REMEMBER IT IS OUR "FIGHTING FUND" THAT KEEPS US GOING £ l'.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-^.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-... AND SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO \ 13 LAMBS CONDUIT PASSAGE, W.C.I J THE IRISH E HOC RAT No^ 90 (N.S.) JUNE, 1952 Fourpence BIRMINGHAM WILL HAVE 'IRISH WEEK1 fN JULY from JOHN GRIFFIN COR eight days in early July, Irish organisations in Britain's •T second city, and most important industrial centre, are to pace Ireland's case before the public by any and ftVery means available to them. Principal event will be a meeting on or Meetings about July 2nd, to protest against religious As its contribution to the occasion the intolerance with which that date-is un- Connolly Association has planned a series happily associated. of close on a dozen public meetings, lec- SPRINGTIME IN CO. MAYO tures, poster parades and mass sales of the ("Irish Democrat" photograph) "Irish Democrat." 1APT. H. HARRISON The demand for a united, independent Ireland to be linked with a policy of en- lS LONDON TIMES' couraging irishmen te fight within the GRAIN BOYS GET HALF ranks of the British Trade Union and LYING 'MEA CULPA' Labour movement to secure the solution of Is 85th year, Captain Henry Harrison, their spedal-problems-as part of the SITE MONEY formerly Charles Stewart Parnell's struggle of the working class in this coun- te secretary, has won what may be try..'-;.. * A "Irish Democrat" Reporter red as the greatest triumph of his Prominent trade unionists are backing the move. OUR thousand Mac Alpine workers on the Isle of Grain (Kent) has compelled the august London F oil refinery site, have won an hour site money, following ips" to eat its words—of 60 years ago! History of the "Times," wMeh hasj negotiations with the Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation been published, contained no Board. nee to Captain Harrisens's Well- ; - Award, which is half what was de- The MacAlpine "site-money" strike was vindication of ParneM, and his manded, came into effect in mid-May. one of the biggest in the building trade for that his traducers including O'Shea, I Other demands, including the afternoon many years. Seven thousand workers disreputable characters. \ tea-break, and the recognition of site stopped, and the dispute involved many in the latest edition, the "Times" stewards, had already been agreed to. other nationalities as well as the English es handsome amends by printing Cap- j and Irish who formed the bulk of the Harrison's version in a special j Redundancy strikers. ndix. Questions of redundancy are still under discussion. Inquiries conducted by the "Irish Democrat" led to the conclusion that some of the leading participants in the March strike, are no longer on the site. It is stated, however, that a number of cases of reinstatement have been settled. Policy of many big"civil engineering con- tractors is to dismiss a certain number of men for no stated reason each, week, and thus by maintaining .a continual flux, to prevent Trade Union organisation securing a firm hold. Enlightened Other, more enlightened, contractors take the view that stability of employment; approaching as near as possible factory conditions would benefit the trade. Flew Tricolour in Above: M. McCARTHY AT" Derry: Fined but Left: THE COJRYTON MEETING. won't pay ON BACK PAGE "1 WILL pay no fine for carrying my owh flag,1' declared Leonard Bradley, 267 CONSULT Lecky Road, Derry when he had been told he was fined £1 in a case arising from a mmm tricolour incident in Dorry on St. Patrick's • ay. -r.k "I have served your flag for five and a half years," he told the Resident Magis- trate, "and I do not think it Is dishonour- THREE THOUSAND WALK OFF OIL REFINERY SITE able to carry my own flag." meht agreed tope^mit the (kmo^ratiooi "That is no concern of mine," replied the "Irish Democrat? Reporter on its property, but declined to admit the R.M , "you have seven days to pay." BECAUSE the "Irish Democrat" re- BAN "Irish Democrat" reporter. "I will not pay," rejoined Mr. Bradley. ° porter was not allowed to enter The decision to ban the meeting was The men thereupon formed up and DISORDERLY the firm's premises to report a May given to the stewards at 4 p.m. on April marched, nearly three thousand Mr. Bradley and Mr. John Irvine were 30th, although the local management had out through the main gate, and aharged with "disorderly behaviour." Mr. Day demonstration at the Coryton oil consternation of the gum-shoe men, refinery site, over two thousand agreed to allow the meeting as far back as Bradley alleged that the police "made April 24th. The local contractors, Messrs. an inspiring demonstration of workers marched out with banners rugby tackles" in Bishop Street. Lummas, were agreeable, but the gauntlet class solidarity outside the g*te. proudly flying, and held a protest Another yonug man, Patrick Laflerty, wa3 thrown down, it is understood, by,the SIX BRAMONtS was charged with assaulting Det.-inspeotor meeting in a field outside the gate. London office of American-owned Vacuum Representatives of no leas than 0'8hea and "disorderly behaviour," and Management were breaking a gentle- Oil Co. cry branches of the Shell OU was sentenced to two months' Imprison- man's agreement to permit speakers and present. Speakers included Mr. ment with hard labour. the Press to pass their "eyes in my When speakers and Press were held up who brought a iiiumh of gn The case arose out of scenes on St. Pat- trousers" agents who keep pompous watch at the barbed wire entanglements which apology for atanoe from Mr. rick's Day when police baton-charged a lest the unauthorised discover what kind of <t4Nlf(t uranium "trenches and atomic the local MP., and crowd of 500 who were carying the tri- spades the workers use Up dig trenches shovels within, a deputation of stewards colour. with. wilted on the management. The manage- I F0W| 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT June, 1952 June, 1952 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT IRISH FLAGS IN LONDON'S IRISH DEMOCRAT GREATEST 13 Lambs Conduit Passage, London, W.C.I All communications to Subscription Rates: MAY-DAY The Editor, 12 months 5/6 DESMOND GREAVES 6 months 2/9 MARCH "Irish Democrat" Reporter DEMOCRACY IS ONE I • THE Irish Tricolour and Connolly's • Plough and Stars waved bravely TOM AHERNE T IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY IN IRELAND, [ over the Connolly Association contin- MARCHED WITH CONNOLLY'S I WHICH MEANS A UNITED INDEPENDENT COUNTRY, WITHOUT TAKING A STAND ON THE ISSUE OF DEMOCRACY THROUGHOUT gent in the 'greatest-ever' May Proces- i THE WORLD. THOSE WHO ATTEMPT THE IMPOSSIBLE ONLY DEFEAT THEIR OWN PROFESSED OBJECT. : sion organised by the London Trades PAT DEVINE • Council. 'SHOULD BE A It is known that some of the darkest enemies of Democracy in Britain N Hyde Park, London, Mr. Pat De- will on occasion declare for the removal of the border. But when they accompany it with the argument that parliamentary government in Britain Behind the Association's banner marched Irish men and women of all I vine delivered an inspiring address DESMOND DONNELLY, M.P. PARISH PRIEST' in which he said James Connolly's itself is outmoded, that Democracy, meaning government by the consent and : occupations, including Tom Aherne who carried the Plough and Stars, and at the instance of the people, should come to an end, it is necessary to look —said FR. MANNING clear vision distinguished clearly be- big Walter O'Neill with the tricolour. tween the different kinds of wars. deeper into their policies. Irish Were Best PRESIDING at a meeting of the Man- Sure enough, we find they advocate ending the border "so that Ireland Immediately in front was the Inter- Banned Wain of peoples for their independ- Irish M.P. Signs chester Anti-Partition League, Mr. ence and liberty were just and ought can come into the European defence community." ; national Brigade contingent, led by Sec- If you want to know what this means, look around. Britain is already After the extraordinary success of the James Mulligan made so eloquent an ap- to be supported. Wars on behalf of Trade-Unionists retary Alec Digges. of Dublin. Another May Day demonstration, with its call for bankers and "royal freebooters" were in it. There are American troops at every crossroad. Their innumerable Germany Protest peal for funds to carry on the work of the misdemeanours cannot be tried in an English court. East Angiia is an armed , • r s International Brigader from Dublin, Jim struggle against the Tories, trade unionists wholly bad and should be opposed. r HE Shamrock Branch of the N.B.L. de- organisation, that Rev. Fr. Manning, mov- ,camp, and it is recognised that in the event of war, Britain would be : ROTABLE among the M.P.s who have Prendergast, marched behind the Connolly are up in arms against the amazing deci- To-day the " royal freebooters" were rived its name because it was estab- 1 obliterated. • attached their names to the Labour banner. sion of Transport House not to re-register ing a vote of thanks to the speaker, Mr. trying to provoke the biggest war in lished on St. Patrick's Day—nearly fifty O'Neill, remarked: history in which they would make That is what being in the European Defence Community means. And Party resolution deploring the nsw treaty years ago. its membership was derived Many Irish men and women from the the Trades Council. those who want to entice Ireland into it by specious promises they are arrangements by which the German Nazis "He should be a parish priest.
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