Russian Entomol. J. 12(4): 421423 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2003 Data on the fauna of Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Volga Region Ê ôàóíå Scathophagidae (Diptera) Ïîâîëæüÿ A.N. Ovchinnikov À.Í. Îâ÷èííèêîâ Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya nab. 7/9, Saint Petersburg 199034 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé Ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò, Óíèâåðñèòåòñêàÿ íàá., 7/9, Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã 199034 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Diptera, Scathophagidae, fauna, Volga Region. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Diptera, Scathophagidae, ôàóíà, Ïîâîëæüå. ABSTRACT: The annotated list of species of the from the bounders of VolgaKama basin but without family Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Volga Region is exact localities [Gorodkov, 1978, 1980, 1981]. presented for the first time. This list includes the mate- During the expedition in Lower Volga Region (June rials of Zoological Institute RAS expedition to Lower July of 2003 year) the author studied environs of the Salt Volga Region during 2003 year (JuneJuly). In addition Lake Baskunchak (Astrakhan Area, BogdoBaskunchak the specimens of this family from the ZIN RAS collec- National Reserve) and the Salt Lake Elton (Volgograd tions from the Area under investigation were studied. Area, Elton National Park), Eruslan River valley, Volga The material was determined by author mainly. 14 tributary, Volga River valley in the south part of Saratov species from 6 genera were found. The brief character- Area. In addition, the ZIN RAS materials were included istic of the main localities and the analysis of preferred in the paper. 14 species from 6 genera were found. biotopes of species of Scathophagidae are given. The species distribution is presented after Gorodkov [1969, 1986]. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Âïåðâûå ïðèâîäèòñÿ àííîòèðîâàí- íûé ñïèñîê âèäîâ Scathophagidae (Diptera) äëÿ Ïî- Annotated list of the species âîëæüÿ.  îñíîâå ðàáîòû ëåæàò ñáîðû ýêñïåäèöèè ÇÈÍ ÐÀÍ â Íèæíåå Ïîâîëæüå â èþíåèþëå 2003 ã. Genus CHAETOSA Coquillett, 1898 Êðîìå òîãî, âêëþ÷åíû ïðåäñòàâèòåëè ýòîãî ñåìåé- ñòâà èç êîëëåêöèè ÇÈÍ ÐÀÍ, îòíîñÿùèåñÿ ê ðàéîíó 1. Chaetosa punctipes (Meigen, 1826) èññëåäîâàíèÿ. Ìàòåðèàë â îñíîâíîì îïðåäåëåí àâ- MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 17.06.1906, 4 $$, òîðîì. Âûÿâëåíî 14 âèäîâ èç 6 ðîäîâ. Äàíû êðàòêàÿ Jakowlew leg., 3.07.1907, 2 ##, Jakowlew leg.; Astrakhan Area, õàðàêòåðèñòèêà îñíîâíûõ ìåñò ñáîðà è àíàëèç ïðåä- Baskunchak Lake: 818.06.2003, 2 ##, Nartshuk leg.; Saratov ïî÷èòàåìûõ âèäàìè Scathophagidae áèîòîïîâ. Area, N. Bannovka Village: 0102.07.2003, 1 #, 2 $$, Ovchin- nikov leg. DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, Siberia, Rus- Introduction sian Far East. West Europe, Mongolia, North of North America. Scathophagidae are numerous in wetlands. Adults are apparently all predacious on insects or other inver- Genus CORDILURA Fallén, 1810 tebrates [Vockeroth, 1987]. The larvae of the majority Larvae feed as stem miners in culms of Carex and Scirpus of species with a known immature biology are phytoph- (Cyperaceae) [Wallace & Neff, 1971]. agous, develop on the water angiosperms, some of them are true leaf-miners, a few breed in vegetable detritus 1. Cordilura picipes (Meigen, 1826) MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 20.05.1907, 1 #, and dung, where they may be predatory on other organ- Jakowlew leg., 29.06.1907, 1 #, Jakowlew leg., 13.06.1908, 1 #, isms, some are known to feed on insect eggs. A single Jakowlew leg. species feeds on the frass of caterpillars [de Jong, 2000]. DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia. Northern Scathophagidae are predominantly Holarctic. They oc- and Middle part of West Europe, Mongolia. cur mainly in the arctic and temperate zones of the Palaearctic and Nearctic. About 200 species are known 2. Cordilura pubera (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Palaearctic Region. Scathophagidae of the Volga MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 3.07.1907, 1 #, Jakowlew leg.; Jaroslavl: 2 ##, Wagner leg.; Saratov Area, N. Region has been studied insufficiently. Only 3 species: Bannovka Village: 12.07.2003, 1 $, Krivokhatsky & Ovtshinni- Scathophaga furcata (Say, 1823), Sc. suilla (Fabricius, kova leg. 1794), Sc. stercoraria (Linnaeus, 1758) were indicated DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, Caucasus, Siberia, Russian Far East. Middle part of West Europe, Printed in 2004. Central Asia, Mongolia. 422 A.N. Ovchinnikov 3. Cordilura pudica (Meigen, 1826) DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, West Siberia. This rather common species is taken on bogs [Hackman, West Europe, Crimea, Asia: Syria; North Africa: Tunisia. 1956]. Mature larvae were found in the basal portion of Carex rostrata [Wallace & Neff, 1971]. 4. Scathophaga scybalaria (Linnaeus, 1758) MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 17.06.1906, 3 ##, 3 Larvae in dung [Ferrar, 1987]. $$, Jakowlew leg., 8.07.1906, 1 $, Jakowlew leg., 17.06.1906, 1 ex. MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 917.06.1906, 2 $$, (abdomen broken), Jakowlew leg., 39.07.1907, 1 #, 1 $, 1 #, Jakowlew leg., 1.07.1906, 1 $, Jakowlew leg., 29.07.1906, 1 Jakowlew leg. $, Jakowlew leg., 328.07.1907, 2 $$, 1 #, Jakowlew leg.; DISTRIBUTION: Northern and Central part of Russia. Jaroslavl: 2 $$, Wagner leg. Northern and Middle part of West Europe, North America: DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, South Siberia, Alaska to Quebec. Russian Far East. West Europe, Mongolia, North China. 4. Cordilura umbrosa (Loew, 1873) 5. Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus, 1758) MATERIAL: Saratov Area, N. Bannovka Village: 45.07.2003, 13 $$, 8 ##, Ovchinnikov leg., 4.07.2003, 1 $, 1 #, Nartshuk Larvae occur in cow dung [Wallace & Neff, 1971]. leg.; Astrakhan Reserve, Dashchinsk District: 716.05.1963, 3 MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area: 7 $$, 9.05.1881, 2 $$, 27.06.1906, ##, Pisarev leg., 7.07.1963, 1 $, Pisarev leg.; Astrakhan Reserve, 1 #, 18.07.1907, 1 #, Jakowlew leg., 1916, 1 $, Chestakow leg., Tishkovo Village: 12.07.1961, 1 #, Emelianov & Kerzhner leg. 11 ##, 3 $$, 117.06.1895, 4 ##, 3 $$, 1896, 1 #, 1 $, N. DISTRIBUTION: Southern part of Russia. West Eu- Kokouyew leg., Berditsino: 3 ##, 2629.08.1906, 1 #, 2 $$, rope, Kazakhstan. 8.05.1907, 1 #, 1 $, 27.06.1907, 1 #, 18.07.1907, 1 $, 14.08.1907, 1 #, 1 $, Jakowlew leg.; Volgograd Area, Sarepta: 7 ##, 1869, 1 #, 1872, 1 $, Becker leg., 1326.05.1917, 1 #, 2 $$, N. Genus HEXAMITOCERA Becker, 1894 Kuznetsov leg.; Kazan Area, Tsivilsk: 30.05.1875, 2 ##, 1 $, Ksenzhopolskiy leg.; Samara Area, Pavlovka Village: 19.07.1907, 1. Hexamitocera loxocerata (Fallén, 1826) 1 #, Elachich leg.; Volga delta, greenhouse: 11.05.1911, 1 $, MATERIAL: Volgograd Area, Sarepta: 12.05.1917, 1 $, N. Lukash leg.; Zhiguli: 15.05.1939, 1 #, Novoderezhkin leg., Kuznetsov leg. 14.06.1950, 1 #, Dmitriev leg.; Astrakhan Area, Baskunchak DISTRIBUTION: North and South (first record) of Rus- Lake: 17.06.2003, 1 #, Ovchinnikov leg., 18.06.2003, 1 #, sia. Northern and Middle part of West Europe. Krivokhatsky & Ovtshinnikova leg.; Volgograd Area, Elton Lake: 20.06.2003, 1 #, Ovchinnikov leg.; Saratov Area, Diyakovka Village: 2526.06.2003, 3 ##, Ovchinnikov leg., 2225.06.2003, Genus PHROSIA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 1 #, Nartshuk leg. DISTRIBUTION: Holarctic Region (excluding tundra 1. Phrosia albilabris (Fabricius, 1805) and polar deserts), Africa. MATERIAL: Saratov Area, Diyakovka Village: 24.06.2003, 1 $, Ovchinnikov leg.; Volgograd Area, Sarepta: 9.05.1917, 1 #, N. 6. Scathophaga suilla (Fabricius, 1794) Kuznetsov leg.; Jaroslavl: 1 #, Wagner leg. MATERIAL: Jaroslavl: 1 #, Jakowlew leg. DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia. West DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, West Siberia, Europe to North up to Southern Scandinavia. Russian Far East. Northern and Middle part of West Genus POGONOTA Zetterstedt, 1860 Europe, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Mongolia, North Ameri- ca: Alaska to Quebec. Adults are predators attacking other flies [Hackman, 1956]. 1. Pogonota barbata (Zetterstedt, 1838) Discussion MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 17.06.1906, 3 $$, 2 ##, Jakowlew leg., 9.07.1907, 3 $$, Jakowlew leg. Salt Lake Baskunchak (Astrakhan Area) and salt Lake DISTRIBUTION: Northern and Central part of Russia, Siberia. Europe, North America: Alaska, Canada. Elton (Volgograd Area) are situated in the territory of the Northturanian plane Provinces (Sethian desert zoogeo- Genus SCATHOPHAGA Meigen, 1803 graphic Region). The Saratov and Volgograd Area are situated in the intermediate zone between Northturanian 1. Scathophaga furcata (Say, 1823) plane Provinces (Sethian desert zoogeographic Region) MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Berditsino: 19.09.1907, 1 $, and Westscythian Subregion (Scythian steppe zoogeo- Jakowlew leg. graphic Region) [after Emeljanov, 1974]. Only 7 species DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia, West Siberia, were found in the Lower Volga Region. The number of Russian Far East. West Europe, North Kazakhstan, Middle these species is small, because the family Scathophagidae Asia (Tien-Shan), Mongolia, North America: Alaska, Green- is mainly a holarctic group widespread in arctic and land, Mexico. temperate zones of the Palaearctic and Nearctic. The species of family Scathophagidae were found in 2. Scathophaga inquinata (Meigen, 1826) azonal and interzonal biotopes for north deserts, steppes MATERIAL: Jaroslavl Area, Borok District: 10.07.1939, 1 $, and forest-steppes. Most specimens were found in river- Chernova leg. DISTRIBUTION: European part of Russia. West side vegetation of desalinated rivers and streams, on the Europe. wetlands of the forests, ravines occupied by typical deciduous forest. Therefore the representatives of the 3. Scathophaga lutaria (Fabricius, 1794) family
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