4/2007, Bilbao, 15-35 http://revista-derechoshumanos.deusto.es Human Security as a policy framework: Critics and challenges 17 2. The New Security Context: The emergence of a Human- tional approach to security was challenged. It was questioned for Cantered Approach to Security being unidirectional and state-centric and not taking in consid- eration the evolution of international society and the changes Security is a subjective «feeling», and therefore relational in world politics. The questioning grew fi rst out of dissatisfac- and relative. If security is something that can only be felt, it tion in academic circles with the narrow defi nition of security13 must be security from something —a threat of one sort or di- but soon found echo in political discourse in particular through mension. To feel or not secure is a question of perception. Se- the impact of bodies like the Brandt (1981), Palme (1982) and curity is therefore an elusive concept. In the words of Ramesh Brundtland Commissions (1988) which spoke of interdepend- Thakur «the concept of security is politically powerful, weakly ent, shared and common security. Particularly in
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