■u l^ember of Audit Bureau of ClreulcHoni HOME BOUGHT TO SEHVE AS ST. JAMES' CONVENT + + + + ,4 : Content! Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Socletjr, Inc. 1946— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Home Is Purchased for Sisters Will House Sisters DENVER CATHOLIC Who Are to Teach In Projected School REGISTER Few Changes Necessary in 8-Reom SInieiure; The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Property, Which Cost $16,500, Adjacent Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) Te Classroems' Sits VOL. XLI. No. 21. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1946. $1 PER YEAR Arrangements were completed this week for the pur­ chase by St. James’ parish, Denver, of a modern eight-room home at 1205 Oneida street to serve as a convent for the sisters who will teach in the proposed new school of the Loyola Parish Dobt Cut $65,000, parish. Four lots are included in the property, which ad­ joins the site of the school that is being planned The purchase price of the convent was revealed by the Plant Improved Under Fr. Morgan pastor, the Rev. William V. Powers, as $16,500, a figure that is not high in view of the condition of the structure and its location. Archbishop Urban J. Great strides have been made of a parochial school were opened ishioners and presented to the par­ Vehr and John K. Monroe, Den­ Seal Drive by Loyola parish, the most recent in the same year. ish. This provided the Sisters of ver architect, inspected the prop­ of the Denver parishes to be estab­ In a meeting Jan. 14 of captains Charity, who teach in the parish erty Tuesday, and both expressed lished, in the past eight years dur­ of the school fund drive being con­ school, with a convenient residence, satisfaction over it. ing which the Rev. Dr. Edward J. ducted in the parish. Father Mor­ and relieved them of the trip back and forth each day from the con­ Few changes in the home ■will be Sets Mark Morgan, S.J., has been pastor. In' gan announced that more than necessary for its conversion into that time the debt has been reduced $15,000 now is in the fund. A vent near Sacred Heart school. A chapel was later installed in the a convent. With a full basement from $123,000 to the present level school building is an urgent need and spacious rooms throughout, it of $58,000, a reduction of $65,000. in the parish, since there are some convent. The cost of the convent Of $15,308 250 children in the church base­ and chapel, at 2244 Vine street, is suitable in its present state as Many improvements have been a sisters’ home. The library will made in the parish plant during ment classrooms. It is planned to was $6,500., begin work on a school as soon as serve as an excellent chapel, and this period. In 1938 the basement The development of the City even here a minimum change ■will In the greatest record ever set of Loyola church was remodejed sufficient funds have been contri­ park area was climaxed in Janu­ in the annual Holy Childhood be required. A double garage is Christmas Seal contest, a grand by volunteer workers to provide bute^. ary, 1944, when the joint Sacred also situated on the property, the parish with a chapel, recrea­ In 194.3, a nine-room house for Heart-Loyola parish was divided. Shown above i> the residence at E. 12th avenue i tura can almost immediately he converted into a total of $15,308.51 was raised in use as a sisters’ convent was and Oneida street that will serve as the convent convent, and, with the addition of a chapelwhich in isthe just across the street from tion and meeting hall, and two Father Morgan became pastor of a small park. the contest just concluded. Of this classrooms. The first four grades purchased by a committee of par- the newly established Loyola par­ for the sisters who are to teach in the proposed present library, the sisters will have a completely total, $12,277.55 was raised in ish. Up to that time Loyola church St, James school, Denver. The eight-room struc- I equipped residence. Plans for the new school in the the Archdiocese of Denver and had been administered as an ad­ parish are going ahead as rapidly $3,030.96 in the Diocese of junct of Sacred Heart parish, as possible in view of conditions. Pueblo. This represents an in­ Degis Downtown College which is one of the oldest in Den­ In the financial report read by crease of almost exactly $700 above ver. Closer pastoral contact with Ordeal in Depth-Bombed Submarine the pastor at all the Masses Jan. last year's record. the people of the Loyola church dis­ 13 it was revealed that $63,000 in The contest has experienced a trict was achieved by the sepa­ cash and government bonds is now steady growth in the state of Colo­ Plans Marriage Course ration. on hand for the building progp-am. rado ever since its inception 24 A residence for a Loyola rectory Is Recounted by Missionary Priest Of this amount more than $22,000 years ago, but in the past few was purchased at 2309 Gaylord was saved from the parish receipts years its development has been Regis college (Downtown divi­ and impediments; annulment and street, immediately behind the of the past year, which amounted phenomenal. This year’s grand sion) will offer a course in Cath­ separation; birth control; and di­ church, at a cost of $6,000. Father Clifford King, S.V.D., dreds of miles of hostile waters to 12,000 to 1,200 yards. Then the to more than $32,000. Construc­ total more than triples the total olic Marriage, classes to be held vorce. • tion will begin as soon as feasible. The beautiful Loyola church was founder of the Catholic Students’ rescue us. Entering through the command: ‘“Fire one! Fire two!’ received as recently as five years every Thursday evening (7:30 to Among the many diversified Mission Crusade, a veteran mis­ conning tower, I went down into We heard the hissing sounds as the The site chosen for the school is ago. This year’s grand champion 9) beginning Feb. 12, during the studies being offered by Regis dedicated Oct. 12, 1924. Before its to the south of the present rec­ completion there was a Loyola sionary of 23 years’ service in the interior of the submarine with iron fish sped* through the water. school, St. Francis de Sales,’ re­ coming seme.ster. Father Ervin A. Downtown college to serve the China and the Philippines, nar­ 30 other refugees, where I ate ‘We missed!’ came through the tory and facing Newport street. peating its seal-selling triumph of Stauffen, S.J., assistant professor needs of adult education, this chapel in use for a number of years at E. 26th avenue and Ogden street rates a war-time escape ex­ the best meal I had had for three loudspeaker system. ‘Fire three! last year, alone sold more than the of English literature and religion course on Catholic Marriage is perience, previously censored, in years, and gave thanks for my Fire four!’ We heard a terrific entire contest used to gross 10 at Regis college the past two both timely and necessary. At for the convenience of surrounding 22nd Mission Week Catholics who lived a distance which he encountered adventures deliverance. explosion. ‘W’e hit her!’ called out years ago. The individual winner years, will condufct the course. He present many perplexing problems surpassing the fantastic happen­ the commander. ‘One hundred and this j’ear sold more than the en­ has previously taught at St. Mary’s face a great number of people who from the Sacred Heart church. “But more trouble was near. The chapel property was sold after ings recorded by Jules Verne in Soon after getting under way, we fifty feet cut off her bow and Slated Feb. 3 to 10 tire contest ever raised in its first college, Kansas; Rockhurst college, contemplate marriage, home, and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under she’s going do'wn!’ The crew re­ years. Kansas City; Marquette university, a family. The alarming rate of the church was built. sighted an 8,000-ton Japanese the Sea. The priest is well known freighter. The commander decided acted the way a victorious foot­ Milwaukee; and St. Louis univer­ divorces in the United States, with in Denver. His story is recounted ball team does after a touchdown. The 22nd annual Mission week Fourth in Family sity. At the latter university he an increase to one out of every to sink it and ordered the men to observance will be held in the Deanery Quarterly by William Labodie in the Cincin­ their battle stations and the refu­ But the rejoicing was^ premature. spent three years of ■work on a five marriages, and the consequent nati Telegraph-Register as fol­ The next words were more Archdiocese of Denver Feb. 3 to To Win Contest Doctor of Philosophy degree. breaking up of homes, makes it gees to the torpedo room. Peri­ 10, the Rev. Gregory Smith, arch­ Board Meeting Will lows: scope protruding, the submarine ominous. ‘She was escorted. Looks This individual winner is Leo The course on marriage will almost imperative to study the like two sub-chasefs! They are diocesan.
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